Electronic Document Management Demonstration Project The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) and the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT) are pleased to announce that the time has come for municipalities to express their interest in participating in a Nutmeg Network Electronic Document Management demonstration project funded by the CT Office of Policy and Management (OPM)'s Regional Performance Incentive Program. Please read through the project goal statement on our webpage (www.crcog.org/municipal_ser/MOREprojects.html). Communities interested in serving as pilot towns must complete and submit the attached application/participation interest forms and submit them no later than Friday, November 20, 2015. CRCOG, CCAT and the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) will evaluate the application forms and determine the final participants. We will contact all municipalities who express interest with the final decision by early December. Please go to www.crcog.org/municipal_ser/MOREprojects.html for more detailed information and electronic copies of the application/participation interest forms. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Demonstration Project Overview This demonstration project will provide a pilot program for participating municipalities to develop and have access to a cooperatively purchased Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) and service support to routinely digitize, route and archive municipal data. This will provide not only ready access for Freedom of Information requests, but also lays the groundwork for daily operational efficiencies of local government. An EDMS housed on CRCOG Data Center servers connected to the Nutmeg Network allows for economies of scale for data storage costs as well as the future potential to share software and staff to carry out collaborative services such as assessment field work. Funds for this project will pay for an EDMS base system software suite, storage in the CRCOG Data Center, and the first two years of maintenance/licensing fees for up to six municipalities. Municipal Technology Requirements: To be a successful participant in this demonstration project, your municipality should have the following in place: Connection to the Nutmeg Network (or pending connection completed no later than 6/30/16) Local Area Network (LAN) present EDMS Demonstration Project Costs (participation in the pilot) Town staff time to express needs and develop local protocols for participation Purchase of updated switches and wiring (if needed) Purchase of equipment (scanners, etc) necessary for document archiving (if desired by town) Project Management Technical Assistance and Consulting Services Software Purchase/Licensing Fees Ongoing Costs (annual) CEN Network Fees (Transport from CMC (CT Municipal Cloud)) Program Administration Fees Software Maintenance Fees Implementation Details Up to 18 month demonstration phase 12 month implementation (estimated) APPLICATION/PARTICIPATION INTEREST FORM: M.O.R.E. Electronic Document Management System Demonstration Project 1. Please describe your current Document Management operations in terms of: a. Is your document management is completely paper based or does it have some electronic aspects (i.e. you use DocStar for scan/store but not work flow)? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. If you have any Electronic Document Management systems in place, please list all relevant software used and on-line services subscribed to (e.g. DocStar, OnBase, Laserfiche, etc.). ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ c. What Electronic Document Management processes do you believe are most in need of either updating or creating in your town? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. What specific enhancements or improvements have you already made in the past two years or plan to make to document management (paper based or electronic)? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Who will serve as the lead representative for the town if it is selected as a pilot community? Include name and title. Is your Town Clerk aware of your interest in this project and are they available to provide insight? Is your town IT staff (if any) aware of this project and available to provide insight? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Will the town’s lead representative be available to participate in monthly meetings and serve on evaluation committees for any RFP selection processes? YES NO Please note any availability constraints. _____________________________________________________________________ Your signature below: authorizes your municipality’s participation in the above-referenced demonstration project; commits your municipality to assisting with establishing collective terms and conditions (including price) of any negotiated contract for service and any and all changes negotiated thereto as part of an extension; and indicates your understanding that your municipality may be responsible for paying an ongoing program administration fee, if applicable, to maintain the program after the demonstration phase. All projects are subject to funding by the CT Office of Policy and Management. We encourage all eligible municipalities to participate in this exciting demonstration project. Although a limited number of towns will be able to be in the demonstration phase, we remind all towns that they may use any of the resulting services once the project becomes a permanent service of the Capitol Region Council of Governments (in partnership with the CT Center for Advanced Technology). Signature ____________________________________________ Date ______________ Printed Name ___________________________________________________________ Position _________________________________________________________________ Municipality Name________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ Telephone # _________________________ Fax #____________________________ E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________ Please email or fax this form back to the attention of Jennifer March-Wackers at jwackers@crcog.org or (860) 724-1274 no later than November 20, 2015. Please call 860-522-2217 ext. 239 with any questions!