UNICEF BOTSWANA TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTORS/ CONSULTANTS Title of Assignment Location Consultancy to support the development of a national programming framework for Adolescents and HIV Deputy Representative/Acting Chief of Young Child Survival UNICEF Botswana Country Office Gaborone Duration Start date 60 days, over a period of 3 months As soon as possible Supervisor Background: Globally, adolescents (aged 10-19) are the only age group where deaths due to AIDS are not decreasing - while across all age groups, AIDS-related deaths declined by nearly 40 per cent between 2005 and 20131. Today, AIDS is the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa2 and the second highest cause of death among adolescents globally3. In 2013, an estimated 120,000 adolescents (10-19 years of age) died of AIDSError! Bookmark not defined.. New HIV infections among adolescents are not decreasing as fast as they must. There were 250 000 new infections among adolescents aged 15-19 in 2013 - two out of three new HIV infections are among adolescent girls. In Botswana, adolescents represent one fifth (22%) of the total population and are one of the most vulnerable groups for HIV acquisition. HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 years was estimated at 7.9% (BAIS IV, 2013). Analysis of prevalence data of BAIS from 2004 to 2013 by age-cohorts shows that all three of the youngest cohort (10-14, 15-19, 20-24 years) either doubled or tripled their HIV prevalence by 2013. UNICEF, UNAIDS and partners launched the ALL IN initiative aimed at reducing new HIV infections and AIDS related deaths by targeting 25 countries globally including Botswana. ALL IN is a platform for action and collaboration to drive better results with and for adolescents (10-19) through critical changes in programmes and policy. It aims to unite actors across sectors to accelerate reductions in AIDS-related deaths by 65% and new HIV infections among adolescents by 75% by 2020. It is also an opportunity to support countries to improve data collection, analysis, and utilization for programme planning through participatory country assessment processes. The purpose of the three phase country assessment is to support country teams in the identification of equity and performance gaps limiting HIV prevention, treatment and care results in adolescents (aged 10 – 19) and 1 UNICEF analysis of UNAIDS 2013 HIV and AIDS estimates, July 2014. WHO, 2012. Global health observatory data repository http://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.wrapper.MortAdov?lang=en&menu=hide 3 WHO, 2014. Health for the World’s Adolescents: a second chance in the second decade. www.who.int/adolescent/second-decade 2 define priority actions to accelerate and improve the quality of the national response to HIV among adolescents. The entire 3-phase assessment is led by the Government, through a multi-sectoral TWG and is conducted in collaboration with national and sub-national stakeholders, adolescents, and youth. The first phase of the country assessment in Botswana was completed in June 2015, with priority interventions and geographic locations identified. The TWG working is currently in the process of preparing for the 2nd phase of the country assessment, an in depth analysis of bottlenecks and gaps limiting effective coverage of priority interventions in focus districts to address gaps limiting effective coverage, and to identify solutions and action plans to accelerate achievement of results and thereby enhance the effectiveness of the national response. In order to fast-track the scale up of HIV testing, high impact treatment and prevention interventions, and address the social drivers of HIV among adolescents between now and 2020, the National AIDS Coordinating Agency in collaboration with the Ministry of Health is planning to develop a multi-sectoral programming framework for adolescents and HIV. The aim of the framework is to guide and coordinate the implementation of effective interventions across sectors at national and sub-national in order to accelerate the achievement of key results for adolescents. It is against this background that this consultancy is being requested to support the Government of Botswana to revitalize the response to HIV with and for adolescents, to strengthen coordination and accountabilities across sectors and to improve data collection, analysis and reporting for an evidence based response. Purpose and objective The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical assistance to NACA and MOH to support the development of a national multisectoral framework for adolescents and HIV, taking into consideration the governance and accountability framework in the country, comparative advantage and mandates of the different sectors and partners, as well as meaningful engagement and participation of adolescents and young people in programming. The framework will provide guidance for integrated programing that is necessary to address the complex and multi-sectoral needs of adolescents, in order to reduce new HIV infections among adolescents by 75% and AIDS-related deaths by 65% by 2020. The scope of this work will encompass engagement with Government Ministries, NGOs, CSOs, academic institutions, UN agencies, Development Partners (DPs)and adolescents and youth at the national level and in selected districts to define interventions targeting adolescents focusing on those at high risk including adolescent girls, adolescents living with HIV and adolescent key populations. A consultant will be responsible for steering and guiding the development of the national programming framework for adolescents and HIV and will work under the leadership of NACA/MOH and in close collaboration with the All In TWG to define a multi-sectoral programme/interventions for implementation by partners at national and sub-national level. Specific tasks: 1) Develop a national multi-sectoral framework for adolescents and HIV with an implementation tool to guide and operationalize agreed upon priority interventions across sectors, taking into consideration the Revised National Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (2014-2017), the Investment Case, key national strategic documents and recommendations from the All In rapid assessment. 2) Conduct a review of existing national technical working groups and provide recommendations to NACA/MoH on the establishment of an effective coordination mechanism to oversee the implementation, evaluation, and documentation of programmes for adolescents. 3) Review evidence and program experience from Botswana and globally related to adolescents to identify ‘best practices’ (approaches, interventions, programme strategies) for reaching adolescents, including adolescent girls, adolescents living with HIV and adolescent KPs that can be applied in Botswana. Special attention will be paid to finding interventions that do, or could, operate at scale. 4) Conduct a rough mapping of interventions currently existing in Botswana for adolescents and young people (or in the recent past) to identify successes and challenges for future programming, building on going mapping exercises in the country. 5) Conduct a selective set of interviews and discussions with key stakeholders (NACA, relevant ministries, DPs, CSOs and adolescents) to gather their input on the most viable and meaningful strategies for adolescent programming in Botswana. This should include discussions with stakeholders at subnational level including DHMTs and young people. 6) Based on the above, develop a draft concept paper with the proposed strategy and interventions for implementation for inputs from NACA/MoH, and TWG) 7) Based on feedback prepare and present, at two points in the process, the draft programme framework for discussion and feedback by NACA/MoH and the TWG 8) Incorporate feedback and finalize the programme framework. 9) Disseminate together with NACA/MOH the programme framework to key stakeholders Major Tasks, Major Task Deliverable Deliverables Timeframe (man-days) and Timeframe 1. Conduct meetings with 4 days NACA/MoH and with the Technical Working Group to Inception report Mapping of existing TWGs discuss the assignment and process of implementation and prepare inception report 2. Review of TWG and recommendations for multi- and recommendation for sectoral coordination adolescent coordination mechanism for adolescent mechanism 5 days programming. 3. Review of evidence and program experience in Report of desk review and 10 recommendations Botswana and globally and identify best practices. 4. Consultations with key Consultations report 20 Concept paper developed and 5 stakeholders (NACA, Ministries, DPs, and Young People) 5. 6. Develop concept paper with proposed strategy and presented to NACA/MOH and interventions TWG Adolescent and HIV programming framework Final draft submitted and 10 endorsed by NACA/MoH developed and finalized 7. Preparation and facilitation of dissemination workshop Dissemination workshop report 3 8. Consultancy Report writing Consultancy report 3 days documenting the process, lessons learnt and recommendation on how to improve process for future endeavours. Outputs: 1. Inception report – 2 hard copies, and a soft copy 2. Draft concept paper of the programme design – 2 hard copies, and a soft copy 3. Final programme design – 2 hard copies and 2 CDs 4. Final report that includes the programme design, together with challenges, lessons learned, and how to improve the process in future endeavours – 2 hard copies and 2 CDs of the final report. Consultancy oversight: The consultant will be supervised by the Director of Advocacy and Information at the National AIDS Coordinating Agency and with regular oversight from the Deputy Representative/Acting Chief of Young Child Survival UNICEF Botswana Country Office. He/she will work in close contact and consultation with the relevant NACA and MoH staff, DAC and members of the TWG at the national and sub-national level. Qualifications: Academic qualification: Postgraduate degree in public health, medical sciences, sociology/other social sciences or related technical field. Work experience: Five years or more of experience working with multiple partners and stakeholders in Botswana or within region on strategic planning, policy and programme development. Experience working with and/or researching the needs and situation of adolescents and young people, in the areas of HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights, child protection, gender and human rights. Demonstrated experience in the areas of HIV and adolescent/youth programming, with social and behavior change communication and/or monitoring and evaluation expertise an advantage Demonstrated leadership skills in programme management and coordination at national level and with local government authorities. Excellent analytical and report writing skills as well as good negotiation and communication skills. Excellent command of spoken and written English Strong presentation and facilitation skills including with multiple stakeholders. Computer skills: Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint Competencies: Excellent knowledge of current global research and/or initiatives on HIV and adolescent Ability to liaise with relevant government ministries responsible for adolescents, National AIDS Committees, CSOs, youth and adolescents networks, Development Partners and the UN. Excellent communication and analytical skills Payment modalities: 20% of the total consultancy will be paid upon submission of a satisfactory inception report. 30% upon submission of the satisfactory submission of draft concept paper 30% upon submission of a satisfactory final draft of adolescent programming framework 20% upon submission of satisfactory consultancy report UNICEF DSA rates and transport will be provided for any travel outside Gaborone related to the assignment. Any travel should be accounted for and settled in line with UNICEF travel policies and regulations Timeframe: The consultant will be hired for a maximum of 60 days with the whole consultancy being carried out over a period of 3 months. How to apply Applications should be submitted to the Operations manager, UNICEF Botswana via the e-mail address: gaborone@unicef.org. Alternatively, applications may be hand delivered to the UNICEF Country Office, Plot 27, Matsitama Road, Gaborone (same building as Air Botswana Head Office, behind South African High Commission). Or further post your applications to: Operations Manager UNICEF Gaborone P.o.box 20678 Gaborone, Botswana. Please do not use both methods of submission. Applications must include the following documents: 1. Updated CV 2. United Nations Personal History Form – P 11 (downloadable on the internet) 3. Brief proposal on how the consultant is going to conduct the exercise, with timelines, including financial proposal. All applications must be received by 4.30pm on 18th September 2015.