You have evaluated the five proposed construction sites and now it is time to report to your client. The first part of your report is on the landslide hazard at each of the sites. You are to categorize them as either a relatively "stable" or "slide-prone" site. "Stable" means that the site has little risk of landsliding, and "unstable" means that the site is either dangerous, or requires caution in grading or development. The second part of your report will be on the overall suitability of the sites for construction. In other words, which of them would you recommend for purchase and development. Your recommendation should be based upon a review of the landslide hazard, plus the other important considerations such as sewage disposal, basement development, landscaping, and shrink swell potential of the underlying soils. You are to give one site your "highest recommendation." Other worthy sites should be "recommended," and rejected sites should be designated as "unsuitable." Landslide hazard Assessment Worksheet You have evaluated five proposed construction sites. The first part of your report is on the landslide hazard at each of the sites. You are to categorize them as either a relatively "stable" or "slide-prone" site. "Stable" means that the site has little risk of landsliding, and "unstable" means that the site is either dangerous, or requires caution in grading or development. The second part of your report is on the overall suitability of the sites for construction. In other words, which site would you recommend for purchase and development. Your recommendation should be based upon a review of the landslide hazard, plus the other important considerations such as sewage disposal, basement development, landscaping, and shrink swell potential of the underlying soils. You are to give one site your "highest recommendation." Other worthy sites should be "recommended," and rejected sites should be designated as "unsuitable." Circle the correct items for each site: Proposed Location Landslide Hazard Rating Overall Suitability for Development Site 1 _______ Stable ___X____Unstable _______ Highest Recommendation _______ Recommended ___X___ Unsuitable Site 2 _______ Stable __X____ Unstable _______ Highest Recommendation _______ Recommended __X__ Unsuitable Site 3 _______ Stable __X__ Unstable _______ Highest Recommendation _______ Recommended __X__ Unsuitable Site 4 ___X__ Stable _______ Unstable _______ Highest Recommendation ___X__ Recommended _______ Unsuitable Site 5 __X__ Stable _______ Unstable ___X___ Highest Recommendation _______ Recommended _______ Unsuitable Your Name: _______________________________________________________ Section / Time: _____________________________________________________