NURSE CERVICAL SCREENING CREDENTIALLING INFO SHEET Credentialling Overseas/Interstate Eligibility National competency-based standards of practice for registered nurses (Division 1) who provide Pap tests were introduced within the Cervical Screening Program in 1997. To ensure these standards are maintained, a mechanism called ‘credentialling’ has been established. This system ensures nurses’ expertise is recognised and provides tools and guidance for nurses to demonstrate continued competence. This process demonstrates to women and employers that the nurse’s competence is current. In addition, it provides a means for the nurse to demonstrate accountability to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, through Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and the cytology laboratory that processes the nurse’s Pap tests. If a nurse has satisfactorily completed an equivalent Pap test provider education course overseas or interstate, they are eligible to apply for credentialling. They will be required to supply information on the aims, objectives, content, clinical experience and assessment criteria of the course, along with a certificate of completion. They will also be asked to supply statistical evidence of previous cervical screening experience. Participation It is recommended that all registered nurses (Division 1) who provide Pap tests in Victoria participate. It is essential for nurses who use the Victorian Cytology Service for the processing of Pap tests. These nurses, following approval of their credentialling application, are eligible to apply to the Victorian Cytology Service (VCS) for a ‘practice’ number. Eligibility The nurse must have satisfactorily completed a Royal College of Nursing (RCNA) accredited course for nurse Pap test provider training. Recognised course providers include: Family Planning Victoria Department of General Practice at Melbourne University Melbourne Sexual Health Centre Nurses submitting applications from overseas or interstate are asked to first make contact with Credentialling Coordinator Sandy Anderson on 0407-190-207 or Review of applications A review panel has been established in Victoria for reviewing credentialling applications. The panel includes representatives from key organisations including the Australian Practice Nurses Association (Victorian branch); Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian branch); Royal College of Nursing; Women’s Health Nurse Association of Victoria; colposcopy clinics; and PapScreen Victoria’s Credentialling Coordinator. Three members of the panel review each credentialling application. The panel may also receive additional expert advice from the VCS liaison physicians and director of VCS. The average length of time for processing an application is two weeks. If an application is incomplete, the nurse will be contacted to provide further information. In the initial credentialling application, nurses are given the opportunity to provide permission for VCS to forward their statistical summaries directly to PapScreen Victoria prior to their recredentialling due date. Nurses will continue to receive their six-month reports and their three-year reports directly from VCS. by VCS or through records kept by the nurse on the PapScreen Statistical Record Worksheet. Consumer rights Nurses are also required to collect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identification information, language spoken at home and country of birth status. Further requirements are outlined on the recredentialling application form. If a nurse disagrees with the final decision of the review panel he/she has the right to appeal in writing to Hiranthi Perera, Program Manager of PapScreen Victoria setting out the reason why the review panel’s decision should be overturned. Credentialling Secretariat Suspension of credential status Funding has been provided for a Credentialling Secretariat at PapScreen Victoria, Cancer Council of Victoria, for recording a nurse cervical screening provider’s certification details. Confidentiality of information stored on this database is assured. Access to this information is limited to personnel from the cervical screening program via the Credentialling Secretariat. A nurse involved in any disciplinary proceedings conducted by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia or the Victorian Civil Administration Tribunal which leads to suspension or cancellation of registration must advise the Credentialling Secretariat of the outcome. Suspension or cancellation of national registration will result in suspension or cancellation of the nurse’s certification of continuing competence as a nurse cervical screening provider. Credentialling Changing Workplace To apply for credentialling as a nurse cervical screening provider, nurses must meet the following criteria: If a nurse changes workplaces, or takes on an additional role at a new organisation, he/she must submit a ‘New employer application’ form, available from - - Division 1 nurse Current registration with Australian health practitioner regulation agency (AHPRA) Have completed an accredited cervical screening course Employed in a work role that allows them to undertake cervical screening It is recommended that all nurses who provide cervical screening participate in the credentialling program. It is essential for nurses who use Victorian Cytology Service (VCS). Recredentialling Every three years, nurses are required to recredential. At this time, nurses will be required to submit documentation to the Credentialling Secretariat for review by the review panel. This documentation will include a full three years clinical statistics of the nurse’s cervical screening practice, provided Adding a work location If a nurse begins practicing at an additional location under the same employer, he/she must submit an ‘Additional Location Application Form’, available from Deactivation of credential status If a nurse ceases to be employed in a role where he/she is required and able to provide cervical screening, including Pap tests, the deactivation form should be completed and returned to the Credentialling Secretariat. Reactivation of credential status Formerly credentialed nurses who are returning to a cervical screening work role are required to fill in and return the Reactivation form.