MEETING SUMMARY Date of Meeting: September 16, 2015 Subject: Steering Committee Meeting No. 2 Project Name: Clark County 2016 Hazard Mitigation Plan In Attendance: Steering Committee: Paul McGraw, Heidi Burkart, Jeff Sarvis, John Wheeler, Joseph Gehlen, Ken Alexander, Lauren Hollenbeck, Lynette Jackson, Mike Lewis, Melissa Tracy (for Mike Soliwoda), and Stephen Eldred *Phone Non-Voting Alternates, Planning Partners and Stakeholders: Avaly Scarpelli, Chris Griffith, Grover Laseke, Heidi Scarpelli Planning Team: Kristen Gelino and Carol Baumann* Steering Committee Members (or alternate) Not Present: Carol Bua, Dan Krebs, and Lee Knottnerus Summary Prepared by: Kristen Gelino – 9/21/2015 Project No.: 103S3893 Quorum – Yes or No Yes (11 members present) Item Welcome and Introductions John Wheeler the Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA) staff person charged with supporting the planning effort, opened the meeting and facilitated group introductions. The Agenda was reviewed and no modifications were made. Handouts provided included: Agenda, August Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, Draft Steering Committee Ground Rules (Handout #1), Draft Volume I Table of Contents (Handout #2), Purpose and Goals (Handout #3), Hazards of Concern (Handout #4) and Risk Assessment Update (Handout #5). The August Steering Committee Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved by consensus. No members of the public made a request to provide comment. Kristen Gelino provided an administrative update regarding file sharing software. She indicated that the planning team would be sharing documents with the committee via dropbox, instead of sharepoint to make it less cumbersome for committee members. Ms. Gelino indicated that meeting materials would be kept in the shared folder for the duration of the planning process. Action Ms. Gelino will distribute a link to a shared dropbox folder for steering committee materials. Steering committee members should let Ms. Gelino know if they have any difficulty accessing the materials via dropbox. 2016 Clark County HMP Steering Committee Meeting Summary Item Action Steering Committee Composition and Ground Rules Ms. Gelino introduced Handout #1. She indicated that the revisions to the steering committee ground rules discussed at the August steering committee meeting had been incorporated and distributed to the committee with revisions in track changes. Mr. Wheeler indicated that unless there were any objections, these rules would be considered finalized. There were no objections and the ground rules were approved via consensus. Ms. Gelino reminded the committee that if for some reason, the committee needed to amend the ground rules, they could do so at any time. Ms. Gelino requested that steering committee members check the final page of the document where primary members and alternates were listed to ensure that any designated alternates have been appropriately captured. Mr. Wheeler provided an update on the follow up with the additional committee members that had been suggested at the August meeting. He indicated that he had not yet had a chance to do much follow up, but would do so in the next few days. It was clarified that the Port of Vancouver may still sign-on as a planning partner and/or participate on the steering committee. It was also clarified that steering committee meetings are open to the public and planning partners are encouraged to attend. Document Review and Update Ms. Gelino thanked the steering committee members for their participation in the plan review survey. It was noted that several people had experienced technical details with the survey and Ms. Gelino indicated she would look into addressing the issues. The planning team will continue to seek the additional steering committee members suggested by the committee. Ms. Gelino will look into addressing the technical issues with surveymonkey. She reminded the committee members that this initial survey was a review at about a 30,000 foot level and that the committee would be reviewing various aspects in more detail throughout the planning process. Ms. Gelino indicated that there were two major themes that came out of the general plan review comments. The first was that the shorter, the better and that it would be preferable to keep any extraneous information out of the main body of the document. The second dealt with the level of simplicity versus technical details in the plan document. Ms. Gelino indicated that although the main audience for the document is FEMA and implementing agencies identified in the plan, the planning team hoped that it would also be a useful reference for the general public. Ms. Gelino indicated that the planning team is striving to achieve a balance between providing technical information and being useful for the public. She indicated that the planning team would look for feedback on this issue from the steering committee as sections of the document are being reviewed. It was requested that steering committee members be given Page 2 of 5 2016 Clark County HMP Steering Committee Meeting Summary Item examples of other plans to compare the State and 2004 plans. Ms. Gelino indicated that she would attempt to find interesting examples of the plans that had addressed planning components in ways that may be of interest to the committee. Ms. Gelino introduced the draft volume I table of contents handout (Handout #2). She reminded the committee that the final plan would be two volumes. The first volume will include county-wide information and the second volume will be mainly comprised of the jurisdictional annexes for each participating planning partner. She indicated that the handout provided was the draft table of contents for volume I. She indicated that the document will be divided into three parts. The first part addresses the planning process, the second part is the risk assessment and the third part is the mitigation strategy. The steering committee will be reviewing all three parts over the course of the planning process. The steering committee then discussed the table of contents and determined that nothing immediately jumped out as extraneous. After discussion the steering committee determined that they would like to organize the hazards of concern alphabetically, but that they may wish to include the risk ranking (e.g. high, medium, low) for each hazard in the table of contents or very early on in the document. It was clarified that the draft table of contents was laid out as the standard Tetra Tech approach to meeting FEMA requirements, but adjustments can be made. A planning partner in attendance indicated that making it through the review process was challenging, so the committee would be wise to stick with a format that the reviewers are familiar with. Ms. Gelino indicated that the planning team would let the steering committee know if any of the suggested changes would be expected to make the review process more challenging. It was recommended that an explanation be provided early on in the document that the plan needs to meet certain requirements to make jurisdictions eligible for grant funding and the document is organized accordingly. It was also suggested that the document preparers consider the utility of tables, charts etc. for other documents during the document development process. Ms. Gelino then passed around the phase I jurisdictional annex templates for the steering committee’s review. She reminded the committee that the annexes will be completed in 3 phases. The first phase will be distributed the week of October 5th. After discussion the committee determined that the phase 1 annexes should be due 30 days from their distribution date. Ms. Gelino indicated that if a planning partner missed the deadline it would not mean that they were dropped from the partnership. She also informed the committee that she would be available to assist planning partners that had questions about the annex. A question was raised regarding the asset inventory on the special purpose district annex template. It was decided that Ms. Gelino would provide the instructions for the template to Hugh Findlay from CRWWD and he would Action The planning team will record suggestions for the plan update and implement as appropriate. The planning team will distribute the phase 1 jurisdictional annexes the week of October 5th. Page 3 of 5 2016 Clark County HMP Steering Committee Meeting Summary Item review them to see if additional clarification is needed before the templates are sent to the planning partnership. Purpose, Goals, Objectives and Actions Ms. Gelino introduced handout #3. She reviewed the results of the plan review survey and the committee discussed the three most popular example purpose statements and the steering committee suggestions. After discussion the committee agreed to the following purpose statement (note: slightly edited for clarity): Define natural hazard risk and establish strategies and actions for reducing the impacts of disasters in Clark County. The committee then reviewed and discussed the 2004 Clark County hazard mitigation plan (HMP) goals and the Washington State 2013 HMP goals. After discussion, the committee determined that the goals should be revisited. Ms. Gelino indicated that she would distribute a goal setting exercise to the committee and it would be discussed at the October meeting. Action Ms. Gelino will send the special purpose district instructions to Hugh Findlay for his review and comment. Ms. Gelino will distribute the goal setting exercise to the committee. Committee members will complete the goal setting exercise by October 6th. Risk Assessment Update Ms. Gelino introduced the hazards of concern handout (Handout #4). She indicated that several hazards of concern had been identified including: drought, earthquake, flood, landslide, volcano and wildfire. Based on committee feedback from the plan review survey, additional discussion was needed on severe storm and/or tornado, dam failure and technological/humancaused hazards. After discussion, the committee decided that tornado would be included in the severe storm profile, but the name of the hazard would be changed to severe weather to be inclusive of extreme heat and, possibly, extreme cold. Additionally, the committee decided that the plan would focus exclusively on natural hazards, with the exception of dam failure. The dam failure discussion will emphasize that the mitigation strategies are focused on dam failure impacts, not dam operations. The committee indicated that they would like the plan to discuss why the other hazards were not addressed and include information on where to find information and/or existing programs that address other hazards of concern. The committee determined that hazardous materials could be adequately addressed through discussion of secondary hazards for the primary hazards of concerns. Additionally, it was noted that the committee membership did not include representation from stakeholders that would be most useful in discussing the other hazards, such as law enforcement. Further, the grant programs associated with the plan are natural-hazard focused. Page 4 of 5 2016 Clark County HMP Steering Committee Meeting Summary Item The committee then discussed whether or not the plan should address climate change. The committee determined that climate change discussion will be incorporated into chapters as relevant, (e.g. potential climate change impacts on each hazard of concern) and that the focus would be on how climate change has the potential to affect natural hazard risk reduction strategies. Ms. Gelino then gave a brief introduction of HAZUS-MH, a GIS-based modelling software that will be used to produce exposure and vulnerability estimates for some hazards of concern: flood, dam failure and earthquake. Ms. Gelino indicated that scenario events needed to be selected for each of these hazards. After discussion, the steering committee confirmed the planning team’s recommendations and the following scenario events will be modeled: - Flood: 1 percent annual chance and 0.2 percent annual chance flood hazards - Dam failure: The Swift Dam spillway design flood scenario (note: the planning team will follow up with the data providers to determine if the scenario includes sequential overtopping of downstream dams) - Earthquake: 100-year and 500-year probabilistic scenarios, Cascadia M9.0 and Portland Hills M6.5 Action The planning team will follow up with the data providers to determine if the scenario includes sequential overtopping of downstream dams Discuss Public Involvement Due to time constraints the public involvement strategy was not discussed and will be addressed at the October steering committee meeting. Action Items for Next Meeting The action items identified during the meeting were reviewed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM. The next SC meeting is: October 21, 2015 at 10:00 AM Clark Regional Wastewater District 8000 NE 52nd Court Vancouver, WA 98665 Page 5 of 5