Parent Packet 2015-16 Dora Kennedy French Immersion PTA Welcome from Dora Kennedy French Immersion’s PTA Board August 2015 Greetings Parents and families of DKFI, Your PTA Executive Board welcomes you to the 2015-16 school year at the newly renamed Dora Kennedy French Immersion School! PTA’s mission is to support students, teachers, staff, and parents. To do that, we will need to work as a team to communicate, advocate, and participate in our school. As a partner in our school family, we hope you’ll share your time and talents with PTA. PTA meetings are the second Wednesday of every month, with the exception of November, when school is closed for Parent Teacher Conferences on that day. Our first PTA meeting will be Wednesday, October 14. Our first gathering will be the Back to School Nights which take place Wednesday, September 9 (Grades K-4) and Thursday, September 10 (Grade 5 AND Middle School). Please add PTA meetings to your yearly calendar. Please join the PTA and share your talents. We need parents on the following committees: Fundraising, Grants writing, Communications, Recruitment and Volunteer, Health and Wellness and Parent/Student Activities. Consider signing up for a committee. Your child and your school will appreciate your participation! We also realize that parents want - and deserve - effective communication. PTA continues to strengthening its use of technology for communication. Find our PTA on Facebook, on the web at, or contact us at We’re also increasing our use of listservs. We’ll list activities, testing calendars, homework websites, and more on our social media devices. NEW THIS YEAR: Parents will now be able to connect with PTA even more online! We are using a new online system, called This site will allow PTA to collect membership and event fees, create newsletters, create a parent directory, and create forms. Looking for the teacher supply list? That is also available online! We look forward to a great school year together. Welcome to Team PTA! At your service, Katrina R. Dodro, President Rachel Frey, 1st Vice President (Middle School) Shanna Liberman-Estelle , 2nd Vice President (Elementary) Nicole Turner, Secretary Contina Djaouga, Treasurer PTA’s Mission Statement: The Mission of the PTA is threefold: To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before government bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children; To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; an To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation. CLASS PARENT If you are interested in being a classroom parent please complete this form and return it to your classroom teacher at Back To School Night. Back To School Nights are Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 (Grades K-4), and Thursday, September 10th, 2015 (Grade 5 and Middle School). Class Parent leadership is very important and highly valued! NAME: EMAIL: PHONE NUMBER: TEACHER: GRADE: CHILD(REN)S NAME(S): Parent’s signature: Classroom Parent Job Description The Classroom Parent is the liaison between the parents of a specific class, the teacher and the PTA. Classroom parents will: Communicate with and between the teacher, the PTA and class parents Attend monthly PTA meetings in order to share information with parents Establish a communication list, such as e-mail list or text messaging list to communicate with parents and the teacher about school and class activities Assist in classroom activities (either by coordinating other parents or by being there yourself) Coordinate teacher appreciation efforts and activities 2015 – 2016 PTA Membership Application Annual PTA membership dues (for individuals only) are $10 per adult. Anyone can join the PTA: neighbors, grandparents, aunts and uncles – all are welcome. You can also mail it to: DKFI PTA, c/o French Immersion School, 8950 Edmonston Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770. THANK YOU in advance! Adult name(s) Address Preferred Phone Number: Home or Cell (Circle one) Would you like to be on a text messaging list for occasional texts? Email Student first & last name(s) and Grade (1) (2) (3) Do you want your contact information published in the PTA Family Directory? YES NO To join the DKFI email listserv, email We welcome your participation! Participation in PTA comes in many forms. Many PTA volunteers don’t volunteer in school, but work from home or work. Your assistance in writing letters, attending an occasional school board meeting, writing grants or reaching out to businesses, making telephone calls, using artistic skills, or making copies all are ways to help. You don’t need to be physically at the school to make a difference! The more helping hands, the more we can accomplish. I would like to help with the following (please circle): o Legislative Affairs Bingo Nights o Grants Committee Dining Out Fundraisers o Communication and PR Annual Barnes and Noble Bookfair o Health and Wellness Activities Community Engagement/Business Outreach o Green Team 30th Anniversary Celebration (November) DKFI PTA Events 2015-16 EVENT Back to School Night – Grades K-4 Back to School Night – Grades 5-8 Grandparent Day Movie Night MEN of DKFI Interest Meeting BINGO Men Make A Difference Day PTA Monthly Meeting BoxTops Collection Contest School Clean Up Day NATIONAL FRENCH Week /30th Anniversary/School Renaming Celebration PTA Monthly Meeting Middle School Dance Movie Night PTA Monthly Meeting/ Winter Concert/ Holiday Sales National Teacher Appreciation Week Barnes & Noble Gift Wrap Barnes & Noble Book Fair Monthly PTA Meeting Bingo Night Monthly PTA Meeting BoxTop Collection Contest Candy Gram Sales Talent Show Monthly PTA Meeting BINGO Monthly PTA Meeting Movie Night Monthly PTA Meeting Middle School Dance Monthly PTA Meeting DATE TIME ROOM WEDNESDAY, Sept. 9 6:30 pm Multipurpose Room THURSDAY, Sept 10 6:30 pm Multipurpose Room FRIDAY, Sept 18 FRIDAY, Sept 18 FRIDAY, Sept 18 9 am – 1 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm FRIDAY, October 9 MONDAY, October 12 WEDNESDAY, October 14 October 12 – October 23 SATURDAY in October FRIDAY, November 6 6:45 pm 9 am – 1 pm 7:00 pm School-wide Multipurpose Room Library Conference room Multipurpose Room School wide Daily All day 7 pm All Classes School wide TBD TUESDAY, November 10 FRIDAY, November 20 FRIDAY, November 13 WEDNESDAY, Dec. 9 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Early November All Day Throughout school December Varies SATURDAY, December 12 WEDNESDAY, January 13 FRIDAY, January 29 WEDNESDAY, February 10 February 8 - 19 WEDNESDAY, Feb 10-11 TBD WEDNESDAY, March 9 FRIDAY, March 11 WEDNESDAY, April 13 Friday, April 15 WEDNESDAY, May 11 FRIDAY, May 20 WEDNESDAY, June 8 All store hours 7:00 pm Barnes & Noble in Bowie Barnes & Noble in Bowie Multipurpose Room 6:45 pm 7:00 pm Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room All day Lunchtime 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 PM 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm All Classes Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Multipurpose Room Online Communication – Listservs Have you joined a DKFI listserv? It is basically an electronic mailing list that will facilitate and improve the communication between parents. There are two types of mailing lists, or listservs at our school. We have the general listserv that handles topics affecting the whole school or multiple grades levels which is DKFISG. There are also graduating class listservs that are divided by what year your child will graduate from Dora Kennedy French Immersion. These follow your child through graduation so you'll only have to do this once. Signing up for this listserv begins in kindergarten and gives you an opportunity to talk amongst yourselves regarding upcoming field trips, organizing grade wide parties, homework assignments and general concerns and questions. There is also a place to upload pictures, which you will value more with every passing year. All of this is only accessible to approved members. To become a member you need to make a request. When you do this, please provide your child’s name and assigned teacher for validation purposes. You can begin by going to Yahoo My Groups and searching for DKFI. This should bring up a list of groups available. After finding the correct graduating year, click on “Join Group.” This will send a membership request to the moderator. The moderator will then approve your request and you will be an active member. If you have a spam filter it is important that you approve the group email address so that messages are able to get through. You can adjust how you receive messages to tailor it to how much school traffic you want in your inbox. To and use the school-wide listserv, please email the following: Post Message : Subscribe : Unsubscribe : The class listserv groups available for the 2015-16 year are: Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Should you have any questions, concerns or problems please feel free to contact Sue Zwicker at or Sandy Legg at FAST FACTS and Frequently Asked Questions Updated: 8/11/2015 General School and PTA Questions What is the NEW address and phone number for the school? What are the school hours? Is there a ListServ (email group) for the school and how do I subscribe to it? What is the address of the PTA website? How much are PTA Dues? What calendar dates do the PTA Dues encompass? When does the PTA meet? Where can I find the PTA Calendar? Who are the PTA officers? Are there other ways to communicate with other parents? 8950 Edmonston Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20770 301-918-8660 Class Hours: 9:15am – 3:55pm, Monday – Friday Office Hours 8:45am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday Send an email to: This is a private email group for parents, teachers, students, friends of our school and PTA. It is not sponsored by the school or the PTA, but is a means to communicate, share and receive information. $10 per adult July 1, 2015 through June 30th 2016; Dues must be renewed annually for each school year. The 2nd Wednesday day of the month, except in November (PTA will meet on the 2nd Tuesday instead). Meetings will be in the Library unless otherwise specified.; on the DKFI ListServ uploaded as a file; at PTA meetings President: Katrina R. Dodro 1st Vice President: Rachel Frey (representing Middle School) 2nd Vice President: Shanna Liberman-Estelle (representing Elementary School) Treasurer: Contina Djaouga Secretary: Nicole Turner Yes, our school has listservs for parents to join. We are also planning to begin a text messaging system for parents using the Remind app. Check out the PTA website for information about joining listservs, or check the Welcome Packet. Fundraiser Questions Who do I contact if I want to help with Fundraising? Does PTA need volunteers to help with Fundraisers? Fundraising questions? What are the ongoing PTA fundraisers? Are there Special Event Fundraisers? You can contact any PTA Officer - parent participation is essential to maintain our high-quality program. The PTA welcomes your assistance, whether you can help with one event or on a regular basis throughout the year. YES. Some volunteer jobs are one time deals, while others may meet 69 times during the academic year. Parent participation is vital to making our school work. Please consider what talents you can utilize with PTA. Lee Wright:; 301-675-7944 These are EASY WAYS to help PTA throughout the year. You can help PTA just by shopping and searching the internet. BoxTops for Education: or Labels for Education: Target RedCard (code 118422): GoodSearch (donations to PTA for every internet search): GoodShop (% of each purchase goes to PTA): (code 7315866L14929)– buy cards for popular retailers & restaurants ***Giant/A+ BonusBucks (code 00381): ***Safeway/EScrip (code 148996839): ***Requires annual registration Yes! Almost all of our fundraising puts the emphasis on FUN. Please see our flyer with our FUN event - based fundraisers. Mark your calendar; the fun times are coming all year long.