Year 7 Tennis Scholarship
for places allocated under “aptitude in tennis” (Year 7 September 2016 entry only)
This form should be completed by any applicant who wishes to be considered for a place on the CHEAM HIGH SCHOOL
TENNIS SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME in Year 7 commencing in September 2016.
Please note: - Applicants must also submit a Common Application Form to join Cheam High School when
transferring from Year 6. This is available from the Local Education Authority of the area in which the applicant
lives and should be returned to the same authority by 31st October 2015.
1. Information about the tennis player applicant: Surname: …………………………… First Name(s): ………………………… Date of Birth: ………..……..M/F………..
Address: …………….………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..
………………………………………………………………………………………………..Postcode: ………….…………...
2. The criteria for “Aptitude in Tennis”
Aptitude – Capacity to Succeed.
Applicants will be able to demonstrate significant capacity to succeed in tennis. They may already have reached a high
performance level or may not yet have had the opportunity to develop high level skills.
Potential - Capacity to learn and develop skills.
Applicants will have a high level of athletic ability and the potential to make progress towards a career in the sport.
Commitment – Interest and enthusiasm.
Applicants will be able to provide evidence of a significant level of interest in tennis and give examples of their current level
of involvement. Some may already be committed to a training programme, whilst others may not yet have had the
opportunity to take part in formal coaching activities.
3. Current Experience
Applicants must use the other side of this form to describe your current experience of tennis, further details and any
other examples of your commitment to tennis and your aspirations for the future. For example:How long have you been playing tennis? How often do you train or play tennis? Have you played in any tournaments?
Where do you currently train and/or play your tennis? Do you have an LTA rating?
4. Assessment
Aptitude in tennis and the capacity to succeed will be assessed by senior qualified tennis coaches at Sutton Tennis
5. Information about Parent/Carer
Title: ………..
Contact Tel No’s: …………………………….. (Home) ……………………………………………… (Work)
Signed…………………………...…( Parent or Guardian ) Signed: …………………………………….. (Player)
by Friday 2nd October 2015 for assessment on Thursday 8th October 2015
Cheam High School in partnership with Sutton Tennis Academy
Information for applicants to Year 7 in September 2016
for places under the APTITUDE IN TENNIS criterion.
Tennis Education programme places at the school are offered to applicants who satisfy the requirements under the
“aptitude in tennis” admissions criteria. The offers are subject to an assessment and subsequent recommendation from
Sutton Tennis Academy. Successful applicants will be offered places as members of the Tennis Education Programme.
Cheam High School has worked in partnership with Sutton Tennis Academy for over 20 years. In 1993 the Tennis and
Education Programme was created to enable young people with a significant aptitude in tennis and the potential to pursue
a career in the sport, to combine academic schooling with the development of their potential to become top class tennis
The daily training programme is typically 1 hour fitness training in the gym plus a 1½ hour tennis training session. For some
players it may be appropriate for fitness or tennis training to be allocated during the school day, subject to the school
timetable, according to their individual training needs.
The school commits the funds to support the administration and pastoral oversight required by the programme. However,
the tennis training fees are set by Sutton Tennis Academy. For those serious about developing their potential further, the
Academy can provide individual fitness and training programmes which will be agreed prior to the start of the school year.
The costs related to this coaching programme are a private financial arrangement between parents and Sutton Tennis
Academy. All applicants should contact Sutton Tennis Academy for further information on this.
All suitable applicants will be assessed for their level of aptitude at Sutton Tennis Academy. Those who demonstrate a
level high enough to indicate a potential for developing skills appropriate for a career in the sport will be recommended for
places at the school under the “aptitude in tennis” criterion. The school may then offer a limited number of places to those
recommended players who wish to take part in the tennis and education training programme at Sutton Tennis Academy.
The school governors will consider recommendations from Sutton Tennis Academy and may offer up to 10 places
in each year group.
The objective is to enable young players who are already showing significant aptitude and capacity to succeed and who
wish to develop their potential for success at senior level, to benefit from the additional support of a tennis and education
programme. As players progress, the school supports timetable arrangements required for additional coaching during the
school day.
The criteria for “Aptitude in Tennis”
1. Aptitude - Capacity to Succeed. Applicants will be able to demonstrate significant capacity to succeed in tennis. They
may already have reached a high performance level or may not yet have had the opportunity to develop high level skills.
2. Potential - Capacity to learn and develop skills. Applicants will have a high level of athletic ability and the potential to
make progress toward a career in the sport.
3. Commitment – Interest and enthusiasm. Applicants will be able to provide evidence of a significant level of interest in
tennis and give examples of their current level of involvement. Some may already be committed to a training programme,
whilst others may not yet have had the opportunity to take part in formal coaching activities.
Application procedure for pupils wishing to start Year 7 in September 2016.
Applications for places in Year 7 for September 2016 under the “aptitude in tennis” criterion will require the completion of
two application forms.
1. The Supplementary Application Form is issued by Cheam High School and must be completed and returned to the
school by Friday 2nd October 2015. This will provide the school and Sutton Tennis Academy with additional information
relating to tennis aptitude. Applications will initially be considered by the senior coaching team at Sutton Tennis Academy.
Applicants who have shown an appropriate prior commitment to tennis on the form or who have alternative evidence to
support their application will subsequently be invited to attend a tennis assessment activity at the Tennis Academy on
Thursday 8th October starting at 4.00pm. Information regarding the assessment activity will be sent to applicants
2. The Common Application Form for transfer to secondary school is issued by the Home Local Education Authority where
the applicant lives. If the applicant is currently in Year 6 of a state primary school, this will be issued to all parents/carers in
September 2015 via primary schools. If the applicant is in private education or home tuition, then the form and application
information pack should be requested from the Home Local Education Authority. The Common Application Form must be
completed and returned to the Home Local Education Authority normally by 31st October 2015.
The Assessment Activity
This will be held on Thursday 8th October 2015. Applicants should arrive by 3.30pm. There will be a range of practical
activities on court designed to assess applicants’ ability to learn and develop skills, fitness levels and capacity to succeed
at a high level.
Following the assessment activity, applicants will be informed as to whether they have achieved the appropriate level and
whether they will receive a recommendation from Sutton Tennis Academy by Tuesday 13th October. The names of those
who receive a recommendation will be forwarded to the school governors. Governors may offer places to recommended
players up to a maximum of 10 although in practice there may be fewer recommendations than this. However, if more than
10 recommendations are received then places will be considered for those with the highest aptitude level.
In recent years applicants who have joined the scholarship programme in Year 7 and have continued to progress, with daily
training, towards national level. Some join having already achieved this, others have the aptitude, commitment and
aspiration to reach this level
Key Dates and Deadlines.
2nd October 2015: Deadline for receipt of the Supplementary Application form by the school from applicants wishing to
undertake assessment before submitting a Common Application Form for a place at Cheam High School.
8th October 2015: The assessment activity will be held at Sutton Tennis Academy at 4.00pm. Applicants should arrive by
13th October 2015: Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the assessment activity.
31st October 2015: Normal deadline for the receipt of the Common Application form by the Home Local Education
Successful applicants will be formally notified of these offers, in common with schools nationally, in March 2016.
For further information on the application procedures please contact the school’s admissions officer, Julie Penn,
at Cheam High School. Tel: 020 8644 5790
For further information about the tennis programmes and costs please contact Jessica Weeks at Sutton Tennis
Academy. Tel: 020 86416611