Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Applicants should refer to the most recent version of EPA Publication 865, Environmental auditor guidelines for appointment and conduct, for an understanding of the initial appointment process and the assessment criteria to which this form relates. This form must be completed in conjunction with Form 1 - General Criteria (or Form 1R – Mutual Recognition, for application through mutual recognition process). Please ensure that all sections of the form are completed, and that all requested information and attachments are provided and labelled as indicated. CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA EPA Publication 865, Ref 3.2 (xiii), 3.2 (xiv), 3.2 (xv) and Schedule A Please provide in the following tables summary details in the form of dot points. Has a separate statement been provided in support to Contaminated Land Specific Assessment Criteria? Yes - must be labelled as Attachment 5A No Attachment 5A Statement in support to Contaminated Land Specific Assessment Criteria Optional Clear Cross-Reference must be made to any statement and/or to the sample report provided in support to your application (eg. paragraph number in the statement, section and page of the sample report, etc) 1. CORE COMPETENCIES Applicant must demonstrate extensive experience and a high level of expertise in all the following core competencies. SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 865 A.1.1 (i) CRITERIA Assessment of Contaminant Exposure Pathways Version 3 – June 14 687307454 SUMMARY DETAILS DEMONSTRATING EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE CROSS-REFERENCE SECTION (Statement/Sample Report) EPA USE ONLY 1A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. CORE COMPETENCIES Applicant must demonstrate extensive experience and a high level of expertise in all the following core competencies. SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 865 SUMMARY DETAILS DEMONSTRATING EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE CRITERIA A.1.1 (ii) Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation including Management A.1.1 (iii) Evaluation and interpretation of Chemical and Analytical Data A.1.1 (iv) Soil Sampling Design and Methodology A.1.1 (v) Soil Gas Sampling Design and Methodology Version 3 – June 14 687307454 CROSS-REFERENCE SECTION (Statement/Sample Report) EPA USE ONLY 2A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. CORE COMPETENCIES Applicant must demonstrate extensive experience and a high level of expertise in all the following core competencies. SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 865 SUMMARY DETAILS DEMONSTRATING EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE CRITERIA A.1.1 (vi) Groundwater Sampling Design and Methodology A.1.1 (vii) Identification of Potential Human Health and Environmental Risks A.1.1 (viii) Quality Control/Assurance Procedures A.1.1 (ix) Risk Communication CROSS-REFERENCE SECTION (Statement/Sample Report) EPA USE ONLY EPA USE ONLY Version 3 – June 14 687307454 3A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 2. EXPERTISE, PROFICIENCY AND EXPERT SUPPORT TEAM Applicant must demonstrate expertise in, or access to relevant expertise in the following areas. You must provide a current, detailed curriculum vitae for each nominated expert support team member HIGH SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT LEVEL OF SUMMARY DETAILS DEMONSTRATING CRITERIA EXPERTISE EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE 865 REF CRITERIA A1.2 (i) Air Quality A1.2 (ii) Assessment of Impacts on Groundwater from Contaminated Sites A1.2 (iii) Contaminant Fate and Transport A1.2 (iv) Environmental Chemistry A1.2 (v) Environmental Risk Assessment Version 3 – June 14 687307454 YES NO CROSSREFERENCE SECTION (Statement/ Sample Report) EPA USE ONLY 4A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA A1.2 (vi) Environmental Toxicology A1.2 (vii) Geology A1.2 (viii) Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment relating to Contamination A1.2 (ix) Human Toxicology A1.2 (x) Hydrogeology A1.2 (xi) Identification of Contaminants of concern from past Industrial land uses A1.2 (xii) Remedial Technologies and Geo-technology Version 3 – June 14 687307454 5A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA A1.2 (xiii) Soil Science A1.2 (xiv) Sampling and Interpretation of Analytical Data for a Variety of Media A1.2 (xv) Statutory and Environmental Planning EPA USE ONLY * Must be attached for nominated experts not employed by the same company as the applicant Version 3 – June 14 687307454 6A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 3. UNDERSTANDING OF GUIDELINES Applicant must demonstrate an understanding of all of the following: SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 865 REF SUMMARY DETAILS DEMONSTRATING UNDERSTANDING CRITERIA CROSS-REFERENCE SECTION (Statement/ Sample Report) EPA USE ONLY A.1.3 Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sites (ANZEEC/NHMRC) 1992 National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999 EPA USE ONLY Version 3 – June 14 687307454 7A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 4. APPLICANT’S EXPERIENCE IN CONTAMINATED SITES Applicant must demonstrate experience in contaminated sites work, in terms of the following: SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA SUMMARY DETAILS DEMONSTRATING EXPERIENCE 865 REF CRITERIA A.1.4 Broad scale of works undertaken Broad range of contaminants encountered Variation in scope of works undertaken CROSS-REFERENCE SECTION (Statement/ Sample Report) EPA USE ONLY EPA USE ONLY Version 3 – June 14 687307454 8A Application for appointment as Environmental Auditor under section 53S of the Environment Protection Act 1970 FORM 2 – SCHEDULE A – CONTAMINATED LAND SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 5. APPLICANT’S OTHER EXPERIENCE: Experience in the following will be regarded highly: SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA A.1.5 SUMMARY DETAILS DEMONSTRATING EXPERIENCE Assessment and management of major environmental issues involving complex sampling design Chemical or hydrogeological data collection and interpretation CROSS-REFERENCE SECTION (Statement/ Sample Report) EPA USE ONLY EPA USE ONLY Version 3 – June 14 687307454 9A