ALPHA DELTA KAPPA LIVING MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT PURPOSE: The Living Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually. The Living Memorial Scholarship program provides an Alpha Delta Kappa member the opportunity for professional growth through traveling away from her home environment and/or studying another culture to promote World Understanding and to expand her knowledge and develop materials to be used in the classroom. The program provides incentive for a member to enrich the lives of her pupils by imparting to them this expanded knowledge in her field of education. ELIGIBILITY: An Alpha Delta Kappa member who: 1. Is actively engaged in education. 2. Is a member in good standing. Membership dues must be paid by the application deadline. 3. Is not a member of the International Executive Board, International Chapter, International scholarship boards or committees, a substantial contributor to the Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation, or a relative of any of the aforementioned groups. 4. Has not received an Alpha Delta Kappa scholarship or grant within the past two years. FINANCIAL: An annual scholarship of $2,500. APPLICATION: The application must be postmarked on or before February 15 and mailed as follows: Send via regular mail Original and one copy to: Copy via regular mail to: Sherri L. DeLaHunt Living Memorial Scholarship Chairman PO Box 60 Brainerd, MN 56401 Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters 1615 West 92nd Street Kansas City, Missouri 64114-3296 Please print on the application form. You may also print your responses from the computer and affix them to the application form in the appropriate spaces. The applicant shall estimate the amount of the scholarship to be used for tuition, transportation, meals, lodging, research, etc. The applicant shall include a statement of what she expects to learn from the experience, and describe teaching materials to be developed (e.g.: slide presentation, historical artifacts, local folklore, etc.). She will describe how this experience will impact and enrich the curriculum in the lives of students. Alpha Delta Kappa would appreciate copies of any materials developed as a result of this study. Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority or Foundation shall retain no copyright or other rights to any materials developed. TIME ALLOCATED FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP: The scholarship may be used by the recipient for any period of time up to one year after the award is made. No awards shall be retroactive. The original application and two copies shall be submitted as instructed by February 15, the postmark being the determining factor. Applicants will be notified by March 15 as to the recipient. RESPONSIBILITIES OF RECIPIENT: The applicant shall submit progress reports during and after the scholarship period. She shall send a copy to the Living Memorial Scholarship Chairman and to Alpha Delta Kappa Headquarters. She shall be invited to present during International convention or regional conference(s). The decision of the committee is final. Under no circumstances is the applicant for the Living Memorial Scholarship to contact the committee members requesting justification of their decision. Revised 11/23/15 Complete all sections of this form. Please print. APPLICATION ALPHA DELTA KAPPA LIVING MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Attach additional information as necessary. Name____________________________________ State/Province/Nation & Chapter_______________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Street City State/Province/Nation Zip AK Initiation Date____________ Social Security #______________________________________ Present Teaching Position__________________________ No. of Years Experience_____________ Home Phone (______)_______________________ Work Phone (______)_______________________ Home e-mail_____________________________________ Home Fax (______)__________________ Work e-mail_____________________________________ Work Fax (______)___________________ 1. Are you a candidate for an advanced degree? 2. Reason for wanting the scholarship and brief summary of project or study proposed: 3. How will you benefit from this experience? 4. Project beginning date: Ending date: 5. What materials do you plan to develop? 6. How do you plan to integrate your experience and/or material into your curriculum? 7. State how you expect this scholarship to enrich the lives of your students. 8. Itinerary and mode of travel (be specific): 9. Estimate amount of scholarship to be used for: Tuition .......................... $ Materials ........................ $ Transportation .............. $ Equipment ..................... $ Meals and Lodging ....... $ Other (describe) ............. $ Research ....................... $ NOTE: Scholarship awards cannot exceed the amount of projected expenses. 10. List professional, community and fraternal organizations to which you belong and describe your involvement. 11. Remarks: Date____________________ ________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Mail the original and one copy by regular mail to: Send an additional copy by regular mail to: Revised 11/23/15 Sherri L. DeLaHunt Living Memorial Scholarship Chairman PO Box 60 Brainerd, MN 56401 Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters 1615 W. 92nd Street Kansas City, MO 64114-3296