My Curriculum Vitae - York College of Pennsylvania

Curriculum Vitae
Steve Jacob, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Behavioral Science
York College of Pennsylvania
205 Life Sciences Annex, York, PA 17405
Office Phone: 717-815-6412
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802
Graduated 06/1997, Ph. D. Rural Sociology
Dissertation Title: Pennsylvania Rural Communities and Mental Health
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802
Graduated 06/1993, M.S. Rural Sociology
Thesis Title: Subjective and Objective Indicators of Community Well-being
Salisbury State University
Salisbury, MD 21857
Graduated 06/1990, B.A. Sociology
Employment History:
Professor of Sociology, York College of Pennsylvania, 08/2014-Present.
Associate Professor of Sociology, York College of Pennsylvania, 08/2002-07/2014.
Assistant Professor of Community Development, University of Florida, 08/1999-08/2002
Assistant Professor of Program Development and Evaluation, University of Florida,
Research Associate and Instructor, Penn State, 07/1996-12/1996.
Graduate Research Assistant, Penn State, 01/1991-06/1996.
Professional Affiliations:
Senior Associate, Institute of Applied Social Research, Center for Community
Engagement, York College of Pennsylvania 9/1/2006-present
Appointed Member of the Socio-Economic Panel (SEP), Gulf of Mexico Fisheries
Management Council 4/15/2009-present
Elected as a Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology 1/21/2010-present
Named a Fellow of the Houston Advanced Research Center 8/12/2010-present
Appointed Member Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission Technical Task Forces,
Menhaden and Blue Crab 1/15/2011-present
Society for Human Ecology
Society for Applied Anthropology
Special Honors:
US Delegate/Presenter for United Nations Bi-National Cooperation Workshop “Climate Change
and Resilience in Coastal Communities.” Villahermosa, Tabasco Mexico 8/14-16/2012
Winter Commencement Faculty Speaker, York College of Pennsylvania 12/22/2009
Rural Sociological Society, Early Career Award 7/1/1999
Peer Reviewed Publications and Book Chapters
Benjamin G. Blount, Steve Jacob, Priscilla Weeks, and Michael Jepson. (2015). Testing
Cognitive Ethnography: Mixed-Methods in Developing Indicators of Well-Being in
Fishing Communities.” Human Organization. 74(1):1-15.
Jeff Witman, Steve Jacob, Lynn S. Anderson, Linda Heyne, and Brian Malcarne. (2014) "The
Well-Being Index (WBI): A Pilot Project.” Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 48(2):188198.
Steve Jacob, Priscilla Weeks, Benjamin G. Blount, and Michael Jepson. (2013) “Development and
evaluation of social indicators of vulnerability and resiliency for fishing communities in the
Gulf of Mexico.” Marine Policy, 37(1):86-95.
Steve Jacob, Priscilla Weeks, Benjamin G. Blount, and Michael Jepson. (2010) “Exploring fishing
dependence in gulf coast communities.” Marine Policy, 34(6):1307–1314.
Steve Jacob and Michael Jepson (2009) “Creating a Community Context for the Fishery Stock
Sustainability Index" Fisheries. 33(5):228-231.
Michael Jepson and Steve Jacob. (2007) “Social Indicators and Measurements of Vulnerability
for Gulf Coast Fishing Communities.” In Anthropology and Fisheries Management in
the United States: Methodology for Research (Palma Ingles and Jennifer Sepez, Volume
Editors). National Association for the Practice of Anthropology Sep 2007, Vol. 28, No.
1: 57-68.
Gary Bittner and Steve Jacob. (2007) “United Debate on Unilateralism and Treatment of
Terrorists”. in Terrorismus: Eine Herausforderung Unserer Zeit (Erwin Bader,
Editor). Peter Lang Publishing: Frankfurt. ISBN-10: 3631549237
Steve Jacob, Michael Jepson, and Frank L Farmer. (2005) “What You See Is Not Always What
You Get: Aspect Dominance as a Confounding Factor in the Determination of Fishing
Dependent Communities.” Human Organization. V64(4):373-384.
Steve Jacob, A.E. Luloff, and Jeffrey C. Bridger. (2005) "Pennsylvania Rural Communities and
Individual Mental Health." Journal of Rural Community Psychology. V8(1): 1-24.
Carleton Pomeroy and Steve Jacob. (2004). “From Mangos to Manufacturing: Uneven
Development in the Dominican Republic.” Journal of Social Indicators Research. V65(1):
Jeff Witman and Steve Jacob. (2004). “Hardiness: Implications for Therapeutic Recreation
Practice and for Therapeutic Recreation Practitioners.” Expanding Horizons in
Therapeutic Recreation. V21(1):6-9.
Suzanna Smith, Steve Jacob, and Michael Jepson. (2003). “The Stress Process in Florida’s
Commercial Fishing Families.” Society and Natural Resources. V16(1): 39-59.
Nick Place, Steve Jacob, Mary Andrews, and Nancy Crago (2002). “International Experience:
Pathways to Personal and Professional Growth.” Journal of International Agricultural
and Extension Education. 9(3):15-23.
Tammy Kohllepel, Jennifer Bradley, and Steve Jacob. (2002). “A Walk Through the Garden:
Stress Reduction Benefits of Botanical Gardens.” Horticulture Technology. 12(3):486492.
Kathryn Gunderson, Steven A. Sargent, Steven G. Jacob, George J. Hochmuth, and Daniel J.
Cantliffe. (2002). “Restructuring State Major Programs to Address Performance-based
Budgeting and Issues Programming.” Horticulture Technology. 12(3):492-495
Steve Jacob, Frank Farmer, Michael Jepson, and Charles Adams. (2001). “Landing a Definition
of Fishing Dependent Communities: Potential Social Science Contributions to Meeting
National Standard 8.” Fisheries. 26(10):16-22.
Millie Ferrer, Steve Jacob, and Theresa Ferrari. (2001). “Two (or More ) Heads Are Better
Than One: An Application of Group Process to Developing Extension Evaluation Tools.”
Journal of Extention. 39(5):
Steve Jacob, and Michael Jepson. (2000). “Defining and Identifying Fishing-Dependent
Communities in Florida.” Journal of Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural
Systems and World Economic Development. 29(2):221-253.
Nick Place and Steve Jacob, (2000) “Stress: Professional Development Needs of Extension
Faculty.” Journal of Agricultural Education. 42(1): 95-103.
Steve Jacob, Glenn D. Israel, and W.R. Summerhill. (1998). “County Program Reviews: An
Important Component of the Program Development and Evaluation Process.” Journal of
Extension. 36(4):
Lisa Bourke, Steve Jacob, and A.E. Luloff. (1997). “Preserving Agricultural Land in Times of
Urbanization: Impacts on a Regional Culture in Pennsylvania.” Pp. 84-96 in Warwick
Mules and Helen Millers (eds.), Mapping Regional Cultures. Rockhampton, AU: Central
Queensland University.
Steve Jacob, Lisa Bourke, and A.E. Luloff. 1997. “Rural Community Stress, Distress, and
Well-Being: a Pennsylvania Assessment.” Journal of Rural Studies 13(3):275-288.
A.E. Luloff, Steve Jacob, Lisa Bourke, and James C. Finley. 1996. “Achieving Better Forest
Management Through a Forest Land Preservation Program: A Pennsylvania Perspective.”
Ecosystem Health 2(1):69-80.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Leif Jensen. 1996. "The Residualist Welfare Response: A
Decade Later." Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 23(3):149-160.
Lisa Bourke, Steve Jacob, and A.E. Luloff. 1996. "Responses to Pennsylvania’s Agricultural
Preservation Programs." Rural Sociology(4):606-629.
Steve Jacob and A.E. Luloff. 1995. “Exploring the Meaning of Rural Through Cognitive
Maps.” Rural Sociology 60(2):260-273.
Steven G. Jacob and Fern K. Willits. 1994. "Objective and Subjective Indicators of Community
Well-Being: a Pennsylvania Assessment." Social Indicators Research (32): 161-177.
Steven G. Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Donald M. Crider. 1992. "Ten Year Comparison of
Extension Use." The Journal of Extension 30 (Spring): 38-39.
Peer Reviewed Proceedings:
Steve Jacob and Jeff Witman. (2007) “Heritage Tourism and Fishing Communities:
Opportunities and Challenges.” Pp. 403-411 in United States Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service (ed.) 2006 Annual Proceedings of the Northeastern Recreation Research
Olanda Bata, Matt Baker, and Steve Jacob. 2000. “Professional Development Needs of State and
County Faculty.” Proceedings of the 27th Annual National Agricultural Education
Research Meeting. San Francisco, CA
Nick Place and Steve Jacob. 2000. Balancing Work and Family: Professional Development
Needs of Extension Faculty. Proceedings of the 27th Annual National Agricultural
Education Research Meeting. San Francisco, CA
A.E. Luloff, Steve Jacob, and Jeffery Walsh. 1996. “Farm Tourism: A Strategy for Rural
Tourism Development?” Pp. 199-203 in Fourth international Outdoor Recreation and
Tourism Trends Symposium and the 1995 National Recreation Research Planning
Conference Proceedings.
A.E. Luloff, Steve Jacob, and Lisa Bourke. 1996. “Areas of Consensus and Dissensus: Toward
Forest Values and Standards.” Pp. 28-33 in Society of American Foresters Annual
Conference Proceedings.
Steve Jacob, and A.E. Luloff. 1994. "The Fear of Agricultural Chemicals and Pesticides." Pp.
169-174 in United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (ed.) 1993 Annual
Proceedings of the Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium.
Steve Jacob and A.E. Luloff. 1993. "Urban Resident's Cognitive Maps of Rural Pennsylvania."
Pp. 68-72 in United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (ed.) 1992 Annual
Proceedings of the Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium.
Peer Reviewed Extension Bulletins and Popular Reports:
Steve Jacob and Millie Ferrer. 2000. “Program Theory for Effective Program Planning.” FCS
6009. Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences, Gainesville, FL, Institute
of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
Steve Jacob and Millie Ferrer. 2000. “Programming Vs. Activities: Balancing Local Demands
and Educational Objectives.” FCS 6008. Department of Family, Youth, and Community
Sciences, Gainesville, FL, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of
Steve Jacob and Millie Ferrer. 2000. “Three Types of Programming and What it Means for
Program Development.” FCS 6007. Department of Family, Youth, and Community
Sciences, Gainesville, FL, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of
Steve Jacob, W.R. Summerhill, and Larry R. Arrington. 2000. “Florida Citizen’s Viewpoint
1999 Survey: Self-Identified Educational Needs of Florida Citizens.” FCS 6006 and FCS
6006A. Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences, Gainesville, FL,
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
Chuck Adams, Steve Jacob, and Suzanna Smith. 2000. “What Happened after the Net Ban?”
FCS 6006 and FCS 6006A. Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences,
Gainesville, FL, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
Steve Jacob, Glenn D. Israel, and William R. Summerhill. 1997. “County Program Reviews.”
PE 68, Program Development and Evaluation Center, Gainesville, FL, Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
A.E. Luloff, Steve Jacob, Lisa Bourke, and James C.Finley. 1997. “Professional Forester
Credibility and Non-Industrial Private Forest Owners: Towards a Better Dialogue.” The
Allegheny News: The Official Publication of the Allegheny Society of American
Foresters, (Summer):14-17.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Donald M. Crider. 1992. "Images of Pennsylvania
Communities Today and Tomorrow: an Analysis of Statewide Survey Data." University
Park, PA, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology publication 228,
College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Donald M. Crider. 1992. "Community Images and Priorities."
University Park, PA, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology,
College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.
Steve Jacob, and Fern K. Willits. 1992. "The Death Penalty." University Park, PA, Department
of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, College of Agricultural Sciences, The
Pennsylvania State University.
Steve Jacob, and Fern K. Willits. 1992. "AIDS and Quarantines." University Park, PA,
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, College of Agricultural
Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Donald M. Crider. 1991. "Perceptions of Local Government:
Data from a Pennsylvania Survey." University Park, PA, Department of Agricultural
Economics and Rural Sociology publication 223, College of Agricultural Sciences, The
Pennsylvania State University.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Donald M. Crider. 1991. "Local Government" University
Park, PA, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, College of
Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Donald M. Crider. 1991. "Citizen Use of Cooperative
Extension In Pennsylvania: an Analysis of Statewide Survey Data." University Park, PA,
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology publication 224, College of
Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Donald M. Crider. 1991. "Users of Cooperative Extension"
University Park, PA, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology,
College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.
Conference Papers and Invited Workshop Presentations:
Steve Jacob, Michael Jepson, Joshua Landau, Carla Strassle, and Jacob Krebs. (2013). “Resiliency
Reconsidered: Post Disaster Community and Individual Well-Being in Buras Louisiana.”
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver, CO,
March 19-23.
Steve Jacob. (2013). “Community vs. Individual Resiliency in Buras Louisiana.” Invited
presentation, Houston Advanced Research Center, Houston, TX, March 5.
Lisa Colburn, Michael Jepson, Steve Jacob, and Richard Pollnac. (2013). “Healthy Oceans,
Healthy Communities: Indicators of Coastal Vulnerability and Resilience.” Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Boston, MA, February 14-18.
Steve Jacob. (2013). “The Social Impact Assessment of Fisheries Allocation/Reallocation.”
Invited presentation, Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council, Tampa, FL, January
Steve Jacob. (2012). “Social Well-Being and Resiliency in Post-Disaster Gulf Coast
Communities: A Social Indicators Approach.” United Nations Industrial Development
Organization Bi-National Cooperation Workshop: Climate Change and Resilience in
Coastal Communities. Villahermosa, Tabasco Mexico August 14-16.
Steve Jacob and Pris Weeks. (2012). “Correlates of Well-being Outcomes in Four Post-Spill
Fishing Communities.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied
Anthropology, Baltimore, MD, March 27-31.
Steve Jacob. (2012). “Menhaden Social Survey for the Gulf of Mexico Fishery.” Invited
presentation, 62nd Annual Meeting Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, Gulfport,
MS, March 27.
Blount, Ben, Steve Jacob, Pris Weeks, and Michael Jepson. (2011). Validating the Concepts of
Vulnerability and Resiliency in Fishing-Reliant Communities: The Use of Mixed
Methodologies Incorporating Primary & Secondary Data.” Invited workshop
presentation prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Subsistence Division,
Anchorage Alaska, October 25.
Blount, Ben, Steve Jacob, Pris Weeks, and Michael Jepson. (2011). “Validating the Concepts of
Vulnerability and Resiliency in Fishing-Reliant Communities: The Use of Mixed
Methodologies Incorporating Primary & Secondary Data.” Invited paper presented at the
Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, Texas, April 27-29.
Jepson, Michael, Lisa L. Colburn, Brent Stoffle, Ayeisha Brinson, and Steve Jacob. (2011).
“Development and Application of Social Indicators to Fishing Communities of the
Southeastern U.S.”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied
Anthropology, Seattle, Washington, March 29-April 2.
Jacob, Steve and Pris Weeks. (2011). “Theoretical Descriptions of Gentrification in Gulf Coast
Fishing Communities.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied
Anthropology, Seattle, Washington, March 29-April 2.
Steve Jacob (2011). “Sociological Perspectives of Fishing Communities.” Paper presented at
Social Science and Chesapeake Bay Restoration Workshop, Chesapeake Research
Consortium, Annapolis MD, March 10.
Ben Blount, Steve Jacob, Pris Weeks, and Michael Jepson. (2011). “The Use of Primary and
Secondary Data to Validate the Concepts of Vulnerability and Resiliency in Fishing
Reliant Communities.” Paper presented at the VI People and the Sea Conference,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 6-9.
Druen, Perri, Jennifer Engler, Laura Steck, Mary Ligon, and Steve Jacob. (2011). “Using a
Poverty Simulation To Change Attitudes, Attributions, Knowledge, and Behavioral
Intentions.” Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological
Association, Washington, D.C., August 4-7.
Landau, Joshua D., Steve Jacob, and John. M. Bert. "Adopting a Praying Position and Not
Praying Increases Religious Importance" Poster Presentation at the Association for
Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, DC. , May 25 – 29.
Ben Blount, Steve Jacob, Pris Weeks, and Michael Jepson. (2010). “Validating the Concepts of
Vulnerability and Resiliency in Fishing Reliant Communities.” Paper presented at the
16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, TX
June 6-10.
Steve Jacob, Pris Weeks, Ben Blount, and Michael Jepson. (2010). “Triangulating the Concepts
of Vulnerability and Resiliency in Fishing Reliant Communities: The Use of Mixed
Methodologies Incorporating Primary and Secondary Data.” Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Merida, Mexico, March 24-27.
Michael Jepson and Steve Jacob. (2009) “Measuring Well-Being for Fishing Communities in
the Southeast: Social Indicators for Fishery Management.” Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM March 17-21.
Steve Jacob and Michael Jepson. (2008). “Collapse, Decline, Recovery, and Sustainable:
Fishery Health Status and the Impacts on Fishers and Fishing Dependent Communities”
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology,
Memphis, TN March 25-29.
Michael Jepson and Steve Jacob. (2008) “Measuring Well-Being for Fishing Communities in
the Southeast: Social Indicators for Fishery Management” Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis, TN March 25-29.
Michael Jepson and Steve Jacob. (2008). “A Day Late and a Dollar Short: The Demise of
Fishing Dependent Communities in the Southeast U.S.” Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis, Tennessee, March 25-29.
Moon, Z. K, F. L Farmer, S. Jacob (2007). Human Induced Switches on Public Lands
Boundaries: The Emergence of Ecological Islands. Presented at the 13th International
Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, UT, June 18-21, 2007.
Frank L Farmer, Zola K. Moon, and Steve Jacob (2007). “Health Service Use Differences by
Hispanic Migrants to Rural and Urban Destinations: Community or Individual
Characteristics?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Rural Health
Association, Anchorage, Alaska, May 15-18.
Michael Jepson and Steve Jacob. (2007). “When There’s A Will, But Not Always A Way: The
Gulf Shark Buyout Plan.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Applied Anthropology, Tampa, Florida, March 28-31.
Steve Jacob and Frank L Farmer. (2006). “Human Ecology and Natural Resource Dependent
Communities.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Human
Ecology, Bar Harbor, Maine, October 18-21.
Steve Jacob and Jeffrey P. Witman. (2006). Heritage Tourism and Fishing Communities:
Opportunities and Challenges. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the
Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Bolton Landing, New York, April 9-11.
Steve Jacob. (2005). “Human Ecological Sources of Fishing Heritage and its Use in and Impact
on Coastal Tourism.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied
Anthropology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 5-April 10.
Steve Jacob and Michael Jepson. (2004). “Fishing Dependence? Factors Related to Residents’
Overestimation of the Importance of Commercial Fishing to the Local Economy.” Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Dallas, Texas,
March 31-April 4.
Michael Jepson and Steve Jacob. (2004). “The use of social indicators in fishery management.”
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Dallas,
Texas, March 31-April 4.
Steve Jacob and Michael Jepson. (2003). “What You See Is Not Always What You Get:
Aspect Dominance as a Confounding Factor in the Determination of Fishing Dependent
Communities.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied
Anthropology, Portland, Oregon, March 19-23.
Michael Jepson and Steve Jacob (2002). “Constructing Coastal Histories: Using GIS to Identify
Fishing Communities in Florida.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society
for Applied Anthropology, Atlanta, Georgia, March 6-10.
Pomeroy, Carlton and Steve Jacob (2002). “From Mangos to Manufacturing: Uneven
Development in the Dominican Republic.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Southern Rural Sociology Association, Orlando, Florida, February 2-6.
Nick Place and Steve Jacob. (2001). “International Experience: Pathways to Personal and
Professional Growth.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of International
Agricultural and Extension Education Society. Baton Rouge, LA. May 14-17.
Steve Jacob, Frank Farmer, and Michael Jepson. (2000). “Landing a Definition of Fishing
Dependent Communitities.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural
Sociological Society, Washington, DC.
Olanda Bata, Matt Baker, and Steve Jacob. (2000). “Professional Development Needs of State
and County Faculty.” 27th Annual National Agricultural Education Research Meeting.
San Francisco, CA. December 2000
Nick Place and Steve Jacob. “Balancing Work and Family: Professional Development Needs of
Extension Faculty.” (2000). 27th Annual National Agricultural Education Research
Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Suzanna Smith, Steve Jacob, and Charles Adams. (1999). “Social Impacts of the Florida Net
Ban.” Paper prepared for “Transformations in the Lives of Commercial Fishing Families
and Communities: Reports from the Late Twentieth Century.” Florida Sea Grant
College, Elise B. Newell Seminar.
Steve Jacob, Suzanna Smith and Michael Jepson. (1999). “Individual and Family Response to
Lost Income From Commercial In-Shore Net Fishing in Florida.” Paper prepared for the
Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Chicago, Illinois.
Steve Jacob, Suzanna Smith and Michael Jepson. (1999). “Theoretical and Practical
Considerations in Defining and Identifying Fishing-dependent Communities” Paper
prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Charlotte, North
Suzanna Smith, Steve Jacob, Glenn Israel, and Michael Jepson. (1998). “The stress process in
Florida’s commercial fishing families.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Rural Sociological Society, Portland, OR.
Steve Jacob, A.E. Luloff, and Jeffrey C. Bridger. (1997). “Social Well-being and the Rural
Community: an Empirical Exploration” Paper prepared for the 29th Annual Meeting of
the Community Development Society. Athens, GA.
Steve Jacob, A.E. Luloff, and Jeffrey C. Bridger. (1997). “Rural Communities and Mental
Health.” Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society.
Toronto, Ontario.
Glenn D. Israel, Steve Jacob, and William R. Summerhill. (1997). “An Evaluation of the
County Program Review Process.” Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the
American Evaluation Association, San Diego, CA.
Domenico Parisi, A.E. Luloff , and Steve Jacob. (1996). “Assessing the Impact of the
Wilderness Act Upon Tourism.” Paper prepared for the Sixth International Symposium
on Society and Resource Management. University Park, PA.
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Leif Jensen. (1995). “The Residualist Welfare Response: A
Decade Later.” Paper Prepared for the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society.
Pentagon City, VA.
Steve Jacob, Lisa Bourke, and A.E. Luloff. (1995). “Stress and the Rural Community.” Paper
Prepared for the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Pentagon City, VA.
A.E. Luloff, Steve Jacob, and Lisa Bourke. (1995). “Areas of Consensus and Dissensus:
Toward Forest Values and Standards.” Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the
Society of American Foresters. Portland, ME.
Steve Jacob and A.E. Luloff. (1994). "Concern with the Rural Environment: Urban Views on
the use of Agricultural Pesticides and Chemicals." Paper Prepared for the annual meeting
of the Rural Sociological Society. Portland, OR.
Lisa Bourke and Steve Jacob,. (1994). "Agricultural Security Areas: A Bane or Blessing for
Rural Areas." Paper Prepared for the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society.
Portland, OR.
Steve Jacob and A.E. Luloff. (1993). "The Influence of Rural Experience on Urbanites'
Definition of Rurality." Paper Prepared for the annual Northeastern Recreation Research
Symposium. Saratoga Springs, NY. May 1993.
Steve Jacob and A.E. Luloff. (1993). "Urban Residents' Cognitive Maps of Rural
Pennsylvania." Paper Prepared for the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society.
Orlando, FL.
Steve Jacob and Fern K. Willits. (1993). "Objective and Subjective Indicators of Community
Evaluation: A Pennsylvania Assessment." Paper Prepared for the annual meeting of the
Rural Sociological Society. Orlando, FL.
Steve Jacob and Fern K. Willits. (1991). "Citizen Satisfaction with Local Government: A
Pennsylvania Assessment." Paper Prepared for the annual meeting of the Rural
Sociological Society, Columbus OH.
Project and Research Reports:
Steve Jacob, Joshua Landau, Benjamin Blount, Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, and Priscilla Weeks.
(2013). “Social Impacts of the Allocation/Reallocation of Marine Fisheries Resources on
Communities in the Gulf Of Mexico and South Atlantic: Development of an Empirical
Predictive Model.” 159 pages. Marine Fisheries Initiative Competitive Grant Progam
Steve Jacob, Benjamin Blount, and Priscilla Weeks. (2010). “Development of Social Indicators
for Fishing Communities of the Southeast: Measures of dependence, vulnerability,
resilience and gentrification.” 165 pages. NOAA NMFS Saltonstall-Kennedy
Competitive Grant Program (NA08NMF427041).
Michael Jepson, Steve Jacob, Benjamin Blount, Palma Ingles, and Brent Stoffle. (2008)
“Guidance on the Social Analysis of the Allocation/Reallocation Process in the Gulf of
Mexico” 15 pages. Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council, Saint Petersberg,
Steve Jacob. (2008). “Data Analysis of Post-Hurricane Ethnographic Interviews from the Gulf
of Mexico: A Report Written for NOAA National Marine Fisheries Services Sustainable
Fisheries Division.” 76 pages NOAA NMFS SERO GA133FO8SE3978.
Steve Jacob. (2007). “Socioeconomic Environment” pages 52-61. in U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge: Comprehensive Conservation Plan. 227
pages, Author, Atlanta GA.
Steve Jacob. (2004). “Socioeconomic Environment of Hobe Sound” pages 63-72 in U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service. Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge: Comprehensive
Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment. 236 pages, Author, Atlanta, GA.
Steve Jacob, Michael Jepson, Carlton Pomeroy, Suzanna Smith, David Mulkey, and Charles
Adams. (2002). “Defining And Identifying Fishing-Dependent Communities:
Development And Confirmation Of A Protocol.” 214 pages, NOAA NMFS
Suzanna Smith, Steve Jacob, Charles Adams, Garret Evans, Glenn Israel, Nayda Torres. (1999).
“Technical Report: The Impacts of the Florida Net Ban on Commercial Fishing
Families.” 65 pages, Florida Sea Grant R/LR-E-17, NA76RG0120.
Steve Jacob. (1998). “Final Report: Socioeconomic Impacts of Loxahatchee and Hobe Sound
National Wildlife Refuge.” 35 pages, United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
A.E. Luloff, Steve Jacob, and Kenneth E. Martin. (1996). Forum For the Future: A Needs
Assessment of Central Pennsylvania Counties. 65 pages. South Eastern Development
Authority-Council of Governments: Lewisburg, PA.
A.E. Luloff, Lisa Bourke, Steve Jacob, and Sheila Seshan. (1995). Final Report: Farm and NonFarm Interdependencies at the Rural-Urban Interface. 240 pages. Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg, PA.
A.E. Luloff, Steve Jacob, James Finley, and Steve Jones. (1995). Results of February, 1995
Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunter Survey. 110 pages. Pennsylvania Game
Commission, Harrisburg, PA.
Externally Funded Grants:
“The Role of Shrimp Imports in the Decline of Shrimp Reliant Communities in the Gulf of
Mexico.” Cooperative Research Program (CRP) NOAA NMFS, August 1, 2010 to
August 1, 2011. Pris Weeks, P.I., Eric Biltonen, Steve Jacob, and Ben Blount.
“ Social Impacts Of The Allocation/Reallocation Of Marine Fisheries Resources On
Communities In The Gulf Of Mexico And South Atlantic: Development Of An
Empirical Predictive Model.” Marine Fisheries Initiative Competitive Grant Progam
(MARFIN). NOAA NMFS 09MF034(ESS), August 1, 2009 to August 1, 2010. Steve
Jacob, P.I., Joshua Landau, PI., Ben Blount, and Heather McIlvaine-Newsad.
“Development of Social Indicators for Fishing Communities of the Southeast: Measures of
dependence, vulnerability, resilience and gentrification.” NOAA NMFS SaltonstallKennedy Competitive Grant Program (NA08NMF427041). June 1, 2008 to May 31,
2009. Steve Jacob, P.I., Pris Weeks, P.I., and Ben Blount, P.I.
“Data Analysis of Post-Hurricane Ethnographic Interviews from the Gulf of Mexico A Report
Written for NOAA National Marine Fisheries Services Sustainable Fisheries Division.”
NOAA NMFS SERO GA133FO8SE3978. September 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.
Steve Jacob, P.I
“Rural Florida Life: Leisure and Quality of Life for Older Women.” University of Florida
Division of Sponsored Ressearch. July 1, 2001 to July 1, 2002. Heather Gibson, Candace
Ashton-Shaeffer, and Steve Jacob
"Defining And Identifying Fishing-Dependent Communities: Development and Confirmation of
a Protocol." Marine Fisheries Initiative Competitive Grants Progam (MARFIN). NOAA
NMFS NA87FF0433, October 1, 1998 to October 1, 2001. Steve Jacob, P.I., Suzanna
Smith, Charles Adams, and Dave Mulkey.
“Florida’s Innovators Program” Children, Youth, and Families at Risk, State Strengthening
Grant, CSREES May 1, 1998-May 1, 1999. Daniel F. Perkins, P.I., Millie Ferrer, P.I.,
Steve Jacob, Fedro S. Zazueta, and Howard Beck.
“The Impacts of the Florida Net Ban on Commercial Fishing Families.” Sea Grant R/LR-E-17,
NA76RG0120, February 1, 1997-July 31, 1998. Suzanna Smith, P.I., Steve Jacob,
Charles Adams, Garret Evans, Glenn Israel, Nayda Torres.
“The Florida Net Ban: The Impacts on Commercial Fishing Families and Fishing Dependent
Communities” Rural Sociological Society, Early Career Award Competition, July 1,
1998 - July 1, 1999. Steve Jacob, P.I. .
“Socioeconomic Assessment for the A.R.M. Loxahatchee and Hobe Sound National Wildlife
Refuges.” 1448-40181-98-M235, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission.
5/11/98-12/31/98. Steve Jacob, P.I. .
“Transformations in the Lives of Commercial Fishing Families and Communities: Reports from
the Late Twentieth Century.” Florida Sea Grant College, 1999 Elise B. Newell Seminar
Competion. 11/1/98-2/26/99. Suzanna Smith, P.I. and Steve Jacob, P.I.
Courses Taught:
York College of Pennsylvania
ANT 302
ANT 220
SOC 495 and BEH 495
SOC 490 and BEH 490
SOC 427 (special topics)
SOC 355
SOC 340
SOC 310
SOC 240
SOC 100
Applied Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Senior Seminar
Rural and Urban Communities in Transition
Design and Evaluation of Social Programs
Urban Sociology
Sociology of Organizations
Theory and Policy for Human Service Professionals
Introduction to Sociology
University of Florida
FYC 5611
FYC 4941
FYC 4801
FYC 4126
Theories of Community Development
Practicum in Family, Youth, and Community Science
Methods of Social Research
Urban and Rural Communities in Transition
Grant and Manuscript Reviews:
2015 Manuscript reviewer for Marine Fisheries Review
2014 –Present Manuscript reviewer for Leisure Sciences
2013-Present Manuscript reviewer Marine Policy
2008-Present Manuscript reviewer for the journal Fisheries.
1998-Present Manuscript reviewer for the Journal Society and Natural Resources.
2011 Reviewer for the Chesapeake Bay Trust Education, Engagement, and Restoration
Grant Competition.
2008 Reviewer for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council / Conseil de
recherche en sciences naturelles et en genie, Strategic Grant Projects for Canadian
2005 Reviewer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Oregon
Sea Grant Project Programs.
1997-2002 Manuscript reviewer for the Journal of the Community Development Society.
1997-2002 Manuscript reviewer for the Journal of the Southern Rural Sociological
1997-2002 Reviewer for the United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Marine Fisheries Service SaltonstallKennedy (S-K) program for competitive grants.
1997-2000 Reviewer for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) Program of the Competitive Research Grants Office
Community Service
Board of Directors York County Cooperative Extension 2/05/2004-9/01/2008
In February of 2004 I was appointed to the executive board of directors for York County
Cooperative Extension for a two year term. In December of 2005 I was elected as the secretary
of the board (one of three officers) and served in that capacity for the year. I was re-appointed to
the board for another two year term (there is a two term limit) in November of 2006. I was also
re-elected to the secretary position for an additional term. York County Cooperative Extension is
an agency jointly funded by federal, state, and local monies that has over twenty full-time
employees, and delivers informal research-based educational programs geared towards improving
people’s lives. My primary responsibilities are for the programming designed for youth development and
Board of Directors York Area Housing Group 9/01/2010-5/15/2012
York Area Housing Group is a not-for-profit subsidized housing provider for over 600 people
throughout York County. YAHG mission is to provide stable quality housing to improve the
lives of low-income elders. In addition to serving on the board I also served on the tenetrelations committee which worked diligently to ensure high quality living conditions for
residents. As part of this process one of my classes at York College of Pennsylvania conducted a
needs assessment survey with over 150 residents. The information was used to directly impact
services and conditions at the YAHG complexes. Later, a second survey was conducted to
assess the image of YAHG among other service providers in York County and a communications
plans was implemented to educate people who refer clients to YAHG about the available
services YAHG provides.