Class Project and Presentation

Introduction to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
HP 200, Spring 2009
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11:00-12:20 a.m.
Parvin Shahlapour, MS, MFCC, PhD
Office hours: by appt.
Teaching Assistant:
Mr. Christopher Schafer
Program Office:
Angela Almer Turk
3375 South Hoover
University Village, Suite E210
Tell: 213-821-1601
Textbook: Health Behavior and Health Education, 4th Addition
Editors: Karen Glanz, Barbara K Rimer, Frances Marcus Lewis,
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the major issues in health
promotion and disease prevention. This includes an introduction to strategies for
promoting health and wellness, the major causes of premature mortality and morbidity,
behavioral and environmental contributions to illness and injury, as well as strategies for
risk reduction. Health promotion raises a number of economic, public policy, and ethical
issues that cut across the society. This course will address a number of these issues.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, Students will be able to:
 Identify the leading causes of illness, disease, and death by gender, age, and
Population groupings.
 Identify the major behavioral and environmental risk factors for illness, disease,
and injury.
 Develop and carry out a personal program for health promotion.
 Assess public policy for its health promotion and disease prevention implications.
 Identify major scientific, societal, communal, and ethical issues in health
Learning Methods
Lectures, Discussions and problem solving activities
Reading assignments
Class discussion and participation
Class collaborative project and presentations
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation will be based on class participation, class project and presentation, midterm
exams and final exam.
Class Participation and course requirements:
You are expected to attend lectures, arrive on time, remain for the entire class period,
and to engage in active, thoughtful, respectful class participation. *There are no makeups of the daily activities, even for pre-planned or emergency absences
Lectures and Discussion Sessions:
Class will consist of two, one hour and twenty minutes each week. Each class will consist
of approximately 50 minutes of lecture and 30 minutes of discussion and class
presentation. Major points of each topic will be covered in lectures. Discussions will
challenge students to integrate lectures, readings and class presentations.
You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the assigned reading for that day.
During class, you are expected to be prepared to discuss important points from the
readings, and to ask questions if there are things you do not understand from your reading
or the class discussion.
Class Project and Presentation:
You will work with your fellow class members on a collaborative project investigating
elements of selected health issues. All topics must be approved in advance by the
professor. The collaborative project has two components: a short report and the delivery
of a 30 minutes presentation to the class about your topic. Further information about the
class project will be distributed and discussed in class.
*Once the date of your presentation is scheduled, it is very difficult to change, as
this will disrupt the schedule for the remaining presentations of your fellow
students. In the case of a personal/family emergency, with appropriate
documentation (for example, a note from a doctor or counselor), I have the option of
assessing the feasibility of rescheduling your presentation.
Midterm Exams: There will be two midterm exams. Midterm #1; 02-17-2009, covers
Classes 1-9. Midterm #2; 03-31-2009, covers Classes 11-20.
Final Exam: The final exam is scheduled for Tuesday May 12, 8-10 am
The University requires that all instructors adhere to the final examination schedule
Final Grades calculation: Course grades will be based on the following class
1. Daily class attendance and participation
2. Midterm Exams
3. Final exam
4. Class Project and Presentation:
Grades for the course will be calculated according to the following formula:
1. Midterm #1…..…………...…………….. 20%.......................... 100 points possible
2. Midterm #2 …..…………………............ 20%.......................... 100 points possible
3. Class Activities and participations….….. 20%...........................100 points possible
4. Class Project……………………………. 20% ……...……….. 100 points possible
5. Final Exam …………….. ……………. .. 20% ……………..…100 points possible
Total ……………………………...100% ……………… 500 points possible
Letter grades are assigned according to the following formula:
97-100% = A+
80-82% = B63-66% = D
93-96% = A
77-79% = C+
60-62% = D90-92% = A73-76% = C
87-89% = B+
70-72% = C83-86% = B
67-69% = D+
Policy on late work and absences:
Make-up exams will not be offered, except in the case of documented personal/family
emergencies. In these exceptional cases, appropriate documentation (for example, a note
from a doctor or counselor) is required for a student to make-up a missed exam. All other
work is expected to be turned in on time, so please plan accordingly.
Please do not take your class time to peruse the student newspaper or do homework from
other classes. Cell phones/pagers/loud electronic devices must be turned off during
class time. You may choose to take notes on a laptop computer; however, you are
expected to refrain from playing computer games, surfing the Web, or working on
homework from other classes. All of these activities can impede the learning process for
yourself and for your fellow students.
Controversy and Respect: This course covers some cultural issues, some of which may
be controversial. You are expected to be courteous and respectful to fellow students,
professors, and guest speakers. If you anticipate ethical or religious objections to any of
the material covered in this course, please consult me within the first two weeks of the
USC’s electronic blackboard system will be used throughout the semester. Lectures,
reminders, and messages will be posted for the students. In addition, documents such as
the course syllabus and helpful information about the class project will be posted. Please
check the Blackboard system at least twice a week to ensure that you are up to date. The
Website address for Blackboard is
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity is expected of every student in all academic work. You are held to
the University’s Code of Academic Integrity. All USC students are responsible for
reading and following the Student Conduct Code, which can be found at The USC student code
prohibits plagiarism. Students who violate University standards for academic integrity
are subject to disciplinary sanctions.
Statement for students with disabilities:
Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to
register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of
verification for approved accommodations should be obtained from DSP and delivered to
me as early in the semester as possible, preferably within the first two weeks. DSP is
located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone
number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.
Communication Policy:
I encourage you to talk to me if you feel you are having problems and need assistance, or
even if you simply want to talk about your progress in class. I will be happy to assist you
with study tips and guidance on how to improve your performance to earn the grade you
desire. I take great time and effort to assign grades in a fair, impartial manner. If you wish
to discuss your grades with me, you may schedule a meeting to do so.
The final exam is scheduled for Tuesday May 12, 11:00-1:00pm