The Inter-Club Council General Meeting 12/04/2015 11:30 AM-12:09 PM 1.) Call to order at 11:30 AM 2.) Roll Call Alpha Gamma Sigma: Present American Welding Society: Present Automotive Club: Not Present Ballroom Dance Club: Present Biology Club: Present Black Student Union: Not Present Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club: Not Present Business Club: Not Present Chemistry Club: Not Present Chow-Hoon Goshin-Jitsu: Not Present CSR: Present Computer Science Club: Present Engineering Club: Not Present Fencing Club: Not Present French: Present Gamerz Lounge: Present HOTT: Present Improv Hawks: Not Present Indian Club: Excused Absence International Business Association: Not Present International Students Club: Not Present JAMS: Not Present Journalism Club: Present LPC Table Top: Present Math Club: Present Muslim Student Alliance: Not Present Peace & Social Justice Club: Not Present Performing Arts Club: Present Philosophy Club: Present Physics/ Astronomy Club: Not Present Poetry Club: Not Present Psi Beta/ Psychology Club: Present Public Safety Club: Present Puente Club: Present Queer Straight Alliance: Not Present Radio Club: Not Present SEA: Present Smash Club Tae Kwon Do Club: Not Present The Way and the Truth: Present 3.) Adoption of Agenda -Moved to adopt agenda for 11/20/2015 -Motioned: American Welding Society -Seconded: Psychology Club -Vote: Motion passes with 1 abstention 4.) Adoption of Minutes -Moved to approve minutes from 11/20/2015 -Motioned: Ballroom Dancing Club -Seconded: American Welding Society -Vote: Motion passes unanimously 5.) Officer Reports -ICC Chairperson Heysum Ali -ICC Dodgeball tournament .Wanted to say thanks .Showed pictures of the event -Club Meetings .Last day to do club meetings/events/anything club related is December 11th -Club day .Only one club day next semester .No club rush -Secretary Brian McLard -Nothing to report -Parliamentarian Marlon Bowen -Nothing to report -AS President Michael Kapitanich -Next Semester .Wants a couple of clubs to go have dinner with the congressman -Director of Events Alejandra Garcia -Prep to Pass .Handed fliers out .Will be held on Wednesday from 6:00 PM- 10:30 PM .Help tutor on subjects to help prep for finals .Food and entertainment will be provided -Pancake Event .Fill out a survey to help figure out what the school should spend money on .After you fill out survey you bring it to the cashier for free pancakes .from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM -Math JAM Online .Available on the 11th of January .Get help and taught on math subjects .You can test out and go into a higher math 6.) Guest Speaker -None 7.) Public Forum -None 8.) Club Reports -Alpha Gamma Sigma .Nothing to Report -American Welding Society .Saturday will be holding a BBQ construction party .All are welcome to come .In 800 building from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM -Ballroom Dancing Club .Nothing to Report -Biology Club .Last PALS meeting of semester next week .Monday from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM .Will be having a bake sale on the 9th .Will have a hike on Saturday -Computer Science .Nothing to report -Gamerz Lounge .No club president .End club .Thinking about giving funds to another club -HOTT .Made front page of newspaper -LPC Table Top .Nothing to Report -Math Club .Nothing to Report -Performing Arts Club .Show November 9th .Dance Show the 5th .Jazz/Chorus concert -Philosophy Club .Nothing to Report -Psychology Club .Brian Copeland will be here on the 9th .BSU will help out .Change meeting time from 3:00 to 3:30 -Public Safety .Toy Drive .Drop off brand new toys .Does not have to be wrapped .Movie Night .2 dollars for non-members -Puente Club .Movie Night turnout was good .Toy Drive .New Toys .Will go till next semester -SEA .Nothing to report -Truth and the Way .Successful shoe drive .Shoes sent to Tri-Valley Haven -CSR .Had a movie night last night .No more events until next semester .will help out with prep to pass -French Club .Nothing to report -Smash Club .Nothing to report -Journalism Club .On the 10th they will hold a Star Wars blast off party .Hold a raffle for tickets to the 7th Star Wars movie .Starts at 7:00 PM in café 9.) Old Business -Clubs that are up for deactivation .Chow-Hoon Goshin-Jitsu .First: LPC Table Top .Second: They Way and the Truth .Vote: Pass with one abstention .Fencing Club .First: American Welding Society .Second: Performing Arts Club .Vote: Pass with one abstention .Improv Hawkes .First: Performing Arts Club .Second: Psychology Club .Vote: Pass with one abstention .International Business .First: American Welding Society .Second: Gamerz Lounge .Vote: Pass with one abstention .International Students Club .First: Ballroom Dancing Club .Second: Truth and the way .Vote: Pass unanimously .JAMS Club .First: American Welding Society .Second: Truth and the Way .Vote: Pass unanimously .Physics/Astronomy Club .First: Philosophy Club .Second: Public Safety Club .Vote: 13 for, 3 against, and 1 abstention .Tae Kwon Do Club .First: American Welding Society .Second: Smash Club .Vote: Passes with two abstentions -ICC Donation Procedure .Have Request Funds by January 22nd .Will Talk on February 5th about it .Document should speak for itself .What you want should be put on the document 10.) New Business -BSU Presentation .Will be next ICC Meeting *Special Case with donations -Two items were shelved Vote: 16 for and 2 against, passes 11.) Announcements -Brandon Byrne .Selling doughnuts on December 10th .Las Positas played a ranked team and won -Journalism .Social Media Contest not raffle -Heysum Ali .Wanted to say thank you to all the clubs who attend ICC 12.) Adjournment -Adjourned at 12:09 PM .First: Psychology Club .Second: Ballroom Dancing Club .Vote: Passes unanimously