Contact: Dorothy I. Mitstifer Telephone: 517.351.8335 PRESS RELEASE: East Lansing, Michigan. [insert your name, society, and university] attended the annual council meeting of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) in Jacksonville, Florida, February 17-20. [your name] and more than 90 other leaders from honor societies across the country met to discuss mutual concerns and issues centered on the theme of modern challenges facing education and honor societies in the 21st century. The program provided a variety of sessions and discussions centered on themes of importance and interest to the attendees. In addition, the ASCHS Board of Directors met in several sessions throughout the council meeting to discuss ACHS business and directives. Kiki L’Italien, senior consultant from DelCor presented ideas on how societies and associations can connect with member communities through effective communications and social media strategies. A session on undergraduate research in the humanities was given by Naomi Yavneh, associate professor of Renaissance humanities, and Julie Langford, assistant professor of history and leader of the Severan Database Project, both from University of South Florida. Several leaders of member societies: Martha Zlokovich (Psi Chi); Chris Evans (Psi Chi); James Froula (Tau Beta Pi), Stephen Loflin (NSCS); Bailey Kasten (NSCS); and Jerry Rudman (Psi Beta) presided over a session discussing on-line registration and payment. Mary Ryan, President and Founder of the Washington Internship Institute was the luncheon speaker on Friday addressing World Class Education: Triumphs, Trust and Talent. Friday’s afternoon sessions included a presentation on Efficient and Effective Nonprofit Operations given by Bob Harris, who has worked with thousands of associations and chambers of commerce to focus on operations, board governance and strategic direction. Saturday’s sessions included an informative and educational presentation on Protecting Intellectual Property: Gaining, Losing and Enforcing Rights given by John Kuzenski. Mr. Kuzenski is director of pre-law programs and associate professor of political science at North Carolina Central University and has served as general counsel for Pi Sigma Alpha. Kristie Gover, assistant Dean of Students and Director of Retention Services at Jacksonville University provided an in depth look at the college student of 2020. Pegine Echevarria who was named one of the 100 Global Thought Leaders on Diversity by the Society of Human Resource Management was the Saturday luncheon speaker followed by Stephen Loflin who presided over Saturday’s appreciation luncheon and awards presentation. Each morning of the council meeting began with round table discussions on a variety of topics of interest to society leaders. The Association of College Honor Societies is dedicated to its 67-member council, which builds cohesive communities for national and international honor societies that exhibit excellence in scholarship, service, and governance. The national office is located in East Lansing, Michigan.