Charitable Scholarship Treasurer

Job Description
Is the custodian for the Charitable and Scholarship fund. Responsible for handling all financial
affairs in accordance with Air Force Instruction 34-223, the HSC Constitution, By-Laws, and
Operating Policies. Is a member of the Executive Board. Attends all board meetings and
1. Reports to President.
2. Attends all Board meetings and all other regular or special meetings of the HSC. Attends all
3. Maintains a current ledger by recording all income, disbursements, and account balances. It is
mandatory to keep records for at least seven years.
4. Ensures and maintains notebook for continuity and documentation of all financial affairs. This
includes all formal actions taken including the date the tax returns were filed, the date the
books were given to the auditor, date books were given back, and date removing/adding
officers’ names on signature cards.
5. If any expenditure is incurred, Charitable Treasurer submits receipts and a reimbursement
request form to the appropriate Treasurer. Receipts must be submitted within 1 month of
purchase for reimbursement to be made by HSC.
6. Requires receipts, deposit vouchers, and check vouchers for all fund transactions.
7. Ensures sufficient cash is available for making change at charitable events. This money is not
income and should be separated from the income earned.
8. Receives and deposits money into the Charitable and Scholarship checking and/or savings
9. Transfers any excess Charitable and Scholarship income over Charitable and Scholarship
disbursements into the Charitable and Scholarship savings at the end of the year. Obtains
deposit receipts and vouchers for records.
10. Disburses all checks authorized for Charitable and Scholarship expenditures. Checks must have
2 signatures. The authorized signers on the account include: Administrative Treasurer,
President, 1st Vice President, Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer
11. Provides 1SOFSS/FSR with personal contact information.
12. Prepares and forwards quarterly and calendar year financial statements for 1SOFSS/FSR. Keeps
copy for HSC records. Uses format required by 1SOFSS/FSR.
13. The HSC Scholarship and Charitable Association is a nonprofit organization exempt from Federal
Income Tax under the provisions of IRS Code section 501c(3).
HSC Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer Job Description
14. Verifies that previous treasurer has prepared and mailed Form 990 (due by October 15).
Reviews filing requirements, prepares and mails Form 990.
15. Plans and executes Budget committee meeting in January (members are listed in By-Laws).
Presents revised budget and proposed budget to the Board and general membership in
February. Posts budgets in Soundside Club ladies’ room. General membership votes on
budgets in March.
16. Reviews insurance policies and determines if coverage is adequate.
17. Coordinates with the Administrative Treasurer to ensure bonding of individuals handling
money. The following need to be bonded:
a. President
b. 1st Vice President
c. 2nd Vice President
d. Administrative Treasurer
e. Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer
f. Ways and Means Chairman
g. Reservations Chairman
h. Membership Chairman
i. Charity Auction Chairman
j. Thrift Shop Manager
k. Thrift Shop Bookkeeper
l. Thrift Shop Liaison
m. Anyone else running the cash register at the Thrift Shop
18. Acts as Administrative Treasurer in her absence.
19. Is member of Thrift Shop council and attends all council meetings.
20. Attends all Scholarship committee meetings.
21. Determines the remaining dollar amount available for charitable requests and meets with
Charitable committee to review charitable requests before May board meeting.
22. Works with Scholarship Chairman to make payment to scholarship recipients.
23. Works with Administrative Treasurer to find a qualified, independent financial reviewer for
annual audit. Books should be audited between Treasurers or if one leaves before their term is
24. Contacts bank and removes all officers’ names from the signature cards at end of Board year.
Has a new signature card filled out for next year’s Board.
HSC Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer Job Description
25. Submits a monthly written report via e-mail to the Secretary by 12:00 noon Friday before the
Board meeting. If report is not submitted by e-mail before meeting, please bring copies to the
meeting for all Board members. Report should include the budget report, income statement,
and bank reconciliation.
26. Contacts the President by 5 PM Monday before the Board meeting with items you wish to place
on the agenda.
27. Informs the Publicity Chairman, by the 20th of each month, of any information to be included in
the Sound or on the Website.
28. For historical data and continuity of information, Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer also
submits a separate “After Action Report” to the President and Honorary Presidents detailing
information corresponding to any special activities/duties (i.e. any special information that
would make future projects easier).
29. Reviews and revises job description. Submits revised job description to the Parliamentarian.
30. Keeps an accurate notebook with current and past Board year records. A Board year begins in
June and ends the following May.
a. The Active Board Notebook holds the following information for the current Board
year’s activities and duties: HSC Mission Statement, HSC Organization chart, Board
Report Preparation, Board/Luncheon Dates, HSC Board Roster, Job Description, Monthly
Calendar of Duties, monthly Board reports/agendas/minutes, Parliamentarian
Procedures, Blank Motion Sheets, Constitution, By-Laws, and Operating Procedures.
b. The Board Historical Notebook holds the following information for the past years’
activities and duties: Minutes (three previous years), Board Reports (three previous
years for your position), After Action Reports (three previous years), Budgets (three
previous years), Historical data pertinent to your position (i.e. samples of contracts,
comparisons with previous years, attendance data for an event).
31. Contacts the chairman filling the job for next year’s Board. Sets up a time to meet before the
May Board meeting. Explains the procedures of the job thoroughly and turn over all books and
paperwork. Attends May’s combined Board meeting where both incoming and outgoing Board
members are present. President may request incoming/outgoing chairpersons to meet in small
groups during May Board meeting.
32. Thank you for volunteering and have a great year!
REMINDER: Fill out IRS Tax Form 990 and mail when you take office. This form should reach the
IRS before October 1st or we receive large penalties.
(Revised 03/14)
HSC Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer Job Description
Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer
Calendar of Duties
Provide 1SOFSS/FSR with your current contact information.
Review the filing requirements for Form 990. The method to file the Charitable and Scholarship tax
return is based on Charitable and Scholarship gross receipts. Ensure Form 990 has been submitted.
Prepare 2nd quarter’s financial statement and forward a copy to 1SOFSS/FSR by the specified due
date. Keep a copy for your records.
Prepare 3rd quarter’s financial statement and forward a copy to 1SOFSS/FSR by the specified due
date. Keep a copy for your records.
Form 990 is due by October 15. If the Charitable and Scholarship tax return is not properly filed by
the due date, interest/penalties will accrue daily and our tax-exempt status may be at risk.
November/December/ January
Schedule a budget committee meeting for January and notify those attending. The budget
committee meeting needs to cover both the revised budget for the current year and the proposed
budget for the following year. Members of the budget committee are listed in the By-Laws.
To prepare revised budget, contact each chairman on the charitable side of the Board for potential
account adjustments.
Prepare a consolidated financial statement for the calendar year and forward a copy to 1SOFSS/FSR
by the specified due date. Keep a copy for your records.
Presents revised and proposed budgets to Board and general membership. Posts budgets in
Soundside Club ladies’ room.
HSC Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer Job Description
General membership votes on revised and proposed budgets.
Prepare 1st quarter’s financial statement and forward a copy to 1SOFSS/FSR by the specified due
date. Keep a copy for your records.
Determines the remaining dollar amount available for charitable requests and meets with Charity
committee before May Board meeting.
Annual payment for insurance is due in May.
Work with Administrative Treasurer to find a qualified, independent financial reviewer. Charitable
and Scholarship books should be audited between Treasurers if one leaves before her term is up.
Contacts the chairman filling the job for next year’s Board. Sets up a time to meet before the May
Board meeting. Explains the procedures of the job thoroughly and turn over all books and
paperwork. Attends May’s combined Board meeting where both incoming and outgoing Board
members are present.
Contacts bank and removes all officers’ names from the signature cards. Has a new signature card
filled out for next year’s Board.
The current Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer is responsible for preparing Form 990 for their
fiscal year.
After the May Board meeting, when all contributions have been made, begin preparing Form 990.
This should be finished and mailed to the IRS before you turn over your books to the next year’s
All tax publications, instructions, and forms are located at
E-postcard online login ID is 59170942401
E-postcard password is 591709424
You must carry forward this information each year.
(Revised 03/14)
HSC Charitable and Scholarship Treasurer Job Description