Constitution of the Order of Omega

Constitution of the Order of Omega
Sonoma State University
We, who have accepted the commitment to the Order of Omega Honorary Society,
desiring to foster and promote brotherly love and to encourage a spirit of cooperation and
helpfulness, in a pursuit of vigorous participation in college and community activities to
the mutual advantage of all concerned, do ordain and establish for the following Bylaws:
Article I- Name of Organization
1. This organization shall hereby be recognized as the Order of Omega Honor
Society at Sonoma State University.
Article II- Purpose of Organization
1. The Order of Omega shall strive:
a. To recognize those fraternity men and women who have attained a high
standard of leadership in interfraternity activities, to encourage them to
continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar
conspicuous attainment;
b. To bring together outstanding fraternity men and women to create an
organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on
questions of local and intercollegiate fraternity affairs.
c. To bring together members of the faculty, alumni, and student members of
the institution's fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest,
understanding and helpfulness;
d. To help create an atmosphere where ideas and issues can be discussed
openly across Greek lines and to help work out solutions.
e. To create a more unified, scholastically focused Greek Community that
will be involved in both University and Community affairs.
Article III- Membership of Organization
Section I: Hazing
1. All members of the organization are required to comply with the following
University Policies: Standards for Student conduct, Prohibition of Hazing,
Alcohol Policy and Nondiscrimination Policy.
Section 2:Eligibility
2. Regular voting membership in this student organization shall be open to all
currently enrolled and continuing students of Sonoma State University. An
organization or its membership may not discriminate on the basis of gender, race,
color religion, national origin, citizenship, creed, ethnic background, economic
status, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or age, except in cases of
fraternity and sorority organizations which are exempt by federal law from the
title IX Regulations concerning discrimination on the basis of sex.
3. All Undergraduate members of a chartered Fraternity or Sorority who have
attained a cumulative GPA of 3.2 shall be eligible for membership. The Order of
Omega requires junior or senior class standing to apply for membership.
4. Faculty, staff, and alumni of SSU, as well as non-students may be considered for
non-voting membership in this organization. Only currently enrolled or
continuing students of SSU may be voting members.
Section 3: Financial Responsbilities
1. Each member shall be required to pay a $50 lifetime fee for membership in the
Order of Omega. The chapter may also collect dues not to exceed $100 for
membership each academic semester.
a. The Winter and Summer Session breaks are included in each semester
payment. If not paid up to the level of financial delinquency by the second
meeting of the semester, a late charge of $10 shall be added to the total
unless the Treasurer and the member have arranged a payment plan in
writing and approved through e-board.
Section 4: Rights of Members
Only Active Members are entitled to vote, be appointed or elected to an office, and
inspect Society books and records. Alumni do not retain the right to vote, or to be
appointed to or elected to an office, but retain all other Rights and Privileges of
Section 5: Discipline of Members
1. Reasons for discipline: An active member may be disciplined by the Society for
any one or more of the following reasons: financial delinquency, Constitution and
Bylaws, or conduct not worthy of a member of the Order of Omega.
a. Disciplinary actions will be made by a Judicial Board chaired by the
Article IV- Elections
Section 1: Member Voting Rights
1. On each matter submitted for a vote of the Chapter, each Member shall be entitled
to cast one vote. The election chair (Warden) shall not cast a vote except in order
to either make or break a tie
2. Only currently enrolled or continuing students in good standing at Sonoma State
University may serve as officers of this organization.
Section 2: Election Procedures
1. All regular scheduled elections shall be held no less than one (1) month prior to
the end of the semester.
2. Election procedure shall be a three phase process consisting of Nominations,
Elections, and Installation.
3. A majority vote shall be required to elect all officers. If no candidate receives a
majority of the ballots cast then the race shall be rerun. If the two candidates with
the greatest number of votes, when added together, do not constitute a majority,
then additional candidates shall be added, in order of votes received until a
majority is reached. Those candidates whose votes comprise a majority shall be
kept on the ballot. All ballots are to be counted in private by the President and
4. Officers shall be installed before or at the next regular scheduled meeting after the
election, and they shall hold the office until their successors are installed, when
each shall surrender to his successor all the books, records, receipts, and other
property of the Chapter in his possession.
5. In the event that an office becomes vacant, the Chapter may elect, by a simple
majority vote, a Member to the position for the duration of the term.
Article 3- General Officers
Section I- Qualifications for Office
Only currently enrolled or continuing students in good standing at Sonoma State
University with a minimum cumulative GPA of a 3.2 may serve as officers of this
organization. The officers shall be: Alumni Chairman, Activities Secretary, Public
Relations Chairman, Awards Secretary, Webmaster, Historian, Risk Management
Section 4: General Duties for Office
1. Good Faith: Each Office shall perform his duties in good faith, in a manner
which that officer believes to be in the best interest of The Society, and with
such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinary prudent person in a
like position would use under similar circumstances.
2. Reliance on Others: In performing his duties, an Officer may rely on
information, opinions, reports or statements prepared or presented by the
persons listed below, so long as the Officer acts in good faith, after reasonable
inquiry, and without knowledge that reliance on such persons is unwanted:
Other officers whom the Officer believes to be reliable and competent
in the matters presented;
Advisors to The Society whom the Officer believes to be acting on
matters within such persons advising competence or expertise;
Committees upon which the Officer does not serve, but which the
Officer believes to merit confidence on a matter within its designated
3. Timely Reports: Each Officer shall give reports at the Chapter Meeting
concerning the completion of his said duties and the activities of his
4. Meeting Attendance: Each Officer will be required to attend every chapter
meeting. If the Officer misses two (2) or more meetings per semester, they can
be brought up for removal from office.
Section 3- Specific Duties of Officers
1. Warden: The Warden shall be responsible for maintaining a level of decorum
at the Chapter meetings. The Warden shall be responsible for administering
fines to the Members who are not in compliance with the standards of the
Chapter Meetings. The Warden shall be responsible for the care of the ritual
equipment. The Warden shall form and chair, with the approval of the
Executive Committee and the Chapter, the Judiciary Board. The Warden shall
serve a term of one (1) academic semester.
2. Activities Secretary The Activities Secretary shall be responsible for making
the Members aware of Activity Events within the Society, University, and
community. The Activities Secretary shall arrange activities, including
intramural sports, to be attended by the members with other appropriate
parties. The Activities Secretary will serve a term of one (1) academic
3. Awards Secretary: The Awards Secretary shall be responsible for making the
members aware of awards granted by the National Order of Omega,
University, Community, and Chapter. The Awards Secretary will be
responsible for coordinating and forwarding the awards report. The Awards
Secretary shall chair awards elections within the Chapter and shall be
responsible for tabulating votes with the Secretary. The Awards Secretary
shall serve a term of one (1) academic semester.
4. Historian: The Historian shall write a history of the Chapter for the collegiate
year that he holds office. At some meetings within the first four weeks of the
following year, the history shall be read, and, on approval of the members,
transcribed in a durable book. The Historian shall supplement membership
records with such additional data as shall be furnished by the Chapter at the
time of initiation, graduation, and other significant events. The Historian shall
serve a term of one (1) academic year
5. Alumni Secretary: The Alumni Secretary shall keep such a record of the
alumni members of the Chapter The Alumni Secretary shall endeavor to
maintain close and cordial relations between the Chapter and its alumni by
correspondence and supervision of Chapter publications. The Alumni
Secretary shall serve a term of one (1) academic year.
6. Risk Management Secretary: The Risk Management Secretary shall be
responsible for ensuring that all Fraternity functions comply with the Risk
management policy. The Risk Management Secretary shall be responsible for
coordinating and forwarding the Event Planning Reports to the appropriate
authorities. The Risk Management shall serve a term of one (1) academic
7. Webmaster: The Webmaster shall be responsible for creating and maintaining
a webpage for the Fraternity. The Webmaster shall serve a term of one (1)
academic semester.
8. Public Relations Chairman: The Public relations Chairman shall be
responsible for creating, printing, and posting all promotion items and shirts
for the Fraternity on campus and around the community. This chairman shall
monitor and control all media which is accessible to the general public
referencing and/or containing any part/symbol of the Fraternity. Also, this
chairman shall work with all officers in promoting activities held throughout
the semester. The chair shall be a non-voting member on the executive
committee, and shall serve a term of one (1) academic year.
Section 4: Removal from Office
Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any Officer for in competency,
misconduct of duty, academic deficiency, or financial delinquency. Written charges
signed by three (3) Members shall be submitted to the Executive Committee as well as to
the accused. The Executive Committee shall then investigate the matter fully and make a
recommendation to the members. The Chapter shall sit as a court of inquiry at the next
regular scheduled meeting after the presentment of the recommendation. A two-thirds
vote of the members shall be necessary for the removal of the officer.
Article VI- Executive Officers
Section 1: Qualifications for Office
Only currently enrolled or continuing students in good standing at Sonoma State
University with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 may serve as officers of this
organization. The officers shall be: Philanthropy Chairman, Scholarship Chairman, ,
Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President.
Section 2: General Duties for Office
(a) Good Faith: Each Officer shall perform his duties in good faith, in a manner
which that officer believes to be in the best interest of the Fraternity, and with
such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinary prudent person in a
like position would use under similar circumstances.
Reliance on Others: In performing his duties, an Officer may rely on
information, opinions, reports or statements prepared or presented by
the persons listed below, so long as the Officer acts in good faith,
after reasonable inquiry, and without knowledge that reliance on
such persons is unwarranted:
i. Other Officers whom the Officer believes to be reliable and
competent in the matters presented;
ii. Advisors to the Fraternity whom the Officer believes to be acting
on matters within such person’s advising competence or
iii. Committees upon which the Officer does not serve, but which
the Officer believes to merit confidence on a matter within its
designated authority.
(b) Timely Reports: Each Officer shall give reports at the Chapter meeting
concerning the completion of his said duties and the activities of his
committee, when applicable.
(c) Meeting Attendance: Each Officer will be required to attend every chapter and
executive board meeting. If the Officer misses two (2) or more meetings per
semester, (combination of general and executive board meetings) they can be
brought up for removal from office.
Section 3: Specific Duties of Officers
The powers and duties of the Officers shall be those prescribed by the Code in addition to
those hereafter provided.
1. President: The President shall be responsible for presiding all Chapter
Meetings. The President shall represent the Members and the Fraternity itself
to all persons and organizations within and outside the Fraternity. The
President shall be responsible for executing all action items approved by the
Chapter unless otherwise stated or directed. The President shall perform other
duties as assigned by the Chapter. The President shall serve on the Executive
Committee. The President shall serve a term of one (1) year.
2. The Vice President shall, in the temporary absence of the President, assume
full responsibility of the President. The Vice President shall serve as
Chairman of the Executive Committee, in which the only vote he has is to
break a tie, and shall coordinate the activities of all committees, reporting to
the President and the Chapter on such activities. The Vice President shall be
responsible for the preparation of all special reports as assigned by the
President. The Vice President shall supervise the Secretary in the preparation
of all routine correspondence and reports. The Vice President shall serve a
term of one (1) year.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain a permanent record of the proceedings
of every meeting and shall record each roll call therein, one(1) copy to be
placed in the Secretary’s file and one (1) maintained by the chapter. The
Secretary shall conduct the official correspondence of the chapter. The
Secretary shall be the custodian of the Fraternity stationary, seals, and official
communications as well as the Fraternity Bylaws. The Secretary shall form
and chair, with the approval of the Executive Committee and the Chapter, the
Bylaw Committee. The Secretary shall serve on the Executive Committee.
The Secretary shall serve a term of one (1) year.
4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all monies due to the National Society
and the Chapter, giving receipts therefore, and shall distribute the same
accordingly to general accounting procedures. The Treasurer shall make all
payments to the National Society and shall keep proper account books as
prescribed by the National Society... The Treasurer shall serve on the
Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall appoint, with the approval of the
Executive Committee, and chapter, an assistant. The Treasurer shall serve a
term of one (1) year.
5. Scholarship Chairman: The Scholarship Chairman shall be responsible for the
Chapter’s Scholastic Program and for making the Members aware of such
program. The Scholarship Chairman shall enforce all study hours. The
Scholarship Chairman shall maintain a record of the scholastic standings of
the Members and monitor applicable GPA requirements. The Scholarship
Chairman shall form and chair, with the approval of the Executive Committee
and Chapter, the Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Chairman shall
serve on the Executive Committee. The Scholarship Chairman shall serve a
term of one (1) academic semester.
6. Philanthropic Chairman: The Philanthropy Chairman shall be responsible for
making the Members aware of Philanthropic opportunities within the
Fraternity, University, and Community. The philanthropy chairman shall
arrange philanthropic activities to be attended by the Chapter. The
Philanthropy Chairman shall form and chair, with the approval of the
Executive Committee and the Chapter, the Philanthropy Committee. The
Philanthropy Chairman shall serve a term of one (1) academic semester.
Section 4: Removal From Office
Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any Executive Officer for
incompetence, misconduct of duty, academic deficiency, or financially delinquency.
Written charges signed by three (3) Brothers shall be submitted to the Executive
Committee as well as to the accused. The Executive Committee shall then investigate the
matter fully and make recommendations to the Members. The Chapter shall sit as a court
of inquiry at the next regular scheduled meeting after the presentment of the
recommendation. A two-thirds vote of the Members shall be necessary for the removal of
the Officer.
Article VII Committee’s
Section 1: Reporting on Activities
All Committees shall report verbally to the Vice President on Matters pertaining to the
charge of that specific committee
1. Committee Removal: Each member will be required to attend every single
meeting. If the member misses two or more meetings per semester they can
be brought up for removal from Committee
Section 2: Committees and Boards
1. Executive Committee: The execute committee shall be chaired by the Vice
President. The Executive Committee shall consist of the chapter President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Philanthropy Chairman, and IFC Representative. The
Executive Committee shall, in addition to the afore mentioned duties, direct
the activities of the Chapter. All action items must go through the Executive
Committee. The Executive Committee shall report at regular chapter
meetings. The Power of the Executive Committee shall be maintained in a
quorum of 75% of the committee members
2. Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee shall be chaired by the Secretary.
The Bylaws Committee shall consist of a Brother at large, no more than two
from the Executive Committee. The Bylaws Committee shall meet, when
called by the President, to review the chapter Bylaws and make necessary
amendments as prescribed.
3. Philanthropy Committee: The Philanthropy Committee shall be chaired by the
Philanthropy Chairman. The Philanthropy Committee shall consist of at least
three brothers at large, no more than two from the Executive Committee. The
Philanthropy committee shall assist and oversee the Philanthropy Chairman in
the completion of his duties. The Philanthropy Committee shall meet as
prescribed by the Philanthropy Chairman
4. Scholarship Committee: The Scholarship committee shall be chaired by the
Scholarship Chairman. The Scholarship Committee shall consist of at least
three brothers at large, no more than two from Executive Committee. The
Scholarship Committee Shall assist and oversee the Scholarship Chairman in
the completion of his duties. The Scholarship Committee shall meet as
prescribed by the Scholarship Chairman
Article VIII- Judicial Process
Section 1: Purpose of Judiciary Board
The purpose of the Judiciary Board is to allow due process to Brothers who may come
under disciplinary actions by the Society or at the request of another Brother
Section 2: Judiciary Board Composition
The Judiciary Board shall be chaired by the Warden. The Judiciary Board shall be
composed of five Brothers, no more than two from the Executive Committee. The
executive committee and the chapter must approve the Brothers who are chosen to sit on
the committee by the Warden
Section 3: Disciplinary Procedure
1. Calling any Charges: Any Brother may initiate the procedure for discipline by
a chapter by a request made in writing to the Executive Committee
2. Hearing Procedures: The Brother sought to be disciplined shall be given
notice in writing by the Warden of the alleged cause for his discipline and of
the time and place at which a meeting of the Executive Committee will be
held to consider the matter. The notice in writing to the Brother sought to be
disciplined shall be delivered no later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting
of the General chapter, and shall be mailed to the members last known address
by registered mail, return receipt request, or hand delivered by the Warden to
the member sought to be disciplined. When said notice to the Brother sought
to be disciplined is delivered the Warden shall notify the members of the
Executive Committee of the time and place at which the hearing shall be held.
3. Bringing Decisions to Judiciary Board: The executive Committee shall decide
whether the matter should be brought before a meeting of the Chapter. If the
Executive Committee decides that the matter should not be brought before the
J-Board, it shall report this decision and the reasons therefore to a meeting of
the chapter. If the Executive Committee decides that the matter should be
brought before the J-board the matter shall be referred to the J-Board for
further investigation and recommendation.
Section 4: Judiciary Board Procedure
1. Call of Case: The Warden shall read to the J-Board the date, charge, Brother
Charged and Brother who charged. The Brother charged will be informed
verbally of the charge against him.
2. Prosecution: The Executive Office that has been appointed by the Executive
Committee shall explain as briefly as possible the charge and bring evidence
and/or witnesses to substantiate the charge. In cases of attendance violations
the Secretary shall serve this role. In Cases of Financial Delinquency the
Treasurer shall serve this role. In cases of scholastic deficiency the
Scholarship chairman shall fill this role.
3. Defense: The Brother charged shall then, just as briefly, offer or provide in
writing a defense including evidence and/or witnesses or admit responsibility
for the offense. There is no cross examination.
4. J-Board member Role: J-Board members shall keep notes for later reference.
Minutes shall be kept by an appointed secretary. J-Board members may ask
questions of the charged and the charger. The J-Board shall discuss the case
in a non-partisan and objective manner based up on the Bylaws, standing
rules, and the code. A two-thirds vote shall be required to convict any brother.
If convicted, the J-board shall then implement appropriate discipline based on
the bylaws, standing rules, and the code. J-board members shall operate in
strict confidence.
5. Notification: The Brother charged shall be notified within twenty-four hours
of the hearing. Rulings shall be announced at the next Chapter meeting, in
which the Chapter shall vote to approve the recommendation for the
punishment with two-third of the chapter vote.
Section 5: appeal process
1. Appealing: If a Brother wishes to appeal the decision by the judiciary board
he shall notify the Warden before the next regularly scheduled Chapter
Meeting. The appeal shall be heard at the next regularly scheduled Chapter
2. Procedures: The Warden shall present the case of the J-board to the chapter.
The brother charged shall present his case to the Chapter. No additional
witnesses may be called.
3. Voting on the Appeal: A Two-thirds vote of the Members shall be necessary
to overturn a J-board Decision. Member of the J-board shall not be
considered in the vote count nor be allowed to vote. All decisions by the
Members are final.
Article IX- Meetings
Section 1: Time and Place
Formal meetings of the chapter shall be held at least once per week throughout the
academic year at a regular day, time, and location as determined by the E-Board. The
Warden shall notify all Brothers if a meeting’s day, time, or location has been changed
Section 2: Power of Chapter
All power of the chapter shall be invested in the regular meeting. The president, or any
three other brothers, may call a special meeting whenever they deem it advisable. The
warden shall notify all brothers of a special meeting at least seventy-two (72) hours in
advance. It is the duty of the Brothers to attend all regular and special meetings. A
quorum shall consist of 50% of the members. All E-board decisions can be overturned
by a two-thirds vote of the members.
Section 3: Absences and Tardiness
All meetings are mandatory. An excuse explaining why a meeting is to be missed must
be submitted at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting to the President, Vice
President, or Warden. Every unexcused absence shall result in a fine of five dollars to be
assessed by the Warden. Upon the third unexcused absence in an academic semester, the
brother shall be required to face the J-board. Each member will be considered Tardy if
they are not present when roll is taken by the Warden. The Warden will take roll at the
start of the scheduled meeting time. The Warden is responsible for taking roll and will
asses a fine of three dollars for tardiness and five dollars for absences.
Section 4: Food and Drink
No food, drink (other than water), Alcohol, or tobacco products of any kind shall be
permitted at meetings.
Section 5: Meeting Conduct
A Meeting shall be considered in order after the calling of the role. The President, or the
Brother he appointed, shall be the parliamentarian and shall use his interpretation of
Robert’s Rules of Order, except when these Bylaws provide otherwise.
Article IX Advisors
Section 1: Requirement of Advisor
It shall be required that the Order of Omega have an advisor. He or she does not need to
be a member of a Greek organization during their undergraduate term, but must be a
current Sonoma State University employee, but may not be a member of an auxiliary
organization. The advisor shall not be required to attend regularly scheduled meetings.
Section 2: Term
The Chapter advisor will be selected by the Executive council and approved by a 2/3 vote
of the chapter. The advisor will serve until he or she resigns the position.
Article X Ammendments
Section 3: Amendments to the Bylaws
(a) Amendments to these Bylaws must be type-written, presented, and read at a
regular meeting of the Executive Committee.
(b) With a recommendation from the Executive Committee, the Amendment must be
presented to the general members. A reading of the motion at two successive
formal meetings of the members shall be required.
(c) A two-thirds vote of the General members shall be necessary to pass the
(d) The amended bylaws must be approved by the Center for Student Leadership,
Involvement and Service. A copy of the minutes of the meeting that documents
the approval of the changes in the bylaws or organization name shall be placed on
file with the Center for Student Leadership, Involvement and Service. An office
of the organization shall sign the minutes.