Hendersonville Community Coop Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT

Hendersonville Community Coop Board of Directors Meeting
60 South Charleston Lane, Hendersonville, NC
May 26, 2015 6:00pm
Board Present: Steve Breckheimer, Tom Fanslow, Miriam Farris, Joan Kennedy, Laura Miklowitz, Susan
O’Brien, Allison Perrett, Michael Reim Other Present: Liz Malloy, Admin. Assistant, Ron and Karise
Taylor, Eric Monteith, Kevin Todd, owners. Staff Present: Jane Bagsby. Robert Jones, also a staff
member, attended as an owner. Staff Absent: Damian Tody
Moment of Silence
 Jane Bagsby, HCC Finance Manager, sat in for Damian Tody, GM, who was absent due to illness.
 Steve Breckheimer welcomed the owners in attendance.
Approval of Agenda
 By consensus, the Board approved the meeting agenda with the following changes: move the Operations
Report to Governance and add a staff gift discussion, also under Governance.
Owner Comments – Ron Taylor expressed concerns about fluoride in Hendersonville water and presented a
list of questions concerning store operations that was referred to Damian. Karise Taylor also mentioned
fluoride concerns. Robert Jones pointed out that the store uses deionized and reverse osmosis water and
rainwater collection for some landscape needs. Robert also voiced general support for the GM and staff’s
preparations for the new store. Eric Monteith’s inquiry about the exit plan for the old location was referred
to Damian.
Study & Engagement
 The board participated in a discussion of the GM Compensation process.
 The topic for June’s board meeting will be a continuation of the board’s work on a multi-year plan.
Consent Agenda
 By consensus, the Board accepted the April board meeting minutes and financial report. The
Operations Report was moved to Governance.
GM Report - None
Policy Governance Review
 BP4: Annual Planning in compliance. No revisions needed.
 GL5: Financial Conditions and Activities in compliance on 10 of 10. (Recently revised version to be
reviewed under Governance.)
 GL8: Emergency GM Succession in compliance on 1 of 1. No revisions needed.
 The Board reviewed the GM Policy Governance Monitoring Summary. Some revisions may be needed.
 The Board reviewed the updated Board of Directors’ Calendar/Policy Monitoring Schedule and should
let Steve know about any questions/issues.
 The Board was in consensus to accept the revised version of GL5: Financial Conditions and Activities
submitted by the Board Operations Committee.
 Treasurer Susan O’Brien reviewed an update of the 2014-2015 Board Budget. Some additional
finetuning needed.
 Staff Gift: The Board discussed several ideas for a special gift for staff, in recognition of contributions
made to the new store.
HCC Board Meeting Minutes/May 2015
Page 2
 Committee Reports-- Board Operations: the next meeting will be June 1st at 5:15pm. The committee
shared a summary of work from October 2014-2015. They continue work on the GM Compensation
Process and ongoing review/revision of policies. Owner Engagement: The next meeting is June 9th at
1:15pm. The committee is looking at a series of monthly Tuesday night board/owner gatherings. The
Board was in consensus to hold the first one in July. Board Development: The next meeting is June 2nd
at 5:15pm. The committee continues work on board recruitment. A recruitment package was shared with
the board for review.
 The next phone call with consultant Michael Healy is June 18th at Noon. The Board should let Steve
know if they wish to participate.
 HCC Operations Report (moved from Consensus Agenda). The Board discussed concerns related to
store maintenance and asked that Damian report back as soon as possible.
 Board Recruitment. The Board should pass along any potential candidate names to Steve. The Board
discussed holding several information sessions for potential candidates.
Gratitudes were expressed to Jane and to the owners who attended the meeting. Joan Kennedy expressed
gratitude for her upcoming surgery on June 25th.
Meeting adjourned at 7:49pm.
The next monthly board meeting will June 23rd in the new Community Room.
Respectfully submitted by Liz Malloy on June 3, 2015.
Board approved June 23, 2015