Premature infant

Premature infant
‫الدكتور عبد المهدي عبد الرضا حسن‬
Ph,D, Pediatric & Mental Health Nursing
Lecturer ,college of Nursing, Babylon University
.Preterm is responsible for more deaths during the first year of life
Premature infants are those delivered before 37 wks. old, low birth
weight infants are those who weight 2500 gm or less at birth owing
to either a shortened gestational period or a less than expected
.growth rate or both
Premature and low birth weight usually occur together both carrying a high
.rate of morbidity and mortality
Post-mature infants: those born after a prolonged gestation show
.attainments in growth and development
Approximately 10% of all live births are premature, the standard of
prematurity should be the number of days of gestation but this standard
correlates with weight, length and activity of newborn because weight is
after indicated of prematurity and physiologic immaturity premature or low
birth weight infant consider being one who weights 2500 gm or less at
‫ اسباب الطفل الخديج‬Causes of premature infant
:Causes are unknown, but may be
.Low socioeconomic groups
.Inadequate parental care
.Multiple birth and frequent cause of prematurity
Relation between use of contraceptive ad multiple
.Toxemia of pregnancy
.Ante partum hemorrhage
.Premature rupture of membrance
.Cardiac disease
.Over weight D.M
Sever sensitization to Rh bleed factors, heavy
.smoking and drink dray
. years 17 <
.years 35
.Abnormality of pelvis
.Injury to mother or fetus
.Malnutrition mother
‫ صفات الطفل الخديج‬Characteristics of premature infant
Small and limp: thin skin wrinkled and red excessive
of lanugo, little or no vernio caseosa, head is large
with prominent eyes soft and receding chine less firm
thorax, protrude abdomen, small muscles, soft
deficient subcutaneous tissue. Engorgement of the
breast is absent. Absent of sucking, swallowing and
.gag reflexes
:Physiological handicaps
.Poor control of baby temp
.Difficult respiration
Inability to handle infectious tendency to hemorrhage
Tending to Ca+ deficiency, rickets, disturbance of
nutrition, and
.Impairment of renal function
‫ لمنع الخلل الفسيولوجي للطفل المعوق‬Prevention
.Adequate prenatal care
.Maternal and child health program
‫ اساب صعوبة التنفس‬Cause of dyspnea
Immature lungs and incomplete development of alveoli weakness of
.thoracic cage of respiratory muscles
Cyanosis: in adequate oxygenation of arterial
blood due to increase obstruction of respiratory
.tract and abdominal distention
May result from excessive
.analgesic or anesthesia
Infection due to poor
development globulin synthesis,
antibody formation and cellular
‫ الميل الى فقر الدم‬Tendency to hemorrhage anemia
.Blood is fragile
.Lack normal elasticity and plasma
.Hypo prothrombinemic
.Lacks vit. K
Lacks iron and other essential hemotogenous factors
.which fetus receives during last month of gestation
‫ الكساح‬Rickets
.Lack of calcium
.Vit. D
Lacks the ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and
impairment of kidney, causes difficulty in
concentration of urine has unstable acid-base and
.electrolyte balance
‫ العناية بالطفل الخديج تتضمن‬Care of premature infant include
.Invitation of respiration
.O2 30-40%
Medications epinephrine I.M cardiovascular
stimulating vit. K. to reduce tendency of bleeding 1.0
‫ العناية بالطفل في الحاظنة‬Care in nursing incubator
‫ اختيار الحاظنة‬Selection of incubator
.It should be prepared before baby
.Easy maintenance of heat and humidity
.Easy administration of O2
.Transparent top for easy visibility
Safety alarms to indicate over heating of lack of
.circulating air
:Charting O2 for infants
.Physician order and methods
.O2 concentration
.Infant's response to concentrate and duration
.Nutrition: feeding with medicine dropper
‫ االمراض التي تصيب الطفل الخديج‬Disease of premature infant
Retrolental fibroplasias (chief cause of neonatal
blindness due to PO2 of premature infant bleed
.prevent by O2 therapy
.Anoxia less O2
Atelactasis (lung collapsed) treatment by
Idiopathic respiratory distress: is found in about 56%
of premature infants who distinguished a few days
after birth to arterial circulation by way of ducts and
.the foramen oval with passing through lungs
.Vomiting due to over feeding
.Diarrhea (4-5)/day
Jaundice: physiological jaundice due to bilirubinemia
in early postnatal period photo therapy or use of