Unit 4: Technology and operations vocabulary: technology,n. the

Unit 4: Technology and operations
technology,n. the application of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes
Technology is the way how an organisation transforms its
inputs into given outputs.
obsolescent,adj. become obsolete
e.g. obsolescent equipment/slang,etc.
obsolescence,n.=extinction, dying out
fashion,n. popular or the latest style of clothing, hair,
decoration or behaviour
a manner of doing sth
e.g. in a simplified/casual fashion,etc.
unenlightened,adj. not being spiritually
aware,modern,rational, well-informed
The Industrial Revolution=rapid development of industry
that occured in Britain in the late 18th and 19th century,
brought about by the introduction of machinery. It was
characterised by the use of steam power, the growth of
factories and the mass production of manufactured goods.
loom,n. an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn
or thread
multimedia=using more than one medium of expression or
communication, incoorporating video and audio
impact,n. a marked effect or influence
IBM=International Business Machines Corporation (New
follow in sb's footsteps=do as another person did before,
making a journey or following a particular career
labourer,n. person doing unskilled manual work for wages
conduit,n. a person or organisation that act as a channel
for the transmission of something
shelf- life,n. the length of time for which the item remains
usable, fit for consumption, or saleable.
state-of-the-art,adj. the most recent stage in the
development of a product, incorporating the newest ideas
and features
merger,n. a combination of two things, esp. companies into
expertise, n. expert skill or knowledge in a particular field
automation,n. the use or introduction of automatic
(working by itself or with no direct human control)
equipment in manufacturing