Bruce Ski Executive Meeting Minutes February 15, 2007 7:00 pm Attendees: Barbara Gray, Dave Tremlett, Ken Beauclerc, Andrew Howlett, Fred Scheel, Bob Day, Reg Martin, Martin Kerr and Marilyn Suke Regrets: Ken Clarke, Peter Lumb, Julie Atchinson 1. Welcome & Attendance 2. Minutes of Exec Meeting, Jan 18/07 Minutes accepted, Motion Reg, Andrew Second Business Arising: a) Special Olympic review-Andrew Andrew reported that overall it was a success. It shows that we can handle a two day event, as long as we get enough volunteers. A lot of the volunteers came from Special Olympics. “Thank you” to Andrew for all his work with the race. b) Emergency Plan update- Martin Martin has worked on a submission for the newsletter but has questions around what should be included. The question was could we publish the groomers phone numbers to assist the emergency team. It was decided that this was beyond to scope of the groomer’s responsibility. It was also decided that the insert be put in the first newsletter next season. c) Groundhog Loppet Review – Barbara Susan Pouget has developed a good guide book for running future Ground hog loppets. This will help anyone running them in the future. Susan has respectfully resigned from running it next year. Brendan Mulroy has agreed to run it next year. d) Constitution/Mission Statement delayed until March mtg e) Security System – Fred DJ has installed a new security system for the Sawmill Trail. The cost will be around $225. It includes a motion sensor, flashing lights and siren on the Hut. The equipment shed also has a similar system. It arms automatically at 9:00 pm and turns off at 7:00 am. 3. Financial Report, Dave Tremlett Balances RBC chequing $3,927 ING $ 27,650 Dave received a letter from Hydro One stating that we do not qualify for the paper disconnect for last summer because they detected 120 kwh of usage. For that, we can expect an extra $500 on our next bill; $230 to pay back the credit, a $200 fee for verifying the usage and then a charge for the actual electricity. Fred proposed that we not get the paper disconnect in the future and have the $230 cost absorbed by the user groups who use the hut in the off season. Currently we charge these groups $25 rent and a $25 deposit to ensure they remove their garbage. Motion from Reg to keep the electricity running through the summer and approach Hydro to reduce our penalty costs as it was simply an oversight on our part and we are a nonprofit organization. Seconded by Marilyn, passed. Reg will determine the monthly cost increase and bring this to the next meeting. We will use this amount to ascertain what we will charge user groups. 4. New Business: a) Equipment at Sawmill- Fred Fred explained that the Centaur has blown it’s motor and is currently in Sudbury being repaired. There will be transportation cost but hopefully the motor will be covered under warranty by Briggs and Stratton as there was a design flaw with the motor. Once we had the loner it took 20 hours of grooming to get the trail back in shape after the blown engine and a bad storm. Fred and Reg traveled to La Fontaine to look at a 1989 Tucker. It was nice but it was too big. Fred also explained that the current Centaur has some design flaws that he would like fixed while it is in the shop in Sudbury. The newer models have self adjusting chains and our machine takes six hours to properly adjust the chains manually. Fred will find out the costs of the upgrades and email the exec next week. Fred asked for permission to buy a gift for the snowmobile groomer who pulled the Centaur out of halfway hill. Motion by Fred, seconded by Reg, passed. b) Sauble Falls map- Barbara Barbara showed the exec the Sable Trails map. It is a map that they sell. The problem is that many people get a free map at Suntrail and then don’t necessarily pay for a day pass. So if we sell the maps with a day pass that would alleviate that problem. Barbara will explore this more and report back to the exec. c) Permanent snowshoe trail ?- Barbara Following the success of the WinterRama snowshoeing , we were approached to add snowshoeing to our mandate. Barbara will look into this further and Marilyn will ask Highlands Nordic how they insure their snowshoers. d) AGM- Date April 26, 2007. The exec meeting will be 6:30, AGM will start at 7:00 and the exec will continue when AGM finishes. 5. Reports-Pre-circulated- Sawmill, Colpoy’s, Rankin, Youth Progr., GBN, Membership, Pres. Sawmill: see new business Also Fred has been approached to send the trail reports that are on the website through email to members daily. During the summer Andrew will add this option to the website . Colpoy’s: Skiing has been at it's best for the last few weeks at Colpoy’s. The entire trail system was groomed for the first time on the first weekend in Feb. That would probably be the latest date that we have waited that long for good snow. Rankin: Our trails north of Red Bay Road and from the Red Bay Lodge and the Red Bay Camp are all in very good condition, possibly the best we have ever experienced. The combination of bump removing by Don Elliott and Peter Stewart's packing and tracksetting on top of several snowfalls has produced great skiing. Number of skiers to-date has been low due to the late start to the season. We encountered some problems with both Snowmobilers and the Dog teams after the first snows. Sandy Richardson and I met with Richard who runs the sled dogs and were able to develop an understanding which seems to have resolved the immediate problems and which will result in some minor changes to the sled teams approaches to trail crossings. The snowmobiles spoiling the ski tracks were from Pike Bay and claimed to have lost their way. This situation is not common but does occur occasionally. Youth Program: Jackrabbits is running smoothly. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of our grooming staff we have had terrific conditions for each session. Marilyn Suke has been very helpful with our attempts at leader training and development. Ken is still looking for a coordinator for next year. He has some people in mind whom he will ask before March 10, the end of the program. GBN: look for report in newsletter. Membership: Memberships are still trickling in. Miguelle has been working with Andrew and Al White on the computer program and they have most of the bugs out. Ruth Scheel has agreed to look after memberships next season. President’s report Barbara has contacted CCO regarding their refusal to fund our coaching courses because we have withdrawn from Jackrabbits. Judy Doble, CCO chair agreed to take our concerns to the next CCO exec meeting. CCC has sent out a 12 page survey seeking basic information about all clubs and which of their members are qualified coaches. Barbara asked that could everyone who is involved in teaching /coaching kids please forward this information to her. Reg Martin has announced he and Pam will be away for next season. Reg is our Vice Pres, but he has indicated he does not want to move into the Pres's position. Therefore, Barbara would like someone to step up to this position for next season with the understanding they will take on the President's position the following yr. Barbara’s mandate finishes at the end of the 07-08 season. Andrew Howlett has agreed to be Vice next season with the intent of moving into President the following year. 6. Events Calendar BAA (Elem) Tues. Feb.20/07 Suntrail Special Sat. Feb17/07 Rankin Trail Fun Day Saturday Feb 24 7. Newsletter, Next one, April. Please submit your reports by the 30th of March. Next Meeting- March 22, 2007, 7:00pm. Motion to adjourn, Reg, second Martin