Fall Term 2006 - Biological & Ecological Engineering

Crop and Soil Science Classes by Term Offered 2015-2016
*Class has Ecampus alternative
Classes in bold are offered every term
Corvallis Campus Classes
Fall Term 2015
HORT/CROP/SOIL/ENT 101 – Intro to Hort,
Crop, Soil, & Insect Science
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science
& Sustainability*
CROP 200 – Crop Ecology & Morphology
SOIL 205/206 – Soil Science*
CROP/HORT 300 – Crop Production in
Pacific NW Agroecosystems*
SUS 304 – Sustainability Assessment* (2016)
SOIL/GEO 335 – Intro to Water Science &
SUS 350 – Sustainable Communities*
CROP/SOIL 407 – Seminar
CROP/HORT 433/533 – Systematics &
Adaptation of Vegetable Crops
SOIL 435 – Environmental Soil Physics
(alt. yrs. odd)
CROP 440/540 – Weed Management*
CROP 463/563 – Seed Biology
(alt. yrs. even; 2016)
CROP/SOIL 507/607 – Seminar
PBG 507/607 – Seminar
CROP/SOIL 509 – Practicum in Teaching
SOIL 535 – Soil Physics (alt. yrs. even; 2016)
SOIL 536 – Vadose Zone Hydrology Lab
(alt. yrs. even; 2016)
BOT/SOIL 547 – Nutrient Cycling (2016)
PBG 620 – DNA Fingerprinting
(alt. yrs. even; 2016)
PBG 621 – Genetic Mapping (alt. yrs. even;
PBG 622 – Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci
(alt. yrs. even; 2016)
SOIL 635 – Advanced Soil Physics
(alt. yrs. odd)
SOIL 645 – Soil Microbial Ecology
(alt. yrs. even; 2016)
PBG 650 – Adv. Plant Breeding &
Qualitative Genetics
(alt. yrs. odd)
CROP 670 – Physiology of Crop Yield
(alt. yrs. odd)
Winter Term 2016
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science
& Sustainability*
CROP/HORT/SOIL 199 – Issues in
Sustainable Agriculture
SOIL 205/206 – Soil Science*
CROP 319 – Principles of Field Crop
Production (alt. yrs. odd; 2017)
ENT 322 – Honey Bee Biology &
CROP/SOIL 325 – Ag & Environmental
Predicaments: A Case Study
Approach (WIC)
SUS 350 – Sustainable Communities*
ENT 420/520 – Insect Ecology
PBG 430/530 – Plant Genetics
PBG 431 – Plant Genetics Recitation
PBG 441/541 – Plant Tissue Culture
SOIL 455/555 – Biology of Soil Ecosystems
SOIL 468 – Soil Landscape Analysis
(alt. yrs. even)
CROP/HORT 499/599 – Advanced Organic
Farming: Topics & Discussion
SOIL 499 – Practical Chemical Analysis of
CROP/SOIL 507/607 – Seminar
PBG 507/607 – Seminar
CROP/SOIL 509 – Practicum in Teaching
SOIL 515 – Soil Fertility Management
ENT/HORT 518 – Current Topics in
SOIL 523 – Principles of Stable Isotopes
(alt. yrs. even)
SOIL 525 – Mineral-Organic Matter
SOIL 555 – Biology of Soil Ecosystems
CROP 590 – Experimental Design in
CROP 660 – Herbicide Science
SOIL 684 – Global Biogeochemical Cycles
(alt. yrs. even)
Spring Term 2016
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science
& Sustainability*
SOIL 205/206 – Soil Science*
CROP 280 – Intro to Complexity of Oregon
Cropping Systems
CROP 310 – Forage Production*
ENT 311 – Intro to Insect Pest Management*
SOIL 316 – Nutrient Cycling in
CSS 320 – Principles of Oil & Fiber Crop
Production – electronic delivery to
Corvallis from EOU (alt. yrs.
CSS 321 – Principles of Cereal Crop
Production – electronic delivery to
Corvallis from EOU (alt. yrs.
CSS 322 – Principles of Potato Production –
electronic delivery to Corvallis
from EOU (alt. yrs. even)
CROP 330 – World Food Crops*
HORT 330/ENT 300/BI 300 – Plagues, Pests,
& Politics*
SUS 350 – Sustainable Communities*
CROP/SOIL/HORT 407 – Seminar
CROP/HORT 414 – Precision Agriculture
CROP/HORT/ANS/AREC 438 – Exploring
World Agriculture
SOIL 445/545 – Environmental Soil
Chemistry (alt. yrs. odd; 2017)
PBG 450/550 – Plant Breeding
CROP 460/560 – Seed Production
SOIL 466/566 – Soil Morphology &
Classification (Corvallis
w/electronic delivery to EOU &
CROP/HORT 480/580 – Case Studies in
Cropping Systems Management
CROP/HORT 499/599 – Organic & Third
Party Certification
ENT/HORT 499/599 – Insect Agroecology
CROP/SOIL 507/607 – Seminar
PBG 507/607 – Seminar
CROP/SOIL 509 – Practicum in Teaching
SOIL 513 – Properties, Processes, &
Functions of Soil
PBG 519 – Current Topics in Plant Breeding
& Genetics
CROP 560 – Seed Production
CROP 580 – Case Studies in Cropping
Systems Management
Crop and Soil Science Classes by Term Offered 2015-2016
+Class has campus alternative
Ecampus Classes
Fall Term 2015
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science
& Sustainability+
CSS 205 – Soil Science+
SUS 304 – Sustainability Assessment+
CROP 310 – Forage Production+
ENT 311 – Intro to Insect Pest Management+
ENT 322 – Honey Bee Biology &
CROP 330 – World Food Crops+
HORT 330/ENT 300/BI 300 – Plagues,
Pests, & Politics+
ENT/HORT 331 – Pollinators in Peril
SOIL 335 – Intro to Water Science & Policy+
CROP 340 – Pens & Plows: Writings of
Working the Land
SUS 350 – Sustainable Communities+
SOIL 395 – World Soil Resources
CROP 418 – Toxic Plants in PNW Pastures
CROP 440 – Weed Management+
CROP 499/599 – Special Topics/Multiple
CROP 590 – Experimental Design in
Winter Term 2016
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science
& Sustainability+
CSS 205 – Soil Science+
CROP/HORT 300 – Crop Production in
Pacific NW Agroecosystems+
CROP 310 – Forage Production+
CROP 330 – World Food Crops+
HORT 330/ENT 300/BI 300 – Plagues,
Pests, & Politics+
ENT/HORT 331 – Pollinators in Peril
SOIL 335 – Intro to Water Science & Policy
CROP 340 – Pens & Plows: Writings of
Working the Land
SUS 350 – Sustainable Communities+
SOIL 395 – World Soil Resources
CROP 420/520 – Seed Science &
CROP 440/540 – Weed Management+
ENT 440/540 – Issues in Insect Toxicology
CROP 499/599 – Special Topics/Multiple
Classes in bold are offered every term
Spring Term 2016
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science
& Sustainability+
CSS 205 – Soil Science+
CROP 330 – World Food Crops+
HORT 330/ENT 300/BI 300 – Plagues,
Pests, & Politics+
ENT/HORT 331 – Pollinators in Peril
SOIL 335 – Intro to Water Science & Policy
SUS 350 – Sustainable Communities+
SOIL 395 – World Soil Resources
CROP 420/520 – Seed Science &
CROP 440/540 – Weed Management+
CROP 499/599 – Special Topics/Multiple
CROP 590 – Experimental Design in
Summer Term 2016
Corvallis Campus Classes
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science & Sustainability
SOIL 335 – Intro to Water Science & Policy
SOIL 599 – Soil Science for Teachers
Ecampus Classes
SUS 102 – Intro to Environmental Science & Sustainability+
CSS 205 – Soil Science+
SUS 304 – Sustainability Assessment
CROP 310 – Forage Production+
CROP 330 – World Food Crops+
ENT/HORT 331 – Pollinators in Peril (Syn.CGI)
SOIL 335 – Intro to Water Science & Policy+
SOIL 395 – World Soil Resources
SUS 350 – Sustainable Communities
CROP 499/599 – Special Topics/Multiple Titles+
EOU Campus Offerings
Fall Term 2015
BEE 439 – Irrigation Principles & Practices –
possibly delivered to Corvallis in
CROP 300 – Intro to Crop Production
CSS 305 – Principles of Soil Science
CSS 306 – Problem Solving: Soil Science
CROP 401 – Research
CROP 405 – Reading & Conference
CROP 410 – Internship
CROP 440 – Weed Management
CROP 499 – Special Topics
ENT 311 – Intro to Insect Pest Management
(alt. yrs. even; 2016)
Winter Term 2016
BOT 350 – Intro to Plant Pathology
CROP 330 – World Food Crops
SOIL 395 – World Soil Resources
CROP 401 – Research
CROP 405 – Reading & Conference
CROP 407 – Crop & Soil Seminar
CROP 410 – Internship
CROP 480 – Case Studies in Cropping Systems
CROP 499 – Special Topics
PBG 430 – Plant Genetics (alt. yrs. odd; 2017)
Spring Term 2016
CROP 310 – Forage Production
CSS 315 – Nutrient Management & Cycling
CSS 320 – Principles of Oil & Fiber Crop
Production – electronic delivery to
CSS 321 – Principles of Cereal Crop Production –
electronic delivery to Corvallis
CSS 322 – Principles of Potato Production –
electronic delivery to Corvallis
CROP 401 – Research Writing
CROP 405 – Reading & Conference
CROP 410 – Internship
CROP 460 – Seed Production
SOIL 466 – Soil Morphology &
Classification – electronic delivery to
EOU from Corvallis
CROP 499 – Special Topics