November 3, 2013
11:00 A.M. Worship
On All Saints’ Day, the church remembers and gives thanks to God for “all the saints who from their
labors rest.” Saint is the Biblical term for all those who have preceded us in death and now reside
with the Lord. The color is white, symbolic of victory and life. What we affirm is not merely the
memory of faithful lives, but the victory they and we share in Jesus Christ.
Organ Prelude
All Glory Be to God on High (Walther)
Cherub Choir
Konnery Braid, Leyton Crumley, Lyla Hagan, Laurissa Wrinkle
Melody Makers Jesus, I Heard You Had a Big House/Not
Hear the good news: We do not live to ourselves, and we do not
die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord,
And if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or
die, we are the Lord’s.
For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be
Lord of both the living and the dead. In Jesus Christ we are
Nancy Wells
*Response Sung by Congregation
Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was
in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen,
Procession with Acolytes: Light Candles and Place Cross
Taylor Decker and Abigail Bell
Silent Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Pardon
Max E. Reddick
*Affirmation of Faith
Choral Prelude
How Excellent Is Thy Name
Chancel Choir
Call to Worship
Let all the saints of God sing to the Lord a new song!
Our inheritance is in Christ Jesus, to the praise of Christ’s
Let all the saints of God praise God’s name with dancing!
Our hope is in the Messiah, to the praise of Christ’s glory!
Let all the saints of God celebrate in victory!
Our lives are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, to the
praise of Christ’s glory!
Let us hold fast to the hope of our calling.
We give thanks for the glorious riches of Christ’s inheritance
among the saints.
Let us worship God!
(please stand as the organ begins)
*Hymn No. 225 Come, Christians, Join to Sing
Scripture Reading - Habakkuk 2:1-4, p. 713
Abigail Bell, Taylor Decker, Kaylynn Gardiner, Liam Hagan,
Megan Reed, Ella Riehl,
Children remain in the sanctuary.
Ritual of Friendship
Max E. Reddick
Members and Visitors - Please sign and pass the friendship register
located on the center aisle under the pew in front
For all the Saints
Chancel Choir
2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12
Sermon Progress, Not Perfection
p. 904
Max E. Reddick
Trio (Rheinberger)
Nancy Wells
*Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
The Celebration Hymnal, P. 815
*Hymn No. 360 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
*Passing of the Peace
Max E. Reddick
As Jesus offered himself to secure our peace with God,
let us share that peace with one another.
The peace of Christ be with you.
And Also with You.
Remembering those in the Church Triumphant
Rebecca Coleman
Jacob deVente
Gordon McClary
Bob McGehee
Charlotte McGehee
Virginia Monroe
K Misenheimer
Tom Nicholson
Edyth Rhea
Juanita Zuber
Prayer of Remembrance
(Exchange Signs of Reconciliation and the Peace of Christ with your
neighbor - e.g., “The Peace of Christ be with you.” Response - “And
also with you.”)
Darryl Baker
*Hymn No. 358 Because He Lives
Isaac New
Hymn No. 78 I Love You, Lord (seated)
Choral Call to Confession The Savior Is Waiting
Prayer of Confession
Max E. Reddick
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He
descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and
sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the
quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints; the
forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
The Apostles’ Creed
Darryl Baker
Lord Jesus Christ, as the Son of Man you came to seek out and to save the
lost. We confess that we have wandered from your ways, forgotten your
words, and neglected your promises. We are humbled by our sins and sorry
for our disobedience. Forgive us, Lord Christ, for your righteousness is
everlasting. As you restore us to righteousness, lead us to live by faith. You
alone can make us worthy of your calling. Therefore, by your power,
strengthen us in faith and faithfulness that your name may be glorified in us,
and we in you.
Prayer of Response (Unison):
Eternal God, you have knit your people of all times and places into
one communion in the mystical body of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grant us
your Holy Spirit of encouragement and strength so we may persevere in our
leg of the relay race of faith until such time as we join the great cloud of
witnesses who cheer us on the Way. Keep us one with all who proclaim your
gospel until such time as we finish our race, collapsing into your arms where
you wait for us at the finish of your new creation begun in Christ, the
pacesetter and perfecter of the way, the truth, and life everlasting.
*Pastoral Benediction
*Congregational Benediction Make us one, Lord, make us one; Holy
Spirit, make us one. Let Your love flow so the world will know we are one
in You.
*Organ Postlude
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our
debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Fanfare (Lemmens)
Nancy Wells
*For those who are able, please stand
***Ushers will seat those waiting
Ushers: Amy Ogden, Harry Ogden, David Lufkin, Stan Pozega
Greeters: Walt Tappan
If you wish to join Fountain City Presbyterian Church it is as easy as
1. contact Max or indicate in the friendship register
2. meet with the Session
3. be introduced to the Congregation
Small State of the Art Hearing Aids are available for use anywhere in the
sanctuary. The ushers have them available.
Copies of the Newsletter , enlarged copies of Hymns, Nicene Creed, and
Apostles’ Creed are at the sanctuary entrances.
Please recycle the bulletins and enlarged hymns. Place them in the boxes
provided at the entrances to the sanctuary.
For use in your personal devotion, next week’s sermon text:
Christian love and sympathy is extended to Pat Tarver and family on the loss of
her sister.
November 6
Dinner 5:30 p.m.
Thank you to Disciple Too Class for set-up/clean-up this week!
Programs 6:30 p.m. Engaging the Word led by Max Reddick-Chapel
Gospel in Life led by Lyn Oakley-Good News Class
6:00 p.m. Twelve Extraordinary Women led by Linda Sullivan-Fireside Room
Reservation forms are in the pewholders to sign up for dinner. Place in the
offering plate.
WOW Craft
Wednesday, November 6
Ribbon Angels - Join us for fun and fellowship and learn how to make a simple
Ribbon Angel that can be used for decoration or as an ornament. No experience
necessary. Please RSVP to the office by Monday, November 4th.
Fellowship Group – Meet on Thursday, Nov. 14th @ Sullivan's in Rocky Hill @
6:30 PM. Sign-up sheet on the fellowship board. Any questions call Sue Kryder
at 603-4239.
Pairs and Spares - We will leave the parking lot at noon on Thursday,
November 14 (that’s the 2nd Thursday of the month) to travel to the Captain’s
Galley in Dandridge. All seniors are invited – 922-1522 (Bill).
Healing Service
6:30 p.m.
November 20
Wednesday, December 4th
Fellowship Hall
Advent means "to come". As we prepare and await the coming of the birth of
Jesus, we invite you to come for fellowship and fun through a variety of Advent
activities. An event for all ages - an ADVENTure you won't want to miss!
Children’s Christmas Program
6:30 p.m.
Dec. 11
Nov. 1, 2013 BUDGET UPDATE
Month To Date
Year To Date
Total pledged in 2013 $388,162
Total received through 11/1/13 $300,132
Percentage received 77%
2014 Estimate of Giving Season
Please give prayerful consideration to your estimate of giving card. This
information you provide will assist various committees with planning their
budgets and events for 2014. The more Estimate of Giving cards we receive, the
better we can prepare for 2014. Your continued and increased support is needed
to sustain the programs and facilities of our Church. Please return the cards in the
collection plate on Sundays or mail back to the Church by November 17th.
Community Thanksgiving Service will be on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 5:00
p.m. at Central Baptist Church.
An Important Date to Remember!
Mark Sunday, November 24th on your calendars. That’s the day that we will
gather all of the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to be sent throughout the
world. Please bring your completed boxes to the sanctuary for dedication.
(Assembled boxes and additional information are available by the bulletin board
in the hall outside the sanctuary.)
If you are not able to prepare a box this year, but would still like to participate,
your help is greatly appreciated in other ways:
(1) Providing shipping assistance. It costs $7 to ship each box, and all
contributions to assist in this are greatly appreciated! (Checks should be
made to Samaritan’s Purse. There is now an option for online payment as
(2) Praying that these gifts make it safely to their final destination. Pray for
our partners overseas as they plan and conduct training sessions in their
countries for the Christian leaders who will be distributing the shoebox
gifts and conducting evangelism activities. Pray for the government and
customs officials in each country that they will look favorably on
Operation Christmas Child and grant the necessary exemptions and