2008PW2000rev - City of Edmonton

Revised Report
Exemption from LEED
Silver Registration
Kennedale Drainage Vehicle
Storage Building and Louise
McKinney Park Green Room
2. That in future reports, Administration
provide information about
environmental sustainability of all
projects which will not attain
Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEEDS)
That Transportation and Public Works
Committee recommend to City Council:
That an exemption of C532 Sustainable Building Policy be
granted to the construction of both
Kennedale Drainage Vehicle Storage
and Louise McKinney Park Green
Room Buildings.
Report Summary
This report provides information as
to why the new Kennedale Drainage
Vehicle Storage Building and the
Louise McKinney Park Green Room
(at the Shumka Stage) will not be able
to attain Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design silver
Previous Council/Committee Action
At the November 6, 2007,
Transportation and Public Works
Committee meeting, the following
motion was passed:
1. That the October 19, 2007, Asset
Management and Public Works
Department report 2007PW2000 be
referred back to Administration to
return with information on
environmental sustainability for the
Kennedale Drainage Vehicle
Storage Building and Louise
McKinney Park Green Room
Building projects.
The Sustainable Building Policy,
C532, mandates that effective 2008,
all new City-owned buildings are to
be LEED Silver Certified. The Policy
allows that, where this is not
practical, the Project Management
and Construction Branch will forward
an information report to City Council
explaining why the project will not be
formally certified.
It is unlikely that LEED silver
certification can be achieved on the
Kennedale Drainage Vehicle Storage
Building and the Louise McKinney
Park Green Room (at the Shumka
To attempt LEED certification on
these projects will result in increased
costs primarily from added project
management and administration.
Each LEED certification requires an
estimated $200,000 in third party
direct administrative costs.
Kennedale Drainage Storage Building
 The Kennedale Drainage Storage
Building is a stand-alone 700 square
meters facility. It will house ten
drainage trucks.
 The facility is a relatively small
industrial building with little design
complexity. There is limited material
commodity to work with to achieve
LEED rating system objectives.
There are few LEED credits
available in siting, site development,
water conservation or design
innovations possible.
ROUTING – Transportation and Public Works Committee, City Council | DELEGATION – W. D. Burn/C. Ward
WRITTEN BY – B. Oakley | December 5, 2007 – Asset Management and Public Works Department 2008PW2000rev
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Exemption for LEED Silver Registration
Attachment 1 lists the sustainable
features that will be incorporated into
the design of the facility independent
of the LEED certification.
The Kennedale Drainage Vehicle
Storage Building is a 2007 project.
Louise McKinney Green Room
 The Louise McKinney Green Room
is a 110 square meters building. It is
for change rooms and bathrooms to
service the Shumka Stage.
 The facility is a small building with
little design complexity. There is
limited material commodity to work
with to achieve LEED rating system
objectives. There are few LEED
credits available in siting, site
development, water conservation or
design innovations possible.
 The Louise McKinney Park Green
Room Building is the next priority
facility as part of the development of
the Louise McKinney Park.
 Attachment 1 lists the sustainable
features that will be incorporated into
the design of the facility independent
of the LEED certification.
This report is in compliance with City
Council Policy C532.
Focus Area
This report focuses on Balanced
Infrastructure Management.
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Justification of Recommendation
Both Kennedale Drainage Vehicle
Storage and Louise McKinney Park
Green Room Buildings are not able to
attain Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design Silver
1. Sustainable Features for the
Kennedale Drainage Vehicle Storage
Building and the Louise McKinney
Green Room
Attachment 1
Sustainable Features of the Kennedale Drainage Vehicle Storage Building and of
the Louise McKinney Green Room
Kennedale Drainage Vehicle Storage Building
Sustainable Sites: ‘brownfield’ site re-used, storm water management, light pollution
control of site lighting.
Water Efficiency: high efficiency water fixtures.
Energy: high-efficiency condensing boilers, air curtains over high frequency o/h doors,
clerestory day-lighting, occupancy motion sensors, energy efficient two level lighting,
vision panels in o/h doors to prevent unnecessary opening, no ozone depleting
Materials and Resources: 50% construction waste recycled, fly ash in concrete mix,
steel is 85% recycled, high recycled content flooring, energy efficient roofing.
Indoor air quality: low VOC emitting materials, controllability of systems, thermal
comfort by compliance and monitoring.
Louise McKinney Green Room:
Sustainable Sites: storm water management, light pollution control of site lighting,
bicycle parking.
Water Efficiency: seasonal operations of limited plumbing, infrared controls and high
efficiency fixtures.
Energy: no ozone depleting chemicals, seasonal operations.
Materials and Resources: 50% construction waste recycled, fly ash in concrete mix,
steel is 85% recycled, 20% other regional materials, energy efficient roofing.
Indoor air quality: low VOC emitting materials, controllability of systems, thermal
comfort by seasonal operations, compliance and monitoring.
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Report: 2008PW2000 Attachment 1