SCL Ex minutes 22nd January 2014 – Chair approved

Minutes of the SCL Executive Committee meeting held in CILIP on 22 nd January
Present: Janene Cox (Chair), Alison Bramley, Ayub Khan, Michelle Alford, Simon May,
Ciara Eastell, Elizabeth Elford, Mark Taylor, Peter Gaw, Rosemary Doyle, Neil MacInnes,
Sarah Mears, Martin Burton, Barry Clark, Christine May, Irene Campbell, Sue Laurence,
Julie Spencer, Leslie Sim, Gill Harris (am session only)
Steve Hardman, Tony Durcan, Ian Watson, Nick Stopforth, Sally McMahon, Antonio Rizzo, Bev Rice,
Mark Freeman, Janet Wood, Muriel Todd
The Bookseller’s Association (BA): a presentation
Tim Godfray, Chief Executive, Booksellers Association and Bob Jackson, Commercial Director at
Gardners in Eastbourne, attended the meeting for this agenda item.
Tim and Bob outlined the bookseller’s perspective on e-book lending and suggested twelve points for
SCL to consider.
After a valuable discussion both SCL and BA agreed they would endeavour to work together in the
future. It may be possible to attend each other’s annual conferences and Janene will attend the next BA
meeting on 20th March 2014.
Janene will seek a rep from the Exec to attend with her.
A copy of the BA’s presentation is attached to the minutes.
Economic Value of Libraries
Brian Ashley attended the meeting for this agenda item. He informed the Executive about a research
project, currently being undertaken by ACE, into the economic contribution of public libraries. The first
meeting was held on 17th December 2013 and was attended by DCMS, LGA and SCL (Neil MacInnes).
There will be a phased approach to this work:
 Phase 1: gather the evidence. This will be completed by 31 st March 2014 and then a workshop
will be held to consider the progress made.
 Phase 2: gather any further evidence and then publish an interim report on the work so far. This
will be completed by July 2014.
 Phase 3: an in-depth study will be carried out and a report published in Spring 2015.
After discussion the Executive agreed that this will be an extremely useful and helpful report but they
hoped that some information could be made available this year. It was also suggested that the Treasury
could be involved in this work. Brian agreed that any emerging messages from this research would be
published as soon as possible.
Janene will discuss this work with the Chair of Chief Treasurers’ Group.
Sarah will send Brian information about the long-term development of children who are library users.
Other information from ACE
Brian updated the Executive on the following:
 Libraries GfA programme: a limited amount of funding is still available.
 ACE’s Strategic Funds: some funding from this allocation may be available to libraries. Brian will
keep SCL informed about this possible source of funding and recommended that THE Exec
checked these funding streams on the website and fed any ideas / opportunities through to
Key Messages from the last meeting of ASCEL’s National Committee
A paper has been circulated. Sarah explained that Janene had attended ASCEL’s National Committee
meeting on 6th December 2013, where closer working between ASCEL and SCL had been discussed.
ASCEL is also working on the Children’s Promise, its website and the next ASCEL annual conference.
Sarah and Elizabeth will share information about the SCL website and the use of a members’ forum.
Survey of School Library Services (SLS) in England and Wales
Gill had circulated several papers on this agenda item. She explained that for several years, the closure
of SLS has been a concern to ASCEL. ASCEL recently conducted a “traffic light” survey of their
members to find out how SLS are faring in the current economic climate, The results varied from “doing
extremely well” to “closing down”.
Gil had also circulated a paper which sought the views of SCL on three proposals.
After discussion it was agreed that SCL and ASCEL must work towards ensuring positive outcomes to
the child not just protect SLS.
Work to explore different models of provision and the outcomes they seek to achieve should be
undertaken and these SLS papers should be discussed at SCL regional meetings.
ASCEL should also seek to involve the Schools Library Association in these discussions.
Gill and Sarah to prepare a briefing paper with a series of questions to inform discussions at SCL
regional meetings.
ASCEL to form a task and finish group to explore best practice, alternative models of delivery/
ASCEL Begin a conversation with ACE, SLA and CILIP re: potential funding to explore / research the
Sarah to report back on progress to the Exec
Item 4A
SCL Work Plan
Launch of refreshed SCL website
Elizabeth showed Executive members the new website which will “go live” as soon as possible.
Elizabeth will circulate the link to the new site to Executive members.
Executive members will send Elizabeth copies of any photographs that could be added to the site.
Alison will check with the Executive if they require a new password once the member’s section is “live”.
Social media strategy
A copy of this had been circulated. It was agreed by the Executive and it was suggested that Flicker
should be included.
Elizabeth will agree a social media plan for the 2014 SCL seminar with the Seminar Planning Group.
Advocacy leaflet
Elizabeth showed the Executive the SLIC’s advocacy leaflet “Libraries: connecting people and
After discussion it was agreed that SCL should produce a similar leaflet which would include either an
insert or include space for Authorities to add their local information. The leaflet should be completed by
April 2014.
Peter, Ciara and Martin to work with Elizabeth to produce this leaflet.
Janene will ask DCMS and LGA to endorse the leaflet.
Ayub will send Elizabeth the leaflet on Staffordshire and Warwickshire libraries.
National Libraries Day (NLD)
Elizabeth will post information to support NLD on the SCL website.
Item 4B
WW1 GfA proposal
Ciara reported that she hoped to know very soon whether or not SCL’s bid to ACE for a Digital War
Memorial has been successful.
Ciara will circulate information about this bid as soon as possible.
Neil will circulate information about the NW’s WW1 bid.
Item 4C
Reading Update
As Tony was unable to attend the meeting Janene updated the Executive. A meeting of the Books and
Reading Group (B&RG) will be held in February and Sue Wilkinson will attend. After discussion it was
agreed that Janene will discuss with Tony the possibility of expanding the B&RG to include a member
from each SCL region.
Members then considered the feasibility of expanding each universal Offer group to include a
representative from each SCL region. In the event that this is agreed the Universal Offer leads will need
to amend the Terms of Reference for each group.
It was noted that a copy of the Try Reading report will be circulated to every Head of Service.
Regional Representatives to discuss with colleagues the feasibility of regional representation on each of
the Universal Offer groups and report back at the next Executive meeting on 19th March 2014.
Item 4D
Digital Update
As Nick was unable to attend the meeting he had circulated a detailed report. It was noted that the GDS
Assisted Digital programme has been delayed until at least the summer 2014.
It was agreed that it will be necessary to use outside expertise to develop the leadership strategy for
digital technology.
Janene will circulate the date of the launch of the e-lending pilots and initiate (with Elizabeth) a twitter
Executive members should contact Nick if they disagree with his stance on the EDLIDA e-book
Janene will circulate SCL’s bid “Reaching Rural Communities” to the Big Lottery Fund.
Regional Representatives to inform their colleagues of the delay in the GDS Assisted Digital programme.
This information should be passed onto those who attended the workshop on 4 th November 2013.
Item 4E
Information Update
As Nick was unable to attend the meeting Janene informed the group that the ITT for the workforce
development programme was advertised in December 2013. Interviews with the shortlisted companies
will take place on 23rd January 2014 and the successful company will start in February 2014. This work
will be completed by 31st May 2014.
Janene will circulate information about the successful provider and the agreed timeline.
Item 4F
Health Update
Martin had circulated a report on recent activity. It was noted that:
 ACE has committed £30K for the development of the work to support people experiencing
 The next meeting of the Health Group will take place on 28th January 2014.
 The group are still waiting to hear from DH regarding funding.
Martin will circulate the names of those Authorities not participating in this offer to Regional
Item 4G
Government/ External Environment
Meeting with Ed Vaizey
Janene and Ciara met with the Minister on 3rd December 2013. He agreed to :
 Attend the 2014 SCL seminar for a Q&A session
 Support SCL’s WW1 bid to ACE
 Support SCL’s bid to ACE for additional funding to develop the Universal Offers
 Meet with SCL again during March 2014.
Janene will circulate the name of Wendy Shales’s successor once it is announced.
ACE Update
Another meeting of the Post Envisioning Partnership (PEP) was held on 5th December 2013 and atask
and finish group has been established to develop a narrative about public libraries Ayub will be the SCL
rep on this group.
During September and October 2013 SCL met with ACE to discuss how SCL could effectively support
the next steps to enable ‘Envisioning’ to become a successful tool for library development across
England. SCL produced an Action Plan which has resulted in agreement from ACE to allocate funding to
support the Health, Digital and Information Offers.
Janene and others will meet after the Executive meeting to discuss this funding and decide on an action
Ciara will circulate the names of individuals and organisations who may be able to help in an initial
discussion about the digital leadership programme.
Julie will circulate the names of individuals and companies used by SCL NW in the Try Reading
LGA Update.
It was noted that the LGA’s library seminar at the Library of Birmingham is now full. The LGA are now
working on a Members’ Programme for the next 12 – 18 months. They are also discussing action
learning sets for Members on the transformation agenda.
Executive members to send the names of local Cabinet Leads/Members, who would be interested in
participating in these LGA events, to Janene.
Janene will discuss with Laura whether or not an SCL Executive member could attend these LGA events.
E Lending Pilots
This was included in the Digital Update
DEFRA rural libraries' work
Ciara is a member of the Reference Board for this research. The next meeting will be held on 24th
February 2014 to bring the pilot Authorities together. She has circulated the notes from the Arts Council
England and Rural Communities Stakeholders Event held on 25 Nov 2013.
Byelaws: possible collective approach through SCL to devise some new model byelaws
Christine reported that she has spoken with DCMS and discovered that government departments are
reviewing the process of how Local Authorities amend guidelines.
Christine will contact Wendy Shales’s successor and agree a statement about this initiative that can be
circulated to SCL members.
SCL Seminar 2014
The next meeting of the Planning Group will be held on 29th January 2014. The seminar will focus on
“Lessons from the High Street” and explore different business models/innovations/ entrepreneurial
activity .
To date Ed Vaizey, Peter Bazalgette and Matt Baker from the Grimsey Review “An Alternative View of
the High Street” have agreed to speak.
IFLA Public Libraries Satellite 2014
It was noted that a call for papers has been announced for this conference. More information is
attached to the minutes.
Youth Libraries Board (YLB) Update
Michelle updated the Executive about a recent meeting of the YLB. SCL/ASCEL were represented by
Michelle, Rosemary and Sarah. The Cultural Apprenticeship Programme was discussed by the YLB but it
was noted that the demands of this scheme make it difficult for libraries to take part.
Michelle will circulate more details about this programme.
SCL and ASCEL working together
A paper had been circulated. It was agreed that it is vital to ensure that ASCEL and regional SCL
organisations work together and support each other.
A key recommendation fro Sarah’s paper is that Regional ASCEL reps should present their business /
work plans to the regional SCL so that there can be agreement on key priorities.
Regional Chairs- to invite ASCEL lead
Item 4H
National Numeracy for everyone for life: an update
Antonio Rizzo had circulated an update. Sarah reported that a meeting will be held at the end of
January 2014 but NNC would like Authorities to test the website and report any problems.
Item 4I
Corporate Status & Finance update
There was nothing to report.
Item 4J
Minutes of the last meeting: 27th November 2013
These were agreed as a true record
Actions Arising
Item 1 MOOCs
It was noted that a meeting between SCL and OU will take place on 3rd February 2014.
Item 3
Reading Activists Challenge
It was noted that more work is planned on this initiative.
Item 4A
SCL Wales are working on a Welsh version of the logo.
Alison is preparing a list of low cost training venues in London
SCL NW will discuss the Try Reading Programme on 27th January 2014 THIS HAS BEEN DEFERRWED TO
the agenda for the March meeting of the Executive.
Item 4G
SCL/BL Meeting to progress actions from the annual update
This will be held on 29th January 2014.
Janene will invite Mark Taylor to the follow up to this meeting.
TRA and Working with Adult Learners
It was noted that a Parliamentary inquiry into adult literacy was announced last week. The closing date
for submissions is 6th February 2014.
Sarah and Janene will prepare SCL’s draft response to this and circulate to the Executive for comment.
Six Book Challenge
Rosemary reported that the Six Book Challenge 2014 has been announced and Library Authorities are
encouraged to participate.
Access-to-research initiative for Public Libraries
The purpose of the access-to-research initiative is to give public library users free, walk-in access to
research in thousands of academic journal articles and conference proceedings. Members of the general
public and independent researchers will be able to access a wealth of high-quality information which
until now has been behind pay walls
Irene reported that the technical pilots in ten Authorities have been successfully completed and so far
fifty Authorities have applied to become official pilots. The launch will take place on 3rd February 2014
in Lewisham and anyone wishing to attend should contact Irene.
Irene reported that she attended a recent meeting of the Inspire Board where she was asked if SCL
could supply funding to support the work of Inspire.
After discussion it was agreed to invite Sally Curry to the next meeting of the Executive to give a
presentation about the current work of Inspire. Following this SCL will be able to make an informed
decision about any further financial support.
Irene to invite Sally to the next Executive meeting.
Dates of Meetings in 2014
March 19th – CILIP
June 4th – Scarman House
September 17th – CILIP
November 26th – CILIP
Dates of Meetings in 2015
January 21st
March 25th