Rockville Planning Commission Regular Meeting, 04-14-2015

Rockville Planning Commission
April 14, 2015
Rockville Community Center
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Chair Bob Ford called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
The following members of the Rockville Planning Commission were present: Linda Brinkley, Jane
Brennan, Sharon Hatfield, and Karen Lodinger. Town Clerk Elaine Harris recorded the meeting.
of interest were declared.
presented the request and stated that the Rockville Bridge needs repair. Funds were raised to pay for
a June study and future maintenance. Due to the tourist traffic that uses the bridge, she
recommended there be a collection box at the bridge for donations. In speaking with tour
companies, some preferred to give donations privately rather than ask their customers to make
donations. Others commented that visitors will not remember to stop at the Town Office and make a
donation or send a check. If, however, there is a donation box on site, they will contribute.
Ms. Hartless reported that about $130 every two weeks is received from donation jars placed at
various establishments in Springdale. She felt that a donation box would be very advantageous.
Chair Ford stated that it is not just about the donation box but the time involved as well. In response
to a question raised by Sharon, it was confirmed that the lettering on the sign will be dark and the
entire sign will not be blue as portrayed in the picture included with the application. The sign will be
visible to motorists traveling in both directions because it has two sides. Ms. Hartless stated that
their intent is for the sign to be of a vinyl material that is reflective and easy to change out.
Because the Land Use Code provides that the Planning Commission may approve temporary signs
for Town recognized charitable events on an individual basis, and because the requested sign
conforms to Chapter 8 of the Rockville Land Use Code, and in that it complies with the size, height,
location, and safety requirements outlined in Chapter 8, Sharon Hatfield MOVED to approve the
Town of Rockville’s application for a business sign to be located at the Rockville Bridge, provided
that, as required in Section 8.15.3 of the Land Use Code, the Town shall be provided with a
photograph of the sign as erected and installed. The Town shall also be notified if following
approval and installation, the sign is altered or relocated. Jane Brennan SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Karen Lodinger – Aye
Sharon Hatfield – Aye
Jane Brennan – Aye
Linda Brinkley – Aye
Bob Ford – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
FOR THE HEARING – Chair Ford indicated that Sharon worked on several amendments. At a
previous meeting the proposed changes were reviewed and tentatively approved but the Commission
did not vote on them. Once they are voted on they will be presented to the Town Council at their
next meeting. Sharon indicated that at the prior meeting, Chapter 14, Design Review, was never
mentioned. She asked that it be discussed tonight. The Commission decided to eliminate it because
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the majority of regulations are either in other chapters of the Land Use Code already or on the
building permit application and, therefore, redundant. The other proposed revisions were discussed.
It was noted that the matter was discussed at length at a recent meeting and at that time the
Commission agreed to the proposed changes.
In response to a question raised by Karen about the protection of scenic views and preventing
someone from clearing a lot and building something that does not blend in. Sharon stated that there
is language indicating that homes should reflect the character of Rockville. That can be done by
restricting huge houses and limiting homes to a 4,000 square-foot footprint. Chair Ford also stated
that homes have to be set back a certain distance from the edge of mesas so there is no silhouette.
There is also a restriction for the height of buildings.
Sharon stated that in the past the Planning Commission has taken into consideration how people in
Rockville feel. We do not have a color palette, for example. We encourage builders of new
residences to design their homes so they are in keeping with the character of Rockville. Chair Ford
commented that the Land Use Code deals with areas that are classified as open space.
Chair Ford was comfortable with the proposed language and because there are not a lot of building
requests, they are planning for a slow or low growth environment and likely have sufficient control
over it. In response to a question raised, Chair Ford stated that the Code already includes language
addressing vegetation requirements dealing with reseeding, excavation, and changing landscaping.
Sharon stated that there is a request that large trees not be removed. There is also a provision that
indicates that just the area around the home is to be disturbed.
Sharon reported that Springdale’s ordinances are more restrictive and they have a color palette.
Rockville has not done that because they know that the residents would take offense and consider it
overly restrictive. Chair Ford wanted to avoid taking an overly intrusive approach. He considered
the best approach to be education. He recommended conducting a series of public meetings to help
make newcomers aware of the community values. He felt that most people will self-police. Sharon
thought the matter could be discussed at a future Town Meeting. At that time, the question could be
raised about how the public would feel about the Town having a color code. Chair Ford stated that
there is strong support in the community with respect to the issue of protecting scenic values, open
space values, and agricultural character.
Sharon noticed that the agenda did not include Chapter 6, Bed and Breakfasts, for approval even
though it was discussed at a previous meeting. It was noted that Section 7.29 was also added to
Chapter 7. Sharon suggested the Planning Commission schedule a short meeting to address the
outstanding items. The hope was that it will give them time to modify language to be added to the
Code and an opportunity to vote on Chapter 6. A Special Planning Commission Meeting was
scheduled for Monday, April 20 at 6:00 p.m. That evening Chapter 6 and Section 7.29 would be
reviewed. A public hearing would be scheduled for May 12.
It was reported that an important meeting on fire control was scheduled for April 21 from 6:00 p.m.
to 7:00 p.m. at the Springdale Canyon Community Center.
Linda Brinkley MOVED to accept the following chapters for a presentation and public hearing at
the May 12 Planning Commission Meeting:
Chapter 3 – Planning Commission
Chapter 7 – Supplementary and Qualifying Regulations
Chapter 14 – Design Review
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Chapters 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, and 23 – Zoning Chapters.
Sharon Hatfield SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Karen Lodinger – Aye
Sharon Hatfield – Aye
Jane Brennan – Aye
Linda Brinkley – Aye
Bob Ford – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
reported that he met with Gary Zabriskie and Levi Roberts from the Five County Association of
Governments. It was noted that Five County has been conducting the survey analysis. They gave a
brief summary of the non-write in items. They performed a basic analysis and agreed to get
assistance from the Legal Dispute Resolution Expert from the University of Utah. Together with
Five County they were looking at the data in terms of how to best present it. They were also
investigating alternative ways to sort the data. One option was to sort it by those who are
landowners in Town and those who actually live in Town.
Chair Ford reported that he had a phone conversation with representatives from the University of
Utah and gave them background on the Town and some of the issues they face. He left it to them to
talk initially with Five County and come up with a strategy of how to best present the information.
The question for the Commission to decide pertained to the timing. It was thought that the
information could be presented in early May or June. He asked for input on whether it should be a
separate meeting or part of a regular Planning Commission or Town Council Meeting.
One opinion expressed was for the Commission to wait for the University to get back and then set a
date. Sharon hoped they would end up with clear topics that are of extreme importance to the
residents and that there is perhaps conflict with. A question was raised about why it has taken so
long. Sharon stated the problem is we had two individuals who were heading it up and one of them
had to withdraw because of personal problems and the other one was Vivian and, of course Vivian
died and so then the rest of us were immersed in other items that we had some heavy involvement
with and there just was no one to pick it up because it isn’t something you can pick up like that. It
was clarified that Five County was not the reason it took so long.
Chair Ford stated that Mr. Zabriskie’s assistant, Levi Roberts, is a part-time student and part-time
Planner. He conducted the initial assessment of the data, which was very simple and involved
calculating general percentages. He indicated that they could go into more depth. The consultant
indicated that social scientists have ways of grouping responses certain ways and recognizing trends.
They could keep the results simple or make them complex. Most of the interesting data appeared to
be in the comments, which should be analyzed and grouped. The intent was to put the survey,
including the written comments, into a folder that would be accessible to the public.
Chair Ford recommended letting the experts do their job and communicate to the public; taking more
time will likely result in increased benefit. He stressed the importance of communicating with the
public and informing them of what they are working on. He thought it was a good survey that raises
important questions that need to be addressed.
Linda added that the three person committee that did the survey weren’t really in a good spot around
the 12th. We had contacted Five County about the time Vivian passed. The Mayor had a copy of the
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letter sent to him on the 12th saying we’re ready to go but not so much Five Counties but Michele
had limited dates. So with the death of Vivian we tried to pull all that together, we missed a window
with Michele Straube. Bob added that Michele Straube’s mother passed early February thus
postponing the scheduling for another week or two. Bob mentioned that it is important to let the
community know that we are working on it.
ISSUES – Chair Ford suggested that the first meeting pertain to the Town Survey. From that, the
facilitator will help the Commission address the top five most critical issues. There was earlier
discussion about having one public meeting each quarter. It seemed to him that some issues will
require additional meetings. Jane suggested waiting to set the dates.
Chair Ford stated that the Commission does not have to be limited to one per quarter. One option
was to have the beginning of regular meetings serve as a public forum period. Clerk Harris
recommended it not be made part of the meeting since doing so would require paying for the
minutes to be prepared. To have it on the same night was another option. For example, it could be
held at the conclusion of the regular meeting. Sharon suggested determining the enthusiasm level of
citizens around certain issues. Her preference was to hold a separate meeting. It was agreed that the
help of experts was needed to help address the various topics.
Chair Ford recommended they conduct the Town Survey Meeting, see what results come out of it,
and use it to help identify, rank, and rate important issues. At that meeting they could also begin to
establish task forces to start thinking about a public meeting on various issues.
Linda Brinkley MOVED to accept the minutes, as written, from the February 10, 2015, Planning
Commission Meeting. Sharon Hatfield SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Karen Lodinger – Aye
Sharon Hatfield – Aye
Jane Brennan – Aye
Linda Brinkley – Aye
Bob Ford – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
Commission Administrative Business to discuss.
ADJOURNMENT– Sharon Hatfield MOVED to adjourn. Linda Brinkley SECONDED the
VOTE on motion:
Karen Lodinger – Aye
Sharon Hatfield – Aye
Jane Brennan – Aye
Linda Brinkley – Aye
Bob Ford – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
The Planning Commission Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
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Minutes Prepared by:
Teri Forbes, Owner
T Forbes Group
____Robert E. Ford______________
Planning Commission Chair/Vice Chair