SCOTTISH ATHLETICS OFFICIALS COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting Held at Scottish Athletics, The Gyle, Edinburgh On 8th May 2014 Present Vic Hockley (Chair) Pat Hockley (Officials’ Co-ordinator) Alistair Aitchison Brenda Stephen Margaret McInally Jim Goldie Marjory Cook Mike Forrest Margaret Brown (Vice Convenor) Dave Biggin Kenny Marshall Margaret Ann MacLachlan Ann Carter Claire Archbold (Events Administrator) Liz Wilder 1. Apologies: Joyce Rammell, Shona Malcolm 2. Chairman’s Opening Remarks Vic welcomed Claire to the meeting and expressed the view that someone from the Events team was a good development. Vic and Pat have sent their intimation to British Athletics that they do not want to be considered for the proposed International Meetings Officials group. 3. Matters Arising from minutes of meeting of 20th February 2014. No matters arising 4. Chairman’s Report. AGM was well attended given the lack of following courses and a number of officials at Athletics meetings. He confirmed his intention to stand down at the next AGM and that Pat would also be leaving the position of Officials Coordinator. Some information about the Test Event had filtered through about accommodation and it was hoped that progress could be made soon. The two days of competition will run from 10:00 to 19:00 and the aim will be to test athlete and official movements and perhaps some time management. It will be difficult to test much more with different officials and a lack of the technology which will be used at the real event. It may be that different use of exit and entrances to the field at Hampden may be necessary. Vic expressed the opinion that the Test Event may be more challenging than the real thing. Information on the Commonwealth Games is still limited. Hampden, however, is looking good and it is easy to imagine an impressive event. The area round the track is wide enough to work well. Training of Sports Specific Volunteers is due to start soon and three days so far are allocated for this task. Alistair asked about Uniform collection – some people had not received information and the dates did not work for most officials involved at Districts and Test Events. It was confirmed by Vic and Liz that there would be suitable dates to come and to ensure this information went through to all officials Pat agreed to send an email to highlight these points. 5. Education and Training (Report from Jim Goldie) Training Update The National Training day was not successful despite a number of emails being sent out from the office. The only two courses that did run were the Health and Safety & Call Room, thanks to Margaret McInally and Margaret Ann McLaughlin for their time in delivering these courses. There needs to be a re-think on how we deliver the training and given the success of the regional delivery of the Level 2, we will be continuing this in the coming 12 months. The Regional Staff have been working on promoting the training and this has worked. The delivery of workshops is an area where we need to look at a better way of delivering these locally if possible. Given the success of the Level 2, these may be a bolt on to the Level 2 training as requested. The UKA Level 3 courses should only be delivered once we have the numbers at the level to progress through this. The guidance on this should come from the Peer Group Head. Courses delivered: Shetland Inverness Level 2 Field Level 2 Field 18 attendees 7 attendees 1 Inverness EDM East Kilbride Level 2 S/ M Grangemouth H&S Grangemouth Call Room Upcoming Courses Meadowbank Level 1 Aberdeen SV Level 2 TK Caledonia House Meet Manager 7 attendees 7 attendees 4 attendees? 3 attendees? 12 May 18 May 28 June Forward planning We will be looking at a regional model for deliver, with courses in the following areas: Dundee Level 2 Pitreavie Level 2 Track Criagswood Level 2 Field Ayrshire Level 2 Track and TK Aberdeen Level 2 Field Inverness Level 2 Track Islands As requested This is only a rough guide and the courses may change as we discuss with the local contacts. The Commission recognised the success at level 2, but expressed dismay that there were only 10 people booked on any courses on the Training Day with only 3 booked onto the Level 3. The others were a mix of workshops. The vast majority of new officials are remaining at 2a or b and many attending courses at level 2 do not even complete the paperwork for 2a 6. Track & Field Officials’ Coordinator’s Report Pat Hockley (Track & Field Officials Co-ordinator) May 2014 All allocations for Summer Championships were sent out nearly a month after Allocation meeting. The track at Grangemouth is being relayed which has necessitated change in venue for the Combined Events & Age Group Champs. Claire part of the Events team in the office using Trinity sent out emails informing officials & asking again for Availability. Most officials did not receive this email & so I sent out the same email to all officials who had offered availability for any Championship this Summer. The returns were sent to Claire & availabilities sent to Discipline heads at the end of April. It would have been helpful if officials knew that accommodation would be available for Aberdeen when asked for their availability. When I have the reallocations for these meetings I will inform officials. At present I have Track ,Field & am awaiting Starter/Marksmen , Timekeeping /Photofinish & Admin which cannot be sorted until all other disciplines have completed lists. Looking at availabilities it appears that we will have difficulties in selecting full teams for Aberdeen & especially Admin officials. I have been working on the Trinity database to try to pass on to my successor next March a more usable database with just Track & Field officials. 7. Recruitment Retention and Rewards Sub group Report Dave Biggin This group has not met since the last Commission meeting due to demands on member’s time. The intention is to include the advertising poster in all summer event programmes as happened during the winter events. This will convey the ‘need to recruit message’ to readers at events. Mark Munro’s video has been produced and contains many clips of officials actually officiating. It was felt however the script needed to accurately convey a precisely worded message and delivered by a credible presenter. An approach has been made to a suitable presenter. It was interesting that one of the candidates at the recent L2 s/sa course was an athlete who had very recently stopped competing, and four were teachers. 2 Dave asked the view of the Commission on the continuation of this group with Regional Managers now charged with recruitment in their area. It was the feeling of the meeting that Dave was best placed to decide in consultation with other group members, but that although recruitment at Level 2 was growing; progression and retention were a huge problem and an area which might provide a new challenge. 8. Discipline Heads’ Reports. Track – (Report from Alistair Aitchison) 2 x Level 2c Officials hoping to attain Level 3 2 x Level 2b are hopeful of attaining Level 2c Still the same number of Level 2a (9) officials making progress to Level 2b Unfortunately very few of the Level 2b & 2a seem to be in a hurry, not helped by their reluctance to travel too far to meetings. Field – Upgradings We still hope to have 3 L 2Cs going forward for L3 this year. One problem is that one has not attended an EDM course - which was not available at the training day, possibly due to lack of numbersand that will need to be addressed. This is going to be an ongoing problem which will need to be looked at. We are not going to have large numbers attending L3 modules at the same time. EDM training will need to be looked at. A number of L2 officials are hoping to upgrade this year, dependent on their attendances/experience. Championships The change of championship venues has caused a large drop in numbers of field officials. Aberdeen is especially hard hit with the Birmingham GP and IPC European championships taking away a large number. We may need to use newer local officials to help. Administration. – Major concerns at lack of identified personnel for Admin Roles. It was discussed and largely agreed that the minimum needed were 2 officials at each of Declaration, Seeding and Call Room and that with this minimum volunteers might be used effectively. These officials need to be selected first rather than as Disciplines spot a ‘surplus’. Starter / Marksman – (Report from Dave Biggin) Eight candidates attended the Level 2 course in East Kilbride on 23 rd April and Barry was the main tutor. More time is required for this course in future which aims to cover the prescribed disc content and two practical sessions. Hopefully some of these candidates will eventually offer availability. Plans to obtain reports on a L3 candidate have been disrupted with the change of venue and subsequent unavailability of our candidate. Under strength teams will officiate at the Districts with two starting and two marking. This is not sustainable. Hopefully the Call room is well staffed!! Hopefully the mentoring plans can be progressed soon also. Timekeepers/Photo Finish-(Report from Mike Forrest) Mike reported no new upgrading information. He wanted to clarify the position re. ‘Record of Experience’ forms in place of Logbook. It was discussed and it was clear that different disciplines were giving slightly different advice. It is to be stressed that anyone looking to progress – through to Level 3 or for consideration for the International Meeting Officials group and Active List must complete their forms with as much detail as possible. He reported the success in the use of volunteers on the radios at PF which seemed to make the operation run very smoothly. There are still issues with sourcing radios for championships. He expressed concerns as to the ‘skillbase’ when officials are split over three district championships and in general numbers are still too low. 9. Service to Members (Report from Ann Carter) 3 Ann has been trying to locate suitable venues for an officials’ get together (Curry Night) and has a few ideas which she is working on but perhaps with a date in the winter most likely. A couple of names for waterproof jackets and trousers were passed to Ann at the meeting. 10. Facilities Report form Liz Wilder Large number of venues checked Hutchieson Grammar – certificate now Ravenscraig, Greenock – limited certificate Grangemouth – upgrade to go ahead– track improvements, bend and drainage addressed, work on toilets, possibility of track from Hampden. No Pole Vault move viable. Emirates – storage cages for equipment, track etiquette Linwood – new equipment including wind gauges. Improvements made to Long Jump, Shot, Port cabin for throwing equipment. Wishaw – track maintenance (weather impeding progress) No High Jump equipment at present (Linwood may provide suitable alternative) Pitreavie – repairs but not very successful – shot particularly poor surface. Weed problem at the venue. Cage is only usable with considerable attention. Suggested net would benefit from being brought down when not in use. There will need to be consideration as to the viable events held here and major rethink for Districts with moving of events to Kilmarnock a possibility. 11. Health & Safety Report Margaret Ann is continuing delivery of courses. Some concern over details on Accident Forms re addresses to send (Jim to check). Margaret Ann will contact Michael Hunt re. possible report about accident form sent from Pitreavie (YDL) 12. Track & Field Representative’s Report. Kenny delivered apologies for the breakdown in communication on change of venues for CE and Age Groups. 13. Road Running & Cross Country. There is another course pencilled in for the autumn. Marjory reported that both the Convenor and Secretary have announced their intention to step down. AOCB Meet Manager Training – Stewart has been working with Janet Nixon with the intention of setting up training sessions. The individuals involved are yet to be decided, but it was felt that only those with a working knowledge of seeding could be selected initially and that obviously numbers have to be small. Margaret McInally agreed to work with Stewart to clarify course content and the most suitable candidates. Essentially there is a need to have people with the skills to Manage the System (Main Computer Operator) as well as a group able to work on specific parts at Declaration, Seeding etc. Volunteers for Summer Championships – after success indoors we need to coordinate an effort to have volunteers working alongside officials at championships. The Events Team will be working with the Clubs and Regional Managers on this issue. Liz is also keen to try to engage Front Runners – before as training for the Commonwealth Games and after once their interest is ‘sparked’. The proposals coming from the Indoor Debriefing meeting were discussed and those who had volunteered to undertake work were asked to send to Claire so that it can be circulated (to those at the meeting and the Commission) before publishing to all officials concerned. Brenda agreed to send a list of emails for Commission. Claire was pleased to report the progress made on Information Sheets to achieve uniformity of practice at Declaration, Seeding and Call Room. New remit descriptions for Management Roles is ready and the Information to Officials letter has been completed. Stewart is trying to address issues with radios. There is a new website in the pipeline and it is hoped that the ‘Officials Area’ will give easy access to all relevant paperwork when it is completed. A concern was expressed that an official already committed to officiate at an event had been asked to tutor a coaching course. This was not felt appropriate for a number of reasons. Ann asked for clarification on issues about Aberdeen accommodation – Claire promised to ask Stewart to look into all issues and to again check that emails are being sent to all officials. Pat asked to check the early date set for Timetabling meetings and therefore the earlier release of officials’ lists. Liz checked that information had been sent out to NTD/MM about proposed dates for Timetabling Meetings and a couple of Commission members were able to confirm receipt of invitations. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING – 4 Proposed Next Commission Meeting – Wednesday 17th September 2014 (Please note change of day) It was felt that August may be a little busy. Brenda Stephen May 2014 5