ANTH - University of New Brunswick

2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Note: See beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
ANTH 1001 The Human Experience: Socio-Cultural Approaches
3 ch (3C)
What makes us different from each other? What makes us similar?Exploring and
comparing practises of kinship, politics, economics and religion in societies from
around the world give us powerful insights into the unique human capacity to create
cultures, and into the ways in which culture is fundamental and essential to our
shared human experience.
ANTH 1002 The Human Body: Biological Approaches
3 ch (3C)
This course introduces Biological Anthropology and the study of humankind through
an examination of methods and the processes of genetics and evolution. The course
also considers primatology, evolution of hominines, the origins of human behaviour,
agriculture, and state-level organization, and human diversity.
The Human Past: Archaeological Approaches Cross3 ch (3C) [W]
Listed: ARCH 1303
This course traces the historical development of Archaeology from its earliest
beginnings to recent advances in archaeological science, and introduces the theories
and methods used by archaeologists to investigate and understand past human
cultures. Examples are drawn from studies of Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic,
Indigenous and Historical cultures.
ANTH 1303
ANTH 2114 Human Systems of Exchange: Nature and Culture
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines foragers, horticulturalists, pastoralists, and peasants and investigates their
systems of exchange with each other and with the environment Prerequisite: An
introductory anthropology course or permission of the instructor.
ANTH 2144 Organising Society
3 ch (3C) [W]
Explores a diversity of small scale societies, with a focus on their kinship and political
systems. Prerequisite: ANTH 1001 or permission of the instructor.
ANTH 2174 Society and the Sacred
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines a wide range of belief systems in order to introduce students to the study of
religions from an anthropological perspective. Prerequisite: ANTH 1001 or permission
of the instructor.
ANTH 2302 Prehistoric Archaeology: Paleolithic Cultures (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
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Introduces archaeological methods and theories through an examination of the
paleolithic cultures of Africa, Europe and Asia. Prerequisite: ANTH 1303 and one of
ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002 .
Exploring the World of Archaeology Cross-Listed: ARCH
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course addresses central dynamic tensions in Archaeology and their impact on
archaeological practice, including culture history versus cultural process; materialist
versus idealist approaches to the past; processual versus post-processual
archaeologies; archaeology as a study of the archaeological record versus archaeology
of as a study of past human cultures; academic archaeology versus cultural resource
management; archaeology and Aboriginal peoples.
ANTH 2303
ANTH 2313 Archaeological History of New Brunswick (A)
3 ch (3C)
People have lived in what is now New Brunswick for at least 10,000 years. This course
presents an archaeological perspective on the rich and fascinating past of the
province, from the earliest archaeological evidence through to the nineteenth
century. It is intended for a general audience, as well as students of anthropology.
3 ch (2C 1L)
An introduction to the field of Biological Anthropology, with an emphasis on genetics,
evolution, paleo-anthropology, and primatology. Lecture/laboratory format.
Prerequisite: ANTH 1001 and 1002 .
ANTH 2502
Exploring the World of Primates
ANTH 3014 Issues In Anthropological Theory (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines landmark theories and enduring debates in order to encourage students to
evaluate anthropological theories and to think more critically about the nature of
theory in the social sciences. Prerequisites: two of the following: ANTH 2114 , 2144
and/or 2174 , or permission of the instructor.
ANTH 3051 Work-Study in Anthropology (O)
3 ch (3L)
This course allows students to receive university credit for experience in social science
research gained under the supervision of a university-seated researcher or from a
non-university organization. Registration: Students may only register after making
arrangements for supervision and grading with the department.
3ch (2L 1S)
This course addresses quantitative anthropological research design and statistical
analysis. The course guides students through the process of anthropological research:
formulating a research question, choosing a methodology, collecting and analysing
ANTH 3052 Anthropology Statistics and Methods
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
data, and producing a project report. Students can incorporate archaeology , social
anthropology, and medical anthropology, research interests into their research
projects. Prerequisites: ANTH 1001 , ANTH 1002 . Recommended for Honours
ANTH 3053 On-Site Latin American Seminar
3 ch [W]
This on-site seminar is conducted either in Merida, Mexico, or in Cienfuegos, Cuba. It
examines the cultural, political and economic organization of the region, while
increasing the students’ awareness of, and involvement in, development issues.
ANTH 3061 Ethnography in Mexico
3 ch
Taught in Mexico during the intersession, this allows university students to receive
university credits for experiences in ethnographic research. Research skills include
participant observation and interviews.
ANTH 3114 Gender, Sex, and Culture
3 ch (3C) [W]
How do human gender roles vary from culture to culture and over time? How has
anthropology attempted to explain these variations? What are the implications for
the nature/nurture debate? Examples are drawn from archaeology, physical
anthropology, and social and cultural studies. Prerequisite: Any introductory plus any
second-year course in anthropology, or permission of the instructor.
ANTH 3284 Rules, Social Order, and Conflict (A)
3 ch (3S) [W]
Examines how human societies have solved disputes, regulated sexuality, and
organized property, including the changes brought about under colonialism and
3 ch (3C) (LE)
This course surveys of the cultural history of North America through an in-depth
examination of the origins and development of the Native cultures of North America,
from the earliest traces to European contact. Prerequisite: ANTH 2303 or permission
of the instructor.
ANTH 3301 The Prehistory of North America (A)
3 ch (3C) (LE)
This course presents a detailed examination of the historical, theoretical and
methodological development of Americanist archaeology. Prerequisite: ANTH 2303 or
permission of the instructor
ANTH 3303
The Archaeological Traditions of North America (A)
ANTH 3341
Work-Study in Museum Studies and Material Culture
Analysis (O)
3 ch (3L)
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Allows students to receive university credit for experience gained in museum studies,
collections management and/or material culture analysis gained outside the
university setting. Prerequisite(s): 3 ch of Archaeology. Registration: Students may
register only after making arrangements for supervision and grading with the
3 ch (3S) (LE)
The lab school offers an introduction to archaeological analytical techniques through
participation in a lab-based research project. This section emphasizes systematic
approaches to research, recognition and cataloguing of archaeological materials, and
basic data recovery. Prerequisite: 3 ch of third-level Archaeology and permission of
the instructor. Offered concurrently with ANTH 3343 . Students who receive credit for
ANTH 3340 cannot receive credit for ANTH 3342.
ANTH 3342 Archaeological Lab School I (O)
3 ch (3L) (LE)
The lab school offers an introduction to archaeological analytical techniques through
participation in a lab-based research project. This section emphasizes quantitative
methods, data manipulation and presentation, and technical analyses. Prerequisite: 3
ch of third-level archaeology and permission of the instructor. Offered concurrently
with ANTH 3342 . Students who receive credit for ANTH 3340 cannot receive credit
for ANTH 3343.
ANTH 3343 Archaeological Lab School II (O)
ANTH 3344 Ancient Technology (O)
3 ch (3L) (LE)
This course explores ancient technologies from the view of experimental archaeology
and replication of specific tools. Various materials, such as stone, clay, metal and cloth
are examined, and particular tool classes, such as weapons, containers, and transport
vessels are considered.
3 ch (3S) (LE)
This seminar examines the domain and nature of archaeological inquiry, and the
relationships among archaeology and other disciplines in the social, physical and
natural sciences. Prerequisite: 3 ch of third-level archaeology and permission of the
ANTH 3345 Acquiring an Archaeological Perspective (O)
ANTH 3351 Work-Study in Archaeological Field Research (O)
3 ch (3L)
Allows students to receive university credit for experience gained in archaeological
field research outside the university setting. Prerequisite(s): 3 ch of archaeology.
Registration: Students may register only after making arrangements for supervision
and grading with the department.
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
3 ch (3S) (LE)
The field school offers an introduction to archaeological field techniques through
participation in a field research project. This section emphasizes safety in the field,
systematic approaches to research, site survey, recording, testing and excavation
techniques. Prerequisite: 3 ch of third-level Archaeology and permission of the
instructor. Offered concurrently with ANTH 3353 . Students who receive credit for
ANTH 3350 cannot receive credit for ANTH 3352.
ANTH 3352 Archaeological Field School I (O)
ANTH 3353 Archaeological Field School II (O)
3 ch (3L) (LE)
The field school offers an introduction to archaeological field techniques through
participation in a field research project. This section emphasizes recognition and
recovery of archaeological materials, recording of basic field procedures and recovery
of materials for technical analyses. Prerequisite: 3 ch of third-level archaeology and
permission of the instructor. Offered concurrently with ANTH 3352 . Students who
receive credit for ANTH 3350 cannot receive credit for ANTH 3353.
ANTH 3361 History of Maya Archaeology (O)
3 ch (3L) (LE)
This course provides an overview of the history of archaeological projects in the Maya
area. It includes the varied methods and theories employed by Mayanists along with
their shifting research interests over time. Key researchers in the history of Maya
archaeology will be studied along with the social and historical contexts of their
research. Prerequisite: ANTH 2303 or permission of instructor.
ANTH 3413 Language and Culture
3 ch
Taught in Mexico during the intersession, this is an attempt to familiarize students
with the languages and cultures of the Yucatan Peninsula.
ANTH 3434 Cross-Cultural Communication (A)
3 ch (3S) [W]
Examines nonverbal communication through the exploration of recent
interdisciplinary approaches in the social and behavioral sciences in order to provide
the necessary theoretical and content knowledge for cross-cultural communication.
ANTH 3502 Medical Anthropology
3 ch (3C) [W]
A cross-cultural study of human sickness and health from a biocultural point of view.
Topics emphasized are: disease among the non-human primates; medical history in
the fossil record; adaptation and disease; ethnomedicine and the traditional healer;
the influence of culture on human biology and disease.
ANTH 3522 Human Variation and Adaptation
3 ch (3L) [W]
Why do humans vary from one another and what are the factors responsible for this
variation? The focus of this course is to explore the nature and extent of human
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
variation and attempts to explain this variability at the genetic level. The evolutionary
framework in which these inherited characteristics came to exist will also be
considered. Prerequisite: ANTH 2502 .
ANTH 3662 Canada's First Nations (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Explores the distinctiveness of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples through their varied
societies and cultures and how these have withstood centuries of colonial impact to
confront the many shared challenges of living in contemporary Canadian society.
ANTH 3665 The Circumpolar World (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Nunavut has grown out of an intensive debate about Inuit self-governance. A large
part of this debate has been shared with Inuit and Eskimoic groups living in other
parts of the Arctic whose cultures and societies often reflect similarities with
Canadian Inuit, yet whose administrative and political experiences have differed
widely. Here, the cultural world of the Arctic becomes the starting point for
understanding the various management strategies adopted by different countries in
relation to the circumpolar north and the peoples who live there.
ANTH 3694 Latin America
3 ch (3C) [W]
Relates specific ethnographic studies of Latin American societies to the analysis of
colonialism, imperialism and underdevelopment.
ANTH 3704 South Asia
3 ch (3C) [W]
Introduces basic concepts for the analysis of South Asian society, including class,
caste, ethnic groups, local and national state and economic relations, in an historical
context of colonialism and underdevelopment. Debates surrounding these issues are
ANTH 4024 Anthropology and Ethics (O)
3ch (3S) [W]
The ethical codes of many national anthropological associations recommend that
teachers impress upon students the ethical challenges involved in every phase of
anthropological work, as well as encouraging them to reflect upon available ethical
codes. They also encourage dialogue with colleagues on ethical issues. This seminar
provides a forum for extended discussions of complex ethical challenges that face
anthropologists in their professional work. Pre-requisite: any introductory
anthropology course plus any second year anthropology course.
ANTH 4114 Culture and Environment
3 ch (3S) [W]
Examines howculture mediates the relationship between humans and their
environment, including traditional ecological knowledge and/or local knowledge
systems. Prerequisite: Any introductory plus any second-year course in Anthropology,
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
or permission of the instructor.
ANTH 4202 Selected Topics in Social Anthropology (O)
3 ch (3S) [W]
Offers an in-depth analysis of one of a range of potential topics in socio-cultural
studies Prerequisite: Any introductory plus any second-year course in Anthropology,
or permission of instructor.
ANTH 4204 Gender, Kinship and Marriage (O)
3 ch (3S) [W]
Examines the wide diversity of gender roles, kinship forms and marital arrangements
in human cultures of all scales. Prerequisite: ANTH 3114 or permission of the
ANTH 4224 Religion in Practice (A)
3 ch [W]
Explains the cultural and social roots of religious beliefs as well as the diversity of
religious understandings and practices throughout the world. Prerequisite: ANTH
2174 or permission of the instructor.
ANTH 4244 Ethnopolitics and Identity (O)
3 ch [W]
Identity is often as much about politics as it is about cultural heritage. The inherent
difficulties of politicising culture will be examined in light of anthropological theories
of political action. Prerequisites: ANTH 2144 , or permission of the instructor.
3 ch (3S) (LE)
In this seminar, students examine the 11,000 years of prehistory in the Atlantic
region, emphasizing changes in material culture, ecological adaptations, and social
interaction. Prerequisite: ANTH 3303 or permission of the instructor.
ANTH 4304 Archaeology of Atlantic Canada (A)
ANTH 43053 ch (3S) (LE)
Selected Topics in Archaeology (A)
This seminar provides an in-depth examination of an archaeological topic selected by
the instructor. Examples of topics that may be selected include: geoarchaeology,
prehistoric human ecology, hunter-gatherer studies, consulting archaeology, or diet
and subsistence. Prerequisite: ANTH 3303 or permission of the instructor. Students
who received credit for ANTH 5314 cannot receive credit for ANTH 4305; students
who receive credit for ANTH 5353 cannot receive credit for 4506.
ANTH 4502 Issues in Medical Anthropology
3 ch (3S) [W]
A seminar course designed to evaluate the application of medical anthropology in
understanding and improving human health problems. A selection of case studies
reflecting the various dimensions of medical anthropology in different cultural
contexts will be considered. The course begins with an introduction to the research
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
methods used in medical anthropology. The important theoretical constructs that
have influenced the field of medical anthropology and their application in research
problems will be examined. Prerequisite: ANTH 1001 .
ANTH 4522 Human Evolution (O)
3 ch (3L) [W]
Examines the genetic basis of human evolution. With the advent of modern genetic
technologies, it has been possible to compare and contrast evolutionary relationships
at the genetic level. The current debate in biological anthropology surrounds the
origin of anatomically modern Homo sapiens based on DNA evidences. An in-depth
examination of fossil evidences along with the genetic picture will be considered.
Prerequisites: ANTH 2505 ; 3522 .
ANTH 4602 Anthropology and Genetics (O)
3 ch (3L) [W]
Anthropology is primarily concerned with the study of humankind, while the science
of genetics deals with heredity and variation among related organisms. This course
introduces the basic concepts of human genetics and examines its application in
anthropological research. The course focuses on the Human Genome Project
including ethical dilemmas surrounding human genetic research. Prerequisites: ANTH
2505 ; 3522 .
ANTH 4702 Gender and Health (A)
3 ch (3S) [W]
A seminar course designed to evaluate the gender dimension of health and disease,
and addresses the articulation of gender roles and ideology with health status, the
organization of health care, and health policy in a cross-cultural perspective. Gender is
a cultural construct, and cultural ideas about women’s health and women’s bodies
differ between social groups and historical periods. Gender issues pertain to men as
well, and male gender roles and expectations are also culturally constructed. There
are biomedical consequences to the cultural constructions of gender differences. The
course will also examine how expressions of gender and power can play a role in
prevention and treatment strategies. Prerequisite: ANTH 1001 or 4502 .
3 ch (3S) (LE)
Students explore the research process through conducting individual archaeological
research projects developed in conjunction with the instructor. Prerequisite: Open
only to Honours students, or with permission of the instructor.
ANTH 5303 Theory and Method (Archaeology)
ANTH 5684 The Anthropology of Knowledge (O)
3 ch (3S) [W]
Education is quintessentially a cultural matter. Regardless of the context -- be it in the
formal education systems found around the world or the many informal ways of
passing on skills and knowledge, with the attendant social position, prestige and
power -- education is centred in culture. A systematic comparison of learning
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
institutions and practices across a range of different cultural settings reveals
surprising insights about social understandings of teaching, learning, and the
management of knowledge. Prerequisite: Restricted to upper-level students, or
permission of the instructor.
ANTH 5701 Doing Anthropology: Method and Theory
3 ch (3S) [W]
Examines contemporary theoretical approaches and develops research skills in sociocultural anthropology. Open only to anthropology Honours students, or with
permission of instructor.