The impact of academic technology: Do modes of involvement matter? The Flemish Case Callaert, Julie KU Leuven – INCENTIM – ECOOM, Waaistraat 6 - bus 3536, 3000 Leuven, Belgium Du Plessis, Mariette KU Leuven – ECOOM, Waaistraat 6 - bus 3536, 3000 Leuven, Belgium Van Looy, Bart KU Leuven - Department of Management, Strategy and Innovation –INCENTIM – ECOOM, Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium Debackere, Koenraad KU Leuven - Department of Management, Strategy and Innovation –INCENTIM – ECOOM Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium Keywords: academic patenting; patent value; university inventors JEL classification: O31, O34 1 Abstract Patent statistics that reflect university technology development have become increasingly relevant as academia adopts entrepreneurial objectives while facing a trend towards more accountability. In this contribution, we focus on the patent activity of Flemish universities (period 1991-2001). In Flanders, university patenting has become explicitly incentivized through policy measures (1996) and more recently even resource allocation schemes resulting in a notably high share of universities in the overall patent portfolio of the regional innovation system. As a result, one might expect inflationary effects on the level of academic patents, especially in terms of quality. In addition, we analyze, whether the impact of academic patents depends on the mode of university involvement (university-invented versus university-owned). Overall, we observe a considerable increase in both types of academic patenting without any deterioration (over time) of citation rates. Moreover, our findings indicate that university-owned patents receive more forward citations than university-invented (firm-owned) patents. Combined, these findings signal that the increase of academic patent activity – stimulated by policies granting ownership rights to universities – did not coincide with a decrease in their value. 2 1. BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVE Patent indicators that reflect the contribution of universities to technology development have become increasingly relevant for mapping and monitoring science-technology interactions within innovation systems. As academic research is facing a trend toward more accountability, indicators are used to assess the quality and quantity of academic activities. Whereas the monitoring of educational and scientific activities has a long tradition, the assessment of ‘third mission’ activities, including patent activities, have only recently become an explicit part of performance evaluation in a number of countries. Traditional bibliometric indicators are complemented with, among other, patent-related indicators (Butler, 2003). These evolutions require an understanding of the modes under which academic involvement in patent activity becomes apparent. A considerable number of empirical studies have analyzed the phenomenon of academic patenting by relying on data about patents owned by universities, i.e. patents for which the academic institution acts as assignee. At the same time, several studies have shown that university-owned patents do not reveal a complete picture of university involvement in technology development: a considerable share of patents invented by university researchers, are not owned by the university but - in most cases - by a firm (for an overview: see Lissoni et al., 2008). The empirical evidence collected in this respect suggests that academic patents, invented but not owned by universities, are not a peculiar feature of European countries (Balconi et al., 2004; Iversen et al., 2007; Lissoni et al., 2008; Meyer, 2003; Saragossi and van Pottelsberghe, 2003), but also exist in the USA (Fabrizio & DiMinin, 2008; Thursby et al., 2009). However, the proportion of university-invented patents over total academic patents is higher in Europe than in the USA (Lissoni et al., 2008). Balconi et al. (2004) e.g. found that over 60% of Italian academic patents are owned by firms, which is almost three times the share calculated for the USA (Lissoni et al., 2008). 3 Given that a considerable amount of university-invented patents are not owned by universities, it becomes relevant to assess whether and to what extent both types of university patents display different characteristics. Indeed, while both types of technology exploitation trajectories are different in terms of whether or not a partnering firm is involved – as owner of the technology – less is known about whether both types of academic patents differ in terms of impact. A number of studies investigated this question recently. Henderson et al. (1998) explored the increase in US academic patenting that took place between 1965 and 1990. They found that, before the introduction of the Bayh-Dole act until about the mideighties, academic patents were more highly cited and cited by more diverse patents than a random sample of all patents. After that, however, this difference in terms of impact disappeared. In other words, the steep increase in volume and share of academic patenting was much higher than the increase in impact of these patents. The authors attribute this to shifts in university patenting behavior. Mowery & Ziedonis (2002) from their part argue that the increase was largely due to the entry of inexperienced university technology transfer offices which might also partially explain a decrease in impact. Sapsalis et al. (2006) analyzed a sample of Belgian academic patents (EPO) and observed that the value distributions of academically owned and academically invented patents (owned by firms) are very similar (highly skewed). In addition, the authors observe that, conditional on being cited, academic patents are cited more than corporate patents (respectively, 7.1 and 5.9 citations). The same conclusion was drawn in a recent study by Veugelers et al. (2012) who studied the creation and impact of academic patents for OECD countries, by means of an analysis of cross country citation patterns between academic and corporate patents. Although a smaller share of university patents was cited (compared to company patents), the study reveals that, in terms of impact (average number of citations received, conditional on being cited), university patents are 4 cited more than company patents; especially for some technological domains like Polymers, Measurement and control, Chemicals, and Machinery. Czarnitzki et al. (2011) analyzed German EPO patents. They compared university-invented patents1 (which they refer to as academic patents) to a control group of ‘non-academic’ patents (on which no university inventor appears). Higher opposition rates are considered as a proxy for the more applied nature of the patented invention, indicating that it is closer to market applications. The authors find that opposition rates are related to patent impact (measured by forward citations) and that academic patents (university-invented) are cited more than non-academic patents. In terms of ownership, Czarnitzki et al. (2011) observe that university-invented patents with firm applicants do not significantly differ from firm patents (in terms of opposition). Conversely, academic patents assigned to universities display a lower opposition rate than firm patents and firm-owned university-invented patents. The authors suggest that this is due to the fact that university-owned inventions are further away from market applications than corporate patents. Given their fundamental and complex nature, the technological content takes a longer time to diffuse (see also Sampat et al., 2003). Therefore, university-owned patents would be less threatening to potential competitors and less likely to face oppositions. Thursby et al. (2009) analyzed a sample of US university-invented patents and found that, university-invented patents assigned to firms are less basic2 than those assigned to universities. Crespi et al. (2010), in their analysis of a sample of European university patents conclude that there is little evidence in support of the contention that university-owned patents would be more valuable than university-invented patents owned by firms. Sterzi (2013) performed a similar study, analyzing the value of UK academic patents by distinguishing between university-owned and 1 In Germany, the professor’s privilege allowed professors to patent their inventions until 2002 privately without university involvement. 2 But note that the authors’ measure of basicness (higher number of backward citations, spread over a larger range of fields) is debatable. 5 university-invented patents. During the first 3 years, university-invented (corporate-owned) patents receive more citations than university-owned patents. This difference however erodes when considering longer time frames. In line with these studies, we examine whether and to what extent Flemish academic patents display a different impact depending on the ownership of the inventions. Belgium, and especially the Flemish region, is of specific interest due to the relative high proportion of university-owned patents. This is primarily incited by institutional regulations, aimed explicitly at stimulating the ‘entrepreneurial’ role of universities (see Debackere & Veugelers, 2005). When the governance of Belgian universities became a regional responsibility at the beginning of the 1990s, a set of regulations have been approved (1993, 1996), stipulating that all IP from university researchers would belong by default to the university3. In addition, university patenting in Flanders is actively incentivized by dedicated resource allocation schemes (Debackere & Glänzel, 2004). Since 2004, each Flemish university receives funding from the IOF (Industrial Research Fund) for financing follow-up research that is aimed at transferring academic research towards market exploitation. The amount of financial support received for these activities partly depends on indicators reflecting patent applications and grants (as well as indicators reflecting involvement in spin off creation) obtained by universities. Rounded, the IOF funding comprises about 2,5% of research funding (and 1,5% of total funding) for Flemish universities. As a result of these regulations, Flemish universities have been increasingly involved in the valorization and patenting of research results: over the period 1991 – 2008, when the share of university-owned patents in Flanders has increased from 3 Notice that universities are free to transfer these rights to third parties, including industry, as long as a fair compensation is implied. It is left to the discretion of the universities to define and implement relevant guidelines in this respect. 6 3% to 9%4. As universities have become increasingly involved in patenting activities, the question arises whether this growth also influences the quality or impact of academic patents. 2. DATA & METHODOLOGY We analyze Flemish academic patents, evaluating whether university-owned patents differ from university-invented patents in terms of impact. Patent data are extracted from the PATSTAT database (October 2011 edition) and imply all Flemish universities: University of Leuven (KU Leuven), University of Ghent (UG), University of Antwerp (UA), University of Hasselt (UH) and University of Brussels (VUB). For each of these universities, university-owned and universityinvented patents have been identified. EPO and USPTO granted patents are considered, with application years between 1991 and 2001. The cut-off point at application year 2001 allows for a comparable forward citation window of 10 years for calculating indicators based on forward citations. We considered only grants to ensure a consistent approach for both EPO and USPTO patents5. 2.1. Dependent variables: impact and generality Two forward-looking measures of patent value are considered as dependent variables. First, forward patent citations are counted. This measure is commonly used to assess the value or the importance of the invention. Ample empirical evidence has revealed a strong and robust relation between forward patent citations and other measures of patent quality, like oppositions, renewal data, monetary value, and firm creation (Sapsalis & van Pottelsberghe, 2007; Lanjouw & Schankerman, 1997, 1999; Shane, 2001; Harhoff & Reitzig, 2004; Harhoff et al., 2003). A 10-year forward citation window was used for calculating forward citations. We opted for this ‘long’ window to accommodate for potential longer citation lags for university-owned patents (cf. Sterzi, 4 See Flemish Indicator Book 2011 ( For EPO information on applications is also available, while this is not the case for USPTO (at least not for the considered time period). 5 7 2013)6. Besides this fixed time window, no further restrictions were placed on the citing patents (in terms of patent system). A complementary measure related to patent value is ‘generality’. Generality captures the extent to which the patented technology serves as prior art for a broader range of technology fields (Trajtenberg et al., 1997; Hall et al., 2005; Jaffe & Trajtenberg, 2003; Dahlin and Behrens, 2005; Fleming et al., 2007). If a patent is cited by subsequent patents that belong to a wider range of fields, the generality of that patent is considered higher. If most citations are concentrated in one or a few fields, generality is low (close to zero). Generality is calculated as 1- the Herfindahl index of technological classes (3-digit IPC) of all citing patents7. While forward citations are indicative of the impact of a patent, a high generality score suggests that the patent presumably has a widespread impact, in that it influences subsequent innovations in a variety of fields. Throughout the literature, it has been argued that academic patents (on average) represent more basic, fundamental developments, of a more embryonic nature (Czarnitzki et al., 2009; Thursby et al., 2009; Feller & Feldman, 2010). As indicated by Czarnitzki et al. (2009), this assumption is often made in the literature and in policy discussions, e.g. on the financing of science (Mansfield, 1995), on economic growth (Adams, 1990; Caballero & Jaffe, 1993; Stokes, 1997). Firms from their side focus on research and development that result in more immediate market returns. Moreover, it has been argued that fundamental / basic research can have broader applications - and therefore higher social value - than more application-oriented private science (Agrawal & Henderson, 2002). These arguments suggest that university-owned patents may be more general than firm-owned patents. 6 Notice that similar analysis which considered only a 5-year citation window have been performed and revealed similar results as the ones reported in section 3. 7 The Herfindahl-index for concentration is calculated as the sum of the squared shares of IPC3 domain occurrences among the citing patents. No restrictions were placed in terms of patent authority of the citing patents. 8 2.2. Independent variable: University-owned versus university-invented patents University-owned patents have been identified as patents with a Flemish university as (co)applicant. An exhaustive identification of university applicants has been achieved by relying on sector allocation and name harmonization algorithms, developed at KU Leuven – ECOOM (Eurostat, 2011). Table 1 shows the proportional evolution of Flemish patents by applicant types (firms, universities, government / non-profit agencies and individuals). With an average share of 6.56% university patents, Flanders displays a high proportion of academically owned patents (compared to an average of 1,24% in EU-15: see Veugelers et al., 2012). Moreover, a growth in university patenting is apparent over the considered period, and becomes especially pronounced from 1996 onwards after the introduction of above mentioned Flemish decrees, stipulating the role of universities in terms of valorisation (Debackere & Veugelers, 2005). --- Insert table 1 --From a methodological perspective, identifying ‘university-invented’ patents in an exhaustive manner is not straightforward, as patent databases lack information on the institutional affiliation of inventors. Several alternatives to identify university inventors have been advanced. E.g. for Germany, Czarnitzki et al. (2009, 2011) and identified academic inventors by searching inventor names containing “Prof. Dr.” and variations of it. For other countries, where the use of professional titles on official documents is less common, identifying academic inventors implied a matching of inventor names with university personnel directories (see Lissoni et al., 2006). The identification of university-invented patents was based on a name matching between personnel lists of Flemish universities (for the years 1990-2000) and patent inventor names (all inventor names appearing on EPO and USPTO granted patents with application years between 1991 and 2001). The matching was performed on surnames of the university personnel and the patent inventors. A first inspection of identified matching pairs served at eliminating certain mismatches / false hits. After this step, 9 1.152 USPTO and 382 EPO patents remained that possibly involved academic inventors. For all of these potential matches, contact details of the involved university researcher were retrieved in order to contact the researcher in question directly (via email or phone) to confirm involvement as an inventor. In the final database, only confirmed matches were retained. In other words: 100% precision was prioritized over recall for identifying university-invented patents. Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the procedure followed to identify university-invented patents. --- Insert figure 1 --For this Flemish population of identified academic patents, about 70% are university-invented. Table 2 shows the breakdown by technology domain (with full counts for patents allocated to more than 1 domain). A chi square test (Pearson = 55.184***) reveals that Physics and Electricity are to a larger extent university-owned whereas Chemistry and Performing operations, Transporting are less university-owned. Due to the very low patent volumes in domains D (Textiles, Paper), E (Fixed constructions) and F (Mechanical engineering; Lighting; Heating; Weapons; Blasting), these domains were eliminated from the analyses in the remainder of the study, hence all analyses on the level of technology domain are based on a total of 710 observations8. --- Insert table 2 --Table 3 presents the breakdown by patent system: no significant difference between the proportions of university-owned versus university-invented patents is observed for EPO versus USPTO grants. The table does reveal that the number of USPTO granted patents is almost 4 times higher than the number of EPO granted patents in the same period. This is due to a combination of at least two causes. First, more patents are filed at the USPTO than at EPO9. This is at least partly 8 The analyses with originality and/or generality will be based on fewer observations: patents without any backward and/or forward citations respectively have no originality and/or generality score. 9 Detailed figures for Flanders can be found in the Flemish Indicator Book (ECOOM, 2011) 10 due to the lower cost of procedure at USPTO, compared to EPO (van Pottelsberghe & François, 2009). Second, the grant rate at USPTO is higher than the grant rate at EPO (OECD, 2004, p.145). --- Insert table 3 --As can be seen in table 4, 92% of the identified university-invented patents are owned by a firm. For university-owned patents, 19% is co-owned with a non-profit or governmental institute, 8% is coowned with a company and 6% is co-owned with an individual. Within the analysis, patents coowned by academia are considered as university owned. In terms of academic patents not owned by universities, we focus on industry-owned academic patents, as the numbers for other types of assignees do not allow for meaningful multivariate analysis. --- Insert table 4 --2.3. Covariates and control variables Throughout the analyses, we control for several patent characteristics, including application year, technological domain on IPC 1-digit level and patent system (EPO / USPTO: accounting for differences in citation practices between systems). We additionally include the following variables, inspired by the existing literature on patent value: - Technological scope (number of IPC3 digit codes): Following Lerner (1994), the number of technology domains assigned to a patent is included as a measure of patent scope. - Originality of the invention (breadth of technology fields cited in the backward citations10): This measure was developed by Trajtenberg et al. (1997) and relies on backward citations (patent references). It is calculated as 1- the Herfindahl index reflecting the concentration of (front page) references included in the patent document across technology domains. The 10 For the calculation of originality, all backward cited patents are considered (i.e. without any restrictions in terms of patent system, citation origin, citation type,…) 11 originality score is higher if the range of classes to which the patent makes citations is higher. A score of 0 indicates that all citations to prior art stem from a single technology domain, whereas a scores close to 1 indicates that backward citations are spread over a broad range of domains. A patent is considered more ‘original’ if it cites prior art from many rather than few technology classes. Notice that this indicator can only be calculated if the patent document includes references. - Number of backward patent citations11: Backward citations of patents qualify the technical novelty of a patent (Reitzig, 2003; Van Looy et al., 2007). They determine the legal boundaries of an invention by citing related work, referring the extent of existing and related patenting in a given technological area and hence to the potential profitability of inventions (Czarnitziki et al., 2009). - Number of non-patent references: this indicator signals the importance of scientific knowledge to qualify the novelty and scope of the patented invention (Van Looy et al., 2007). More scientific references signal science proximity, which might indicate technological activities of a more basic nature12. 3. ANALYSES AND RESULTS In what follows, we present several models that allow evaluating the evolution of impact and generality; and whether university-owned and university-invented patents differ in terms of impact and generality. Table 5 presents the correlations between the variables under study. All indicators related to scope (i.e. originality, number of IPC classes and generality) are significantly and positively correlated. The correlation between application year on the one hand and backward and 11 All backward cited patents are considered (i.e. without any restrictions in terms of patent system, citation origin, citation type,…) 12 Note that the validity of this indicator has been subject of discussion, based at least partly on the argument that these citation links do not represent direct links between the scientific research and the patented invention (see e.g. Meyer, 2000; Tijssen et al., 2000; Alcacer & Gittelman, 2006; Breschi & Lissoni, 2001; Van Looy et al., 2007). 12 forward citations on the other hand suggest that more recent patents cite more prior art and that they receive more forward citations (over a fixed 10 year time window)13. --- Insert table 5 --A negative binomial regression is used for analyzing differences in impact. The results in table 6a indicate no decline of impact over time. Secondly, university-owned patents receive more forward citations than university-invented patents. The significant interaction between ownership and patent system stems from more outspoken differences for EPO patents, as can be seen in the descriptive statistics reported in table 6b. As obtaining EPO patents implies more financial resources than obtaining USPTO patents (van Pottelsberghe & François, 2009), this observation might signal a ‘selection effect’ whereby EPO grants are more likely to be pursued for more valuable inventions. For firms, financial considerations may be subordinate to strategic and market concerns, resulting in less selectivity when filing for patents in different patent systems. In terms of control variables, the main effect of patent system indicates that US patents receive more citations than EP patents. This effect is at least partly due to the fact that US patents contain more (backward) references, combined with the observation that – as further analysis of our sample of patents reveals –US-to-US cited-citing pairs accounts for 87% of all observed citations. The higher impact of the US patents in our sample can therefore at least partly be attributed to the fact that they are cited more by US patents: i.e. their forward citing patents are the ones that contain higher volumes of backward citations. Technological scope and the number of non-patent references are negatively related to impact. In previous studies, the relation of both variables with impact revealed mixed results (Sapsalis & van Pottelsberghe, 2007). Whereas a positive relation between patent scope and impact was uncovered Although the latter observation may seem surprising, further analyses will show that this relation between application year and impact disappears when other variables are controlled for within more appropriate multivariate models (cf. infra table 6a). 13 13 by Lerner (1994), Shane (2001), and Czarnitzki et al. (2011), this relation was challenged by other studies (Harhoff et al., 2003; Harhoff & Reitzig, 2004; Guellec & van Pottelsberghe, 2002; Lanjouw & Schankerman, 1997). For non-patent references, Harhoff and Reitzig (2004) and Czarnitzki et al. (2011) found no relation with patent value. Arts et al. (2013) report a positive relation (for biotechnology patents), whereas Sterzi (2013) found a negative relation. Indeed, as indicated by Sapsalis et al. (2006), analyzing and interpreting the impact of literature citations on the value of a patent is not straightforward. Citations to the scientific literature indicate the relevance of scientific knowledge for qualifying the underlying invention. This relevance might signal novelty and hence be associated with higher levels of future value. This assumption is not confirmed in our analysis. At the same time, it can be noted that all patents under study involve academic inventors, which qualifies this study as less appropriate to contribute to an understanding of the relationship between both variables. In terms of the number of backward patent citations, the relation with impact appears more robust in the literature (Czarnitzki et al., 2011; Sapsalis & van Pottelsberghe, 2007) and our findings confirm these insights. Originality, or the scope of backward citations, is not related to impact. --- Insert table 6a&b --For studying whether university-owned patents have a broader impact, i.e. whether they are cited by a larger number of technological fields a GLM analysis was performed with generality as dependent variable. The results in table 7a reveal no difference between university-owned and university-invented patents. There is a main effect of the patent system, revealing that US patents are more general than EPO patents14, as can also be seen in the descriptive statistics presented in table 7b. The higher generality for US patents is in line with the observation that US patents receive 14 Note that, when including an interaction effect between patent system and ownership (as in the model for impact), both the interaction term and the main effect of patent system become insignificant. 14 more citations (see also table 6a) implying an increased likelihood that these citations stem from a wider range of technological domains. The variables related to technological scope (of the focal patent as well as of the backward cited patents, i.e. originality) are positively related to generality. Unlike for impact (see table 6a), our results show no domain-specificity for generality. --- Insert table 7a&b --4. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION As the volume of academic patents increases, concerns have been uttered about detrimental effects in terms of quality and value (Mowery & Ziedonis, 2002; Lacetera, 2009; Czarnitzki, 2011). This study examines the value of Flemish academic patents during a period of growing patent activity, incited by policy measurements for stimulating a more entrepreneurial role of universities. We distinguish between modes of involvement by comparing university-owned to university-invented patents. First of all, our findings show no decline in impact over time. Second, university-owned patents receive more forward citations than university-invented (firm-owned) patents. As such, these findings indicate that the increase of academic patent activity – stimulated by policies granting ownership rights to universities – does not coincide with a decrease in ‘quality’. Rather, our findings appear to be in line with previous studies that signal a higher impact of academic patents, compared to firm-owned patents (e.g. Czarnitzki et al., 2009, 2011; Henderson et al. 1998; Sapsalis et al., 2006). Our findings further reveal that the higher impact of university-owned patents is more explicitly present for EPO patents. As the costs of EPO patents are considerably higher than for USPTO patents (van Pottelsberghe & François, 2009), it seems plausible to infer a selection effect: universities might be more prone to pursue EPO patents for their more valuable inventions. Our 15 findings do not confirm any difference in terms of generality between both types of academic patents. University-owned patents are as ‘general’ as university-invented patents. While the Flemish innovation system displays an outspoken high proportion of university-owned patents (compared to other European countries and the US), an even larger number of academic patents are owned by industry (in line with figures from other countries/regions). This again underscores that identifying university-invented patents remains crucial for creating a more encompassing picture of university involvement in technological activities. These figures at the same time suggest that stimulating universities to become more entrepreneurial does not jeopardize the transfer of relevant knowledge to industrial partners. In terms of future research, a further examination of the underlying rationale of the observed relations seems worthwhile to pursue. Why and when are patents held by universities, rather than transferred to industrial partners (which might include academic spin offs) and what are the implications in terms of value creation (technical, scientific as well as commercial)? In addition, a further development and routinizing of methodologies for identifying university-invented patents on a larger scale (based on automated or semi-automated approaches) seems highly relevant given the reported figures in this study. 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Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 21 (5-6), pp. 445–472. 21 TABLES AND FIGURES APPY Firm Government Individual University 1991 89.06% 3.22% 4.51% 2.79% 1992 91.58% 1.72% 5.15% 1.37% 1993 92.69% 1.49% 3.58% 2.09% 1994 92.19% 1.37% 4.66% 1.37% 1995 88.93% 2.64% 5.91% 2.52% 1996 87.66% 2.02% 5.10% 5.10% 1997 90.06% 0.70% 4.37% 4.47% 1998 84.76% 1.54% 6.25% 7.28% 1999 86.01% 1.47% 4.99% 7.20% 2000 86.20% 1.75% 4.74% 7.32% 2001 85.17% 2.54% 5.42% 7.12% 2002 84.59% 1.91% 6.55% 6.71% 2003 85.37% 1.41% 5.05% 8.09% 2004 85.30% 3.09% 3.94% 7.38% 2005 83.43% 2.94% 4.92% 8.64% 2006 85.77% 2.10% 4.26% 7.45% 2007 84.27% 2.90% 3.25% 9.40% 2008 85.58% 2.43% 2.83% 9.03% Average 86.40% 2.11% 4.74% 6.56% Table 1 – Sector shares in Flemish patent activity (EP applications) IPC (1 digit) A. HUMAN NECESSITIES B. PERFORMING OPERATIONS; TRANSPORTING C. CHEMISTRY; METALLURGY D. TEXTILES; PAPER E. FIXED CONSTRUCTIONS F. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING G. PHYSICS H. ELECTRICITY TOTAL Universityinvented 136 (74%) 59 (88%) Universityowned 47 (26%) 8 (12%) 183 (100%) 67 (100%) 196 2 2 2 63 3 1 0 259 (100%) 5 (100%) 3 (100%) 2 (100%) (76%) (40%) (67%) (100%) 66 (58%) 38 (44%) 501 (70%) (24%) (60%) (33%) (0%) 48 (42%) 49 (56%) 219 (30%) Total 114 87 720 (100%) (100%) (100%) Table 2 – University-invented versus university-owned patents, broken down by field (Flanders, application years 1991-2001) 22 University-invented University-owned Total EPO grants 58 (62%) 35 (38%) 93 (100%) USPTO grants 258 (68%) 119 (32%) 377 (100%) Total 316 (67%) 154 (33%) 470 (100%) Table 3 – University-invented versus university-owned patents: EPO vs USPTO (Flanders, Application year 1991-2001) SECTOR % university-invented patents COMPANY 92% INDIVIDUAL 5% GOV NON-PROFIT 3% Table 4 – Sector breakdown university-invented patents 23 IMPACT (10Y WINDOW) APPL YEAR GENERALITY ORIGINALITY # BW NON-PAT REFERENCES TECH SCOPE # BW PATENT REFERENCES Pearson Corr Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Corr Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Corr Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Corr Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Corr Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Corr Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Corr Sig. (2-tailed) N IMPACT (10Y WINDOW) 1 710 APPL YEAR GENERALITY ORIGINALITY ,154** ,000 710 ,035 ,402 577 -,118** ,004 599 1 ,006 ,888 577 1 -,034 ,409 599 ,379** ,000 544 1 710 577 599 # BW NONTECH # BW PAT SCOPE PATENT REFERENCES REFERENCES ,001 -,213** ,132** ,000 ,980 ,000 710 710 710 ,043 ,249 710 ,082* ,049 577 ,166** ,000 599 1 710 -,040 ,290 710 ,234** ,000 577 ,376** ,000 599 ,026 ,496 710 1 710 ,180** ,000 710 ,040 ,342 577 ,192** ,000 599 ,699** ,000 710 -,077* ,039 710 1 710 Table 5 – Correlations between model variables 24 Dep Var: IMPACT (10Y WINDOW1) Source Wald Chi-Square df Sig. B param 2,492 1 ,114 -68,33 13,832 1 ,000 2,039 8,080 1 ,004 -,434 tech IPC1= PERFORMING OPERATIONS; TRANSPORTING 13,193 1 ,000 -,730 tech IPC1= CHEMISTRY; METALLURGY 12,250 1 ,000 -,522 ,354 1 ,552 ,093 (Intercept) OWNERSHIP (1: university-invented; 2: university-owned) tech IPC1= HUMAN NECESSITIES tech IPC1= PHYSICS tech IPC1= ELECTRICITY (reference category) . . 18,373 1 ,000 1,890 2,396 1 ,122 ,034 ,054 1 ,817 -,057 6,590 1 ,010 -,008 13,209 1 ,000 -,215 6,409 1 ,011 ,017 11,770 1 ,001 -,997 . PATENT SYSTEM (1: EPO; 2: USPTO) APPL YEAR ORIGINALITY # BW NON-PAT REFERENCES TECH SCOPE # BW PATENT REFERENCES PATENT SYSTEM * OWNERSHIP Likelihood ratio Chi square (N=599) 1 The . 126,879*** same analysis with a 5 year citation window reveals consistent results. Table 6a – Impact of academic patents (Negative Binomial Regression) Patent System Ownership Mean Std. Dev. EPO University-invented 2,76 3,734 42 University-owned 7,03 11,238 32 University-invented 7,94 9,628 373 University-owned 10,70 14,348 152 University-invented 7,41 9,333 415 University-owned 10,07 13,900 184 USPTO TOTAL N Table 6b – Descriptive statistics: Impact (10 year window) by ownership and patent system 25 Dep Var: Generality 10 year window1 (GLM) Source Type III Sum of Squares Corrected Model df Mean Square F Sig. B Param ,491 12,352 ,000 --- 1 ,027 ,690 ,407 6,541 ,055 1 ,055 1,397 ,238 tech IPC1= HUMAN NECESSITIES ,039 1 ,039 ,993 ,319 -,030 tech IPC1= PERFORMING OPERATIONS; TRANSPORTING ,014 1 ,014 ,353 ,552 -,023 tech IPC1= CHEMISTRY; METALLURGY ,001 1 ,001 ,017 ,896 ,004 tech IPC1= PHYSICS ,036 1 ,036 ,903 ,343 ,029 tech IPC1= ELECTRICITY (reference category) . . . PATENT SYSTEM (1: EPO; 2: USPTO) ,904 APPL YEAR 5,398a 11 Intercept ,027 OWNERSHIP (1: university-invented; 2: university-owned) . . 1 ,904 22,764 ,000 ,152 ,027 1 ,027 2,361 1 # BW NON-PAT REFERENCES ,054 1 ,054 1,371 ,242 ,001 TECH SCOPE ,419 1 ,419 10,549 ,001 ,036 # BW PATENT REFERENCES ,145 1 ,145 Error 21,135 532 ,040 Total 186,061 544 ORIGINALITY Corrected Total . ,023 ,692 ,406 -,003 2,361 59,423 ,000 ,350 3,658 ,056 -,002 26,533 543 a. R Squared = .203 (Adjusted R Squared = .187) 1 The same analysis with a 5 year citation window reveals consistent results. Table 7a – Generality of academic patents (General Linear Model) Patent System Ownership Mean Std. Dev. N EPO University-invented ,4308 ,28093 24 University-owned ,4052 ,25058 29 University-invented ,5616 ,19865 146 University-owned ,5550 ,21207 491 University-invented ,5443 ,22392 369 University-owned ,5357 ,21538 175 USPTO TOTAL Table 7b – Descriptive statistics: Generality by ownership and patent system 26 Figure 1 – Procedure for identification of university-invented patents 27