Legislation Piece DD

Legislation Piece: 05/06-DD
Business Meeting Presented: January 2006, GVSU
Author: MOCC Positional Committee
Whereas: the current board structure and positions do not fit the current needs of the
Whereas: the constitution does not specify who shall oversee the NRHH award
selection process at the MORHA annual conference;
Whereas: MORHA 2005 was the first conference since MORHA 2001 that an individual
has run for the position of Chair of Philanthropy at the conference;
Whereas: the duties of the Chair of Philanthropy and the Chair of Issues & Diversity
could easily be done by another position;
Whereas: the Director is the main communication between MORHA and each business
meeting host school;
Whereas: the Director sets the agenda for each business meeting;
Whereas: getting rid of the Chair of Philanthropy and Chair of Issues & Diversity
positions does not mean MORHA no longer supports the promotion of philanthropy and
issues & diversity resolutions;
Whereas: cutting out board positions does not cut down on the number of leadership
positions, it improves the leadership positions that already exist by making them more
Whereas: past board members who have held the position of Chair of Philanthropy of
Chair of Issues & Diversity have stated that they would be in support of the removal of
the positions;
Whereas: not having a Chair of Philanthropy or a Chair of Issues & Diversity does not
mean that we will not be able to continue toward MORHA’s vision and/or mission
Final Action Taken: Passed / Failed
Date: ___/___/___
Referred to: __________________________________
Committee on ___/___/___
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Whereas: striking the Chair of Philanthropy and Chair of Issues & Diversity from the
MORHA constitution and redistributing their duties will make the organization more
consolidated and focused;
Whereas: issues/diversity and philanthropy are RESOURCES offered by MORHA;
Whereas: smaller teams have better team dynamics;
Whereas: the way it is and has been is not the way it always has to be;
Be It Resolved: Article IV, Section One and Section Two be amended as follows:
Article IV – Officers
The elected/appointed officers of MORHA shall be the Director, Associate Director of
Technology & Administration, Associate Director of Records, Student Resource Consultant,
Chair of Public Relations, Chair of Issues and Diversity, Chair of Philanthropy, the MORHA
Advisor, the MORHA Advisor-Elect. The MORHA Conference Chair(s) and the
Parliamentarian are considered ex-officio members of the MORHA executive board.
A. MORHA Executive Board
1. The MORHA
Executive Board shall be comprised of the Director, Associate Director of
Technology & Administration, Associate Director of Records, Chair of Issues and
Diversity, Student Resource Consultant, Chair of Philanthropy, and the Chair of Public
Be It Further Resolved: Article V be amended as follows:
Article V – Duties of Officers
A. Shall carry out such directives as are adopted at scheduled MORHA meetings.
B. Outgoing officers shall provide for both oral and written forms of transition, including any
files or MORHA property, to their incoming successor.
C. Outgoing officers shall attend the April Business meetings following the conference at
which their term had ended.
D. All outgoing officers shall submit a MORHA Annual Accountability Report to the
incoming AD-Technology & Administration SRC within ten days of the MORHA
annual conference.
E. Shall carry out such directives as assigned by the Director.
F. Shall adhere to the guidelines for their respective positions stated herein in Article V.
A. The Director shall preside over all MORHA meetings.
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B. The Director shall represent Michigan at any regional meeting of the Great Lakes Affiliate
of College and University Residence Halls (GLACURH) as necessary, acting as the
official liaison between MORHA member schools and the GLACURH Regional Board
of Directors.
C. The Director shall be responsible for submitting an agenda for each business meeting. An
unofficial agenda shall be posted two weeks prior to the business meeting, with the
official agenda sent out after MORHA Executive Board approval.
D. Shall assist with the planning of all MORHA meetings, including, but not limited to:
activities for the MORHA Family.
A. The AD of Technology Shall oversee all operations of the MORHA web page.
B. Shall be responsible for maintaining the organizational listservs (i.e. MOCC, Board,
Board/MOCC, and Family, etc.).
C. Shall be responsible for the Michigan Organization Resource Library (MORL).
D. Shall be responsible for maintaining an updated address list with the help of the
membership forms.
E. Shall be responsible for receiving all Of The Month (OTM) Award submissions.
F. Shall maintain and update the MORHA “scrapbook”
G. Shall advise the Recognition Committee.
H. Shall be responsible for running NRHH business/award selection at the MORHA
annual conference.
A. Shall oversee the MORHA checkbook with consultation from the Advisor, the AdvisorElect when applicable, and the Director.
B. Shall submit to the MOCCs and the MORHA Executive Board a budget for approval by
the MOCCs for the upcoming fiscal year at the April Business Meeting.
C. Shall submit to the MOCCs and the MORHA Executive Board a monthly financial
statement by the following month prior to the annual conference.
D. Shall be responsible for distributing a bill for MORHA affiliation dues to the member
schools one month prior to the annual conference.
E. Shall take minutes at all meetings and shall distribute them, via email, to the MORHA
Executive Board and the MOCCs within three (3) weeks of the preceding meeting.
F. Shall be responsible for maintaining an updated address list with the help of the
membership forms.
G. As directed by the Director, shall have the authority to make any changes to the
Constitution that do not alter its meaning (i.e. spelling, grammar, obsolete, or offensive
H. Shall be responsible for updating the Constitution after legislation is passed. Updated
copies are to be sent out with the minutes.
A. Shall act as a liaison between MORHA, the NACURH Inc., and the GLACURH Regional
Communications Coordinator (RCC) for Michigan.
B. Shall be responsible for recruiting new member schools to MORHA.
C. Shall create MORHA publicity material to publicize MORHA and the accomplishments of
the organization.
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D. Shall compose the bi-annual MORHA Alumni Association newsletter. The document shall
be given to the Parliamentarian for mailing.
E. Shall advise the Recruitment and Retention Committee.
A. Shall publish a MORHA Issues calendar annually.
B. Shall obtain member school opinions on current campus issues.
C. Shall coordinate any action on school issues to be taken and deemed necessary.
D. Shall advise the Issues/Diversity Committee.
E. Shall be in charge of the Diversity Program OTM.
A. Shall oversee the process of recruiting, implementing and guiding the MORHA schools on
the MORHA philanthropy.
B. Shall assist in choosing an annual MORHA philanthropy, subject to MOCC and board
C. Shall coordinate with the host school for community service projects at business meetings.
D. Shall coordinate activities for the MORHA Family at the business meetings.
E. Shall advise the Recognition Committee.
A. Shall be responsible for the Michigan Organization Resource Library (MORL).
B. Shall assist with the planning of all MORHA meetings.
C. Shall encourage participation and unity by MORHA member schools.
D. Shall be available as a resource to MOCCs in coordinating their delegations for
E. Shall maintain and update the MORHA “scrapbook”
F. Shall be responsible for receiving all Of The Month (OTM) Award submissions.
G. Shall be responsible for planning the MOCC training for the January business meeting.
H. Shall oversee the process of recruiting, implementing and guiding the MORHA
schools on the MORHA philanthropy.
I. Shall assist in choosing an annual MORHA philanthropy, subject to MOCC and
board approval.
J. Shall assist business meeting host schools in the implementation of business meeting
service projects.
K. Shall coordinate any action on school issues to be taken and deemed necessary.
L. Shall advise the Issues/Diversity Committee.
Be It Further Resolved: Article X, Section One be amended as follows:
Article X – Philanthropy Selection
A. MOCCs will vote to select a philanthropy during the annual conference.
B. Any MOCC from a MORHA member school may submit a short essay to the Student
Resource Consultant Chair of Philanthropy at the start of the MORHA annual
conference, describing a philanthropy that they would like MORHA to select as their
philanthropy for the upcoming MORHA calendar year.
C. All essays will be compiled and distributed to the MOCCs during the start of business at
the annual conference.
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D. The Student Resource Consultant Chair of Philanthropy at the close of the Annual
Conference will announce the new philanthropy for the upcoming MORHA calendar
E. The Director will appoint a member of the MORHA Board to carry out philanthropy
selection pending no Student Resource Consultant Chair of Philanthropy.
F. Letters of intent are due to the Student Resource Consultant Chair of Philanthropy at the
date indicated during the pre conference training. Letters of intent must contain the name
of intended Philanthropy in the case of repeated Philanthropies. It is at the discretion of
the Student Resource Consultant Chair of Philanthropy to assign what school will
submit that Philanthropy.
G. In the case of letter of intent not being submitted to the Student Resource Consultant
Chair of Philanthropy. The Student Resource Consultant Chair of Philanthropy will
present the philanthropy of their choice, in which the MOCCs will vote between that and
the current year’s philanthropy.
Be It Further Resolved: Article XI, Section Three, Subsection K, subsection 6 be
amended as follows:
K. Commitment to Philanthropy Award
1. Any member
school in good standing is eligible to bid for the Commitment to
Philanthropy Award.
2. The recipient shall show outstanding commitment to the MORHA Philanthropy through
MORHA and their member school throughout the year.
3. Any school wishing to be considered for this award must submit a maximum of ten (10)
programs related to Philanthropy Issues (whether school initiated or MORHA
participation) and a brief description of each.
4. Any school wishing to be considered for this award must also submit an essay, as part of
the bid that is to be no longer than four (4) sides of type. The essay is to include the
bidding school’s philanthropy philosophy, how their RHA has contributed to this
philosophy, and any plans for improving future philanthropy programming.
5. Participation in the MORHA Philanthropy will also be considered in judging for this
6. The Student Resource Consultant Chair of Philanthropy at the Pre-Conference MOCC
Training may submit additional criteria.
Be It Further Resolved: Article XII be amended as follows:
Article XII – MORHA Of the Month (OTM) Awards
A. Any member school in good standing may make a MORHA OTM submission.
B. All Program OTM submissions shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Target population
2. Number in attendance
3. Cost of program
4. Short description (limit 400 words)
5. Goals (limit 200 words)
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6. Short evaluation (limit 200 words)
7. Lasting effects (limit 200 words)
8. Adaptability to other campuses (limit
200 words)
C. Program OTM Submissions may be no longer than 1200 words in length.
D. MORHA OTMs shall be due to the AD-TA SRC and/or Chair of Issues and Diversity by
11:59pm on the 15th day of the month following the month of nomination.
A. The AD-TA shall be responsible for handling all OTM submissions.
B. The SRC shall be responsible for handling all Individual, Social, Community Service, and
Educational OTMs.
C. The Chair of Issues and Diversity shall be responsible for handling all Diversity OTMs.
D. A committee of no fewer than three individuals selected by the AD-TA SRC and Chair of
Issues and Diversity shall judge OTMs. The selection committee may be made up of
members of the MORHA family, excluding MOCCs. All members of the selection
committee must attend MORHA member schools in good standing.
Be It Further Resolved: the current Chair of Philanthropy shall transition his/her files
and records that regard the MORHA Philanthropy to the incoming SRC and all files,
records, and materials regarding the Recognition Committee to the incoming AD-TA
upon completion of the current Chair of Philanthropy’s term of office;
Be It Further Resolved: the current Chair of Issues & Diversity shall transition his/her
files and records to the incoming SRC upon completion of the current Chair of Issues &
Diversity’s term of office;
Be It Further Resolved: the current SRC shall transition his/her files and records that
regard the MORHA OTMs and all files, records, and materials of the MORL to the
incoming AD-TA upon completion of the current SRC’s term of office.
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