Annual Meeting - Township of Stanton, Minnesota

Official Stanton Township Annual Minutes
2014 Stanton Township Annual Meeting
March 11, 2014
31186 40th Avenue Way
Cannon Falls, MN 55009
Clerk Cheryle Peters called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM. (note: 22 persons signed the
attendance roster.)
Pledge of Allegiance was recited
The clerk called for nominations for moderator for the evening’s meeting.
Jennifer Ritzman nominated Jack Schlichting.
Chris Phelps seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
Goodhue County Sheriff, Scott McNurlin, addressed the constituents. Some discussion ensued.
Goodhue County Commissioner Samuelson addressed the constituents. He stated that he would
not be seeking another term, as Commissioner. Some question and answer time ensued.
Minutes of 2013 Annual Meeting
Clerk Cheryle Peters read the minutes from the previous Annual Meeting, 2013.
Jack Schlichting called for a motion to approve the minutes.
Bob Benson made a motion to approve the minutes.
Chris Phelps seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Reading of the Board of Audit Report for the year of 2013
Jack Schlichting asked “Do I hear a motion to suspend reading of the details of Checks and
John Miller made a motion to suspend the reading of the details of Checks and Deposits.
Rob Tate seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Two different financial reports were reviewed. The mandated CTAS report Schedule 1 was read
aloud. The reading of Schedule 9 was suspended. The Treasurer’s Report was posted on the
bulletin board and was available in copy.
Jack Schlichting called for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the year of 2013.
A request for discussion was made from the floor. Discussion ensued, mostly on investments,
as they appear on the Schedule 1 compared to the Treasurer’s Report.
Dave Garner asked if the Penfield Bond had been paid off. And he requested that the excess
collected from the special assessment be refunded to property owners. Bob Benson stated that
the subject would be discussed at the Road Report segment of the meeting. Jack Schlichting
called for any further discussion directed toward the financial reports. Ken Ebert made motion
to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Bob Benson seconded the motion. The motion passed.
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2013 Annual Road Report
Bob Benson, Board Chair offered the report. Bob began with a report on the culverts that had
frozen shut due to the unusual winter rain. Some of the road materials washed out due to
resultant water across the roads. Bob reported that three culverts had been cleaned out, 310th
Street- 325th and Stanton Trail. Culvert and ditch cleaning would continue in 2014. Some brush
trimming has occurred and will continue, as well. Bob reported that $6100 was spent on salt and
sand. Gravel costs for the year totaled $78,231.77. The township spent $9100 on chloride. The
township had offered dust control for a nominal fee to its citizens. All intersections were treated
200ft. of a stop sign. The entire length of 310th Street was treated with chloride due to traffic
The grader, currently, needs a repair estimated at $5,500. Bob stated that the grader had been
acquired in the ’80’s. Between 2004 and February of 2014, the township has spent $43,928.98
for repairs. Some discussion ensued.
The chloride “program” was discussed.
Snow and ice removal was discussed.
Snow removal efforts were complimented. Snow removal policy pertaining to the blacktop
roads, in particular, was discussed. Blacktopping 40th Avenue Way was suggested.
Some questions ensued regarding the maintenance of the Highway 52 redesign of Stanton
Township and Cannon Falls Township roads. Bob Benson stated that Goodhue County Public
Works would be making repairs before turning those particular areas of roads back to the
Some commentary was made regarding brush on the roads and brush hanging over the roads.
The Penfield Addition was discussed. A spreadsheet was offered to help with a distribution of
excess funds to property owners. Discussion ensued. Legal counsel was suggested regarding
state statute on the Penfield subject.
Questions: Interaction Between Board and Citizens
Moderator, Jack Schlichting, invited questions of the audience, for the town board members.
Some discussion ensued on the subject of outsourcing the road maintenance work. In honor of
our veterans, a request was made to illuminate the flag that flies in front of our town hall. A
request was made to accommodate farm equipment on some of the narrow roads. Bob Benson
was asked if the township would ever use the grader for work on private drives. He responded
in the negative. Ken Ebert commented on the, still, crooked sign near St. Paul’s Church.
Proposed Levy- For the Year 2015:
Board Treasurer, Jennifer Ritzman, introduced herself. She reviewed the action taken at the
2013 Annual Meeting, effectively, increasing the Proposed Levy 2014 from $215,000 to
$235,000. The $20,000 increase would be allocated as a $5,000 increase to the Heavy
Equipment Fund and a $15,000 increase to the Building Fund. She reported that the Proposed
2015 Levy, now, has five fund titles. She explained that each Levy Fund would require a
separated vote on each separate amount. The total Levy Proposed for 2015 would remain at the
$235,000 level. The vote was as follows: General Fund, $45,000-Chuck Rademacher made a
motion to approve $45,000 for the General Fund. Ken Burns seconded the motion. The motion
passed. Road and Bridge Fund, $120,000-Dave Pederson made a motion to approve $120,000
for the Road and Bridge Fund. Ken Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed. Heavy
Equipment Replacement Fund, $10,000- Bob Benson made a motion to approve $10,000 for the
Heavy Equipment Replacement Fund. Chris Phelps seconded the motion. Some discussion
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ensued regarding the five fund process. The motion passed. Fire Fund, $32,000-Bob Benson
made a motion to approve the Fire Fund, $32,000. Dave Pederson seconded the motion. The
motion passed. Building Fund, $28,000- Chris Phelps made a motion to approve $28,000 for the
Building Fund. Bob Benson seconded the motion. Some discussion ensued. The motion passed.
Ken Ebert made a motion to appoint the Beacon as the official newspaper, the town hall as the
official posting place, and the next Annual Town Meeting at the town hall, March 10th, 2015,
8:10pm. Dave Pederson seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Call for the Election Results:
For SupervisorTotal Votes
Bob Benson
Write Ins
Vince Cockriel
Robert Hawbaker 1
Dave Garner
For ClerkTotal Votes
Cheryle Peters
Write In
Colleen Thompson 2
New Business:
Jack Schlichting read a letter from the Goodhue County Fair Director, requesting funds for the
benefit of the Goodhue County Fairgrounds in Zumbrota. Ken Ebert made a motion to
contribute $1,000 to the Goodhue County Fair Board. Chris Phelps seconded the motion. The
motion failed, 6in favor, 8 opposed.
Jack Schlichting called for a motion to adjourn. Bob Benson made a motion to adjourn. Pete
Shay seconded the motion. The motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:05pm.
Jack Schlichting announced that the Board of Canvas would meet immediately to verify election
counts. (Note: This is considered a paid board meeting.)
Respectfully Submitted________________________
Clerk, Stanton Township
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