Annex No. Appendix No. 4 to the decision of the Executive Committee of Elabuga No. 2 dated 08.02.07 TERMS of receipt of pollution substances in the sewage of consumers removed to the sewage system of Elabuga. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1. Terms of receipt of pollution substances in the sewage of consumers removed to the sewage system of Elabuga are developed on the basis of: Instructions for use of systems of public water supply and sewage system in the Russian Federation. Approved by the Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1999 No. 167 (amended Governmental Regulation of the Russian Federation dated 08.08.2003 No. 475). Calculation guidelines for a quantity and quality of received sewage and pollution substances in sewage systems of localities. 1.2. Centralized sewage systems which are important objects of city sustenance are meant for a receipt from the population and industrial enterprises of sewage and clearing of it. Discharge by consumers to the sewage system of industrial sewage can be decided by a technical possibility of this system and a definition of standards of sewage discharge for consumers. 1.3. Receipt of drainage waters and a land runoff in public sewage systems is not allowed. In exceptional circumstances may be decided by a technical possibility of treatment facilities. 1.4. Receipt (discharge) of sewage is performed under the contract concluded by the consumer with the organization of water and waste water services (ZAO Water of Prikamye). 1.5. For conclusion of the contract the consumer submits to ZAO Water of Prikamye documents as follows: - application with objects directly attached to sewage systems, data of subconsumers, and also volumes of water drawing off of consumers and subconsumers; - documents confirming a property right to facilities and constructions; - authorization documents for a connection; - water supply and sewerage schemes; - balance of water consuming and water drawing off 1.6. The contract includes the subject of the contract which is a receipt (discharge) of sewage essential conditions are provided herewith as follows: - receipt (discharge) limits of sewage; - Mode of reception (discharge) of sewage; - standard requirements to sewage structure; - conditions of termination or restriction of sewage receipt (discharge); - account of received (discharged sewage); - manner, terms, rates and payment conditions including for excess of a standard of sewage and pollution substances discharge; - responsibility types provided by law of the Russian Federation and Use rules of systems of public water supply and sewerage in the Russian Federation. Certificate of operational responsibility partition is attached to the contract of public water system and sewerage facilities and constructions at them. If there is no such a certificate the limit of operational responsibility is defined by a balance participation. 1.7. Connection of objects to systems of public water supply and sewerage, account of quantity of discharged (received) sewage, calculations for receipt of sewage and pollution substances, order of the termination or restriction of water supply or sewage receipt, duties, rights and liability of the water and sewage facilities organization (ZAO Water of Prikamye) and of the consumer are performed according to corresponding sections of Rules of use by systems of public water supply and sewerage of the Russian Federation. 1.8. Standards of water removal (discharge) by the structure of sewage are set for consumers of VKH ZAO Water of Prikamye organization under agreed by the executive power of Elabuga and Elabuga public union: - provisional guidelines of maximum allowable concentration (MAC) and maximum allowable discharge of pollution substances coming with sewage to the system of public sewerage system and ROS from consumers of ZAO Water of Prikamye; - provisional calculation of standards of pollution substances allowable concentration (AC) for consumers of ZAO Water of Prikamye for 2006-2007; - provisional standards of allowable concentrations (AC) and maximum allowable discharge (MAD) of pollution substances with sewage coming from enterprises and organizations of Elabuga to a sewage system and ZAO Water of Prikamye treatment facilities. - provisional guidelines of calculation and manner of rates collection for a discharge of pollution substances to the public sewerage system of Elabuga by application of AC standards. 2. STANDARD INDICES OF SEWAGE COMMON PROPERTIES. i Standard indices (SI) of common properties of sewage received to sewage systems of localities are defined to be uniform for sewage of all consumer categories proceeding from requirements to protection of sewage system networks and constructions, namely: - sewage temperature ≤40°С; - 6,5 <рН <8,5; - degree of dilution at which coloring in a column 10 sm ≤1:11 disappears; - HPK:BPK5 ≤2,5; - HPK:BPKfull ≤1,5; - general mineralization not more than 1000 mg/l.; - suspended substances not more than 180mg/l.; - sulphides ≤ 1,5 mg/l for prevention of a network destruction. 3. LIST AND ALLOWABLE CONCENTRATIONS (AC) OF POLLUTION SUBSTANCES WITH SEWAGE COMING FROM ENTERPRISES AND ORGANIZATIONS TO A SEWAGE SYSTEM AND TREATMENT FACILITIES ZAO WATER OF PRIKAMYE No. Standards of AC of Note pollution substances, mg/l. 1 2 3 4 1. Aluminium 0,080 2. Ammonium 2,000 3. BPK5 153,000 4. Suspended substances 180,000 5. Total iron 1,465 6. Manganese 0,293 7. Copper 0,020 8. Oil products 0,700 9. Nitrates 73,603 10. Nitrites 1,045 11. Synthetic Surfactants 0,183 12. Sulphates 89,680 13. Phosphates 15,060 14. Chlorides 129,940 15. Chrome 6+ 0,050 16. Zinc 0,033 17. Fats 50,00 18. Chemical oxygen demand 382,00 Note: 1. Fats and oil products are allowed to discharge to sewerage systems only in dilluted and emulsified state. 2. Discharge of pollution substances not stated in the list is allowed in concentrations not exceeding corresponding maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) in water of household water use and fishery reservoirs (by a minimum value of maximum allowable concentration). List of pollution substances 4 LIST OF SUBSTANCES FORBIDDEN TO DISCHARGE TO SEWAGE SYSTEM OF LOCALITY For provision of faultless operation of networks and constructions of sewage systems (prevention of silting, greasing, blockage of pipelines, aggressive influence on material of pipes, wells, equipment, disturbance of operating regime) and also protection of sewage systems against harmful influence of pollution substances and health support of the personnel serving sewage systems, discharge to sewerage systems is forbidden: 1. Substances capable of polluting pipelines, wells, grilles or lattices or deposited on walls of pipelines, wells, grilles (calx, lime, sand, plaster, metal chips, paunch content, fibre, ground, debris building and household garbage, industrial and economical waste, slimes and deposits from local treatment facilities, substances floating up etc.) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Substances with a destructive influence on a material of pipelines, equipment and other constructions of sewage systems (acids, alkalis, insoluble fats, oils, pitches, black oil, etc.) Substances capable of forming at sewer networks and constructions toxic gases (hydrogen sulphide, carbon disulphide, carbonic oxide, hydrogen cyanide, fumes of fugitive aromatic carbons etc.) and other explosive and toxic mixtures and also combustible admixtures, toxic and dilluted gaseous substances (in particular, solvents: gasoline, ether,including dichloromethane, carbon Especiallykerosene, hazardousdiethyl substances hazardousbenzene, bacterial four-chloride substances, vurulent etc.).pathogenic microorganisms, agents of infectious diseases. and Substances for which maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) in water of water objects are not defined and (or) which cannot be suspended in a technological process of water treatment at local or city treatment facilities according to the List... Appendix No. Substances 4. as a part of concentrated mother and vat solutions, spent electrolytes. Radionuclides, discharge, removal and disinfecting of which is performed according to Rules of surface waterswith protection effective standards of radiation Pollution substances actual and concentrations exceeding standardssafety. of AC of pollution substances more than to 100 times. 9. Sewage with active environment response рН less than 2 or more 12. 10. Dyed sewage with actual dilution degree exceeding SI common properties of sewage more than to 100 times. 11. Sewage with a fixed category of toxicity "hypertoxic". 7. 8. 5. CONTROL OF STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SEWAGE REMOVED BY CONSUMERS TO SEWAGE SYSTEMS OF LOCALITIES. 5.1. The water and sewage facilities organization (ZAO Water of Prikamye) performs control of structure and properties of sewage of consumers. Periodicity of planned control of consumer sewage structure and properties of is defined by ZAO Water of Prikamye for each consumer individually subject to results of the previous chemical control but no less than once a year. 5.2. Control of structure and properties of consumer sewage includes: - sewage sample taking; - delivery of taken samples to the analytical laboratory; - analytical measurements of sewage structure and properties; - registration of necessary documents. 5.3. List of controllable indices of consumer sewage structure and properties is defined by VKH organization according to approved Conditions of receipt of pollution substances to consumer sewage removed to the sewerage system of Elabuga. 5.4. Off-schedule control of consumer sewage is performed: - by emergency discharges of pollution substances through sewerage systems of localities to impoundments; - by emergency (unit) discharges of pollution substances to sewage systems of localities registered by operational services of the water and sewage facilities organization (ZAO Water of Prikamye); - for check of elimination by the consumer of excess of water removal standards on the sewage quality fixed by the previous control; - if there is an excess of actual quality of sewage by discharge to water objects from sewerage systems over approved by established by Federal Service of Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of maximum allowable concentration and maximum allowable discharge; - at the consumer request. In this case works by control of sewage structure and properties of are paid by the consumer in full. 5.5. In case of exceptional circumstances (natural hazards, ecological disasters, emergency wastes etc.) the water and sewage facilities organization (ZAO Water of Prikamye) performs if necessary extraordinary control of sewage structure and properties at any necessary points of control and at any time. 5.6. Analysis of sewage sample taking is performed by ZAO Water of Prikamye, accredited for a technical competence and independence in the field of sewage analysis. 5.7. Place of consumer sewage sampling by a planned control of sewage structure and properties is an inspection well at the consumer class defined as agreed by the consumer and ZAO Water of Prikamye and allowing to take into account influence of subconsumer sewage . 5.8. If the consumer has no automatic sample takers for control of consumer sewage structure and properties a spot (single) control sample is taken in a volume sufficient for chemical analysis performance. 5.9. Sampling of the consumer sewage is performed at any time without a preliminary notice of the consumer. Each test is sealed up and marked. Sampling is made according to requirements of GOST Р 51592-2000 Water. General requirements to sampling (Appendix No. 5). 5.10. According to results of sampling a sampling certificate is executed (Appendix No. 2) on site. By a detection of discharge of pollution substances forbidden to discharge to the sewerage system a report is executed (Appendix No. 3). The report and the certificate are signed by representatives of ZAO Water of Prikamye and the consumer with a position and surname. Copies of the report and the certificate are issued to the consumer. If the consumer disagrees with a content of the report and/or the certificate the consumer shall sign them stating objections to raised claims. If the consumer waives to sign these documents they become effective unilaterally with a mark «waiver to sign» before two witnesses with their surnames, addresses and signatures. 5.11. If ZAO Water of Prikamye is involved for performance of sewage parallel sampling the fact of parallel sampling is fixed in the certificate. The consumer pays in advance expenses of water and sewage facilities organization concerning the parallel sampling, under the price-list approved ZAO Water of Prikamye. 5.12. Analysis results are issued in the form of the analytical laboratory (organization) which performed analytical measurements of structure and properties of sewage samples signed by the head of laboratory (organization) with specification of: - name and legal address of the laboratory (organization); - date and time of the sample delivery and delivery of analysis results; - name of control object and sample certificate number; - list of analyzed indices; - measurement of values of these indices. 5.13. By execution of the report with results of the sewage sample analysis (Appendix No. 4) the laboratory makes a rounding of the results’ values in compliance to with standard documents. 5.14. If the results of the sample analyses subject to metrological characteristics and analysis methods differ results obtained at the independent certified and/or accredited organization (laboratory) are taken as a basis. 6. THE MANNER OF EXECUTION (STATEMENT) OF THE PERMISSION TO DISCHARGE POLLUTION SUBSTANCES For a determination of allowable concentration and receipt of the permission to discharge (PD) pollution substances to the consumer sewage removed to sewage systems of Elabuga in ZAO Water of Prikamye the consumer submits: 1. Application for a receipt of the permission to discharge (PD). 2. The certificate of partition of operational responsibility by the consumer and ZAO Water of Prikamye by sewerage networks. 3. Schemes of in-site sewerage networks of the consumer and subconsumers, classes of consumers connected to the sewage system of a locality. The form of Permission to discharge (PD) of pollution substances in consumers’ sewage removed to sewage systems of Elabuga is attached. Deputy Head of Executive Committee of Elabuga seal R.S.Shaymuhametov