KSPE 2020 Tennis Section Syllabus


KSPE 2020 Lifetime Activities

3 Semester Hours

( Tennis Section )

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College of Education

Valdosta State University

Department of Kinesiology & Physical Education

Conceptual Framework: Guiding Principles

(adapted from the Georgia Systemic Teacher Education Program Accomplished Teacher Framework)

D ispositions Principle: Productive dispositions positively affect learners, professional growth, and the learning environment.

E quity Principle: All learners deserve high expectations and support.

P rocess Principle: Learning is a lifelong process of development and growth.

O wnership Principle: Professionals are committed to, and assume responsibility for, the future of their disciplines.

S upport Principle: Successful engagement in the process of learning requires collaboration among multiple partners.

I mpact Principle: Effective practice yields evidence of learning.

T echnology Principle: Technology facilitates teaching, learning, community-building, and resource acquisition

S tandards Principle: Evidence-based standards systematically guide professional preparation and development.

Positively Impacting Learning Through Evidence-Based Practices

Required Textbook:

Mood, D., Musker, F., and Rink, J. (2007). Sport and Recreational Activities, 4th Ed.


Conceptual Framework Standards:

I. CONTENT AND CURRICULUM: Teachers demonstrate a strong content knowledge of content area(s) that are appropriate for their certification levels.

IV. ASSESSMENT: Teachers understand and use a range of formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous development of all learners.

Course Objectives and Requirements:

As a result of this exposure the student should be able to:

1. demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of the game of tennis.


2. demonstrate/develop an appreciation, understanding, competency level, and teaching cues for various skills associated with the game of tennis through practice in and outside of class. ( GA-


3. demonstrate an acceptable understanding of the rules, terminology and strategies involved in the game of tennis. (GA-VSU-CFS-I)

4. develop an understanding of the concepts, teaching techniques and skill analysis involved in instruction of beginning tennis.


5. demonstrate an understanding of sequential skills and drills to be used in tennis instruction.




Attendance/Participation - Students are expected to attend and actively participate in all class-related activities. Appropriate attire must be worn. One personal day will be allowed, but additional absences will result in a five-point deduction for each absence. A one-point deduction will be assessed for each day the student is late to class following the first tardy day. Students choosing not to display an interested attitude, including effort toward skill and knowledge enhancement, will not receive full participation points. (Students are expected to bring a tennis racquet to class each day and furnish one can of new hard court tennis balls.)

2. Skill Assessment - Students will be assessed on specific skills associated with tennis. Both qualitative and quantitative assessment measures will occur.

3. Written Exam - A written exam will be administered covering all assigned readings and content covered in the section.

4. Electronic Notebook -

Notebook information including a table of contents, all notes, court lay-out, equipment and materials, skills, drills, skill analysis tasks ( students are required to perform skill analyses covering the serve, forehand, backhand, and FH and BH volley on one classmate within the tennis section time period) , terminology, rules, etiquette, strategies, outside readings, etc., for tennis will be sent to the instructor via Live Text for review and will also be housed in the student's electronic portfolio in Live




Course Activities/Assignments/Requirements:



Course Outcomes

Students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate

understanding of

the historical


of the game of



an appreciation,


competency level,

and teaching cues

of various skills

associated with the

game of tennis in

and outside of


3.Demonstrate an


understanding of

the rules,

terminology and


involved in

the game of


4.Develop an

understanding of

the concepts,


techniques and

skill analysis

involved in

instruction of

beginning tennis.


Course Activities

Students will: discussion, skill practice, and peer analysis and assistance.

1.Attend and actively participate in concept

& technique discussion, skill practice, and peer analysis and assistance.

2. Students will list and describe the skill mechanics of the beginning tennis skills. A brief description of at least two drills must also be included with each skill.

1.Attend and actively participate in concept

& technique discussion, skill practice, and peer analysis and assistance.

1.Attend and actively participate in concept & technique



1.Skill assessments.

2.Written Exam

3. Skill mechanics descriptions.

4. Skill analysis.

5. Electronic Notebook

1. Exam

2. Skill analysis.

an understanding

of sequential

skills and drills to

be used in

tennis instruction.

1.develop an understanding of the concepts, teaching techniques and skill analysis involved in instruction of beginning tennis.

2.Students are required to perform skill analyses on several tennis skills on two different peers within the section time


2. Skill Assessment

3. Skill analysis period.

Course Evaluation and Grading Scale:


Attendance/Activie Participation/Tardiness 25 pts

Skill Assessment 20 pts

Written Exams 25 pts

Notebook Information 30 pts

Total 100 pts


90 - 100 pts = A

80 - 89.9 pts = B

70 - 79.9 pts = C

60 - 69.9 pts = D

< 60 pts = F

Attendance Policy : Students are expected to attend and actively participate in all class-related activities. Appropriate attire must be worn. One personal day will be allowed, but additional absences will result in a five-point deduction for each absence. A one-point deduction will be assessed for each day the student is late to class following the first tardy day. Students choosing not to display an interested attitude, including effort toward skill and knowledge enhancement, will not receive full participation points. (Students are expected to bring a tennis racquet to class each day and furnish one can of new hard court tennis balls.)

Policy Statement on Plagiarism: Below is information directly quoted from the Academic

Honesty Policies and Procedures.

Academic integrity is the responsibility of all VSU faculty and students. Faculty members should promote academic integrity by including clear instruction on the components of academic integrity and clearly defining the penalties for cheating and plagiarism in their course syllabi. Students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the Academic Integrity Policy as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and the faculty members’ syllabi. All students are expected to do their own work and to uphold a high standard of academic ethics.

The full text of Academic Honesty Policies and Procedures is available in the on the Academic

Affairs website ( http://www.valdosta.edu/academic/AcademicHonestyatVSU.shtml


The consequences for acts of academic dishonesty in the Dewar College of Education are:



The faculty member will administer an academic response (e.g. resubmit / retake assignment, failure of the assignment, failure of the course).


The faculty member will complete a Level Two Dewar College of Education Concern form ( http://www.valdosta.edu/coe/studentsinfo.shtml



The faculty member will complete a Valdosta State University Report of Academic

Dishonesty ( http://www.valdosta.edu/academic/AcademicHonestyatVSU.shtml




The faculty member will administer an academic response (e.g. resubmit / retake assignment, failure of the assignment, failure of the course).


The faculty member will complete a Level Two Dewar College of Education Concern form ( http://www.valdosta.edu/coe/studentsinfo.shtml

). According to the Dewar College of Education Concern Form Policy, “a second level two concern form will result in the student being dismissed from his/her program of study. This dismissal will result in an automatic review by the COE Undergraduate Policies Committee.”


The faculty member will complete a Valdosta State University Report of Academic

Dishonesty ( http://www.valdosta.edu/academic/AcademicHonestyatVSU.shtml


According to the Academic Honesty Policies and Procedures document, “after a second

(or subsequent) Report of Academic Dishonesty has been submitted to the Student

Conduct Office in the Dean of Students Office, official charges will be drawn up and the disciplinary matter will be referred to the Valdosta State University Judicial Committee.”

Special Needs Statement:

Valdosta State University is an equal opportunity educational institution. It is not the intent of the institution to discriminate against any applicant for admission or any student or employee of the institution based on the sex, race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, veteran status, or sexual orientation of the individual. It is the intent of the institution to comply with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent executive orders as well as Title IX and Section

504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Students requesting classroom accommodations or modifications because of a documented disability must contact the Access Office for Students with Disabilities located in Room 1115

Nevins Hall. The phone numbers are (229) 245-2498 (voice) and (229) 219-1348

Instructor Information:

Dr. Mike Griffin

Office: 168 Physical Education Complex

Phone: 333-5896

e-mail : mrgriffi@valdosta.edu

Web Page:

