ILLICIT DISCHARGE CONTROL ACTIVITIES 2007 - 2008 ILLICIT DISCHARGE CONTROL ACTIVITIES QUALITATIVE RESULTS Municipality: City of Brentwood Permit Year: (2007/2008) Introduction: The City of Brentwood’s goal is to minimize any illicit discharges that may affect our city’s storm drain system. Our objective to achieve this goal is to provide readily available educational outreach opportunities and material to the citizens of Brentwood, commercial businesses, dischargers from unincorporated Contra Costa County, the development/construction community, and farmers in and around the City’s sphere of influence. Currently we have approximately six (6) city employees responsible for implementation of the Illicit Discharge Control Activities Performance Standards. This includes the Public Works, Engineering and Community Development Departments (not necessarily including receivers of phone calls). The City’s primary contact person for permit compliance is Jeff Cowling, Stormwater Coordinator, (925) 516-5165. Enforcement and documentation for reporting and follow-up is handled by Laurie Monte, Code Enforcement Officer, at (925) 516-5405. The City has procedures in place that apply to illicit discharges. City of Brentwood Police Department and Contra Costa County Hazardous Materials Departments are included in the procedural sequence along with City Public Works personnel, Code Enforcement. Depending on the nature of the discharge, the violator may be given the opportunity to immediately remediate the affected area in a timely manner meeting and to the satisfaction of City Personnel. Any remediation efforts from the City or County would be billed back to the violator, property owner or facility manager. Refer to Volume 1, Section 7 for a detailed discussion regarding the Program’s revised model plan and amended Performance Standards. Any illicit discharge is documented in the stormwater electronic data base. Implementation & Evaluation: Development of IDCA Program The Contra Costa Clean Water Program’s Stormwater Management Plan is the mechanism used by Program co-permittees to implement its joint municipal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. This Plan includes a requirement that co-permittees prepare and utilize a written Illicit Discharge Control Activities (IDCA) Plan to demonstrate a commitment to take specific steps to control illicit discharges (Performance Standard IDCA-1). This plan satisfies the performance standard and forms a basis for The City of Brentwood to conduct an effective illicit discharge controlled activities. IDCA - 1 The types of non stormwater discharges most prevalent in the city are agricultural irrigation runoff. This becomes a challenge to enforce due to the city’s rich agricultural heritage and the existence of the county agricultural discharge exemption program. The City currently has 42 active farms selling fruits and vegetables during harvest time, at farmers’ markets and through retailers in many different regions. Although many of these locations are outside of the city limits, the upstream discharges still impact Marsh Creek which continues through the city limits. Our inspectors provide facility representatives with appropriate BMP information, educational materials, and inter/intra-agency referrals, as appropriate. During the past fiscal year we continued our education for inspectors and enforcement staff by sending appropriate representatives to various classes. The City has approximately (6) six employees who may participate with illicit discharge activities at any given time. They include workers from our Public Works Division; Wastewater, Engineering Division and Community Development Departments. Inspections are identified by the individual receiving the complaint followed by the final inspection of a Code Enforcement Officer. The officer will recommend the appropriate type of enforcement that is needed for each individual situation. All illicit discharge enforcement actions are tracked and monitored electronically in our data base. Proactive: Field Screening Program Visual inspections of discharge points, including catch basins, drain inlets, ditches and creeks within high priority areas are conducted. The observations are noted on a standardized inspection form. If an active illicit discharge is identified an attempt will be made to trace the source of the discharge and eliminate it. Inspection methods may include inspection of manholes upstream of the discharge site, video surveillance of the storm drain system and collection of samples. If a responsible party is identified for the discharge, the IDCA inspector will educated the party on the impacts of his/her actions, explain the city’s Stormwater Ordinance requirements and provide BMPs, as needed. The inspector may initiate immediate action to contain/abate the discharge and recommend follow-up and/or enforcement procedures. A “non-emergency” illicit discharge from an industrial or commercial business will be referred to the business inspection coordinator and/or Code Enforcement Officer, and/or any outside agency that may have jurisdiction for the nature/location of discharge. If an immediate threat to human health and the environment is present, emergency service personnel will be notified immediately. Business types that are identified as having high potential to cause stormwater pollution in the City of Brentwood’s jurisdiction includes manufacturing facilities, industrial facilities, food service facilities, vehicle service facilities, retail fuel outlets, and nurseries. The City of Brentwood goal is to inspect all identified/targeted businesses within its jurisdiction at least once every five (5) years. However, activity within the City of Brentwood is currently very light with respect to manufacturing and industrial facilities. IDCA - 2 The City of Brentwood reviews its business license database by Standard Industrial Code (SIC), and/or POTW permitted facility databases, and/or Contra Costa County Watershed Program Clean Water Database, and/or Hazardous Materials Inspection Facility Database and Notice of Intent listings (NOI) to keep Identified/Targeted business listings current. The highest priority businesses for the City of Brentwood staff to conduct inspections include automotive service facilities, automobile body repair shops, restaurants and car washes. All of these businesses have the potential to discharge POC. Three types of inspections will be conducted; routine inspections, priority inspections and “call-out” inspections. “Routine” inspections are conducted at Identified/Targeted Businesses at a minimum of once every five (5) years. If a business shows evidence of active nonstormwater pollutant discharges during a routine inspection, it is subject to “priority” inspection at least once the following year after compliance is achieved. “Call-out” inspections are conducted as needed following reported or referred non-stormwater discharge or pollutant exposure. Reactive: Investigate Spill Reports/Complaints Notices about illicit discharges are received in a variety of ways. These include calls to the Program’s “1-800-NO-DUMPING” telephone number, referrals from law enforcement officials, anonymous tips, referrals from the County Health Department, etc. (Attachment ID-1) Notification of an illicit discharge will be directed to the Stormwater Program Coordinator and/or the Code Enforcement. Information about the reported discharge will be compiled. The Stormwater Program Coordinator, Code Enforcement Officer, designee or IDCA inspector will visit the reported discharge location and conduct an inspection. The responsible party, if identified, will be required to contain/abate the illicit discharge. If the responsible party is not identified or if the responsible party so chooses and the discharge can be contained and/or abated, the City of Brentwood will contain/abate the discharge at the earliest possible opportunity. All costs associated with containment/abatement and fines will be borne by the responsible party. Each response to reported illicit discharges will be documented on our data base per location. Modifications: No Performance Standards have been modified or added during the current reporting period. Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Goals: 1) The City intends to continue to monitor the following areas and activities on a regular basis: • Agricultural Activities • Outdoor process/manufacturing areas IDCA - 3 • Outdoor material storage areas • Outdoor waste storage and disposal areas • Outdoor vehicle and heavy equipment storage and maintenance areas • Outdoor parking areas and access roads • Rooftop down spouts • Outdoor wash areas • Outdoor drainage from indoor areas • Response/tracking from the Fire Department 2) Develop a coordinated procedure for stormwater conveyance system maintenance and emergency response practices; 3) Continue an illicit discharge inspection program to include medium and low priority areas based on investigations; 4) Continue higher and extensive education of contractors; working in conjunction with the State Contractors License Board to license and educate all contractors; 5) Continue refining the City of Brentwood’s Illicit Discharge Control Activities Plan to individually suit our ever-changing needs and characteristics; These goals will be modified, as necessary, based upon the requirements of the new MRP. IDCA - 4 ILLICIT DISCHARGE CONTROL ACTIVITIES – QUANTITATIVE RESULTS Description Industrial Areas Commercial Areas Residential Areas Total Field Screenings Total number of field screening areas identified within the Agency’s entire drainage area 2 500 - 502 Total number of field screening areas identified in the Annual Illicit Discharge Control Plan - 16 45 61 Number of priority field screening areas inspected - 2 4 6 Number of medium and low priority areas inspected. - 10 22 32 Number of illicit connections/illegal discharges eliminated 0 1 0 0 Number of incidents that involved removal of the following materials Construction materials/debris 7 181 304 492 Sewage 0 36 5 41 Food wastes 0 28 4 32 Automotive fluids 0 22 44 66 Yard wastes 0 4 165 169 1 231 216 448 0 0 0 0 Written corrective measures 0 46 43 89 Notices to comply 0 8 5 13 Other; concrete, gunite, mortar, garbage, paint, silt laden water Other Enforcement Activities Number of Enforcement Actions Taken IDCA - 5 Description Industrial Areas Commercial Areas Residential Areas Total Stop work orders 0 0 0 0 Notices of violation 0 12 18 30 Fines 0 26 20 46 Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of illicit discharge control education materials distributed 0 192 200 392 Number of employees attending illicit discharge control training workshops 0 4 4 4 Number of enforcement referrals (e.g., to code enforcement, City or District Attorney, other agencies, Regional Board, etc.) Education/Outreach Activities IDCA - 6