SIMPLIFIED TIMELINE of Hitler`s Rise to Power

SIMPLIFIED TIMELINE of Hitler’s Rise to Power
1889 April 20 Adolf Hitler is born at Brannau am Inn, Austria.—irony his Mother is a Jewess.
1914 August 1 Austria invades Serbia, setting off World War I.
(Serbian Prince assassinated. Bloodiest battle in modern history. 4.3% of world population died. Handto-hand combat in trench warfare. No antibiotics and modern medicine.)
1914 August 16 Hitler- Bavarian army.
1918 November 11 Germany signs an armistice with the Allies, ending World War I.- Germany is made
to pay high taxes as war reparations (like The South did for Reconstruction after the Civil War).
This depressed the economy and injured their pride---severely! The country needed a
hero…and one is on the way.
1919-1921 September 20 Hitler joins the German Worker's Party, renames to NAZI party and
becomes uncontested leader. NAZI – acronym for German name of party
1923 -1924 November 9 Leads the unsuccessful Beer Hall Putsch (rebellion), imprisoned, and writes
Mein Kampf (My Struggle), and released.
1925 February 27 Hitler revives the political party & quickly takes control. Hitler had many “good” ideas
and was an extremely persuasive speaker.
1925 Hitler establishes a "Protection Squad," which soon becomes known as the SS (like Super Secret
Service (Schutzstaffel)
1927 August 21 Twenty thousand Storm Troopers attend the Congress of the National Socialist Party in
Nuremberg. Political “troopers” at Congress? Messing with the government?
1928 May 20 The Nazi Party receives 3 percent of the vote in the General elections. (Yikes!)
1930 September 14 The Nazis become Germany's second largest political
1932 April 10 Hindenburg is re-elected President in a runoff election with Hitler. Hindenburg receives a
clear majority, but Hitler receives 13,418,547 votes (36.8%).—1/3 of the vote in run-off! The
persuasive speaker was telling people what they wanted and needed to hear. He had “good”
plans for the country.
1932 July 31 National Socialists win 230 seats in Reichstag with a total vote of 13,745,000 (37%).
1932 November Thirty-nine prominent industrialists and businessmen petition Hindenburg to appoint
Hitler as his new Chancellor. Hindenburg refuses. Business leaders WANT Hitler!
1933 January 30 Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg. 6 months later.
Political PRESSURE.
1933 March 20 Dachau concentration camp is established.
1933 April 1 Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses and professions. The government is ENCOURAGING
citizens about with whom they should do business and whom they should not? Historically, the world was
smaller then….businesses were PEOPLE, not Wal-Mart. These are your neighbors that have been
established within a small radius of your home.
Persecuted Peoples: Seventh Day Adventists, Gypsies, homosexuals, political dissidents, other
religions, disabled people of all kinds, foreigners……..the list is growing (unless you had a WWI veteran in
the IMMEDIATE family for a short while.)
1933 September 29 German Jews are banned from owning land and from all public activities.
Jews can’t go to Olive Garden, Starbucks? Best Buy, Cinema 10 Theatre anymore? Jews can’t
BUY property? They can’t ride the bus or take a train?
1934 June 30 Ernst Roehm (Röhm) and other SA leaders are murdered in the "Night of the Long Knives."
Opposition disappears!
1934 August 2 President Hindenburg dies and Hitler declares himself Fuehrer (Führer).—Was there a
plot? He served less than 2 years!
1935 September 15 The Nuremberg laws are passed, removing Jewish legal equality and prohibiting
"mixed" marriages.
The Pianist is about an upper-class, well-educated family experienced these laws, was relocated to a
ghetto, worked as slaves for the Germans, were in fear for their lives, suffered deportation and the son
went into hiding. He was helped by GOOD people, Germans and Polish people. The last person to help
him was a HIGH-ranking German officer who realized the war would be over soon and understood that the
Jew’s plight could be his own.
Oskar Schindler, a German business owner, joined the Nazi Party in 1939 and took over two factories,
formerly owned by Jews. While his first intentions were to use the cheap labor of the Jews to amass a
fortune, he later began shielding his Jewish workers without regard of cost or his own life. He is
credited with saving over 1,100 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories throughout
Poland and the Czech Republic.
1935 November 1 German citizenship is revoked for Jews. Wait a minute—I was BORN here. You
simply govern my country.
1937 July 19 Buchenwald concentration camp is established.
1938 March 12 German troops cross the border and occupy Austria. See the NF account of Austria voting
98% approval for annexation.
1938 July 6-16 An international conference at Evian, France, is held to discuss solutions to the Jewish
refugee problem. OK, who wants to accept the refugees, raise taxes and put them on welfare? They
have NO MONEY and they are “undesired” by their own country.
1938 October 28 More than 17,000 Polish-born Jews are expelled from Germany. (The Lucky Ones
were “expelled” with their lives.)
1938 November 7 Hershel Gryszpan, a young Jew, assassinates a German embassy official in Paris.
Both of his parents were killed and he was upset…… (Re: US ambassador was killed in 2012 --- Benghazi,
1938 November 9-10 SA men instigate Kristallnacht, the first widespread pogrom against the Jews of
Germany. Night of the Broken Glass ---We need a reason to torch and destroy businesses and
synagogues. (note the spelling of “pogrom”) Burn out the undesirables!
1939 January 30 Hitler makes a speech threatening to annihilate the Jews if war breaks out in Europe.
Documentation --- It’s all YOUR fault, Jews! Wait a minute….who started this genocide?
1939 August 23 A non-agression pact is signed between Germany and the Soviet Union. Hitler is a
double-dealing, cheater pants! Don’t trust him no matter what he promises. By the way, Josef Stalin
agreed to let Hitler kill people in the east while he concentrated on his own in the east----many more
1939 September 1 German troops invade Poland.
1939 September 3 Britain and France declare war on Germany. US is neutral at the time. US later
becomes an allie to Europe. – now France hates us…go figure.
1939 September 21 Polish Jews are forced into ghettos.
1939 October The German "euthanasia" program begins. More than 70,000 mentally and physically
disabled people will be killed by August 1941.
1939 December 12 Labor camps are swept up throughout Poland. All Jewish males between 14 and 60
are assigned to forced labor. Not just a Civil-War-slavery thing, folks!
1940 May 10 German troops invade western Europe.
1940 June 22 France signs an armistice with Germany. Doesn’t last long…
1940 October Deportations into Warsaw ghetto begins; 400,000 Jews are incarcerated within 1.3
square miles. (Sanitation issues, food shortages, health problems) Irena Sendler smuggled children out in
her medical cart. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize and lost to Al Gore for Global Warming.
(Sheesh….politics loses to humanity)
1941 April 6 German invasions of Yugoslavia and Greece
1941 June 22 Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union—Hitler turns on RUSSIA?
1941 July 31 preparation for the "Final Solution." Hitler is blamed for all these deaths but it is the
brainchild of someone else. The buck stops with Hitler though.
1941 August 23 Hitler publicly announces the end of the "euthanasia" program, but it secretly is
continued. Did I fail to mention that the government distributed FREE radios so that EVERYONE had
access to Hitler’s speeches?
1941 September 3 Zyclon B gas is tested for the first time at Auschwitz on Soviet prisoners of war.
The scientist who followed orders and created the gas asserted “not guilty” at his war crime
trial. He was a citizen serving his country and following orders. GUILTY!
1941 October 14 Mass deportations of German Jews to the east begin.
1941 October 23 Jewish emigration is officially halted from German-occupied territory.
1941 November 24 The ghetto at Theresienstadt is established.
1941 December 5 A Soviet counteroffensive outside Moscow halts the German winter offensive. This
was Hitler’s Battle Plan for the Russians. Timing stopped Hitler. Silly Hitler, tanks freeze in the winter, as
do soldiers. Hey, get out of the MUD in the spring, too, buddy!
1941 December 7 Japanese aircraft attack Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
1941 December 8 Thousands of Jews and Gypsies are killed in mobile gassing vans near Chemno
(Kulmhof) in western Poland. Were these vans like those that are used during the summer to spray for
West Nile Virus Mosquitoes?
1941 December 11 Germany declares war on the United States. You picked the fight, DUDE!
1942 March 24 The deportations to Auschwitz, Warsaw Jews to Treblinka, German Gypsies to
1942 November 17 Allies warn Germany that the killing of Jews will be severely punished.
---- I’m counting to THREE….last warning!
1942 November 19 The Soviet army launches a huge counter-offensive at Stalingrad. Guys, we will push
from the east and you push from the west.
1943 April 19 A Jewish uprising in the Warsaw ghetto begins. What do we have to lose…but our
1943 June Himmler's slave-labor battalions begin exhuming and burning corpses to obliterate evidence of
mass murder. Hide the evidence. Maybe these people won’t know where these bones and ashes have
been coming from. Everyone stick to the same story….Nobody knows NOTHING!
1943 August 2 Jewish revolt and attempted mass break-out at Treblinka is crushed.
1943 August 16 Bialystok ghetto is "liquidated." 1943 September 23 Vilna ghetto is "liquidated."
1943 October 16 Deportations of Italian Jews to Auschwitz & Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz begin.
1944 June 6 D-Day. Allies open a "second front" with landings at Normandy.
1944 July 20 A bomb plot to assassinate Hitler fails. Who is counting…but 42?
1944 July 23 Red Army liberates Majdanek concentration camp in Poland.
1944 October 7 Inmates at Auschwitz revolt and destroy one of four crematoriums before the uprising is
quickly put down.
1944 November 28 Last gassings at Auschwitz before gas chambers are destroyed. Uh, our guy, Elie
Wiesel, was there.
1945 January 27 Auschwitz-Birkenau complex liberated by the Red Army. Should have stayed
1945 April 11 Buchenwald concentration camp liberated by American troops.
1945 April 15 British troops liberate Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
1945 April 28 Dachau concentration camp near Munich is liberated.
1945 April 30 Hitler commits suicide. Don’t let them do to me what they did to Benito!
1945 May 8 Germany surrenders.