stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking has
Stephen Hawking
faced many obstacles. One
was greatly influenced by
major obstacle he faces
Albert Einstein. Einstein
today is ALS. ALS is a type
had studied the many of the
of motor neuron disease.
things that interested
When he was first diagnosed
Stephen. Also Stephen
with the disease doctors
Hawking used Einstein’s
gave only two and a half
theory of relativity to study
years to live. However he
black holes and
has survived much longer
singularities. Stephen
than what the doctors gave
Hawking was also
his. Doctors believe this is
influenced by the work of
because he has a mutated
Roger Penrose.
form of the disease. This was
devastating news for him and
his family. Rather than
become depressed this
made him realize there were
still many things that he still
wanted to accomplish. After
being released from the
hospital he poured himself
into his studies. Also he’s
family was not very wealthy
at the time so he had to work
hard in order to get a
scholarship and go to college
[Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]
and attributes
There are
many qualities and
Stephen Hawking has had many goals
attributes that describe
throughout his career. Stephen Goals were to ask
Stephen Hawking. He
questions such as how did the universe begin? Is it
can be described as
expanding? Is time travel possible? and then work to
bright. Even as a child
solve these problems and work to find the answer these
he was very smart. He
can also be described
as successful. He has
come up numerous
theories and has
published many
successful books. I
would also describe
him as hardworking.
After being diagnosed
with ALS he worked
very hard to
Stephen Hawking has developed theories on
accomplish the things
how galaxies may the origins of the universe and much
he wanted to in his life.
more. He has explained the wonder and complexities of
the cosmos to nonscientist through his book. He is the
author of A “Brief History of Time” which has sold more
than 10 million copies. He has won numerous medals
including the Albert Einstein medal, and the Presidential
Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama.
Hawking has made
many contributions
to both society and
science. Stephen
Hawking’s work has
led to the
understanding of
how the galaxies
might arise, he has
published that on
black holes that
gives us a deeper
understanding of the
universe and other
contributions to
science. One major
contribution he has
made to society is
that he has and
continues to raise
awareness for the
ALS the motor
neuron disease he
suffers from. By
raising awareness
he also helps raise
money that goes into
research to find a
cure to ALS.
Q. Dr. Hawking, thank you so much for taking time to talk to Science
Times. I’m wondering, what is a typical day like for you?
A. I get up early every morning and go to my office where I work with
my colleagues and students at Cambridge University. Using e-mail, I
can communicate with scientists all over the world.
Obviously, because of my disability, I need assistance. But I have
always tried to overcome the limitations of my condition and lead as full
a life as possible. I have traveled the world, from the Antarctic to zero
Q. I don’t mean to ask this disrespectfully, but there are some experts
on A.L.S. who insist that you can’t possibly suffer from the condition.
They say you’ve done far too well, in their opinion. How do you respond
to this kind of speculation?
A. Maybe I don’t have the most common kind of motor neuron disease,
which usually kills in two or three years. It has certainly helped that I
have had a job and that I have been looked after so well.
I don’t have much positive to say about motor neuron disease. But it
taught me not to pity myself, because others were worse off and to get
on with what I still could do. I’m happier now than before I developed
the condition. I am lucky to be working in theoretical physics, one of the
few areas in which disability is not a serious handicap.
Q. Given all you’ve experienced, what words would you offer someone
who has been diagnosed with a serious illness, perhaps A.L.S.?
A. My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things
your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the
There are many aspects of
things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit, as well as physically.
Stephen Hawking that can be
described as inspiring. One reason
I find him inspiring is that despite
being heavily affected by the
fatal disease ALS he was still able
to focus on his work and become
MLA Citation
Leddy,Chuck. “My Brief History’ by Stephen Hawking” The Boston Globe” 4/7/14
Dreifus ,Claudia. “Life and the Cosmos, Word by Painstaking Word”The New York Times.