Applicant Shorlisting Criteria 2016

Doctor of Clinical Psychology - University of Sheffield
Shortlisting Criteria
2016 Intake
The following anchor points are provided f o r rating each dimension. Each dimension is rated from 03. Exemplars are given for each point of the rating scale. If a candidate meets more than one
criteria for a rating point they are only rated once against that criteria and are awarded the highest
rating point appropriate to their experience or qualification. Please do not rate a dimension if
information is not readily available. Only use information provided on the a p p l i c a t i o n f o r m and
from referees' reports. Please use half points where you think this would be useful.
Academic qualifications:
Criteria – candidates can only score once. In assessing academic qualifications you
should allocate the score from 0-3 which best represents the academic evidence
submitted as part of the application form. Information from the academic reference and
the undergraduate degree transcript can be used to support your decision. For non-UK
qualifications, equivalence data will be provided.
2.2 or less awarded for undergraduate degree in Psychology
2.2 or less awarded for undergraduate degree in non-psychology subject
Low to mid 2:1 degree classification (60-63.9) undergraduate psychology degree
Low to mid 2:1 degree classification in non-psychology undergraduate degree AND a completed
accredited conversion degree
High 2:1 degree classification (67-69.9) undergraduate psychology degree
High 2:1 classification in non-psychology undergraduate degree AND a completed accredited
conversion degree
1st class undergraduate degree in psychology
In addition to the undergraduate degree (with or without conversion) a completed doctorate in
psychology PhD
In addition to 1st class degree, excellent comments from referee regarding academic abilities
At points 1-3 additional half points should be considered if there are very positive referee comments in
relation to academic competence
Research – Academic/Clinical Research experience:
No evidence of empirical research even at undergraduate level
Referee comments that applicant lacks necessary research skills
Experience of empirical research at undergraduate level – check degree transcript and
academic reference
For conversion degree, check transcript for research module
Experience of carrying out a substantive piece of original research as part of a completed
higher research degree
Experience of working on a clinically relevant research project e.g. to meet the needs of a
clinical service. The applicant should have been involved in both the design and evaluation of
the project
A high attainment (2.1 level or above) on undergraduate dissertation/research module and
specific positive referee comments on research strengths AND/OR Completed research
oriented Master’s degree
Relevant published research in a peer reviewed journal (manuscripts in preparation or
submission cannot be included)
Extensive experience of original applied research with referee comments confirming a high
level of skill and initiative in relation to research (e.g. completed PhD with first authored papers
or/and first authored papers from funded work)
Clinical experience:
Use this section to rate experience based on working clinically in change oriented, or recovery work. There
must be evidence of psychologically informed supervision in relation to the work.
No (or very limited) experience of paid or voluntary work in clinical/voluntary or clinical
academic settings exposing the applicant to client groups and service settings directly
relevant to clinical psychology
Experience of working in a professional helping role, with supervision from a responsible
professional (Senior Nurse, Social Worker, Other professionally qualified health professional.
See list of posts held, and check employment reference to access this information)
Applicant demonstrates some reflections on how the experience has influenced their learning
about the application of psychological thinking to supporting people. (See reflections on work
experience in the personal statement)
Applicant demonstrates an understanding of the role and training of a clinical psychologist
(See section on what the applicant hopes to gain from training, and reflections on learning as
Experience of working in a professional helping or change oriented role using psychological
models of intervention, with supervision from a professional psychologist (Clinical,
Counselling, Forensic)
As for 2 but with a range of relevant client groups – (consider life stages and diversity)
working directly with a clinical psychologist
demonstrates learning relevant to their experiences
At points 1-3 above additional half points may be awarded if there are specific very positive comments
from the referee about clinical skills and/or reflections on learning and experience which link to NHS
Other relevant experience:
Use this section to rate other relevant work experience, which may expose applicants to working with
populations who may use Clinical Psychology services, but where the applicant’s involvement may be as a
carer, or supporter (clinical or non clinical) rather than within a formal therapy oriented relationship.
Experience relevant to understanding organisational issues and contexts may also be included here.
No evidence of reflection on life outside of a student or work role
Some vocational experience relevant to understanding people with a range of life
experiences, diversity issues, and/or organisational processes.
This can be paid or voluntary and may link to personal experience for example of
parenting/caring roles, or community experiences e.g. taking a role in helping with or running
community support groups, educational settings, clubs etc.
psychologically informed reflections on the above in relation to the role of the clinical
psychologist, diversity, values and how these inform the development of the applicant
towards readiness for training.
Significant experience relevant to organisational or interpersonal aspects of clinical
This may include working in a health or social care setting with a professional training and
qualification (for example nursing or social work), where the focus is not on psychologically
informed change work (which is rated above in Clinical experience section)
psychologically informed reflections on the above in relation to the role of the clinical
psychologist, diversity, values and how these inform the development of the applicant
towards readiness for training.
Extensive relevant experience in relation to inter-personal or organisational aspects of clinical
reflections on diversity
demonstrates values consistent with the role of the clinical psychologist
Personal Qualities and Interpersonal skills:
Review the ratings provided on the standard references. Also the comments from referees on interpersonal
and organizational skills. Also note any comments in the applicants personal statement which give rise to
concerns about values, or clear demonstration of values.
Direct comment from referee that candidate is presently unsuited for clinical
training (for example limited ability to plan own workload, organise appointments
with clients, plan sessions, work to deadlines or having limited capacity to learn
from feedback or supervision etc) or very poorly organised application form
Referees’ comments suggesting that candidate is able to form good, empathic and
respectful working relationships with clients, colleagues and staff
effective written communication skills as evidenced by a well-written application form.
Evidence of organisational potential and flexibility which enables planning, monitoring and
adjusting of own workload, in relation to both clinical and academic work
Positive referees’ comments on candidate’s skills and abilities to build and sustain good,
empathic and respectful relationships with clients, staff and colleagues; a well organised
and presented application form
AND at least one of the following:
evidence of the ability to function well in the context of unexpected or uncertain outcome
evidence of the ability to self-reflect, learn from supervision and of a commitment towards a
career in clinical psychology
Exceptional referees’ comments on candidate’s skills with clients, staff and colleagues, and
their ability to function to a high level in novel or uncertain environments
evidence of highly developed skills of self reflection