Lake Elmo Public Library

Lake Elmo Public Library
3537 Lake Elmo Ave. N.
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
Library Board Meeting Jan. 8, 2014 – Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Present: library board members Steve DeLapp,
Sarah Linder, Ann Bucheck, Brett Emmons (left early), Paul Ryberg; library director Linda Orsted; city
administrator Dean Zuleger (for a portion of the meeting). Absent: library board members Marjorie
Williams and Mike Pearson.
The agenda was approved as revised: committee appointments were moved to the new
business committee topic. M/S/C
Election of officers:
President – nominees Sarah Linder and Brett Emmons
Vote – Linder (4) Emmons (1)
Vice President – nominees Brett Emmons and Sarah Linder
Vote – Emmons (4) Linder (1)
Secretary – nominee Paul Ryberg
Vote – Ryberg (5)
Paper ballots were used. Tally was done and reported by Linda Orsted.
Sarah pledged to work with the board. Goals are to reduce stress about library business and to get along
with city hall and each other in furthering the mission of the library.
Discussion about role of Secretary: We will try to get non-board members to volunteer to record
minutes. The Secretary will sign them after review for accuracy. Linda volunteered to take minutes at
this meeting.
Treasurer: Ann Bucheck volunteered and was appointed.
Minutes of 12.11.13 and 12.19.13 were received with no corrections. Discussion: When are
minutes made public? Motion: Minutes to any regular or special library board meeting will not be widely
disseminated until they are accepted at the following board meeting. M/S/C [Limited distribution will be
to board members and city personnel.]
Treasurer’s Report: Paul Ryberg
Timing is an important factor involved with getting monthly financial reports from the city finance
department. Brett suggested moving the meeting day to later in the month. The item will be on the
February agenda.
Paul estimated that we will have about $80,000 in the library fund at the end of the year 2013.
Discussion: open meeting law. Strictly informational communications are allowed between board
members outside of the open meeting. The library director can send information and documents to the
board members.
Library Director’s Report: Linda Orsted
Linda referred the board to her printed narrative and statistical report. She announced that the visioning
workshop will be on Thursday, January 16th from 6 to 8 in suite 190. The workshop will be led by Linda
Ruhland, a planning consultant.
Public comments coming in: Ann commented that only the complainers speak up. Sarah asked that endof-the-year storm sewer bills message should be put on the October agenda so we can decide what
wording to use for a survey question about the library.
Outreach Committee: No report. Linda wants to define role of the committee. She thinks it may become
more of an informational/community relations committee and leave the library program creation to the
staff and volunteers. Ann stated a board member is considering becoming chairman of the committee as
it now stands. Sarah announced that the knitting program will continue beyond the March 27th date on
the flyer.
Friends of the Library Report: The children’s book sale is over. Paul and others are packing books to be
sent to BetterWorld Books for sale. The Friends purchased a one-year subscription to TumbleBooks for
the library at a cost of $699.
Collections Committee: The inventory of the collection is underway. Donated pictures have been
barcoded for circulation. Cataloger training is a part of each meeting. Discussion: it is recommended that
the city council approve either our current gift acceptance policy or a revised version.
Facilities Committee: Gutter/roof contract with JTR Roofing Inc. is recommended for approval. The work
will be done in two stages – first the roof and then the gutters. We will pay half down ($4,272) and the
remainder upon completion of the project. The price may go up depending on what they find once the
work begins. Water will go toward the creek.
ADA restroom – Steve recommends that we use the large closet off the Nonfiction Room. The part
opening into the NF Room will be converted to a storage closet and the rest of the area will be made
into the restroom. The restroom door will open to the hallway.
Vacated Suite 120 – Recommended taking out walls, working on renovations over time as funds and
volunteer time are available. Meanwhile, the space can be used once it has been made clean and safe.
Linda recommends the present door to the hallway be an emergency exit only. All traffic should go past
the library circulation desk.
Tenants – Dan Fontana has submitted required documents. Sarah will get his signature on the lease and
take it to the city for signatures and filing. The ex-tenant in suite 120 has not retrieved his property.
Sarah is in communication with the attorney and will find out the last date the ex-tenant can have
access to his stuff. Ann volunteered to be an observer if the ex-tenant does collect his property.
Personnel Committee: no report
Old Business:
The discussion with the county in re the offer of $80,000 to provide full library privileges to all Lake Elmo
residents will take place on January 15th.
Motion by Ann: Sarah Linder is appointed to accompany Mike Pearson and Dean Zuleger to talk with the
county about the $80,000 offer. M/S/C
Sarah noted that a contract will need to be drawn up if the offer is accepted.
Motion by Paul: Authorize the library director to proceed with the purchase of Freading and Overdrive.
M/S/C 3 yes 1 no (Ann wants to see the outcome of the discussion with the county before committing
to ebook purchases.)
City Administrator Dean Zuleger attended a portion of the meeting as a guest. He said he is here to help
in the discussion with the county and in any other way he can. He wants to see the library be successful
and stated that he believes we have done what the county asked us to do to establish a viable library in
Lake Elmo. He said the meeting on the 15th will involve himself, the mayor, Commissioner Kriesel, the
county administrator, and the appointed library board member. He thinks the money may be a way to
get back into the county system, at least by laying the groundwork. If nothing else, it will help the library
and the city to understand the motivation of the county library in cutting off the ebook access.
New Business:
Who has budgetary authority – the library board or the city council? Dean said the library board does
have budgetary authority, but with the city council’s blessing. The council sets the tax levy. Each city can
determine the maintenance of effort for the library levy. He urged the library board to submit their
annual report to the city council in such a way that it demonstrates a purposeful and responsible
delivery of library services to the community. There followed a discussion about the best way to present
the report and what sort of information should be included. Dean said we could refer to the six criteria
for a viable library Ms. Conley gave the city and show how those criteria have been met. He also said the
council will want to know how the library plans to spend the $120,000 is has been investing in the
purchase of the building now that the building is paid off. Does the library still need that money and how
will it be used? Present a valid budget to the council to justify the levy. Dean said there is a workshop
scheduled with the city council in the spring to sit down with the library board and look at budgets for a
couple of years. He did not remember the date, but said it was in the ‘quality of life’ workshop. Sarah
said she is not available until mid-April. Dean said the date can be adjusted as needed.
Ann asked if the contingency fund and reserve fund were ok to have. Dean said yes. The original
commitment to the council was to have $100,000 in a reserve fund. The contingency fund is for
unexpected repairs, such as the furnace going out. The reserve fund is for cash flow.
There will be a proposal by the city for an administrative services agreement in which regular city
services to the library will be covered: payroll, accounting, supplies, cleaning and HVAC contracts, etc.
City departments are supposed to keep track of their time and bill to the library. This agreement would
be a blanket payment for services. He also said the city should sign our contracts, since the city owns the
Regarding the building purchase, the principle has been paid as of Dec. 31, 2013 but there will be one
more payment to cover the interest.
Inclement Weather Policy:
Linda presented a draft, which was read and approved as written.
Motion by Sarah: Inclement Weather Closing Policy Lake Elmo Public Library
Ideally, the library will remain open during its regular published hours of service. If the weather becomes
severe, employees and/or volunteers who are on duty at the library may use their own judgment as to
whether to close the library in the interest of their own and the general public’s safety. It will be the
employee’s/volunteer’s duty to notify local media, the City of Lake Elmo, and at least one library board
member of the closing. In the event of a storm posing immediate danger, the library staff will follow
standard emergency preparedness procedures. M/S/C unanimous vote
It was recommended that the committees present an annual summary report, which can be used by a
reactivated speakers’ bureau for community outreach.
Sarah asked that the reports be emailed to the board. The report should include what the committee
has done and how the committee is looking to the future. She also asked board members to consider
what committees they would like to serve on this year. She recommends that the following year’s
committee appointments be on the October meeting agenda.
Motion by Ann: The board will hold a special meeting to discuss the structure of the board and who will
chair the committees. M/S/C unanimous vote
Meeting adjourned: 9:45 p.m.
Recorded by Linda Orsted
Paul Ryberg, Secretary