Supplemental Data PCB-Induced Changes of a Benthic Community and Expected Ecosystem Recovery Following In-Situ Sorbent Amendment Elisabeth M.-L. Janssen†, Janet K. Thompson‡ , Samuel N. Luoma‡, Richard G. Luthy*,† † Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA. ‡ U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, USA. The supplementary section contains 9 tables and 9 figures, details on Nematodes and filter feeders, and a total of 23 pages. 1 Table S1. Sample locations of benthic community surveys in the Central San Francisco Bay 2 Table S2. Overview of groups for functions of feeding, reproduction and position Feeding Subsurface carnivores Subsurface deposit feeders Surface deposit feeders Surface carnivores Filter and surface feeders Filter feeder Reproduction Position Egg layer releasing fully No barrier developed juveniles or species producing clones by fission Brooders releasing fully Tubed with tissue developed juveniles Species releasing pelagic Chitin armor larvae Chitin barrier, free living Shell barrier Cuticle covering 3 Table S3. Species-specific functional groups of feeding, reproduction, and position 4 Table S3. Species-specific functional groups of feeding, reproduction, and position (continued) 5 Details on Nematodes Nematodes were analyzed separately because of the variety of life history patterns for these organisms. Because nematodes are usually considered meiofaua it is likely that they were unevenly sampled with the method used here (retention in the screen is affected by sediment size and debris in the sample). Nematodes can be surface/subsurface carnivores that lay their eggs on the sediment surface and have a cuticle barrier, or parasitic and waiting for a host. Some species are frequently observed in polluted environments, but the species composition changes in the presence of contamination [1]. Their short life cycle of less than a month, small body size, and rapid generation time allow pollutant-tolerant nematodes to maintain their population under stressed environmental conditions. Nematodes can be resistant to chemical stress and have evolved in habitats where they are physically unable to escape from pollution effects [2] and where they take advantage of the suppressed immunity of other organisms [3, 4]. These characteristics could explain the presence of high abundance of nematodes at Hunters Point. References: Details on Nematodes 1. Somerfield, PJ, Gee JM, Warwick RM. 1994. Soft sediment meiofaunal community structure in relation to a long-term heavy metal gradient in the Fal estuary system. Mar Eco-Prog Ser 105:79-88. 2. Tietjen JH, Lee JJ. 1984. The use of free-living nematodes as a bioassay for estuarine sediments. Mar Environ Res 11: 233-251. 3. Koponen K, Myers MS, Ritola O, Huuskonen SE, Lindstrӧm-Seppӓ P. 2001. Histopathology of feral fish from a PCB-contaminated freshwater lake. Ambio 30: (3)122-126. 4. Sagerup K, Hendriksen EO, KSkorping A, Skaares J U, A Gabrielsen, GW. 2000. Intensity of parasitic nematodes increase with organochlorine levels in the glaucous gull. J Appl Ecol 37: 532-539. 6 Table S4. Sample locations of sediment chemistry information in the Central San Francisco Bay 7 Table S5. Physical properties and TOC content 8 Table S6. Sediment chemistry available from the San Francisco Estuarine Institute data base 9 Table S7. Additional stations for TOC and total PCB concentrations in sediment provided by the San Francisco Estuarine Institute - not available from the online data base 10 Figure S1. Effects-range Medium quotients (ERMq) for predominant sediment contaminants and the sum of ERMq (ƩERMq) and the mean ERMq considering only contaminants with ERMq >1 for Hunters Point (n = 6) and the reference sites. (n = 30). 11 Table S8. Measured total PCB sediment and pore water concentrations and computed Kd values for Hunters Point, California, USA ([1-4] [1]and additional unpublished data). Cs [mg/kg] 7.0 6.5 3.0 2.0 1.1 1.7 1.0 0.8 1.5 1.8 2.2 1.8 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.1 0.8 1.1 0.8 2.0 Cw [mg/L] 3.70x10-5 5.20x10-5 3.75x10-5 3.70x10-5 8.00x10-6 9.70x10-6 8.70x10-6 2.23x10-5 2.45x10-5 2.35x10-5 2.16x10-5 3.13x10-5 1.11x10-5 8.90x10-6 9.00x10-6 1.45x10-5 1.31x10-5 1.03x10-5 1.37x10-5 6.50x10-6 7.10x10-6 1.68x10-5 5.00x10-5 Kd [-] 1.89x105 1.25x105 8.00x104 5.41x104 1.38x105 1.75x105 1.15x105 3.59x104 6.12x104 7.66x104 1.02x105 5.75x104 1.08 x105 1.57 x105 1.11 x105 1.03 x105 9.92 x104 9.71 x104 8.03 x104 1.23 x105 1.55 x105 4.76x104 4.00x104 d d a b d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d c a. McLeod PB, Luoma, SN, Luthy RG. 2008. Biodynamic modeling of PCB uptake by Macoma balthica and Corbicula fluminea from sediment amended with activated carbon. Environ Sci Technol 42: (2),484-490. b. Janssen EML, Croteau MN, Luoma SN, Luthy RG. 2010. Measurement and modeling of polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation from sediment for the marine polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata and response to sorbent amendment. Environ Sci Technol 44: 2857-2863. c. Tomaszewski JE, Luthy RG. 2008. Field deployment of polyethylene devices to measure PCB concentrations in pore water of contaminated sediment. Environ Sci Technol 42: (16) 60866091. d. unpublished data 12 Details on Filter Feeder PCB bioaccumulation from suspended particulate organic matter (POM). The PCB uptake from particulate organic matter, POM, is described by the product CPOM, AEPOM, and IRPOM. CPOM. The PCB concentration of the POM is assumed to be similar to the PCB concentration of the surface sediment as measured previously for Hunters Point by Cho et al [1]. It is possible that the PCB concentrations in POM can be lower than in the surface sediment when particulate matter originates from less polluted areas. The present study employs conservative estimates, where POM and surface sediment have similar PCB concentrations. AEPOM. Estimated values for PCB assimilation efficiency, AE, from algae (representing particulate organic matter) for M. edulis has been reported to range from 10 to 60% or 0.1 to 0.6 [2]. The assimilation efficiency of suspended bottom sediment is assumed to be lower than from algae. Hence, the lower estimates for AEPOM of 0.1 are employed in the present study. IRPOM. Previously, the ingestion rate of particulate organic carbon, POC, was measured for M. edulis as 0.4 mg POC/g per hour or 0.01 g POC/g per day [2] at POC water concentrations typical for the Central San Francisco Bay with (0.5 to 1.0 x 10-3g/L, [3]). The ingestion rate of POC can be converted to ingestion rate of POM, IRPOM, assuming that POM has the general composition of C5H7O2N. Then POC represents 53.09% of POM by molecular weight and IRPOM equals about 0.02 g POM/g per day. Under these considerations the PCB uptake from POC by this filter feeder can be estimated using the respective PCB sediment concentrations. For example, the biodynamic model predicts that the PCB uptake from POC at Hunters Point represents about 30% of the total uptake. 13 References: Details on filter feeders 1. Cho YM, Ghosh U, Kennedy A J, Grossman A, Ray G, Tomaszewski J E, Smithenry DW, Bridges T S, Luthy RG. 2009. Field application of activated carbon amendment for in-situ stabilization of polychlorinated biphenyls in marine sediment. Environ Sci Technol 43: (10) 3815-3823. 2. Bjӧrk M, Gilek M. 1999. Efficiency of poluchlorinated biphenyl assimilation from water and algal good by the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis). Environ Tox Chem 18: (4) 765-771. 3. San Francisco Estuary Institute. 2010. Regional Monitoring Program annual monitoring results. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Oakland, CA, USA. 14 1000 Hunters Point 800 #/0.05m2 Average Abundance 1200 600 400 200 M on oc N em or op at hi od um a in si M di on os M oc um on or oc op or h i op um hi sp um p. ac he G ra ru nd si cu id ie m re lla j P ap ar on an ic th a ur a ja po ni E ca xo go ne A lo ct ur G in em ei ia ria m a -b g em ur ro m w a in g E us an ar en si om el la e zo st er ac ol a 0 160 140 April 2007 120 100 #/0.05m2 80 60 40 20 ab di ta he te ro ce S ra M ab tu on ac m oc o or el on op ga hi um tu s N a ip ch po er le u si uc cu on m hi nn um E en uc si ho s ne lim ni co S la G ph ly ci ae n de ro sy pi lli ct s a ca lif or D ni or en vi si lle s a lo n M g on ic or oc ni or s op hi um sp p. 0 160 140 August 2007 120 #/0.05m2 Average Normalized Abundance C or op hi A um m pe lis ca Average Normalized Abundance Corophidae 100 80 60 40 20 0 Am ca lis pe a s s a a m la ca si ica tu at od ct tu ni co pi at en ra on ric ga ni po e p b m e n m a c m p j d o u li im ni ro Ne el la cin nn te o ne el oe lis ly hi yl ac he th er G n ho s b o d c o i o a m c p rm S iu Eu nd eu Ty ra ph Ha ol G ro pp i o N C ta di ab Figure S2. Rank abundance of top ten species at Hunters Point and reference sites. Note that Hunters Point organism abundance is an order of magnitude higher than observed at the reference sites. 15 Figure S3. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot of the data using Bray Curtis Similarity for total abundance in benthic samples at the reference sites (April 2007, August 2007), intertidal reference sites (August 2007, August 2008) and at Hunters Point (August 2008). 16 Figure S4. Total abundances at Hunters Point and the reference sites for the functional groups of feeding, reproduction, and position. 17 Figure S5. Relative abundances at Hunters Point and the reference sites for the functional groups of feeding, reproduction, and position. 18 Figure S6. Factors scores for reference areas and Hunters Point of principal component analysis including all chemicals. 19 Table S9. Squared cosines of the observations Values in bold correspond for each observation to the factor for which the squared cosine is the largest. 20 Figure S7. Relative contribution of each contaminant to total ƩERMq at Hunters Point () and on average at the reference sites in the Central Bay (). 21 Figure S8. Sediment fraction of fines (left) and TOC (right) over the total PCB sediment concentration at Hunters Point with [PCBs] = 1570 µg/g and in reference areas in the Central San Francisco Bay. 22 Figure S9. Factors scores for reference areas and Hunters Point of principal component analysis with variables TOC and fines. 23