LADY SPARTAN TENNIS RULES ALL MEMBERS OF THE GIRL’S SPARTAN TENNIS TEAM ARE TO ABIDE BY THE FOLLOWING RULES AND REGULATIONS: 1. Abide all State, Conference, and Board of Education rules and regulations governing our team. 2. Be aware of the academic code and eligibility requirements needed to participate in athletics. 3. Attendance in school is required to participate in and activity held that day. 4. A student-athlete may not participate in co-curricular activities such as, practice sessions and athletic contests, if she is suspended on the day of which the activity occurs. Suspensions on Friday disqualify the student-athlete from participation on Saturday and Sunday. 5. Student-athletes are to exhibit support for their team through allegiance to coaches and teammates. 6. Make the Head Coach aware of any physical problems to themselves or teammates. 7. Any player dismissed from the team forfeits all rights to any honors, awards, and or recognitions; they may have received if they had remained with the team. 8. All equipment must be returned on or before the date set forth by the Head Coach. Awards and grades will be withheld until all equipment is returned. 9. Any situation not covered by these rules will be handled directly by the Head Coach. PRACTICES 1. Practices will be held everyday that there is not a match. There will be some Saturday practices. Please check the website/your schedule. 2. Members are to report directly to the locker room after school. Members must be on the court no later than 2:40. 3. Athletes must provide their own transportation to and from practice when school is not in session. 4. Practice will conclude at 5:00 p.m. There will be a 5:00 p.m. late bus. All athletes must have a ride home at 5:00 p.m. or they will take the late bus home. PRACTICE Time/Punctuality: It is important that you are on time for all practices. All athletes should arrive at least 10 minutes early to practice and be ready to leave the locker room at the time of practice. If you are going to be late for, or absent from a practice you are expected to have a good reason for doing so (Detention is not an excuse for tardiness to practice). You are also expected to contact one of the coaches via email, or telephone accompanied by a signed note from your parent or guardian. Please remember that the responsibility to contact a coach rests with the player, not with the parent. MATCHES 1. 2. Please check your schedule for times and locations of matches. Members are to report directly to the locker room after school. Members must be on the court no later than 2:40 for home matches. Members must get dressed and immediately be present on the bus for away matches. 3. All members must remain until match is entirely over, unless given prior permission form the coach. 4. All members must return to DTHS on the bus unless authorized to leave with a parent by Ms. Bilda, DTHS Athletic Director. MATCH Time/Punctuality: Just like practice, it is important that all athletes are on time for all games. That means you are in the locker room by no later than 2:30 and ready to leave the locker room as a team once everyone has gotten dressed. If you are absent or leave early on a school day you are responsible for contacting one of the coaches via email, or telephone Please remember that the responsibility to contact a coach rests with the player, not with the parent. EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: It will be up to the coaches as to whether an absence counts as excused or unexcused. Under no circumstances, will an athlete be allowed to participate in a match if they are absent from the practice prior to game day. That means no matter whether an absence is excused or not, the athlete will have to sit the entire game. Unexcused tardies and absences from practice will count against your chances of playing 2 unexcused tardies = 1 Absence 2 unexcused tardies = can not start 2 unexcused absences = can not play 3 unexcused absences = removal from the team WORKING WITH TEACHERS past 2:30: Players who stay after school to finish tests or school work with a teacher must bring a written note from that teacher the same day, indicating the time spent in the classroom and when the players left the room to come to practice. You must first report to the locker room to get dressed and bring with you all equipment then head to the classroom. No verbal excuses will be accepted. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE: Players who are disciplined by the school for breaking school rules will be subject to the school disciplinary process and any athletic disciplinary actions that might apply. Players must conduct themselves in a way that shows their commitment to represent themselves, their families, their school and the DTHS TENNIS program with pride, dignity and respect. Inappropriate behavior within school will not be tolerated and could be grounds for removal from the team. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Many student athletes participate in other activities besides sports (choir, school play, band), and we completely support their participation in these activities. However, if the students have to miss too many practices or games because of other activities, this will create an opportunity for other players to fill their spots. FAMILY ACTIVITIES: We encourage players to participate in all their family’s activities and we encourage parents to plan these activities around their children’s school activities. A player who has to miss practices or games because of emergency situations (death or illness in the family, etc.) should not and will not be penalized for it. Players, who miss practices or games for a vacation, also miss valuable time at school and with the team. Too many absences will open playing opportunities for those who are present at practices. DRESS CODE: Wherever you go, you are going to be representing Deptford High School TENNIS program, and it is your responsibility to bring Honor, Respect and Pride to it. During practice, all athletes are NOT allowed to wear: spaghetti strap tank tops, short shorts, inappropriate tops, or jewelry, If worn, the athlete will not be allowed to participate in practice and considered an unexcused absence. DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE: Zero Tolerance. Any instance will result in immediate dismissal from the team. Procedure for Handling any Concerns of Parents and Participants: In order to resolve any conflicts or potential problems, anyone connected to the Deptford High School activities program is encouraged to use the following line of authority: a). Head Coach/Assistant Coach b). Assistant Vice Principal of Activities and Athletics /Athletic Director c). High School Principal d). Deptford School Board/District I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE ABOVE RULES AND REGULATIONS. I WILL ABIDE BY THE RULES, OR FORFEIT MY RIGHTS TO BE A MEMBER OF THE TEAM. Student Name_______________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE PARENT SIGNATURE