2015 World Vision Study Tour Application What is the World Vision Study Tour? The Study Tour is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to see how funds you raise through World Vision work in the lives of children and families overseas. This trip is a chance to experience a new culture, hear the stories of community members and walk away with a broader understanding of global hunger. However, this is not a mission trip. World Vision’s development model is focused on empowering the community and creating a sustainable environment for those in the community. The Study Tour is one step in your journey with World Vision. Having the chance to travel overseas and see firsthand the work communities are able to do because of funds raised by hundreds of thousands of your peers is a rare opportunity. It is our desire that this experience is the launching pad for you to share your story with others. By participating in the Study Tour you will become an ambassador for World Vision. This means finding ways to share your story through speaking events, blogs, interviews, etc. By going on this trip you are committing that you will do your part to advocate on behalf of World Vision and those that you will meet. Who is eligible for the Study Tour? Students between the age of 14-19 (by May 7th 2015) who raise a minimum of $500 while participating in a 30 Hour Famine event between May 2014 - April 2015. Important things you need to know. The application and video must be filled out in its entirety and submitted to World Vision by midnight on May 7th, 2015. Those selected for the trip will be announced on June 2, 2015. The Study Tour will start in Seattle, WA and from there the team will travel together for one week. You must be available for international travel between August 5th- 21st. Please discuss with your parent[s] prior to submitting your application. You will be responsible for travel-related costs: passport, immunizations, souvenirs, snacks, supplementary health insurance, travel insurance, and a plane ticket to Seattle, WA (World Vision headquarters). There is a flat fee of $1500 that will cover your international travel and all accommodations (transportation, food, and lodging) during the trip. In the hope of making the trip more affordable to students, World Vision can contribute an amount equal to what was personally fundraised for the 30 Hour Famine by the student. All U.S. citizens who otherwise comply with competition rules are eligible with the exception of employees, board members, representatives, and agents of World Vision; corporate sponsors; and members of their families living in the same household. The decisions of World Vision will be final. The 30 Hour Famine Study Tour must be accepted as awarded and is not transferable; there is no cash substitute. Selected applicants are responsible for fees accrued if their travel arrangements are canceled. The trip dates are subject to the availability of travel space and accommodations or other changes. Each person selected authorizes World Vision to announce and publish his or her name, address, photograph, and application (all or in part) in any forthcoming publicity without remuneration. World Vision is not responsible for lost, stolen, misdirected, or delayed application forms or donations. Once received, application forms and photographs become the property of World Vision and will not be returned. Questions? Email studytour@worldvision.org How to Apply: We only accept completed applications so here is a checklist to make sure you’re not missing anything! Completed “Applicant Information” Two letters of reference [Have TWO references fill out the letter of reference and e-mail it to studytour@worldvision.org by May 7th with YOUR name in the subject line.] *hint- give it to them early! Signed “Legal Business Page” Completed video Email everything to studytour@worldvision.org by midnight on May 7th. Ensure your youth leader has turned in all of your funds P.S. Please make sure to submit all parts of your application at once (except for the references). That way we can remind you if you’re missing something or if something didn’t upload properly. Your video. An important part of the application is a chance for our team to learn who you are. Please create a short video (max of 3 minutes) that will help us get to know you and understand why you want to go on this years’ Study Tour. Answer the following questions in your video: - Who are you? What do you like to do, what should our team know about you? - How long have you been doing the Famine and why do you participate? - What was the biggest thing you learned while fundraising for 30 Hour Famine? - Why do you want to go on the Study Tour? - Why do you think you should be selected and what would you do with your experience? Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo and include the link in your application! (If you make it private be sure to allow us to have access) Remember: Title your video with your full name so we can be sure we know who you are. Videos must be uploaded by May 7th at midnight. Get creative and have fun. Just pretend that you are sitting in a room with the 30 Hour Famine team and we are having a normal conversation. We’re not scary, we promise. Questions? Email studytour@worldvision.org APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (First, Middle, Last): Phone Number Date of birth: C: H: Email: Mailing address: Email : Phone: Email : Phone: Father’s Name: Mother’s Name: Letter of References: 1. 2. Link to Video Name of church, youth group, or organization: Group address: Youth Leader name: Youth Leader Email: Phone: Current grade: Year graduating: (copy & paste link, do not handwrite) PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING YES/NO QUESTIONS Do you have a passport? If yes, when, where & how long? Do you have any medical or physical restrictions? Did you participate in the Famine between May 2014 & April 2015? How much money did you personally raise? Have you traveled abroad before? If yes, please explain: How many total years have you participated in the Famine? How much money did your entire group raise? Questions? Email studytour@worldvision.org World Vision’s Christian values: World Vision staff share our faith, hope, and Christian values through Christ-like living and caring actions. To this end the organization, as a whole, is united by our belief in the Apostles’ Creed. I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN. Mission Statement: “World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.” Vision Statement “Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness; Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.” Your signature at the end of this packet assumes that you agree with World Vision’s Christian Values. Questions? Email studytour@worldvision.org Legal Business: World Vision is a Christian organization committed to spreading the Word of God through humanitarian methods. To this end, the organization is committed to uphold the Statement of Faith. If chosen, you’d be required to represent World Vision’s Christian ethos internationally and here in the United States. Would you be comfortable being a part of a Christ-centered environment, and are you willing to represent World Vision’s Christian ethos? YES NO As an ambassador for World Vision we will be working with you to find ways to share your story following the trip through speaking events, blogs, interviews, etc. Are you able and willing to advocate on behalf of World Vision? YES NO Exact dates cannot be set for the Study Tour until participants have been selected, but the expected timeframe for the trip will be mid to late summer. Are you available for travel between August 5th- 21st? YES NO Do you understand the costs associated with this trip? Will you be able to take care of these payments on time? YES NO Are you now or have you ever lived in the same household as a World Vision employee, board member, representative, agent, or corporate sponsor. YES NO By submitting this application, I am indicating that I have read and understand the enclosed Statement of Faith and that I am a qualified applicant as outlined in the official rules, and have truthfully completed this application to the best of my knowledge. I give World Vision permission to use my name, likeness, and application in whole or in part, without any remuneration, and I understand that my video and application will hereby become property of World Vision. Signature of Applicant Date I have read the enclosed letter and application and allow my child, if chosen, to participate in the 2015 World Vision Study Tour. Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date Questions? Email studytour@worldvision.org Letter of Reference: Applicant: Please have two adults [excluding family members] fill out the following document and email to studytour@worldvision.org. Mailed documents will not be accepted. World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine is an annual event that offers youth the chance to experience hunger and learn about the causes and solutions to this global problem. As a way to provide participants the opportunity to see firsthand the work that their funds are supporting, World Vision offers an annual Study Tour Trip. Each applicant is required to meet minimum standards of eligibility, which includes completing an application, and providing World Vision with two letters of reference. The applicant listed above recently participated in the 30 Hour Famine and has selected you to fill out this reference form about them. Please provide the following information and any additional information you see as relevant to the selection process. If possible, give examples and any reasons why you feel the applicant would or would not be appropriate for the Study Tour. When completed, please return this form to studytour@worldvision.org with the applicants name as the subject line by midnight of May 7th. Name of applicant: Your Name: Date: Phone number: Email: How long have you know the applicant? Your age: Your relationship to the applicant: As related to this trip, what are the applicant’s strengths? As related to this trip, what do you think will be the biggest challenge for the applicant? How would you evaluate the applicant’s verbal and written communication skills? What stands out to you about this applicant and makes them unique? Do you feel a trip like the Study Tour is appropriate for the applicant at this time? Why? For each of the following please check one of the boxes and explain your answer: Weak, Developing, Strong, or Unsure. Please Explain: Weak Developing Strong Unsure Team/ability to get along with others: Maturity: Ability/flexibility in new situations: Cultural sensitivity: Dealing with stress: Do you recommend the applicant for World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine Study Tour? Pease email the completed form to studytour@worldvision.org by May 7thth. Questions? Email studytour@worldvision.org