Saints Pew Sheet 10th January 2016

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
With a small donation and big faith, John Kirkby started Christians Against Poverty.
He believed God was calling him to sacrifice his career in finance and use his
knowledge of the industry to help the poor. He was led to people crippled by debt;
parents who couldn’t feed their children, families facing eviction and desperate
people living in fear and without hope. He used his expertise to negotiate with
creditors, set up budgeting systems and offer a lifeline to those trapped in debt.
John knew that people all over the country were struggling in the same way and he
began looking to replicate the work across the UK. With the vital ingredients of a
church to partner with, a passionate person to be trained as a debt counsellor /
adviser, and the faith that God would provide, four new CAP centres were opened at
the end of 1998, and since then, CAP has rapidly grown its centre network and
provides the best debt help service to those with the very least. The vision is to help
answer the national problem of debt by opening a CAP Debt Centre and running a
money course in every town and city in the UK with local churches helping people
budget, save and prevent future debt. Each local CAP Debt Centre (like the Erith
and Thamesmead one just starting) has to raise its own finance to support itself. It
is being supported by the Deaneries and Dioceses involved, and as a church, we
have committed £200 per annum over the next 5 years. However, in addition the
national organisation also needs funds to pay for the specialist national teams to back
up the local ones. This will be what our Charity Bowl donations go towards in
January and February. Rev. Jane Edwards / Chris Martin.
Dates Ahead
15 Jan
21 Jan
4.30pm CAP Launch at Refectory, Bexley College, Erith
7.45pm PCC Meeting in Hall
Vicar: Revd Jane Edwards
01322 432169
Jane’s day off is normally a Monday
Curate: Revd Clive Wood
01322 270942
Parish Office: 01322 446050 email:
Churchwardens: Clarence Nicol
Ian Blower
Hall Secretary: For bookings
01322 430648
0208 306 1103
01322 445010
Notices for pew sheet by Wednesday evening to Cheryl in the Parish Office
Sunday 10th January 2016
(Liturgical Colour: White)
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
Rev’d Jane Edwards
Readings: Acts 8:14-17 (p.774); Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 (p.725)
10.00am All-age Family Worship
Rev’d Jane Edwards
Readings: Isaiah 43:1-7; Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
6.30pm Holy Communion (CW)
Rev’d Jane Edwards
Readings: Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Welcome to our Services today. If you are a visitor, we hope you will feel at
home and part of our Church Family as we worship God together. Leaflets and
our monthly magazine are available at the back of church with information
about our activities. Also, please look at our website –
Please join us for refreshments after the 10am Service in Church
Collect for the Baptism of Christ: Eternal Father, who at the baptism of Jesus
revealed him to be your Son, anointing him with the Holy Spirit: grant to us, who
are born again by water and the Spirit, that we may be faithful to our calling as
your adopted children: through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and
reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever, Amen.
The Week Ahead
Mon 11th
Jane’s day off
Wed 13th
Thurs 14th
Fri 15th
Sun 17th
10am-12 noon Art Club
10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
Readings: 1 Samuel 4:1-11; Mark 1:40-end
7.30pm Table Tennis/Pool Club in Church Hall
7.30pm Collation, Induction and Installation of Revd Mark Tariq at
Bishop Ridley Church, Falconwood
Today at all our Services, there will be the opportunity for all who have been
baptized to join in A Corporate Renewal of Baptism Vows followed by an
Affirmation of Commitment. If you have not been baptised, you are invited to
reflect on whether you would like to be and to speak to Jane or one of the clergy
about this; similarly if you would like to be confirmed or received into the Church of
New January Magazine (60p) at back of Church.
9.30am-11.30am Friday Coffee Morning in Hall
4.30pm-6.00pm Erith & Thamesmead Debt Centre
Official Launch at Bexley College, Erith
7.00pm-8.30pm Choir Practice in Church
Regular Giving Envelopes - For those of you who use the regular giving envelopes,
the envelopes are in your pigeonholes, please check them. Thanks Ian Blower.
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Sunday Club in Church Hall
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW)
Altar Flower Donations 2016 The new list for Altar Flowers is now at the back of the
Church. If you would like to donate flowers during the year please add your name and
telephone number to the list. We will contact you nearer the time and collect your
money. The flowers usually stay on the Altar for 2 weeks. Any queries please ask
Olive at the 8 a m Service or Pamela at the 10.00am Service. Please note there are
no flowers on the Altar during Lent or Advent.
Please remember in your prayers
Anglican Communion: The Anglican Church of Australia; Most Revd Philip Freier,
Archbishop of Melbourne & Primate of Australia; for the Gathering of Primates
Meeting in Canterbury 11-16 January, for wisdom and love
Diocese: Sevenoaks Deanery – Revd Canon Mark Griffin, Area Dean; Brigadier Ian
Dobbie, Lay Chair
Parish: For the Holy Spirit’s anointing, for growth in discipleship, for all thinking of
Baptism or Confirmation.
The World: God of all wisdom, guide us this year by making things new, bring hope
alive in our hearts and keep us faithful through the days that lie ahead so that we will
experience peace in the world,
Our neighbours: Holly Hill Road & Holmhurst Road
For healing and wholeness: Annie Wallis, Ivor Brinkley, Joan, Steve Smith, Angela
Pollard, Shirley, Gary Wightwick, Anne Harriet Nakitende and her family, Barbara Fry,
Gary Taylor (Snr), Sue Maloney, Alan Stephens, Michael & family, Fred Davis,
Anthea Harris-Faulkner.
Those who have died: Alison Knight (Cheryl’s mum), Sandra Stewart. We pray for
all who mourn.
Sunday Club will resume 17th January in Hall for Primary School age children.
Change of time. Please note that activities in the hall on Thursday evenings (i.e.
table tennis club and PCC meetings) will be starting at 7.45pm following a change of
evening for 2nd Belvedere Brownies.
Erith & Thamesmead CAP Debt Centre The official launch of this new local charity
is at 4.30pm on Friday 15th January in the Refectory of Bexley College in Erith.
Anybody who is interested in supporting it in some way is welcome to attend.
Invitations available at back of Church
The Ramryge Angels Exhibition showing the stages of grief is now on display in
Rochester Cathedral until 21st January (not 8th Jan as in Rochester Link).
Special All Saints Cards: These cards, with an actual photograph of the church on
the front and with blank insides ready for your own message, can be found at the
back of church on the blue table. Limited numbers (more on request) a bargain at £1
each - money can go in collecting plate. Pamela Nowell.
Please check pigeonholes at back of church for cards and regular- giving