
Computer TestMODULE-1 Medical-13
1.The permeability of the irritable cell membrane has been increased for
potassium ions during an experiment. What changes of membrane electric status
can occur?
+ Hyperpolarization
- Depolarization
- Action potential
- Local response
- No changes
2.In course of an experiment a skeletal muscle is being stimulated by a series of
electric impulses. What type of muscle contraction will arise, if every subsequent
impulse comes in the period of relaxation of single muscle contraction?
- Asynchronous tetanus
- Muscle contracture
- A series of single contractions
+ Partial tetanus
- Holotetanus
3. In course of experiment a skeletal muscle is being stimulated by a series of
electric impulses. What type of muscle contraction will arise, if every subsequent
impulse comes in the period of shortening of the previous single muscle
+ Holotetanus
- Muscle contracture
- Asynchronous tetanus
- Partial tetanus
- A series of a single contractions
4. An isolated muscle fiber is under experiment. It was ascertained that
excitement threshold of a cell was significantly lowered. What might have caused
this phenomenon?
- Inactivation of membrane sodium channels
- Activation of membrane potassium channels
- Inactivation of membrane potassium channels
- Blockade of energy production in the cell
+ Activation of membrane sodium channels
5. Stimulation of an excitable cell by the electric current has led to the
depolarization of its membrane. The depolarization has been caused mainly by
the following ions penetrating into the cell through its membrane:
- K+
- Cl- Ca2+
+ Na+
- HCO-3
6. Which muscle contraction will be observed in the upper extremity during
holding (not moving) a load in a certain position?
- Concentric
+ Isometric
- Excentric
- Isotonic
- Auxotonic
9. As a result of activation of the ion channels of the external membrane the rest
potential of the excitable cell has greatly increased. What channels were
- Fast calcium channels
+ Potassium channels
- Slow calcium channels
- Sodium and calcium channels
- Sodium channels
10. Microelectrode technique allowed to register a potential following “all-or
none” low and being able of undecremental spreading. Specify this potential:
- Receptor potential
- Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
- Excitatory postsynaptic potential
- Rest potential
+ Action potential
11. Transport of some substances is accompained by utilization of metabolic
energy (ATP energy). This process is called:
- Osmosis
- Filtration
+ Active transport
- Facilitated diffusion
- Simple diffusion
12. What ion mechanism is responsible for development of depolarization phase
of action potential?
- Potassium outflux
- Calcium influx into the cell
- Potassium influx into the cell
- Sodium outflux
+ Sodium influx into the cell
13. Stable contraction of myofibrilla of muscle fibres takes place due to
accumulation of the following ions in the cytoplasm:
- Hydrogen
- Potassium
- Magnesium
+ Calcium
- Sodium
14. What substance blocks the conduction of excitation in the neuromuscular
- Somatostatin
- Noradrenaline
- Adrenaline
- Aspartate
+ Curare
15. When determining the changes in membrane permeability during an action
potential it was established that during the depolarization phase the following
movements predominates:
- Movement of Na+ out of the cell
- Movement of Cl- into the cell
- Movement of K+ out of the cell
- Movement of K+ into the cell
+ Movement of Na+ into the cell
16. Name inhibitory transmitters:
- Acetylcholine and DABA
- Serotonine and glycin
- Noradrenaline and dopamine
+ GABA and glycin
- Adrenaline and noradrenaline
17. During preventive examination of a patient a doctor revealed considerable
weakening of patellar-tendon reflex. What part of CNS might be affected?
- Metencepdalon
- Cerebellum
- Thalamencephalon
- Mesencephalon
+ Spinal cord
18. What mediator provides information transmission from nerve termination of
motoneurons to the fibres of skeletal muscles?
+ Acetylcholine
- Adrenaline
- Serotonin
- Noradrenaline
19. To relax skeletal muscles during complex surgeries, curarelike substances are
applied. These substances block the following structures:
- Synaptic structures of the spinal cord
- Red nuclei of the mesencephalon
- Basal ganglion
+ Neuromuscular synapses
- Vegetative ganglions
20. A man got an injection of curarelike substance causing the relaxation of all
skeletal muscles. What is its mechanism of action?
- Block of Ca2+- channels of presynaptic membrane
- Disturbance of cholinesterase synthesis
- Disturbance of acetylcholine synthesis
+ Block of cholinergic receptors of postsynaptic membrane
- Disturbance of acetylcholine secretion
21. Drugs that block certain channels can prevent the transmission of excitation
from presynaptic membrane to the postsynaptic membrane of synapse. What
channels are blocked?
+ Sodium
- Calcium
- Potassium ATP-dependant
- Chlorine
- Potassium potential-dependent
22. Which of these chemical substances CANNOT act as an excitatory
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system?
- Noradrenaline
- Serotonine
- Substance P
- Dopamine
+ Glycine
23. In order to reduce heart rate during tachycardia alternative medicine doctors
recommend to induce artificial vomiting. Specify the efferent nerve of this reflex:
- Phrenic nerve
- Sympathetic (abdominal) nerve
- Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Hypoglossus
+ Vagus
24. In order to increase the inhibitory processes in the CNS the pharmacological
agents are used that cause the following process on the postsynaptic membranes:
- Depolarization
- Afterdepolarization
- Activation of calcium channels
- Activation of sodium channels
+ Hyperpolarization
25. While performing finger-nose test the examinee could not touch the tip of his
nose with his fingertip having his eyes closed. What structure of the central
nervous system is damaged?
- Thalamus
- Cortex
+ Cerebellum
- Spinal cord
- Quadrigeminal plate
26. As a result of damage to certain structures of brainstem an animal lost
orientation reflexes. What structures were damaged?
- Black substance
- Vestibular nuclei
- Red nuclei
+ Quadritubercular bodies
- Medial nuclei of reticular formation
27. As a result of spinal-cord trauma a 33 y.o. man has a disturbed pain and
temperature sensitivity that is caused by damage of the following tract:
- Anterior spinocerebellar
- Posterior spinocerebellar
- Lateral spinocortical
- Medial spinocortical
+ Spinothalamic
28. As a result of destruction of certain brainstem structures an animal has lost its
orientative reflexes in response to strong photic stimuli. What structures were
- Red nuclei
- Posterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate
- Vestibular nuclei
+ Anterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate
- Black substance
29. Deglutition of a patient is disturbed as a result of a trauma. The most probable
cause of this disturbance is affection of the following part of CNS.
+ Medulla oblongata
- Spinal cord. CV-VI
- Hypothalamus
- Mesencephalon
- Spinal cord. Th II-IV
30. During an experiment the myotatic reflex has been studied in frogs. After
extension in a skeletal muscle its reflectory contraction was absent. The reason
for it might be a dysfunction of the following receptors:
- Articular
- Golgi tendon organs
+ Muscle spindles
- Nociceptors
- Tactile
31. During an experiment the dorsal roots of the spinal cord of the animal have
been cut. What changes will be observed in the innervation zone?
- Decrease in muscle tone
- Sensitivity loss and loss of motor functions
- Increase in muscle tone
+ Sensitivity loss
- Loss of motor functions
32. An animal has an increased tonus of extensor muscles. This is the result of
intensified information transmission to the motoneurons of the spinal cord
through the following descending pathways:
- Medial corticospinal
+ Vestibulospinal
- Reticulospinal
- Rubrospinal
- Lateral corticospinal
33. A man presents with increased heart rate, mydriatic pupils, dry mouth. This
condition results from the activation of the following system of function
+ Sympathetic
- Metasympathetic
- Vago-insular
- Parasympathetic
- Hypothalamo-pitutary-adrenal
34. A patient staggers and walks astraddle. He has hypomyotonia of arm and leg
muscles, staccato speech. In what brain section is this affection localized?
+ Cerebellum
- Red nucleus
- Caudate nucleus
- Motor cortex
- Putamen
35. A patient got an injury of spinal marrow in a road accident that caused loss of
tactile sensation, posture sense, vibration sense. What conduction tracts are
+ Anterior spinocerebellar tract
- Tectospinal tract
- Fascicle of Goll and cuneate fascicle
- Rubrospinal tract
- Reticulospinal tract
36. Brain tomography revealed a tumor in the region of red nucleus. What part of
brain is damaged?
+ Midbrain
- Interbrain
- Medulla oblongata
- Cerebellum
- Pons cerebelli
37. One of the sections of central nervous system has layerwise arrangement of
neurocytes. Among them there are cells of the following forms: stellate, fusiform,
horisontal, pyramidal. What section of central nervous system is this structure
typical for?
+ Cortex of cerebrum
- Hypothalamus
- Medulla oblongata
- Spinal cord
- Cerebellum
38. A patient underwent an extraction of a part of a CNS structures by medical
indications. As a result of the extraction the patient developed atony, astasia,
intention tremor, ataxy and adiadocholinesis. Which part of CNS structure had
been extracted?
- Hippocamp
+ Cerebellum
- Basal ganglions
- Limbic system
- Amygdaloid corpus
39. As a result of trauma a patient has damaged anterior roots of spinal cord.
What structures have been affected?
+ Axons of motoneurons and axons of neurons of lateral horns
- Axons of neurons of lateral horns
- Dendrites of neurons of spinal ganglions
- Central processes of sensitive neurons of spinal ganglions
- Peripheral processes of sensitive spinal ganglions
40. A sportsman was examined after an intensive physical activity. The
examination revealed disorder of movement coordination but the force of muscle
contraction remained the same. It can be explained by retarded speed of
excitement conduction through:
- Afferent nerves
- Conduction tracts
+ Central synapses
- Efferent nerves
- Neuromuscular synapses
41. A patient got an injury of spinal marrow in a road accident that caused loss of
tactile sensation, posture sense, vibration sense. What conduction tracts are
- Fascicle of Goll and cuneate fascicle
+ Anterior spinocerebellar tract
- Reticulospinal tract
- Rubrospinal tract
- Tectospinal tract
42. Vegetative abnormalities in the sleep, heat regulation, all kinds of
metabolism, diabetes insipidus are developing in the patient due to grouth of the
tumour in the III ventricle of brain. Irritation of the nucleus of what part of the
brain can cause these symptoms?
- Pons cerebelli
- Medulla
+ Hypothalamus
- Mesencephalic tegmentum
- Cerebral peduncles (cruses cerebri)
43. Inhabitants of territories with cold climate have high content of an adaptive
thermoregulatory hormone. What hormone is meant?
- Cortisol
- Glucagon
- Insulin
- Somatotropin
+ Thyroxin
44. A 2 y.o. child has convulsions as a result of lowered concentration of calcium
ions in blood plasma. It is caused by reduced function of :
- Thymus
+ Parathyroid glands
- Hypophysis
- Adrenal cortex
- Pineal gland
45.Examination of a patient revealed hyperkaliemia and hyponatremia. Low
secretion of which hormone may cause such changes?
- Natriuretic
+ Aldosteron
- Cortisol
- Parathormone
- Vasopressin
46. Parents of a 10 y.o. boy consulted a doctor about extension of hair-covering,
growth of beard, and moustache, low voice. Intensified secretion of which
hormone must be assumed?
- Of oestrogen
- Of progesteron
- Of somatotropin
- Of cortisole
+ Of testosterone
47. A girl is diagnosed with androgenital syndrome (pseudohermaphroditism).
This pathology was caused by hypersecretion of the following adrenal hormone:
- Cortisol
- Adrenalin
- Aldosterone
- Estrogen
+ Androgen
48. Amount of urine is 10 l a day. Glucose concentration in blood is normal, urine
contains no glucose. Such concentration may be caused by deficiency of the
following hormone:
- Triiodthyronine
+ Vasopressine
- Oxytocine
- Cortisole
- Insulin
49. A 20 year old patient complains of morbid thirst and hyperdiuresis (up to 10 l
daily). Glucose concentration in blood is normal but it is absent in urine. The
patient has been diagnosed diabetes insipidus. What hormonal drug is the most
appropriate for management of this disorder?
- Thyroxin
- Cortisol
- Oxytocin
+ Vasopressin
- Insulin
50. A 35 y.o. patient diagnosted with sterility came to gynaecological department
for diagnostic biopsy of endometrium. Microscopic examination revealed that
mucous membrane is edematous, uterine glands are convoluted and filled with
thick secret. Such changes of the endometrium are caused by excess of the
following hormone:
- Testosterone
+ Estrogen
- Somatotropin
- Progesterone
51. After a surgical procedure an experimental animal died from intense
convultions. What endocrine glands were extracted?
+ Parathyroid
- Thyroid
- Ovaries
- Adrenals
- Testicles
52. A patient has been given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time. This
caused atrophy of one of the adrenal cortex zones. Which zone is it?
- Glomerular and reticular
- Glomerular
- Reticular
+ Fascicular
53. A 32-year patient consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation after
parturition. Such disorder must be explained by the deficit of the following
- Vasopressin
- Glucagon
- Thyrocalcitonin
+ Prolactin
- Somatotropin
54. Examination of a patient revealed overgrowth of facial bones and soft tissues,
tongue enlargement, wide interdental spaces in the enlarged dental arch. What
changes of the hormonal secretion are the most likely?
- Hyposecretion of insulin
- Hyposecretion of thyroxine
- Hyposecretion of the somatotropic hormone
- Hypersecretion of insulin
+ Hypersecretion of the somatotropic hormone
55. To prevent the transplant rejection after organ transplantation it is required
to administer hormonotherapy for the purpose of immunosuppression. What
hormones are used for this purpose?
- Sexual hormones
+ Glucocorticoids
- Catecholamines
- Mineralocorticoids
- Thyroid
56. A middle-aged man went to a foreign country because he had been offered a
job there. However he had been unemployed for quite a long time. What
endocrine glands were exhausted most of all in this man?
- Substernal gland
- Thyroid gland
- Seminal glands
- Parathyroid glands
+ Adrenal glands
57. People adapted to high external temperatures have such pecularity: profuse
sweating isn’t accompained by loss of large volumes of sodium chloride. This is
caused by the effect of the following hormone upon the perspiratory glands:
+ Aldosterone
- Natriuretic
- Cortisol
- Thyroxine
- Vasopressin
58. A 44 year old woman complains of general weakness, heart pain, significant
increase of body weight. Objectively: moon face, hirsutism, AP is 165/110 mm Hg,
height – 164 cm, weight – 103 kg; the fat is most accumulated on the neck,
thoracic girdle, belly. What is the main pathogenic mechanism of obesity?
- Increased mineralocorticoid production
+ Increased production of glucocorticoids
- Reduced production of thyroid hormones
- Increased insulin production
- Reduced glucagon production
59. A concentrated solution of sodium chloride was intravenously injected to an
animal. This caused decreased reabsorption of sodium ions in the renal tubules. It
is the result of the following changes of hormonal secretion:
- Reduction of atrial natriuretic factor
- Aldosterone increase
+ Aldosterone reduction
- Vasopressin increase
- Vasopressin reduction
60. The secretion of which hypophysial hormones will be inhibited after taking the
oral contraceptives containing sex hormones?
- Somatotropic hoemone
+ Gonadotropic hormones
- Thyrotropic hormone
- Vasopressin
- Oxytocin
61. A female patient presents with endocrine dysfunction of follicular cells of the
ovarian follicles resulting from inflammation. The synthesis of the following
hormone will be inhibited:
- Lutropin
- Follistatine
+ Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Follicle stimulating hormone
62. A patient complains of hydruria (7 liters per day) and polydipsia. Examination
reveals no disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. These abnormalities might be
caused by the dysfunction of the following endocrine gland:
- Adrenal cortex
- Islets of Langergans (pancreatic islets)
+ Neurohypophysis
- Adrenal medulla
- Adenohypophysis
63. Before the cells can utilize the glucose, it is first transported from the
extracellular space through the plasmatic membrane inside them. This process is
stimulated by the following hormone:
- Glucagon
- Thyroxine
- Adrenaline
- Aldosterone
+ Insulin
64. Examination of 43 year old patient revealed a tumour of adenohypophysis.
Objectively: the patient’s weight is 117 kg, he has moon-like face, red-blue striae
of skin distention on the belly. Osteoporosis and muscle dystrophy are present.
AP is 210/140 mm Hg. What is the most probable diagnosis?
- Cushing’s disease
- Conn’s disease
+ Cushing’s syndrome
- Diabetes mellitus
- Essential hypertension
65. A child has abnormal formation of tooth enamel and dentin as a result of low
concentration of calcium ions in blood. Such abnormalities might be caused by
deficiency of the following hormone:
- Thyrocalcitonine
+ Parathormone
- Thyroxin
- Triiodthyronine
- Somatotropic hormone
66. A 5-month-old boy was hospitalized for tonic convultions. He has a life-time
history of this disease. Examination revealed coarse hair, thinned and fragile nails,
pale and dry skin. In blood: calcium – 1,5 millimole/l, phosphor – 1,9 millimole/l.
These changes are associated with:
- Hypoaldosteronism
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperparathyroidism
+ Hypoparathyroidism
- Hyperaidosteronism
67. Paradontitis is treated with calcium preparations and a hormone that
stimulates tooth mineralization and inhibits tissue resorption. What hormone is
- Adrenalin
- Thyroxine
- Aldosterone
+ Calcitonin
- Parathormone
68. A nurse accidentally injected a nearly double dose of insulin to a patient with
diabetes mellitus. The patient lapsed into a hypoglycemic coma. What drug
should be injected in order to help him out of coma?
- Insulin
- Noradrenaline
- Somatotropin
+ Glucose
- Lidase
69. Osmotic pressure of a man’s blood plasma is 350 mosmol/l (standard pressure
is 300 mosmole/l). First of all it will result in high secretion of the following
- Aldosteron
- Cortisol
- Adrenocorticotropin
+ Vasopressin
- Natriuretic
70. Preventive examination of a woman revealed enlargement of her thyroid
gland, exophthalmos, high body temperature, increase of heart rate up to 110
times per minute. It is advisable to determine content of the following hormone
in blood.
- Insulin
- Cortisol
- Adrenaline
+ Thyroxine
- Noradrenaline
71.Introduction of a hormone into a man’s organism resulted in increased water
reabsorption in kidneys, high vascular tone, rise of arterial pressure. What
hormone was introduced?
- Noradrenaline
- Aldosterone
+ Vasopressin
- Thyroxine
- Adrenaline
72. A woman in labour was given a preparation that activates contractions of
smooth uterine muscles. What hormone is contained in this preparation?
- Angiotensin
- Secretin
+ Oxytocin
- Bradykinine
- Gastrin
73. A boy of 4 year old. Glucose concentration in blood plasma is 12 millimole/l.
This might be caused by deficiency of the following hormone:
- Adrenocorticotropin
- Cortisol
- Somatotropin
+ Insulin
- Glucagon
74. What disorders are possible as a result of thyroid insufficiency during infancy?
- Nanism
- Basedow’s disease
+ Cretinism
- Itsenko-Cushing syndrome
- Gigantism
75. A patient has bradycardia, moderate hypotension, decrease of basal
metabolism, edemata. What abnormality can induce such syndrome?
- Parathyroid hypofunction
- Adrenal hypofunction
- Parathyroid hyperfunction
+ Thyroid hypofunction
- Thyroid hyperfunction
76. Anxious condition can be characterized by reduced salivation and sense of dry
mouth. What mediator is exuded out of nerve terminals innervating salivary
- Histamine
- Serotonin
- Acetylcholine
+ Noradrenaline
77. Introduction of glucocorticoids induces strengthening of glucose
concentration in blood. Which of the following processes will be activated in
+ Gluconeogenesis
- Glycogenolysis
- Glycolysis
- Ketogenesis
- Oxidation of fatty acids
78. Early pregnancy test involves analysis of a woman’s urine. Pregnancy is
ascertained by presence of the following hormone:
- Aldosterone
- Estriol
- Testosterone
+ Chorionic gonadotropin
- Progesterone
79. The thyroid gland synthesizes a hormone that lowers the rate of Ca2+
concentration in blood thus facilitating its deposition in bones. What hormone is
+ Calcitonine
- Triiodthyronine
- Parathormone
- Adrenaline
- Thyroxine
80. Parents of a 11-year-old boy noticed that he is far behind his peers in the
physical development. After the X-ray an endocrinologist revealed that the
growth zones of tubular bones had already closed. Under these conditions, the
intake of growth hormone can result in the development of:
- Dwarfism
- Gigantism
+ Acromegaly
- Myxedema
- Cretinism
81. Which of the following presentations can be explained by the functional
effects of adrenaline?
- Dilatation of the skin vessels
- Decrease in heart rate
- High uropoiesis
+ Relaxation of bronchial muscles
- Intensification of stomach and intestines contraction
82. Alpha cells of pancreas stimulate synthesis of the glucagon hormone that is
involved into the carbohydrate metabolism. It has the following effect on liver
+ Activates glycogenolysis
- Activates alcocholic fermentation
- Inhibits glycolysis
- Activates lypogenesis
- Inhibits glycogenolysis
83. After an insulin injection a 45 year-old woman with a long history of diabetes
mellitus has developed weakness, paleness, palpitation, anxiety, double vision,
numbness of lips and the tip of tongue. Blood glucose is at the rate of 2,5 mmol/l.
What complication has developed in the patient?
+ Hypoglycemic coma
- Hyperketonic coma
- Uremic coma
- Hyperosmolar coma
- Hyperglycemic coma
84. Food rich in carbohydrates at first increases the blood glucose and then
decreases its rate due to the insulin action. What process is activated by this
- Breakdown of proteins
- Breakdown of glycogen
- Breakdown of lipids
- Gluconeogenesis
+ Synthesis of glycogen
85. A patient has a heamorrhage into the posterior central gyrus. What type of
sensitivity on the opposite side will be disturbed?
- Olfactory
- Auditory
- Visual
- Auditory and visual
+ Skin and proprioceptive
86. A 60 y.o. patient has a reduced perception of high-frequency sounds. What
structures’ disorder of auditory analizer caused these changes ?
- Tympanic memrane
- Eustachian tube
+ Main membrane of cochlea near the oval window
- Muscles of middle ear
- Main membrane of cochlea near helicotrema
87. According to audiometry data a patient has a disturbed perception of
medium-frequency sounds. It might have been caused by a damage of:
- Spiral ganglion
- Cochlear nuclei
+ Middle part of helix
- Quadritubercular structure
- Lateral geniculate bodies
88. A man who went for a ride on a roundabout had amplification of heart rate,
sweating and nausea. What receptors stimulation us it primarily connected with?
- Visual
+ Vestibular
- Auditory
- Tactors
- Proprioceptors
89. Vitamin A deficit results in the impairment of twilight vision. Name the cells
that have the above-mentioned photoreceptor function:
- Cone receptor cells
+ Rod receptor cells
- Ganglion neurocytes
- Bipolar neurons
- Horizontal neurocytes
90. A patient complains of dizziness and hearing loss. What nerve is damaged?
- Trochlear
- Trigeminus
- Sublingual
+ Vestibulocochlear
- Vagus
91. A man has normal sensitivity of his finger skin, however he doesn’t sense his
wedding ring around his finger. What process induced by wearing of the ring has
caused this phenomenon?
- Abnormality of the epidermis structure
- Abnormality of the receptor structure
+ Receptors adaptation
- Development of the fibrous tissue
- Impaired circulation
92. A man who is riding the carousel presents with increased heart rate, sweating,
nausea. This condition is caused primarily by the stimulation of the following
+ Vestibular ampullar
- Auditory
- Visual
- Vestibular otholitic
- Proprioceptors
93. Surface with an intact toad on it was inclined to the right. Tone of extensor
muscles became reflectory higher due to the activation of the following
- Proprioreceptors
- Photoreceptors of retina
- Vestibuloreceptors of semilunar ducts
- Mechanoreceptors of foot skin
+ Vestibuloreceptors of utricle and saccle
94. A patient got a trauma that caused dysfunction of motor centres regulating
activity of head muscles. In what parts of cerebral cortex is the respective centre
normally localizaed?
+ Inferior part of precentral gyrus
- Angular gyrus
- Superior parietal lobule
- Superior part of precentral gyrus
- Supramarginal gyrus
95. In a course of an experiment thalamocortical tracts were cut. What type of
sensory perception remained intact?
- Visual
+ Olfactory
- Auditory
- Exteroceptive
- Nociceptive
96. A 64 year old woman has impairment of twilight vision (hemeralopy). What
vitamin should be recommended in the first place?
- Vitamin E
+ Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B2
97. A 60 year old patient has impaired perception of high-frequency sounds.
These changes were caused by damage of the following auditory analyzer
- Eustachian tube
- Main cochlea membrane near the helicotrema
- Tympanic membrane
+ Main cochlea membrane near the oval window
- Middle ear muscles
98. A man having a hearing loss after a head trauma was delivered to the
neurosurgery department. The cause of the hearing loss might be the damage of
the following lobe of the cerebral cortex:
- Frontal
- Occipital
- Posterior gyrus
- Parietal
+ Temporal
99. A 75-year-old-female patient with complains of visual impairment has been
delivered to the ophthalmologic department. Objective examination revealed a
brain tumor in area of the left optic tract. The patient has a visual field defect in
the following area:
- Left and right halves of the left eye retina
- Left and right halves of the right eye retina
- Left and right halves of both eyes retina
+ Left and right halves of both eyes retina
- Right half of both eyes retina
100. A patient consulted a doctor about loss of taste sensitivity on the tongue
root. The doctor revealed that it is caused by nerve affection. Which nerve is it?
+ Glossopharyngeal
- Superlaryngeal nerve
- Vagus nerve
- Trigeminal nerve
- Facial nerve
101. A patient consulted a doctor about a sensation of imbalance which appeared
after a trauma. Which nerve is damaged?
- Facial nerve
- Intermediate nerve
+ Vestibulocochlear nerve
- Vagus nerve
- Trigeminal nerve
103. After traumatic tooth extraction a patient is complaining of acute, dull,
poorly localized pain in gingiva, body temperature rise up to 37,50C. The patient
has been diagnosed with alveolitis. Specify the kind of pain in the patient:
- Epicritic
- Visceral
- Heterotopic
- Phantom
+ Protopathic
104. During rocking a passenger became seasick. High excitability of which
structures causes this phenomenon in the first place?
- Vagus nerves
- Vasculomotor centre
- Vomiting centre
- Sympathetic system
+ Vestibular receptors
105. A patient has impaired mesopic vision, his photopic vision is normal. What is
the probable cause of such vision abnormality?
- Hyperopia
- Myopia
+ Vitamin A deficiency
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Cones disfunction
106. An elderly woman complains of twilight vision impairment. Which of the
following vitamins should be administered in this case?
- PP
107. As a result of rocking a passenger has developed the sea sickness. The
reflexes causing the development of the sickness are provoked by the excitment
of the following receptors:
- Visual
+ Vestibular
- Gustatory
- Olfactory
- Tactile
108. Examination of a patient revealed a strong, balanced, inert type of higher
nervous activity according to Pavlov. What temperament type does the patient
- Sanguine
- Choleric
- Melancholic
+ Phlegmatic
109. A student takes notes of a lecture. Quality of his notes became significantly
worse when his neighbors began talking. What type of conditional reflex
inhibition was the cause of it?
- Delayed
- Extinctive
+ External
- Differentiated
- Protective
110. What meaning in man activity has the extinction as a type of the internal
- Distraction and switching of attention
+ Forgetting
- Tactfulness, breeding, ability to wait
- Cognition, distinction, studies
- Concentration of attention
111. A student is taking notes of the lecture diligently. Quality of his work became
worse considerably, when the neighbours had begun to speak. What type of
Pavlovian reflexes inhibition is the reason for it?
- Extinction
- Transmarginal
+ External
- Differentiation
- Delayed
112. What temperament (after Hippocrates) corresponds to the strong, balanced,
inert type of higher nervous activity (after I.P. Pavlov)?
+ Phlegmatic
- Sanguine
- Choleric
- Melancholic
- Asthenic
113. Psychological research set: a man has good ability to adapt to a new
situation quickly, excellent memory, emotional firmness, high capacity for work.
Probably, this man is:
+ Sanguine
- Choleric
- Melancholic
- Phlegmatic
- Phlegmatic with the elements of melancholic person
114. What temperament (after Hippocrates) corresponds to the strong, unstable
type of higher nervous activity (after I.P. Pavlov)?
- Phlegmatic
- Sanguine
+ Choleric
- Melancholic
- Asthenic
115. What temperament (after Hippocrates) corresponds to the strong, balanced,
inert type of higher nervous activity (after I.P. Pavlov)?
+ Phlegmatic
- Sanguine
- Choleric
- Melancholic
- It is impossible to define
116. What temperament (after Hippocrates) corresponds to the strong, balanced,
mobile type of higher nervous activity (after I.P. Pavlov)?
- Phlegmatic
+ Sanguine
- Choleric
- Melancholic
- Asthenic
117. What temperament (after Hippocrates) corresponds to the weak type of
higher nervous activity (after I.P. Pavlov)?
- Phlegmatic
- Sanguine
- Choleric
- Asthenic
118. What rhythm of EEG characterizes the state of active activities of man?
- Alpha- rhythm
+ Beta-rhythm
- Тhеtа-rhythm
- Delta-rhythm
- „Alpha-spindles"
119. The inspection of a patient revealed motor aphasia. Where is the focus of
damage located?
+ The Broca’s Center
- The Herschl’s gyrus
- Angular gyrus
- Postcentral gyrus
- Central gyrus
120. What rhythm of EEG characterizes the wakeful state with closed eyes?
+ Alpha- rhythm
- Beta-rhythm
- Тhеtа-rhythm
- Delta-rhythm
- All answers are correct
121. What waves of EEG describe deep orthodox sleep?
- Alpha- rhythm
- Beta-rhythm
- Тhеtа-rhythm
+ Delta-rhythm
- „Alpha-spindles"
122. The examination of patient found out a sensory aphasia. What area of the
cerebral cortex is damaged?
+ Wernicke’s center
- Postcentral gyrus
- Angular gyrus
- Broca’s center
- Central gyrus
123. EEG showed alpha-rhythm in the occipital leads. What is the state of the
- Deep sleep
+ Rest with the closed eyes
- Rest with the opened eyes
- Stress
- State of anesthesia
124. In a patient Wernicke’s center is damaged as a result of cerebral stroke.
What consequences will it lead to?
+ Violation of verbal speech understanding
- Violation of account
- Violation of verbal speech reproducing
- Violation of writing speech reproducing
- Violation of writing speech understanding
125. A man was sitting in an arm-chair with the closed eyes, when a telephone
rang. How will his EEG change?
- Beta-rhythm will change into thеtа-rhythm
+ Alpha-rhythm will change into beta-rhythm
- Alpha-rhythm will increase
- Thеtа-rhythm will increase
- Thеtа-rhythm will change into alpha-rhythm
126. In a patient Broca’s center is damaged. What consequences will it lead to?
+ Violation of verbal speech reproducing
- Violation of verbal speech understanding
- Violation of account
- Violation of writing speech reproducing
- Violation of writing speech understanding
127. On what areas of tongue receptors, perceiving the sour are mainly located?
- On the tip of the tongue
- On the middle part of the tongue
+ On the lateral parts of the tongue
- On the root of the tongue
- On the all surface of the tongue
128. How is the eye with decreased length, but normal optical power named?
- Emmetropic
- Myopic
- All answers are correct
- Astigmatic
+ Hypermetropic
129. What is the achromasia?
- Inability to percept the red color
- Inability to percept the green color
- Inability to percept the dark blue color
+ Complete color blindness
- Normal perception of colors
130. A doctor-oculist exposed the improvement of sight in a young man at use of
collective lenses. What anomaly of refraction is in this man?
- Astigmatism
+ Hypermetropia
- Trytanopia
- Colour-blindness
- Myopia
131. The center of the eye accommodation is in:
- Lateral horns of spinal cord
- Medulla oblongata
- Nuclei of 4 pair of cranial nerves of midbrain
+ Nuclei of 3 pair of cranial nerves of midbrain
- Hypothalamus
132. In what areas of the tongue receptors, perceiving bitter are mainly located?
- On the tip of the tongue
- On the middle part of the tongue
- On the lateral parts of the tongue
+ On the root of the tongue
- On all surface of the tongue
133. How is an eye, having normal length, but diminished optical force named?
- Emmetropic
- Myopic
- Astigmatic
- All above answers are correct
+ Hypermetropic
134.What is the tritanopia?
- Inability to perceive red color
- Inability to perceive green color
+ Inability to perceive dark blue color
- Inability to perceive any color
- Normal colour vision
135. Doctor-oculist discovered that a patient did not perceive a red color. What
anomaly he has?
- Hypermetropia
- Myopia
- Deuteranopia
+ Protanopia
- Trytanopia
136. A man has the burn of the tongue root. Perception of what taste stimuli is
the most broken in him?
- Sour
- Sweet
- Salt
- Bitter and salt
+ Bitter
137. The center of reflex of pupil narrowing is in:
- Lateral horns of the spinal cord
- Medulla oblongata
- Nuclei of 4 pair of cranial nerves in midbrain
+ Nuclei of 3 pair of cranial nerves in midbrain
- Hypothalamus
138. In what areas of the tongue taste receptors, perceiving the salt are mainly
+ On the tip of the tongue
- On the middle part the tongue
- On the lateral parts of the tongue
- On the root of the tongue
- On all surface of the tongue
139. How is an eye, having increased optical force and length named?
- Hypermetropic
- Emmetropic
+ Myopic
- Astigmatic
- Presbyopic
140. What is the deuteranopia?
- Inability to percept red color
+ Inability to percept green color
- Inability to percept blue color
- Complete inability to percept any color
- Normal color vision
141. The center of the pupil dilation reflex is in:
+ Lateral horns of spinal cord
- Medulla oblongata
- Nuclei of 4 pair of cranial nerves of middle brain
- Nuclei of 3 pair of cranial nerves of middle brain
- Hypothalamus
142. What range of audio frequencies is perceived in youth age?
+ 16 – 20000 Hz
- 2000 – 20000 Hz
- 1,6 – 20000 Hz
- 160 – 30000 Hz
- 1600 – 30000 Hz
143. On what areas of tongue are receptors, perceiving sweet mainly located?
+ On the tip of the tongue
- In the middle part of the tongue
- On the lateral areas of the tongue
- On the root of tongue
- In all surface of the tongue
144. How is an eye with the normal optical power, but increased length named?
- Hypermetropic
- Emmetropic
+ Myopic
- Astigmatic
- Presbyopic
145. A man at first looked in the window, and then he began to read a book. Due
to the change of what part of the optical media of the eye states its refractive
power is multiplied?
- Corneas
+ Cristaline lens
- Vitreous body
- Moisture of front chamber of the eye
- Moisture of back chamber of the eye