SUMMARY OF ACCREDITATION STATUS Saint Leo University In accordance with the June 2013 COSMA Accreditation Process Manual, page 21, this summary of accreditation status describes the formal action taken by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Board of Commissioners with regard to an academic unit/sport management program seeking accreditation for its sport management programs by COSMA. Profile of Accredited Academic Unit/Sport Management Program Type of Programs: Bachelor of Arts, Sport Business Masters of Business Administration, Concentration in Sport Business COSMA Accreditation Information History: “Accredited with Notes” in June 2010 The COSMA Board of Commissioners reviewed Saint Leo University’s Bachelor of Arts in Sport Business and Masters of Business Administration, Concentration in Sport Business in June 2010. The review of the programs was based on the eight COSMA accreditation principles that require an academic unit/sport management program to show that its program(s) displays excellence in undergraduate and graduate sport management education and continuous improvement through COSMA’s developmental approach (June 2012 COSMA Accreditation Principles and Self Study Preparation, p. 1). On June 3, 2010, the COSMA Board of Commissioners determined that Saint Leo University demonstrated that it meets these principles, that its programs are consistent with the continuous improvement and excellence in sport management education that COSMA has established and should receive recognition for a period of up to 7 years. Additional Reporting Requirements The Saint Leo University Bachelor of Arts in Sport Business and Masters of Business Administration, Concentration in Sport Business degrees are “Accredited with Notes.” “Accredited with Notes” indicates that certain principles of COSMA have not been met. The institution is required to address the Notes on an annual basis until those concerns are dealt with by the institution and accepted by COSMA. The institution has up to three years to eliminate the deficiencies identified in the Notes. If the deficiencies are not removed within the required three-year period, the BOC may place it on probation (May 2013 COSMA Accreditation Process Manual, pp. 2021). In addition, the COSMA Board of Commissioners determined that a focused site visit to review specifically the Masters of Business Administration, Concentration in Sport Business program was to occur at least six months prior to the end of the three year period within which the previously-identified Notes must be addressed. The one-day site visit occurred on November 15, 2012, conducted by one current member of the Board of Commissioners. Notes – Undergraduate program Principle 1: Outcomes Assessment Issue: Concern remains over the definition of “relationships” as outlined in the student learning outcomes. Two of the five learning outcome measures offered include a reference to relationships. Note 1: Add clarifying language and a definition to learning outcomes 3 and 4 to define what is meant by “relationships.” Provide additional sample measures and rubrics for these two learning outcomes that directly reference the “relationships” outcome. Resolved: July 2011. Issue: The depth and breadth of curriculum available provides an ample source of meaningful measures, yet the analysis relied too heavily on measures such as the Internship Evaluation, Internship Supervisor Evaluation, and Employment in the Sport Industry. Note 2: Provide a revised O/A plan with measures that clearly assess student learning (not course effectiveness) in the following areas: 1) Ensure direct and indirect measures link directly to desired outcomes. This issue should be addressed throughout the plan and include specific attention to the following areas that need to be modified to fully measure student learning: a. Use of internship grade to measure outcome #2 (thinking critically about current issues in sport). b. Use of employment success as a measure of outcome #2. c. More detail is needed as to how capstone course exams, sport governance final report, and sport finance final report measure outcome #3 (understanding relationships between organizations). d. Securing an internship, internship site supervisor evaluations and success securing employment as measures of outcome #5 (exhibiting ethical behavior and living the core values within the employment setting). The BOC believes that employment success and securing an internship serve as measures of effectiveness, rather than measures of student learning. 2) Provide specific rubrics for each measure of student learning. 3) Provide a more detailed summary of the data collected and indicate how the data will be used to impact program improvements. Resolved: July 2011 and July 2012 Principle 4: Faculty Issue: Faculty inherit significant teaching loads, often have overload assignments, and have extremely high advising loads. No increase in full-time faculty was granted to the Department of Sport Business when the MBA Sport Business Specialization (ten courses) was added in the fall of 2006. Additional responsibilities (e.g., teaching and advising) placed upon the faculty as a result of program expansion may impact their ability to maintain program quality. Note 3: Clarify the ongoing impact of the MBA Sport Business Specialization on faculty loads. How will this impact future performance of both undergraduate and graduate programs? Provide evidence that discussions of faculty loads, curriculum changes, and strategic planning are taking place and outline in a detail (dates, actions taken, outcomes of actions) how this issue is being addressed. Resolved: July 2011 and July 2012 Notes – Graduate program Principle 1: Outcomes Assessment Issue: The outcomes sought and data provided relate exclusively to the MBA program without sport management discipline specificity. Data collected was aggregate for the MBA program. While the outcomes assessment plan notes that copies of the assessment instruments were provided in attached files, no such attachments were found. Note 1: Provide copies of discipline-specific learning outcomes related to Sport Management and indicate how they were developed and how they will be assessed. Provide copies of assessment instruments and rubrics for all learning outcomes. To be Reviewed May 2013 – See Additional Concerns below Principle 3: Curriculum Issue: Since the inception of the program in 2006, there has been no review of the curriculum by sport business faculty. Principle 3.5 requires ongoing curriculum review and improvement. Note 2: Indicate the process that you have established for the ongoing review and development of the MBA Sport Business Specialization curriculum by full-time sport business faculty. Provide minutes from meetings that show evidence of the development of this process and minutes from meetings wherein full-time sport business faculty have reviewed the MBA Sport Business Specialization curriculum. To be Reviewed May 2013 – See Additional Concerns below Principle 4: Faculty Issue: The following self-study question from Section 4.2 was not answered in the supplemental materials provided: Explain how the faculty is sufficient to manage program operations. How are internships and student advising handled? Note 3: Provide a response to the question regarding how the faculty is sufficient to manage program operations. Provide information on how internships and student advising are handled. If these processes are changing as a result of the accreditation process, show evidence of this change. Resolved: October 2010 – To be Reviewed May 2013 - See Additional Concerns below Principle 6: Resources Issue: Principle 6.2 was not fully met as detail is needed on the facilities, equipment, technology, and other support provided to part-time faculty teaching in the program. Note 4: Provide a detailed explanation of the resources (e.g., facilities, equipment, technology, other support) provided to part-time faculty teaching in the program. Note any changes that will be made as a result of this accreditation process. Resolved: October 2010 Principle 7: Internal and External Relationships Issue: Principle 7.2, Admissions Processes, was not addressed in the submission of materials. Note 5: Provide a response to Principle 7.2, Admissions Processes, for the MBA Sport Business Specialization that includes the following: 1) Describe the admission policies for each of the master’s degree programs administered by your academic unit/sport management program. You may identify the page numbers in the student catalog that describe your admissions policy for master’s degree programs. Describe how the admission of students to your master’s degree programs conforms to the approved admissions policies, and identify any exceptions. 2) Describe how graduate students are classified (e.g., unclassified, postbaccalaureate, non- degree, provisional, conditional, probationary, etc.), and describe how these classifications are applied. Provide the catalog page number as a supporting reference. 3) Describe differences in admission policies and classification of students for each format in which your master’s degree sport management programs are offered (e.g., day, evening, weekend, online, distance, intensive, or accelerated). 4) Explain how your graduate admission requirements attempt to ensure that students admitted to the master’s degree program have a reasonable chance to succeed in the program. Resolved: October 2010 Additional Concerns to be Addressed/Reviewed by May 2013 Principle 1: Outcomes Assessment Issue: The outcomes sought and data provided relate exclusively to the MBA program without sport management discipline specificity. Data collected was aggregate for the MBA program. While the outcomes assessment plan notes that copies of the assessment instruments were provided in attached files, no such attachments were found. Provide copies of discipline-specific learning outcomes related to Sport Management and indicate how they were developed and how they will be assessed. Provide copies of assessment instruments and rubrics for all learning outcomes. Note 1: Submit any additional revisions you make to your outcomes assessment plan to be reviewed during your site visit in November 2012. Resolved: May 2013 Principle 3: Curriculum Issue: Since the inception of the program in 2006, there has been no review of the curriculum by sport business faculty. Principle 3.5 requires ongoing curriculum review and improvement. Indicate the process that you have established for the ongoing review and development of the MBA Sport Business Specialization curriculum by full-time sport business faculty. Provide minutes from meetings that show evidence of the development of this process and minutes from meetings wherein full-time sport business faculty have reviewed the MBA Sport Business Specialization curriculum. Note 2: Provide a summary of the curriculum review conducted during the 2011-12 academic year and any changes implemented as a result for review during your site visit in November 2012. Resolved: May 2013 Principle 4: Faculty Issue: The following self-study question from Section 4.2 was not answered in the supplemental materials provided: Explain how the faculty is sufficient to manage program operations. How are internships and student advising handled? Provide a response to the question regarding how the faculty is sufficient to manage program operations. Provide information on how internships and student advising are handled. If these processes are changing as a result of the accreditation process, show evidence of this change. Note 3: Provide an update on this item and faculty hiring for your site visit in November 2012. Resolved: May 2013 Saint Leo University will provide an Annual Report, due by July 31 each year, that addresses the “Notes” specified by the Board of Commissioners in their letter of accreditation. The purpose of the annual report is to keep the COSMA apprised of the activities of and the changes that take place within the academic unit/sport management program each academic year so a determination can be made that the academic unit/sport management program remains in compliance with COSMA accreditation principles, policies, and procedures. Any activity or change within the institution and/or the academic unit/sport management program that materially alters the status of the sport management faculty, the sport management curriculum, the resources in support of the academic unit/sport management program, or other issue that might impact its compliance with COSMA accreditation principles must be reported in the annual report to the COSMA. Most Recent Accreditation Action Date: May 29, 2013 Decision: All previously-identified Notes resolved. Reaffirmation of Accreditation: June 2017 Student Learning Outcomes Information pertaining to student learning and achievement in the sport management programs accredited by COSMA can be obtained by visiting Saint Leo University’s website or by contacting Dr. Susan Foster at