SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2015 HONORS SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS APPLICATION Computer and Information Technology SUBMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER INFORMATION AND GRAPHICS TECHNOLOGY BY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2015 PRINT WITH BLACK INK – DO NOT USE PENCIL PERSONAL DATA Name: LAST FIRST MIDDLE Permanent Street Address: NUMBER STREET APARTMENT CITY STATE Telephone: ZIP CODE Email Address: University ID#: Birth Date: Gender: Marital Status: MALE COUNTRY FEMALE Dependents: SINGLE Have you submitted the FAFSA? MARRIED Age: If yes, number: YES Citizenship: NO U.S. CITIZEN If yes, date: YES NO MONTH YEAR ACADEMIC INFORMATION High School: Dates Attended: / to / College/University: Dates Attended: / to / College/University: Dates Attended: / to Department: / Major: Current GPA: Cummulative GPA: LAST SEMESTER Status: ALL SEMESTERS Number of credit hours enrolled in this semester: Total number of credit hours completed in all course work: Number of outstanding credit hours needed to graduate: and FULL-TIME PART-TIME UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE Number of credit hours completed in major: Class Standing (year in school): Attending 2015 Summer School at IUPUI? YES Type of degree to be received upon graduation: Anticipated graduation date: NO PERMANENT RESIDENT Name: University ID#: EMPLOYMENT Current Employer: Supervisor: Duties: Dates Employed: / to / Number of hours worked per week during the school year: Does your employer offer tuiton reimbusement? If yes, how is the program structured? YES NO Former Employer: Supervisor: Duties: Dates Employed: / to / FINANCIAL Please briefly describe how you are financing your college education. List assistance sources such as work (full or part-time), summer work, internships, scholarships, grants, loans, or family. TYPE AMOUNT DURATION EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, CAMPUS, HOBBIES, INTERESTS) SPECIAL HONORS, AWARDS, SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Name: University ID#: SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Please indicate the scholarship(s) and award(s) for which you are applying. CIT SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS □ Charles K. Barker Award □ Grace Murray Hopper Programming Prize □ IHSSA Award for Most Outstanding CIT Generalist □ Indianapolis Society for Information Management Chapter Alan Stanford Award □ Nicholas J. Kira III Scholarship □ Jessie Wuster Lennertz Scholarship □ John G. Williams, Jr. Memorial Award □ Outstanding Baccalaureate Degree in CIT □ Outstanding CIT Woman □ Outstanding International Student Award □ Outstanding Upperclassman in CIT □ David M Williamson Scholarship in CIT The School Scholarships and Awards are open to all students enrolled in a degree program within the School of Engineering and Technology, assuming you meet the specified criteria of the scholarship/award. SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS □ D.J. Angus Scientech Educational Foundation Award □ Robert H. and Marjorie K. Begeman Scholarship □ James D. Bercaw Distinguished Engineering Student Award □ James D. Bercaw Distinguished Technology Student Award □ Brancato Scholarship +* □ Edgar and Betty Conn Part-Time Student Scholarship+* □ Dean's Industrial Advisory Council (DIAC) Scholarship □ H. Eugene Hunt and Rebecca A. Mohr Scholarship □ Derek Krueger Memorial Scholarship+* □ Munevar Family Scholarship for Outstanding Civic Engagement and Academic Excellence+*^ □ Jacqueline E. Newsom Scholarship □ Clayton and Deborah Nicholas Scholarship □ Alfred R. Potvin and Janet H. Potvin Outstanding Student Leader and Scholar Award □ ProAAct Scholarship □ Purdue School of Engineering and Technology Alumni If you would like to be considered for special scholarships and awards open to minorities or international students please indicate your interest by completing the following information: Ethnicity: Country of Citizenship: * Denotes application requires a written personal statement/letter of introduction + Denotes application requires a letter of recommendation from a faculty member ^ Denotes application requires a resume ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUMITTED WITH AN UNOFFICAL TRANSCRIPT FROM ONESTART Association Golf Classic Student Scholarship+* □ Gladys Román Memorial Scholarship*^ □ Robert Wolter Tau Alpha Pi Excellence in Leadership Award □ United Parcel Service and National Society of Black Engineers Achievement Award The Honors Convocation is April 24, 2015. Attendance of scholarship/award recipients is highly encouraged. CIT Scholarship and Award Descriptions Charles K. Barker Award Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time and Part-time GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: Minority student with preference given to African Americans. John G. Williams, Jr. Memorial Award Amount: $500 Class Standing: Status: GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: Outstanding student in computer information technology. Grace Murray Hopper Programming Prize Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: Grade of A in three or more programming courses. Outstanding Baccalaureate Degree in Computer and Information Technology Amount: $300 Class Standing: Status: GPA Requirement: 3.0 or higher Other Qualifications: Service to the department or profession. IHSAA Award for Most Outstanding CIT Generalist Amount: $300 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: Demonstrate high level of interest and proficiency in the areas of programming, networking, and business skills. Indianapolis Society for Information Management Chapter Alan Stanford Award Amount: Varies Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: GPA Requirement: 3.2 or higher Other Qualifications: Student who wants to work in Indiana after graduation and is available to do a summer internship. Nicholas Kira III Scholarship Amount: $250 Class Standing: Sophomore or Junior Status: GPA Requirement: Minimum 3.0 Other Qualifications: Outstanding student in the Technical Option. Demonstrate high level of interest and proficiency in networking and security. Jessie Wuster Lennertz Scholarship Amount: $500 - $1,000 Class Standing: Undergraduate- Have completed 66 – 97 credit hours Status: GPA Requirement: GPA in upper 10% of CIT program Other Qualifications: Must be at least 25 years old; Preference given to those not already receiving scholarships/awards and are considering graduate study. Outstanding Computer and Information Technology Woman Amount: $250 Class Standing: Status: GPA Requirement: 3.0 or higher Other Qualifications: Service to the department or profession. Outstanding International Student Award Amount: $200 Class Standing: Status: GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: English as a second language. Outstanding Upperclassman in Computer and Information Technology Amount: $300 Class Standing: Status: GPA Requirement: 3.0 or higher Other Qualifications: Service to the department or profession. David M Williamson Scholarship in Computer Information Technology Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate or Graduate Status: GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: Beginning to pursue degree AS/BS in CIT (undergraduate) or MS Technology (graduate). Minimum SAT score of 1200 for undergraduate recipients and minimum GRE score of 1300 for graduate recipients. School Scholarship and Award Descriptions D.J. Angus Scientech Educational Foundation Award Amount: $800 Class Standing: Sophomore or Junior Status: Full-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: Student shall have shown the greatest improvement in grade average from one semester year to the next and displayed a good citizenship record. Robert H. and Marjorie K. Begeman Scholarship Amount: $1,000 - $2,000 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: The scholarship will be given to an undergraduate student with the following nationalities and citizenship: Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. James D. Bercaw Distinguished Engineering Student Award Amount: $500 Class Standing: Senior Status: Full-time GPA Requirement: Highest GPA of all engineering majors Other Qualifications: N/A James D. Bercaw Distinguished Technology Student Award Amount: $500 Class Standing: Senior Status: Full-time GPA Requirement: Highest GPA of all technology majors Other Qualifications: N/A Brancato Scholarship Amount: $500 Class Standing: Sophomore - Senior Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: 3.0 or higher Other Qualifications: Single parent with demonstrated financial need. Edgar and Betty Conn Part-Time Student Scholarship Amount: $500 Class Standing: Have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours Status: Part-time GPA Requirement: 3.0 or higher Other Qualifications: Currently enrolled in 6-11 credit hours. Dean's Industrial Advisory Council (DIAC) Scholarship Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: N/A H. Eugene Hunt and Rebecca A. Mohr Scholarship Amount: $750 Class Standing: Undergraduate- Have completed a minimum of 18 credit hours Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: Maintain the highest cumulative GPA with at least nine credit hours completed per semester over the preceding two semesters Other Qualifications: N/A Derek Krueger Memorial Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: Must be planning to conduct undergraduate research in the field (not in a lab on campus). Please include purpose of the research, setting where the research will be conducted and expected outcomes in your personal statement. Munevar Family Scholarship for Outstanding Civic Engagement and Academic Excellence Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate or Graduate Status: Full-time GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: Applicant must be actively involved in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, as well as the greater Indianapolis community through leading community outreach activities and professional organizations. Jacqueline E. Newsom Scholarship Amount: $500 - $1,000 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: 3.0 or higher Other Qualifications: Applicant must be a member in or more student organizations, with preference given to African American students. Clayton and Deborah Nicholas Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Class Standing: Undergraduate or Graduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: Other Qualifications: The scholarship will provide recognition to a student who has exhibited perseverance and dedication to his/her academic pursuits as shown through improvement in his/her grade point average. School Scholarship and Award Descriptions Alfred R. Potvin and Janet H. Potvin Outstanding Student Leader and Scholar Award Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate or Graduate- Senior (within 30 credit hours of graduation) or Graduate student (within 10 credit hours of a MS degree or one year of completing a Ph.D.) Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: 3.2 or higher Other Qualifications: Completed 45 or more undergraduate or 21 or more graduate semester credit hours at IUPUI, officer in one or more student organizations with a strong record of accomplishment, leadership and collegial relations, IUPUI GPA in the top quarter of students in same degree program. ProAAct Scholarship Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: Preference will be given to underrepresented (minority) students, who without this aid might not be able to obtain a higher education. Purdue School of Engineering and Technology Alumni Association Golf Classic Student Scholarship Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate or Graduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: N/A Gladys Román Memorial Scholarship Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: Applicant must be Hispanic. Robert Wolter Tau Alpha Pi Excellence in Leadership Award Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: N/A Other Qualifications: Applicant or nominee must be a current technology undergraduate or continuing technology graduate student and active member of the Tau Alpha Pi Honors Society, Pi Beta Chapter at IUPUI who demonstrates evidence of service/leadership to an E&T, IUPUI, or community organization. United Parcel Service and National Society of Black Engineers Achievement Award Amount: $500 Class Standing: Undergraduate or Graduate Status: Full-time or Part-time GPA Requirement: 3.0 or higher Other Qualifications: Member in or more student organizations (NSBE included) or activities with a strong record of accomplishment leadership, and collegial relations.