The Effects of a Tax on Pollution Course: Date: Teacher: 5114, Advanced Topics in Micro and General Equilibrium Theory 2003-10-14 Lars Bergman Jonna Olsson 18875 Jeanette Reinbrand 18404 1 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 3 QUESTIONS AT ISSUE ...................................................................................................................................... 3 THE MODEL ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Production of goods ...................................................................................................................................... 5 The Households ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Equilibrium conditions .................................................................................................................................. 7 REVIEW OF THE RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. 8 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................................... 12 2 Introduction The purpose of this report is to investigate the welfare effects of a tax on pollution. This will be done in a general equilibrium model programmed in GAMS. The background is that pollution is something that has negative effects on society. If there is no cost associated with the production of pollution it can be assumed that initially, more pollution than what is socially optimal will be produced. Taxing the pollution harmful to the environment could be a way to correct this and therefore increase the overall welfare. In theory, the market functions well when the price of a good is the same as the social cost for producing that good. However, sometimes the social cost to produce a good exceeds the cost the company face, and hence also the price the consumer pays. One common example of this is pollution. If pollution is not associated with any cost for the company, there will be a social cost which will not show up in the final price of the good. The pollution can be viewed as a negative externality, and initially, before correction, more pollution than what is socially desirable is produced. According to theory, this can be corrected for if the company has to incorporate the cost for the negative externality. This can be done by taxing pollution. However, such a tax on pollution can also be negative for the household. Taxes may have distorting consequences and can also prevent households to consume goods in optimal proportions. The question is then how these different effects could be balanced. A question like this is very suitable to study in a general equilibrium model. The relations between taxes, changes in goods prices, changes in factor prices, and changes in consumption patterns are such a complex issue that a partial equilibrium model hardly would give a fair picture. To capture all the aspects of the question, a general equilibrium model has to be used. Questions at issue The questions we want to investigate in our model are: 1. Does a tax on environmentally harmful pollution reduce the production of it? For a good with neither perfectly inelastic supply nor perfectly inelastic demand, an increase in price will lead to a decrease in the number of products sold. Therefore, in equilibrium, the production of the good must decrease as well. By taxing the production of the good harmful to the environment, which is done by taxing pollution, the production cost increases and hence also the price of the good (in equilibrium price equals marginal cost). Assuming that the good harmful to the environment has neither perfectly inelastic supply, nor perfectly inelastic demand, a price increase will thus lead to a decrease in production. A decrease in the production of the good harmful to the environment will also free resources that can be used to produce the environmentally friendly good. Hence, an increase in the production of the environmentally friendly good can be expected when pollution is taxed. 2. Can a tax of this kind increase total welfare? Assuming that the households value pollution negatively, like a “bad good”, a decrease in pollution should lead to an increase in welfare. If a tax can lower the amount of pollution, total welfare should consequently increase. However, it is not evident that all tax rates will lead to an increase in welfare. See next question for a discussion of this. 3 3. If it can, which tax rate is optimal? Even though a tax on pollution will lead to a decrease in pollution, it is not evident that all tax rates will lead to an increase in welfare. Not only a reduction of pollution affects the welfare of the households. A large consumption of the good harmful to the environment, as well as a large consumption of the environmentally friendly good, increases welfare. Therefore, it is possible that there is a trade-off between the decrease in consumption of the good harmful to the environment and the reduction of pollution. This means that if the tax rate is too high, the decrease in consumption of the environmentally harmful good cannot be compensated by the benefits from a decrease in pollution and the increase of consumption of the environmentally friendly good. At the same time, a too low tax rate would mean that the benefit from a large consumption couldn’t compensate the welfare losses from the pollution. The challenge is to find the tax rate that maximizes the household’s welfare, by reducing the pollution and on the same time not having too distortion effects. 4. In what ways does a tax on pollution affect factor prices and income distribution? As mentioned earlier, the introduction of the tax will probably affect the relative prices of the goods. Since the goods use production factors in different proportions it seems plausible that the return to the different production factors also will be affected. Since different households own capital and labor in different proportions a change in factor prices might affect income distribution. If we assume that the return to labor will decrease, such a change would have a more negative effect on the households that own relatively more labor than on the households which own relatively more capital. In our model, we assume that the poor households own relatively more labor than the rich households. A decrease in the return to labor would hence mean that the income of the poor households would decrease, while the income of the rich households would increase. Therefore, from a redistributional perspective, it is also interesting to investigate the effects on factor prices that a tax on pollution might have, and the effects on income distribution this consequently will have. 5. Can the optimal tax rate be different for different types of households, depending on their resources and preferences? One of the criticisms against a tax on pollution is that it would disadvantage low income households and people on the countryside. With such a tax, these groups would have to spend a larger part of their income on the environmentally harmful good, which would have a negative effect on welfare. This way of reasoning presupposes that the good harmful to the environment is some sort of basic commodity that low-income households consume relatively more of. The background of this argument is that this sort of tax often is introduced on energy. Energy is something that everyone has to consume a minimum quantity of. The demand for such a good harmful to the environment is very close to perfectly inelastic, until a certain amount is consumed. Assuming that the good harmful to the environment is such a basic commodity, what will happen to the consumption patterns? It is plausible that households in different income groups will value the reduction of pollution differently. With a high tax rate the households that consume relatively more of the good harmful to the environment will have a lower utility than the households that consume the same good relatively less. The question is then if and how the optimal tax rate differs between different households. 4 The Model We use two variations of one basic model. Initially, we have only one household, which owns all production factors. In the second version we use two households, of which one represents “rich” households, and the other represents “poor” households. Otherwise, the two models are identical. Our model is a closed economy, no foreign trade is included. A description of the most important characteristics of the model follows, where i = 1, 2. Production of goods Production function In the economy two goods, good 1 and good 2, are produced with capital and labor. The production function for both goods is assumed to be of Cobb-Douglas type and looks as follows: xi An i k 1 i where xi is the production volume, n the amount of labor, k the amount of capital used and A and α both are constants. Good 1 is assumed to be labor intensive and good 2 capital intensive. For good 1 we set α, the output elasticity, to 0.75 and for good 2 0.25. Pollution The pollution from the production is defined in the following way: POLLi Pi xi where Pi is the amount of pollution from the production of one unit of good i. P1 is assumed to be 0, and P2 is assumed to be 1. The production of the capital intensive good, good 2, is hence assumed to create pollution, while the labor intensive good is assumed to be produced with a environmentally friendly technology. The assumption that the capital-intensive good is harmful to the environment can definitely be discussed. We have chosen to assume this because of the current energy production situation in Sweden. Very capital-intensive coal burning and nuclear power plants represent a large share of total production. At the same time, it can be argued that services, which are labor intensive, often are environmentally friendly. Tax In the model a tax on pollution is included. We incorporated this tax by increasing the cost of production by the tax rate times the amount of pollution caused by production. In model 1, the tax is transferred back to the single household as a lump sum transfer. In model 2, with two households, the transfer is initially divided equally between the two households. Demand for production factors The cost function hence looks like the following: i w, r , xi wni rk i TAX POLL Pi xi 5 where w represents the return to labor, r represents the return to capital and ni and ki the amount of labor and capital respectively. TAXPOLL is the tax rate per unit of pollution. From this cost function we can derive the demand for n and k: ir ni A 1 i w 1 i 1 i ir k i A 1 w i xi i 1 i xi Supply of goods With perfect competition the price of a good equals the marginal cost of production. The following relation therefore determines the price of the different goods: pi i ( w, r , xi ) 1 Ai1 ii 1 i i wi r 1i TAX POLL Pi xi The Households The household’s budget restriction In model 1 there is only one household, which owns all labor and all capital. The household gets all its income from these factors. The supply of both labor and capital is assumed to be constant. We assume the total amount of labor to be 100, and the total amount of capital to be 100 as well. The following relation therefore gives the income of the households: m wn rk tax transfer and the budget restriction is therefore: m p1c1 p2 c2 Utility function The household/households are assumed to have a utility function that builds on the classical Cobb-Douglas function, but where pollution is added as a separate term. The utility function then looks like the following: U H c1 c12 e POLL where c1 and c2 represent the consumption of good 1 and good 2 respectively, POLL represents the total amount of pollution in society, and β states how the households value their consumption of good 1 and good 2. γ, finally, is the parameter that states how the households value pollution. If γ is positive the households are assumed to appreciate pollution, and if γ is negative the households dislike pollution. The smaller the γ, the more the households dislike pollution. Initially, we assume β to be 0.5, i.e. that the households value the two goods equally. 6 Demand When we combine the budget restriction and the utility function of the household we can derive the demand function for the different goods: c1 p1 , p2 , m m and p1 c2 p1 , p2 , m (1 )m p2 Equilibrium conditions We then have a number of equilibrium conditions that together define our economy. They can be divided into two main groups: one that concerns the goods market and one that concerns the factor market. Goods market The supply (i.e. the production) should equal the demand (i.e. the consumption of the households): x1 x2 m p1 1 m p2 The price should equal marginal cost of production: p1 A111i 1 1 1 1 1 11 w r TAX POLL P1 2 1 2 12 TAX POLL P2 p2 A21 2i 1 2 w r Factor market The supply (i.e. the households’ total resources) should equal the demand for the different factors: 11 1r n A 1 1 w 1 1 1 2 2r x1 A 1 2 w 1 2 1 x2 2 1r 2r x1 A21 x2 k A 1 1 w 1 2 w 1 1 We then have six equations and six endogenously determined variables: x1, x2, p1, p2, w and r. 7 Review of the results In this section we investigate what results our model gives with respect to the five questions posed before. 1. Does a tax on environmentally harmful pollution reduce the production of it? We use our initial model with one household in order to investigate if a tax on environmentally harmful pollution reduces the production of it. In the base case, where the tax rate is set to 0 %, 100 units of each type of good, good 1 (environmentally friendly good) and good 2 (environmentally harmful good), are produced (see figure 1). Figure 1. Social accounting matrix for one household, tax rate equal to 0 %. x1 x2 n k h Total x1 x2 75 25 25 75 100 100 n k 100 100 100 100 h 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 200 200 With a tax rate greater than 0 %, the production of the environmentally harmful good is reduced. When we arbitrarily set the tax rate to 10 %, the production and consumption of the environmentally harmful good are reduced from 100 units to 96.45 units. The production of pollution is thereby also reduced. At the same time, the production and consumption of the environmentally friendly good increase, from 100 to 103.51 units (see figure 2). These changes in production can easily be understood: A reduced production of the environmentally harmful good frees capital and labor, which now can be used in the production of the environmentally friendly good. It should be noted that no matter what (positive) tax rate we use, we always get the same results, namely that the production of the environmentally harmful good is reduced. Figure 2. Social accounting matrix for one household, tax rate equal to 10 %.. x1 x2 n k h Total x1 x2 76.702 26.810 23.244 73.203 103.512 96.447 n k 100 100 100 100 H 103.512 96.447 Total 103.512 96.447 100 100 200 200 The price of good 2 has become higher relative to the price of good 1 (see GAMS print-out, appendix 1). According to the household’s utility function of Cobb-Douglas type, the household wants to consume equal amounts of both goods ( p1c1 p2 c2 ). The household therefore spends the same amount of income on the consumption of each of the two goods. 2. Can a tax of this kind also increase total welfare? and 3. If it can, which tax rate is optimal? In order to examine these two problems we start from our initial model with one household. In the base case, when the tax rate is equal to 0 %, the household has a total utility (welfare) of 95.12. When setting the tax rate to 10 %, utility increases (see GAMS print-out, appendix 1). The reason for this is that the household values pollution negatively. Utility thus increases when pollution is reduced. 8 However, if the tax rate is arbitrarily set to 20 %, utility decreases again. This outcome is due to the fact that there is an optimal tax rate that maximizes the welfare of the households. The reason for this is that there is a trade-off between the reduced consumption of the environmentally harmful good and the reduced amount of pollution (for a more thorough discussion of this relationship, see the above section “Questions at issue”). From the diagram we see that there indeed is a tax rate that maximizes total welfare. In our case, i.e. when γ = -0.0005, the optimal tax rate amounts to about 11 % (see figure 3). Figure 3. The relationship between tax rate and welfare when γ = -0.0005. 95,3 95,2 95,2 Välfärd W e l f a r e 95,1 95,1 95,0 95,0 94,9 94,9 0% 10% 20% 30% TaxSkattesats rate The optimal tax rate depends on how negatively the households value pollution. With a smaller value on γ, the optimal tax rate would have been higher. If we, on the other hand, had chosen a higher γ, the optimal tax rate would have been lower. Figure 4 depicts the relationship between welfare and tax rate when γ = 0. In this case, the optimal tax rate is 0 %. Figure 4. The relationship between tax rate and welfare when γ = 0. 100,0 99,8 Välfärd W e l f a r e 99,6 99,4 99,2 99,0 0% 10% 20% 30% Skattesats Tax rate 4. In what ways does a tax on pollution affect factor prices and income distribution? In order to examine this problem we need to introduce one more household in our model. We assume that one of the households, the ‘rich’ household, owns more resources than the other. Consequently we assume that the other household, the ‘poor’ household, owns less resources. Total supply of labor and capital is the same as before. Furthermore, we assume that the rich 9 household owns relatively more capital, while the poor household owns relatively more labor. Figure 5 shows the base case of this economy. Figure 5. Social accounting matrix for two households, tax rate equal to 0 %. x1 x2 n k h_rich h_poor Total x1 X2 75 25 25 75 100 100 n k 60 40 100 80 20 100 h_rich 70 70 h_poor 30 30 140 60 Total 100 100 100 100 140 60 In the base case, when the tax rate is set to 0 %, the price of capital is 1 and the price of labor is 1. The factor income is divided in the following manner: the poor household receives 30 % and the rich household 70 % of total factor income. However, when introducing a tax, factor prices and thereby also the distribution of factor income are changed. Figure 6. The distribution of factor income at different tax rates. Tax rate w r 0% 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % 30 % 50 % 1 1.025 1.048 1.071 1.093 1.135 1.213 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rich household’s share of total factor income 70 % 69.9 % 69.8 % 69.7 % 69.6 % 69.4 % 69.0 % Poor household’s share of total factor income 30.0 % 30.1 % 30.2 % 30.3 % 30.4 % 30.6 % 31.0 % Total factor income 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % It is worth noting that we at this stage only investigate factor income. The total amount of resources possessed by the households is not examined. The reason for this is that we do not want to include effects of tax transfers in our analysis at this stage. Instead we want to isolate the effects of changes in factor prices. Since the rich and the poor household share the same utility function, both households will have the same set of preferences and both will consume the two goods in equal proportions. The distribution of tax transfers will therefore not affect factor prices. From figure 6 it is seen that a tax on pollution will increase the poor household’s share of factor income. Since we have assumed that it is the capital intensive good that causes pollution, the price of this good will rise. Consequently, the demand for and thereby also the production of this good will decrease, while the demand for the environmentally friendly, labor intensive, good will increase. As a result, the demand for labor increases. If instead the labor intensive good would have been environmentally harmful, these conclusions would have been reversed, i.e. that the poor household’s share of factor income would have decreased. These results have interesting implications for potential policy decisions. When evaluating how different groups in society are affected by a tax on an environmentally harmful good, consideration also has to be taken to the distribution of production factors between different groups as well as what production factor is used intensively in the production of the taxed good. 5. Can the optimal tax rate be different for different types of households, depending on their resources and preferences? In order to examine this problem we want the different households to consume good 1 and good 2 in different proportions. Ideally, we want the households to have the same utility function: a utility function where the goods are consumed in different proportions depending on the 10 household’s level of income. However, a utility function of this kind is very difficult to model. As an approximation we therefore let the two households in our model have different values of β. Rich: Poor: β = 0.5 β = 0.48 This means that the poor household value good 2, the environmentally harmful good, higher. Since the two households now have differing preferences and therefore do not consume the two goods in equal proportions, we can no longer ignore tax transfers. We begin this analysis by investigating what the relationship between welfare and tax rate looks like when 50 % of the tax revenue is transferred to the poor household and the other 50 % is transferred to the rich household. The result of this is displayed in figure 7. Figure 7. The relationship between tax rate and welfare for two households when γ = -0.0005. 50 % is transferred to the rich household, 50 % to the poor household. (Note that welfare is measured as a share of welfare when tax rate equals 0%.) 1,15 1,10 Välfärd W e l f a r e 1,05 Poor household 1,00 Fattigt hushåll Rich household 0,95 Rikt hushåll 0,90 0,85 0,80 0% 10% 20% 30% Skattesats Tax rate Figure 7 clearly shows that higher taxes are beneficial for the poor household, but are disadvantageous to the rich household. The explanation for this is that a 50 % transfer of the tax revenue to each of the two households in practice is nothing but a transfer from the rich to the poor household. This is thus the relationship which is seen in the results. In order to deepen our analysis we now choose to distribute the transfers from the tax revenue in a manner which will make the distribution of the total disposable income equal to what it was before the introduction of the tax. A very close approximate of this distribution is obtained when 75 % of the tax revenues is transferred to the rich household and 25 % to the poor household. At a tax rate of 10%, the rich household has a total disposable income of 140.17 and the poor household has a disposable income of 59.81 (see figure 8 and GAMS print-out, appendix 1). This distribution of transfers gives the same distribution of disposable income also for other tax rates. 11 Figur 8. Social accounting matrix for two households, tax rate equal to 10 %. 75 % transfer to the rich household, 25 % to the poor household. X1 X2 N k H_rich H_poor Total x1 x2 76.26 26.38 23.65 73.69 102.63 97.34 n k 60 40 100 80 20 100 h_rich 72.78 67.39 h_poor 29.85 29.95 140.17 59.81 Total 102.63 97.34 100 100 140 60 We can now analyze how different tax rates affect the welfare of the two different types of households. Figure 9 shows that the two households do not have the same optimal tax rate. Since the poor household values the environmentally harmful good higher than the rich household does, the poor household will have a lower optimal tax rate than the rich household. Figure 9. The relationship between tax rate and welfare for two households when γ = -0.0005. 75 % transfer to the rich household, 25 % to the poor household. (Note that welfare is measured as a share of welfare when the tax rate equals 0%.) 1,002 1,001 Välfärd W e l f a r e 1,000 Poor Rikt household hushåll 0,999 Rich household Fattigt hushåll 0,998 0,997 0% 10% 20% Skattesats Tax rate We can thus conclude that the effects of a tax on pollution for different groups in the society depend on several factors. In order to obtain a correct understanding of the effects of such a tax consideration has to be taken to the fact that different households own different proportions of production factors, that different households can have different preferences and how the transfer scheme is set up. Conclusion By using a general equilibrium model programmed in GAMS, we have analyzed the effects of taxing an environmentally harmful good. We have seen that a tax on an environmentally harmful good reduces the production of this good, while the production of the good without the tax, the environmentally friendly good, increases. Furthermore, we have seen that introducing a tax can increase total welfare. The extent to which welfare is increased is, however, dependent on the size of the tax rate. We have shown that there is an optimal tax rate that maximizes utility. The size of the optimal tax rate depends on how negatively the households value pollution: the more a household dislike pollution, the higher the optimal tax rate will be. 12 When introducing two households in our model, we have seen that there is a number of different factors that have be taken into account when analyzing how a tax on an environmentally harmful good affects different households. One effect of such a tax is that factor prices change, which in turn affects the distribution of factor income between households. Moreover, different households can have different preferences, which give different values of the optimal tax rate. The welfare resulting from imposing a tax is also dependant on how the tax transfer scheme is set up. We can thus conclude that imposing a tax has a number of different effects. In order to capture all these effects it is necessary to study the introduction of this kind of tax in a general equilibrium model. A partial equilibrium model would not have been able to provide the same kind of comprehensive understanding. Today’s discussion concerning the green tax shift inspired us to analyze the effects of imposing a tax on environmentally harmful goods. A green tax shift means that the revenues generated by taxing an environmentally harmful good are used for reducing labor costs, for example in the form of reduced payroll tax. It would have been interesting to combine our study with the effects of such a shift. In order to improve our model and to a larger extent make it reflect reality, reasonable values on the parameters and input data of the model are needed. Although difficult to estimate, they are necessary for making the model more useable for policy decisions. 13