Wilder-Waite Parent Teacher Organization By-Laws April 20th, 2010 Name: The name of this organization is the Wilder-Waite Parent Teacher Organization. Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to aid the students of Wilder-Waite by providing support for their educational and recreational needs. The PTO will also promote open communication between the administration, teachers & parents. Membership: All parents and /or guardians of students who currently attend Wilder-Waite School, current faculty and staff are considered members of the organization. ARTICLE 1: Officers & Committee Chairs Section 1: The officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer. These officers are the PTO Executive Board. No one on the PTO Executive Board can hold their position longer than two years. Section 2: The standing Committee Chairs are: Yearbook, Scrip, Market Day, Box Tops, Project Impact, Spirit Wear, Accelerated Reader, Copy Parent, Room Parent, Staff Appreciation and Wildcat Scratch. These committees make up the PTO Board. No one on the PTO Board can hold their position longer than four years consecutively. Section 3: Attendance at monthly board meetings is required. In the event that a board member cannot be present it is their responsibility to contact the President. Section 4: The Nominating Committee, appointed by the Board, will consist of the President, three current board members, and one non-board member. The Nominating Committee will meet in February or March, to discuss and fill open PTO positions for the following school year. Section 5: If vacancies occur on the Board, the President will appoint replacements subject to the approval of the Board. In the event the President’s Office becomes vacant, the Vice President will then move up to become the President and then appoint a new Vice President. ARTICLE 2: Meetings & Voting Section 1: Board meetings will be held every month during the school year with the exception of December. It is up to the Board to decide a regular schedule of dates when meetings will be held. Section 2: In order for a meeting to be held, a quorum must exist. A quorum is two-thirds of the current committees. There are currently fifteen committees. A quorum, of our fifteen committees, is ten committees. Each meeting must also have at least two Executive Board members and one member of the Wilder-Waite staff present. All Board members, including cochairs, are voting members. Section 3: During a meeting, motions can be passed by a two-thirds vote of Board Members present at any regular PTO meeting, regarding regular business matters. Section 4: Revised”. The parliamentary authority for this organization is “Roberts Rules of Order ARTICLE 3: Duties & Responsibilities Section 1: General duties for all Board Members. All Board Members are expected to attend and to give a report during all meetings. All Board Members will submit items for the agenda the week before the PTO meeting. All Board Members will remit money to treasurer within five days after the collection process is completed. If a check is sent by a company, it needs to be given to the Treasurer within five days. All Board Members will use the tax-exempt form. Tax will not be reimbursed. All Receipts for the current school year must be submitted no later than June 15th for reimbursement. Every Board Member will be asked to submit a written article for the Wildcat Scratch by the requested deadline. Any expense in excess of the budget without the Board’s prior approval will not be reimbursed. If a committee plans to advertise events, outside of district or PTO newsletters; the committee must present their request to the PTO Board at least one month before the planned event. Each Board Member will provide a written report for their replacements at the end of the school year. Section 2: The President The President must serve on the Board one out of the three years prior to holding the position of President. The President will coordinate the duties of the Board and act as a liaison between the PTO and the school Principal; and will provide a sign-up schedule for the Teacher Representatives to attend PTO meetings. The President will preside over all Board meetings. The President will develop a proposed budget for the upcoming school year with assistance from the Treasurer and the Vice President. The President will maintain the By-laws and assure they are reviewed every three years. The President will make sure that all reports are posted on the Wilder-Waite website according to timelines set in the By-laws. The President will send a tentative agenda for the PTO meetings to the school Principal and PTO Board Members at least five days before the PTO meeting. The President is responsible for maintaining the PTO bulletin board. The President is responsible for distributing PTO information to Wilder-Waite families. Section 3a: The Vice President The Vice President will assist the President. The Vice President will assume the duties of the President in his or her absence. The Vice President will serve as Spook Coordinator. The Vice President will coordinate various fundraising events for the school. Section 3b: Spook The Non-PTO Spook Committee members will consist of: A Spook Co-Chair, Kitchen Chair, Booth Ticket Sales Chair, Main Raffle Prize Chair, Main Raffle Ticket Sales Chair, Redemption Chair, Decoration Chair, 5th grade Spook House Chair, Class Basket Raffle Chair, Class Booth Chair and A Grade Representative Chair. The Spook Co-Chair is responsible for assisting the Spook Coordinator. The Main Raffle Prizes Chair(s) is responsible for calling/visiting local businesses to ask for donations for Spook. This is one of the quintessential jobs of Spook. The Main Raffle Ticket Sales Chair(s) is responsible for coordinating main raffle ticket sales. The person best suited for this position would be someone with good motivational skills, organizational skills and a flexible schedule, as coming to school several times during the ticket sales to collect money and redistribute raffle tickets, is necessary. The Kitchen Chair(s) is responsible for compiling a menu, obtaining donations from Pepsi (or other places of business), shopping for all necessary items and ingredients needed, coordinating delivery times with the kitchen staff, finding volunteers to work during Spook, accepting Sweet Shoppe donations, and preparing and serving meals during Spook. The Basket Raffle Chair(s) is responsible for coming up with basket themes for each class room, getting communication out to the classrooms regarding class basket themes and donation dates, going to school several times a week to pickup class basket donations, preparing class baskets, finding volunteers to work during Spook, and selling class basket raffle tickets during Spook. The Booth Ticket Sales Chair(s) is responsible for managing the booth ticket sales tables during Spook. Additional preparation includes purchasing and preparing new booth tickets and finding volunteers to work during Spook. The Decorating Chair(s) is responsible for decorating the front walkway of the school, the front entrance of the school, blocking off the 4th and 5th grade stairwell with some decorations, finding volunteers to help decorate the Friday before Spook. This job requires creativity and a lot of organizational prep work before decorating begins the Friday before Spook. The Redemption Chair(s) is responsible for obtaining items for “purchase” during Spook, finding volunteers to work during Spook, setting up the Redemption Center the night before Spook, and keeping accurate records of what redemption items were “sold” during Spook and what items are left over after Spook. The 5th Grade Spook House Chair(s) is responsible for finding volunteers to work in the Spook House; the Chair is responsible for set-up the night before Spook and tear down after Spook. The Class Booth Chair will be responsible for communicating with the Grade Representative Chair. The Class Booth Chair should be prepared to help the Grade Representatives find volunteers, should that become necessary. The Grade Representative Chair will be responsible for making sure that all volunteer time slots are filled, for their represented grade. The Grade Representative will be responsible for communicating class booth volunteer needs to the families of their represented grade. (For example: the Kindergarten Grade Representative will be responsible for finding volunteers for the kindergarten class booths, the 1st Grade Representative will be responsible for finding volunteers for the 1st Grade class booths, etc.) Section 4: The Secretary The Secretary will record the minutes of all meetings. The Secretary will send a copy of the Board meeting minutes to the school principal to be posted on the Wilder-Waite website and provide a hard copy to the office within one week following the PTO meeting. The Secretary will handle all necessary correspondence for the PTO. This will include the distribution of incoming correspondence and remembering families on behalf of the PTO in times of personal events (such as sickness or death). Section 5: The Treasurer The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the incoming funds and disbursement of funds for the PTO. The Treasurer will reconcile the bank account(s) and produce an income and expense report for the PTO, on a monthly basis. The Treasurer will email a copy of the current reconciled cash flow statement and profit/loss statement to the PTO Board Members and the Principal at least five days prior to the PTO meeting. The Treasurer will send a copy of the approved financials to be posted on the Wilder-Waite website within five days following the PTO meeting. The Treasurer will prepare the books for review at the end of each school year and prepare a summary report of income and expenses for the school year. The Treasurer will submit, to the incoming President, a summary report in previous year’s income and expenses no later than July 31 or upon exiting position. This report will be approved by the incoming Board at the first PTO meeting of the school year. Section 6: Copy Parent The Copy Parent is responsible for recruitment of parent volunteers to meet classroom copy needs for all teachers. Section 7: Room Parent The Room Parent is responsible for recruitment of parent volunteers to ensure holiday class parties are coordinated. This includes reminding each holiday class party coordinator to call volunteers, at least one month in advance. Room Parent is also responsible for purchasing treats for Field Days. Section 8: Yearbook The Yearbook Chairs are responsible for the compilation and distribution of the yearbook. Section 9: Spirit Wear The Spirit Wear Chair is responsible for publicizing, purchasing and selling Spirit Wear; as well as the 5th grade tee shirts. Section 10: Box Tops The Box Tops Chair is responsible for publicizing, collecting and submitting General Mills Box Tops Labels for Education. Section 11: Staff Appreciation The Staff Appreciation Chair is responsible for providing the teachers/staff with a card and gift certificate for their birthdays. Teacher aides will receive a card. The Staff Appreciation Chair is responsible for remembering teachers and staff members on behalf of the PTO in times of personal events and distributing appropriate cards when deemed necessary. The Staff Appreciation Chair will coordinate food for teachers and staff for special events (Teacher Conference Luncheon, Teacher Appreciation Week, Year-End Luncheon, etc.). Section 12: SCRIP The SCRIP Chair is responsible for publicizing, purchasing and selling SCRIP. Section 13: Accelerated Reader The Accelerated Reader Chair is responsible for monitoring the AR Program, including cataloging books and rewards/incentives. The AR Chair will maintain the program by ordering items as needed, as well as informing the teachers about updates in the AR Program. Section 14: Wildcat Scratch The Wildcat Scratch Chair is responsible for collecting information and distributing the Wildcat quarterly, or more, as needed. Section 15: Market Day The Market Day Chair is responsible for coordinating volunteers to work Market Day pickup. The Market Day Chair will act as a liaison for the Market Day Representative the Wilder-Waite. The Market Day Chair is also responsible for publicizing and selling Market Day. Section 16: Project Impact The Project Impact Chair is responsible for recruiting volunteers to help facilitate various school projects and events. Project Impact will support projects and events under the guidance of the principal or designee. Examples, of projects and/or events that Project Impact would help facilitate would be Health Awareness Week, Culture Fair, and charitable events organized by the school.