Cut Bank Saddle Club By-Laws ARTICLE I-Name: Section 1: The name of this organization is CUT BANK SADDLE CLUB, INC. ARTICLE II-Purposes Section 1: To develop and promote good fellowship among horse lovers. Section 2: To promote and develop friendly relationships with similar clubs throughout the State and Elsewhere Section 3: And for the uses and purposes for which this organization is formed; to lease, purchase, hold an use in fee simple, deed in trust, excepting and providing that this organization is a not-profit one and none of its operations shall at any time result in any way in pecuniary profit or gain to any member thereof. ARTICLE III- Members Section 1: Voting Membership in this organization shall be unlimited and a requisite for voting membership is that each voting member participate in planned rides. (Amended 6/2003) Family Memberships have 2 votes per family, with the minimum age to vote being 12 years old. Section 2: Voting Membership in this organization shall be granted to any person who is a horse owner, or who has access to a horse for use in planned rides and who, upon application and payment of required dues and voting membership fee, which shall be submitted at first meeting. Prospective voting member shall be voted on by usual sign; unless a secret ballot is called for at the next regular meeting after application. Five negative votes constitute a rejection of voting membership in the club. Applicant shall agree to abide by the provisions of these By-Laws. (Clarified in meetings dated 3/96, 4/96 & 5/96-regarding membership-new members do not have to be introduced in one meeting and voted for approval in the next meeting unless a secret ballot is called for and then the ballot is taken at the next meeting.--No change recommended.) Section 3: Children 18 years of age and under, whose Father or Mother is a voting member of the Cut Bank Saddle Club, are entitled to the privileges of the Club without the payment of dues. Section 4: Participation in the regular activities of the organization shall be restricted to members only. This section does not refer to any public or social affairs of the Club to which guests may be invited. Section 5: Non-voting membership: Non-Voting Membership in this organization shall be granted to any person who is a horse owner, or who has access to a horse for use in planned rides and who has submitted payment of required dues. Non-Voting membership is defined as membership for those who just want to ride for points or use the Cut Bank Saddle Club grounds for riding and is limited to the use of the CBSC ground, not clubhouse and does not require Club vote, just payment of dues. Non-Voting Members have no vote at any meetings. Non-Voting Members can upgrade their membership by meeting the requirements of Voting Membership as outlined in Section 2. (Amended March 2008) Section 6: Associate membership: To be defined as a temporary membership in the Cut Bank Saddle Club to be able to participate in individual planned rides or events. Associate membership does not include unlimited grounds use, voting rights, or other benefits awarded to voting membership. An associate membership fee will be charged per event and/or per day (of the event). The fee is mandatory and payable prior to each ride or event. (Amended Dec. 2005) ARTICLE IV-Dues Section 1: The annual dues for voting membership in this organization shall be $25.00 per family, $15.00 a single at eighteen years of age by January 1; Non-Voting dues of $20 per family and $10 for single (at 18 years of age by January 1.) Any voting member who fails to pay dues on or before June 1st shall be denied the privileges of the Club until such dues are paid. If these dues are not paid by the succeeding January 1st, the member shall be automatically suspended. Initiation fee is $5.00 to be added to membership fee of $25.00 per family or $15.00 a single; initiation fee of $5.00 to be added to nonvoting membership fee of $20.00 per family or $10.00 a single unless parents are voting members in good standing in the Club. Three years delinquency requires initiation fee and balloting. Voting Members leaving Cut Bank to be given withdrawal cards that will allow re-instatement on payment of current years dues in the event of their return to Cut Bank. ARTICLE V-Meetings Section 1: The organization shall meet monthly on the first Thursday of each month. Section 2: The Annual meeting shall be held on the first Thursday of January of each year. Section 3: Special meeting of the organization may be called by the President, a majority of the Board of Trustees or upon request of five voting members in good standing of the organization. Section 4: A quorum shall consist of the voting members present at any regular or special meeting. Section 5: Agenda The Agenda shall be established by the president and items proposed for the agenda shall be submitted to the president prior to the agenda closing date of two weeks before the meeting. The president must accept all proposed agenda items submitted by a member of the Cut Bank Saddle Club. (Amended March 2008) ARTICLE VI-Officers & Board of Trustees Section 1: The Board of Trustees shall consist of seven (voting) members. The President the immediate past President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be considered members of the Board of Trustees, including two (voting) members elected alternately each year for a two year term. By-Laws pg 2-Article VI Section 2: The Officers and Board of Trustees shall be elected at the December Meeting- a Nominating Committee having been appointed at the previous October meeting, their report given at the November meeting and nominations held open until the December meeting. They shall be installed at the Annual meeting. Section 3: At the same time as the election of the Board of Trustees, a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be selected by the (voting) membership. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be selected by the (voting) membership to serve for one year. Section 4: The duties of the Board of Trustees shall be to conduct, manage, and control the affairs of the Club and the business and to make rules not inconsistent therewith and shall not meet less than 2 times a year. Section 5: The Board of Trustees shall have power to incur indebtedness, not to exceed $300.00 without authorization of the (voting) members at any regular or special meeting; the terms and amount of which shall be entered in the minutes of the Club, and any note or obligation, if any, given for same, shall be signed by the President and Secretary and shall be binding upon the Club. All committees appointed to handle shows or O-Mok-Sees shall first present a budget to the Board of Trustees for approval to create an indebtedness. No indebtedness to the Club may be incurred without first a requisition for purchase obtained from and signed by the President or Secretary. To exceed the amount authorized or to make a charge to the Club without the required requisition constitutes a personal responsibility for payment thereof Section 6: The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and appoint all standing and special committees and perform all other duties not inconsistent with duties of the Board of Trustees. The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President. Section 7: The Secretary shall act as Secretary for all meetings of the Club, including meetings of the board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all funds of the Club and deposit same in such bank as may be designated by the Board of Trustees. Such funds shall be paid out only on the check of the Club. Checks for the disbursement of club funds must be signed by the President or Vice-President and Countersigned by the Treasurer. Books to be audited by January 1st by a committee of two (voting) members from the floor. Section 8: No Officer or Trustee may hold office except he or she own at least, one horse. ARTICLE VII-Amendments Section 1: Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed at any regular meeting of the (voting) membership. To become effective, amendments must be read again at the next meeting and read and voted upon at the third meeting and must receive a majority vote of the (voting) members present. ARTICLE VIII-Livestock Section 1: The Club at no time shall own, purchase, or lease any livestock. Section 2: Livestock shall never be allowed to run at random on Club Grounds. ARTICLE IX Section 1: Land cannot be sold. Section 2: Leasing or use of land for building should be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval and read at two regular meetings before coming into effect. Dated May 1965 Amended March 1974 Amended May 1996 Amended June 2003 Amended December 2005 Amended March 2008