Dates of East Stirling Community Forum meetings in 2014

Wednesday 13 November 2013 at The Balfour Centre, Plean
Stuart Hislop, East Stirling Community Forum (Chair)
Terry Barlow, Bannockburn Community Trust
Helen Yuill, Throsk Community Council
Danny McPhail, Bannockburn Community Council
Walter Atwood, Friends of the Earth
Bob Jack, Stirling Council
Lynne McKinley, Stirling Council
Drew Yule, Stirling Council
Laura Sinclair, Stirling Council (Minutes)
In attendance
Gordon Pryde, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service
Wilma Comrie, Stirling Council
Inspector Donna Bryans, Police Scotland
Sgt Liam Livingston, Police Scotland
Tommy Cattigan, Bannockburn Community Council
Dina Copland, Polmaise Community Council
Grace Davidson, Polmaise Community Council
Fran Barr, Friends of Plean Country Park
1. Welcome
Terry started the meeting off and asked for any apologies. Stuart took over and apologised for his late
arrival but thanked everyone for coming.
2. Previous Minute
The minutes of the 14th August 2013 were accepted as an accurate record. Approved by Terry Barlow
and seconded by Danny McPhail.
3. Matters Arising
The forum felt that the last meeting was very unorganised and said that they had hoped for another
meeting but felt that they were not in a position to grant a bigger audience. Whilst mindful of the fact
there are so many conflicting issues with the strategy, Stuart asked Drew if they would be invited to
another consultation to which Drew replied that they would probably be invited to the Small
Communities meeting. Lynne asked Stuart if they would like Stirling Council to follow up with Jonathan
on the matter. Stuart replied yes and that there were a few things to be discussed and if there were
going to be more consultations could they possibly visit individual Community Councils.
4. Bob Jack, Chief Executive, Stirling Council
Stuart welcomed Bob to the meeting and Bob in turn thanked him for having him along. Bob stated
that there were 42/43 communities in the Stirling area and he felt he should make an effort to visit
them all whether it be at Community Council meetings or Forum meetings. Bob stated there were two
purposes to his visit tonight, one was to give an overview on where Stirling Council is, at the moment
the other to answer any questions. Bob pointed out that Stirling has a good track record and is open to
challenges at getting better on community engagement. Bob spoke about the financial challenges that
Stirling Council are facing stating that they must make savings of £30 million in the next 5 years. 80%
grant from Scottish Government, staying unchanged “flat cash” for next 2-3 years the other 20% of the
councils revenue comes from council tax, fees & charges, Council tax frozen till 2016. Bob stated that
he feels they have done all they can to increase rates and charges as much as they can from the
sources they have. Although the economy is moving out of recession, the Chancellor has stated that it
would take until the end of the next Parliament to deal with the public expenditure deficit and therefore
public expenditure constraints are set to continue until then, regardless of growth in the economy.
Easy efficiencies have been found already and the council is now looking at some radical terms for
savings. Bob informed the forum that on the 27th November Stuart Carruth will be giving a
presentation on PBB possible savings to be made and that the council is looking for a wide and large
engagement through the community and High School sessions. He stated that they need people to
understand and also to hear their views on the issues ahead.
In relation to the Industrial Dispute Bob pointed out that we have to make £9 million in savings this
year. The council wants to protect its services so there is little taken out of policies. Half of each
services costs is money spent on staff, Bob stated that they were trying to reduce costs by T&C’s etc.
100 posts have gone by voluntary severance, saving £2 million. There have been disputes with unions
over T&C’s since last autumn but the council hopes to make a saving of £2.5 million from them.
Changes to be implemented will take effect from 16th November and will include 37 hours per week, a
gross pay deduction of 1.5% and the national pay award of 1% backdated to April. Other T&C’s to be
effected were dropped during disputes with unions. Bob pointed out that 40% of staff had voluntarily
accepted the new individual contracts. Industrial action has been taking place with all out strikes and
selective strikes throughout some services. Waste services are planning a 2 week all out strike but the
council hopes to agree to a settlement this week and end the dispute also unions have lifted the
overtime ban etc.
Stirling will be the epicentre this year of homecoming starting with Hogmanay. 2012/13 Hogmanay
was awarded a prize for one of the best outdoor events. There are many events planned for Stirling
2014 that will make Stirling the place to visit. It was announced in the summer that Stirling had been
selected to hold the Armed Forces Day on the last Saturday in June. Other events taking place during
Stirling 2014 include: Scotland teams base for Commonwealth Games, Homecoming, Bannockburn,
Ryder Cup transport hub and Hogmanay 2014/15. The cost of all these events will be an investment,
the impact on economy of all the events planned will be phenomenal, tens of thousands of visitors will
be spending money in restaurants, shops, and hotels etc, which should place Stirling well.
Stuart thanked Bob for his feedback and asked him if there were other revenue sources for Local
Authorities. Bob replied, Legally – Council tax increase would mean loss of Scottish Government
grant. A 10%+ increase would be needed to offset loss. They have already increased some charges.
Stirling Council has had a windfall whereby they had sold Stirling Council industrial & commercial
portfolio to SDA for £12m but bought it back for £5M due to structural problems at SDA and also the
PBB is looking at some income raising possibilities.
Stuart then asked if there was any local income from coal bed methane drilling?
Bob replied that could be a possibility. The SDA deal means Stirling Council has reacquired Bandeath
Ind Est where there are coal beds below the PBB will explore these ideas.
Terry asked Bob about Aberdeen Council threatening to leave COSLA.
Bob advised the Scottish Government grant is distributed to 32 Local Authorities using a Distribution
Formula, this considers road networks, rurality, social issues, etc.
Aberdeen feels it is not getting a fair share & should negotiate its own. Their gain would be someone
else’s loss although Stirling does fairly well from this.
Terry then asked if the dispute caused a slippage in recovery? Bob replied that there has been a 2
months slippage. £3.5m into next year’s budget.
Stuart asked about Social care costs and how long can they be sustained until it becomes negligent?
Bob replied there are 2 aspects, personal care, which is free of charge, has had an increase in
demand and funding is not in line with the costs. The other is residential care, which they are trying to
move to providing care at home through the Re-ablement programme which hopes to improve
services & saved money.
Stuart stated that Stirling Council seems to be crisis managing social care.
Bob replied through Community engagement response they hope to increase resilience and selfreliance. There is increasing demand but people are unwilling to pay extra tax. Other factors include
looking to 3rd Sector, Non resilient communities falling behind. Bob also spoke about the Christie
Commission – Prevention and early intervention to avoid “costs of failure” demand.
Helen asked Bob if there were any plans to Drill at Bandeath? Bob replied that there were no
applications that he was aware of, Dart had or have premises at Bandeath but Bob was not aware of
any live enquiries from them. Walter raised the point that Dart Energy has a license behind them that
allows them to drill on other people land. Bob replied it is a complex position but ownership of land
depends on the title deeds and mineral sources etc. Bob said he would look into the matter at
Bandeath and write back to the forum. Lynne suggested that they take their ideas and suggestions to
the public engagement sessions and put them forward there. Stuart thanked Bob for his comments
and honesty during these difficult times.
The forum was then given a leaflet with information on the upcoming community engagement
sessions. Lynne explained that East Stirling was not included in the leaflet due to other commitments
and meetings etc.
5. AOB
Stirling in the Lonely Planet guide as a place to visit in 2014
Concerns that there are no good hotels in Stirling
Hotel issues are being looked at also shuttle busses will be running
The Old Town Jail will not be open next year but the council are looking into it
Council are in talks with Historic Scotland to take over the Wallace Monument
The tour bus was private companies venture not the councils.
Tara Kildare presentation to be passed on for information on transport etc for 2014
Dates for 2014 meetings will be 2nd Wed of month: 12th Feb, 14th May, 10th Sept and 12th Nov
Stuart, Terry, Drew & Wilma to meet before Feb meeting to review action plan
Beauly Denny Powerline Visual Mitigation. Feedback from Scottish Power was that they cannot
move forward until they get approval from Ofgem, the regulator.
 Larbert hospital – Long queues, no parking, difficult to find wheelchairs. Reception staff are no
help. Forum to write to SERCO.
 Bob to send all communications for the forum to Lynne
Carriers for the UK Baton Relay needed, nominations to be 100 words and closing date is 22nd
Fire Service
Consultation on the Local Fire Plan to view over the next few years, Gordon will get the information
out to everyone. Activity on bonfire night was quieter this year and normal increases in activity are
expected over the winter period. Gordon said there would be home visits for the vulnerable and
reminded everyone that if they know any elderly or vulnerable people to check in on them over this
winter period.
The new Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has not impacted the service and it is still business as
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 12 February, Location TBC.
Dates of East Stirling Community Forum meetings in 2014
Wednesday 12th February
Wednesday 14th May
Wednesday 10th September
Wednesday 12th November