flame retardants

08.45 Registration
09.15 Fundamentals of polymers
This presentation will provide an overview of the manner in which polymers are formed and of
the physical characteristics which result from a particular choice of monomers and reaction
conditions. Examples of real products will be used to illustrate the talk. The various polymer
degradation mechanisms (such as chain scission) will be discussed.
10.15 Introduction to polymer combustion
This lecture will provide an overview of the influence of the various mechanisms of polymer
decomposition on the volatile fuel production. The fundamental reactions occurring in a flame
will be discussed, with particular reference to inhibition of flaming and the effect of conditions
on fire behaviour. The complex phenomenon of polymer combustion will be described, and
related to the properties of the decomposing polymer.
11.15 Coffee
11.30 Aspects of heat transfer in fire and ignition processes
A review of the main heat transfer processes relevant for the ignition of solids and pyrolysis of
polymers and also provides an appreciation of the critical fire parameters that may be used to
quantify the behaviour of a material in a fire.
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Assessment of flammability and burning behaviour, and use of the cone calorimeter
A description of the parameters measured when assessing flammability and burning
behaviour and the different techniques which have been applied to the problem, together with
their suitability. An introduction to the cone calorimeter, its principles of operation and other
important fire test methods.
14.30 Fire testing of upholstered furniture, current and possible future test methods
This talk will concentrate on current regulations and tests for upholstered composites and
furniture but will include a brief outline of recent research and testing developments and their
possible use within Europe.
15.30 Tea
15.45 Fire hazard of electrotechnical products (IEC TC89)
The IEC is the international body which publishes standards of relevance to the
electrotechnical sector. One of its technical committees is TC89 which deals with fire hazard.
TC89 standards include important test methods such as the glow wire and needle flame tests
and useful guidance concerning, for example, smoke, heat release, toxicity, corrosivity, and
flame spread. This talk gives an overview of TC89’s policy and publications.
16.45 End of Day One
19.00 Course Dinner
09.00 Registration
09.15 An overview of fire retardancy
Most organic polymers are highly flammable. However, these can be easily rendered fire
retardant by application of appropriate chemicals. Mechanisms of action of these systems in
general will be discussed.
10.15 Halogen, non-halogen and nanocomposite flame retardants
The different types, mechanisms and uses of flame retardants will be reviewed.
Halogen systems contain fluorine, chlorine or bromine, often with the synergist antimony
Non-halogen flame retardants include metal compounds such as aluminium hydroxide and
magnesium hydroxide, zinc borate, and tin compounds. Non-metallic FRs include silicon
compounds, nitrogen compounds and phosphorous compounds.
Smectic clay minerals are used to make FR nanocomposite materials.
11.15 Coffee
11.30 Toxic Hazards in Full Scale Fires
The development of toxic hazard is described for a variety of full-scale fires illustrating several
different fire scenarios and thermal decomposition conditions. The effects of interactions
between the materials involved, the fire size and ventilation conditions on toxic product yields
and hazard development are discussed.
Smoke generation and toxicity
Fire engineering hazard calculations require input data on the yields of smoke and toxic gases
occurring under a range of combustion conditions. The BS7990 tube furnace provides a
method for obtaining these data. The method is described and data are presented on the
relationship between combustion conditions (expressed in terms of fuel/air ratio) and toxic
product yields for a range of materials, with illustrations of the effects of fire retardant systems.
The potential for nanotechnology in flame retardant polymers
During the last 10 years interest has focussed upon the introduction of nanoparticulates in
polymers and their potentially beneficial effects, even when present at levels as low as 1%
(w/w). One of these is the observed positive influence on fire performance and, although they
do not act as flame retardants in the conventional sense, they do reduce burning polymer
peak heat release rates and enhance char formation, even for poorly char-forming polymers.
More importantly, they appear to be able to interact additively and synergistically with
conventional flame retardants and so the potential for novel flame retardant systems is
created which allow much reduced overall concentrations in polymers for the achievement of
given levels of fire performance.
Fire Retardancy of Composites
Fibre reinforced polymer composite materials despite their various advantages such as
lightweight and high strength structures are susceptible to combustion and fire damage
because of their organic matrix component. This leads to concerns about their structural
integrity during and after exposure to fire. This lecture will provide an overview of different fire
retardant solutions.
End of Day Two
09.00 Registration
09.15 Fundamental aspects of fibre and fabric flammability and flame retardancy
Fibre and fabric flammability are reviewed with reference to the range of textile fibres
available, and the main modes of action of the flame retardants systems are described.
10.30 Coffee
10.45 Flame retardant textiles and environmentally friendly treatments
Fire hazards and their physiological effects i.e. heat–, smoke– and toxic gas–generation are
reviewed in relation to flame retardant fibres and the environment. Approaches to more eco–
friendly flame retardant treatments are discussed in relation to the “ideal” eco–friendly system.
Developments in eco-labelling are described with reference to flame retardant treatments.
11.45 Design for protective clothing for extreme environments.
Protective clothing demands increase each year as health and safety requirements and
related regulations evolve across the world in parallel with the development of the various
geographical economies. Applications range from the clothing in the workplace, through to the
clothing systems required by emergency services to the extreme protective assemblies
essential for some military and disaster scenarios. Some design features are common while
others are related to the magnitude of the fire hazard. In addition, clothing systems often
require other protective properties such as water and petrol resistance, thereby increasing the
challenge to the technologist and producer.
12.45 Lunch
13.45 Fire and heat resistant textile applications in transport
As transport systems increase in speed and capacity, so the risk of fire-related accidents
increases and this is especially the case as traditional materials such as metals are replaced
increasingly by composites, in which textile reinforcements form a major part. The challenges
posed by the aerospace industry tend to be the greatest and solutions to improve the heat and
fire resistance of components and structures within commercial aircraft, in particular, transfer
into maritime, rail and road transport. These challenges and solutions will form the basis of
this lecture.
14.45 Tea
15.00 Textile flammability standards and test methods
Methods of test for ignition, fire spread and heat release for textile materials are discussed
and current developments in textile flammability standards are reviewed. Smoke and toxicity
hazards, seam flammability and manikin flammability tests are also discussed.
End of Day Three and Course