See full publication list

PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
Liu Z., D. Guan*, W. Wei, S. J. Davis, P. Ciais, J. Bai, S. Peng, Q. Zhang, K. Hubacek, G.
Marland, R. J. Andres, D. Crawford-Brown, J. Lin, H. Zhao, C. Hong, T. A. Boden, K. Feng, G.
P. Peters, F. Xi, J. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Zhao, N. Zeng and K. He (2015) “Reduced carbon emission
estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China” Nature [IF: 41.456],
Volume 524, Page 335-338 (doi: 10.1038/nature14677)
Liu, Z., S.J. Davis, K. Feng, K. Hubacek, S. Liang, L. D. Anadon, B. Chen, J. Liu, J. Yan and D.
Guan* (2015) “Targeted opportunities to address the climate-trade dilemma in China”. Nature
Climate Change [IF:14.547], forthcoming (doi:10.1038/nclimate2800).
Liu, Z., D. Guan*, S. Moore, H. Lee, J. Su and Q. Zhang (2015) “Steps to China’s carbon peak”
Nature [IF: 41.456], Volume 522, Page 279-281 (doi:10.1038/522279a)
Liu J., D. Zhao, P.W. Gerbens-Leenes, D. Guan. (2015) “China’s rising hydropower demand
challenges water sector”. Scientific Reports. [IF:5.053] Volume 5, Article number: 11446
Zhao, X., J. Liu, Q. Liu, M. R. Tillotson, D. Guan, K. Hubacek (2015) “Physical and virtual
water transfers for regional water stress alleviation in China” Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) [IF: 9.674], Volume 112, Issue 4,
Page 1031-1035 (doi:10.1073/pnas.1404130112)
Jiang X, D. Guan, J. Zhang, K. Zhu, C. Green (2015). Firm ownership, China's export related
emissions, and the responsibility issue. Energy Economics [IF: 2.708] Volume 51, Page 466-74
Zhao H. Y., Q. Zhang, D. Guan, S. J. Davis, Z. Liu, H. Huo, J. Lin, W. Liu and K. He (2015)
“Assessment of China's virtual air pollution transport embodied in trade by a consumption-based
emission inventory” Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry [IF:5.053] Volume 15, page
5443-5456 (doi:10.5194/acpd-14-25617-2014)
Jiang X., Q. Zhang, H. Zhao, G. Geng, L. Peng, D. Guan, H. Kan, H. Huo, J. Lin, M. Brauer, R.
V. Martin, K. He (2015) “Revealing the hidden health costs embodied in Chinese exports”
Environmental Science & Technology [IF: 5.330] Volume 49, Issue 7, Page 4381–4388 (doi:
Orlins S. and D. Guan* (2015) “China's toxic informal e-waste recycling: local approaches to a
global environmental problem” Journal of Cleaner Production [IF: 3.844] forthcoming (doi:
Shan, Y., Z. Liu and D. Guan (2015) “CO2 Emissions from China’s Lime Industry” Applied
Energy [IF:5.613] forthcoming (doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.04.091)
Liu, Z., K. Feng, K. Hubacek, S. Liang, L. Diaz Anadon, C. Zhang, and D. Guan (2015) “Four
system boundaries for carbon accounts” Ecological Modelling [IF:2.321] forthcoming (doi:
Liu, W., X. Li, H. Liu, Z. Tang, and D. Guan (2015) “Estimating inter-regional trade flows in
China: A sector-specific statistical model” Journal of Geographical Sciences [IF: 1.344] Volume
25, Issue 10, Page 1247-1263 (doi: 10.1007/s11442-015-1231-6)
Zheng, B., Q. Zhang, J. Borken-Kleefeld, H. Huo, D. Guan, Z. Klimont, G. P. Peters, and K. He
(2015) “How will greenhouse gas emissions from on-road vehicles be constrained in China
around 2030” Applied Energy [IF:5.613] Volume 156, Page 230-240 (doi:
Guan, D*., S. Klasen, K. Hubacek, K. Feng, Z. Liu, K. He, Y. Geng and Q. Zhang (2014)
“Determinants of Stagnating Carbon Intensity in China” Nature Climate Change [IF:14.547]
Volume 4, Issue 11, Page 1017–1023 (doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2388)
Guan D*., K. Hubacek; H. Zhao, W. Liu; Z. Liu; S. Liang, M. Tillotson (2014) “Lifting China’s
Water Spell” Environmental Science & Technology [IF: 5.330] Volume 48, Issue 19, Page
11048–11056 (doi: 10.1021/es501379n)
Huo, H., Q. Zhang, D. Guan, X. Su, K. He (2014) “Examining air pollution in China using
production- and consumption-based emissions accounting approaches” Environmental Science
& Technology [IF: 5.330] Volume 48, Issue 24, Page 14139–14147 (doi: 10.1021/es503959t).
Lindner, S. and D. Guan (2014) “A hybrid-unit energy input-output model to evaluate embodied
energy and life cycle emissions for China’s Economy” Journal of Industrial Ecology [IF:3.227]
Volume 18, Issue 2, Page 201-211 (doi: 10.1111/jiec.12119)
Lin J., D. Pan, S. J. Davis, Q. Zhang, K. He, C. Wang, D. Streets, D. J. Wuebbles and D. Guan
(2014) “China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States” Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) [IF: 9.674], Volume
111, Issue 5, Page 1736-1741 (doi:10.1073/pnas.1312860111) The paper has received extensive
international attentions and been reported by mainstream media such as Wall Street Journals,
CNN, Guardians and Washington Post (see section on “In the press”). The paper was awarded
for the PNAS Cozzarelli Prize 2014.
Guan, D., X. Su, Q. Zhang, G. P. Peters, Z. Liu, Y. Lei and K. He (2014) “The Socioeconomic
drivers of China’s primary PM2.5 emissions” Environmental Research Letters [IF: 3.906],
Volume 9, 024010 (doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/2/024010)
Dietzenbacher, E., M. Lenzen, B. Los, D. Guan, M. L. Lahr, F. Sanchoe, S. Suh and C. Yang
(2013) “Input-Output Analysis: The Next 25 Years” Economic Systems Research [IF: 3.605]
Volume 25, Issue 4, Page 369-389 (doi:10.1080/09535314.2013.846902)
Liu Z., D. Guan*, D. Crawford-Brown, Q. Zhang, K. He and J. Liu (2013) “Energy Policy: A
low-carbon roadmap for China” Nature [IF: 41.456], Volume 500, Page 143 – 145
Feng K., S. J. Davis, X. Li, , L. Sun, D. Guan W. Liu, L. Zhu and K. Hubacek (2013)
“Outsourcing CO2 within China” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America (PNAS) [IF: 9.674] Volume 110, Issue 28, Page 11654–11659 (doi:
10.1073/pnas.1219918110) The paper has received extensive international attentions and been
reported by mainstream media such as BBC, Guardians and Washington Post (see section on “In
the press”).
Meng B., J. Xue, K. Feng, D. Guan and X. Fu (2013) “China’s inter-regional spillover of carbon
emissions and domestic supply chains” Energy Policy [IF:2.575] Volume 61, Page 1305-1321
(doi: j.enpol.2013.05.108)
Lindner, S., L. Zhu, D. Guan, G. Yong, and X. Li (2013) “CO2 Emissions from China’s Power
Sector at the province level: Consumption versus Production Perspectives” Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews
[IF:5.901] Volume 19, Page 164-172 (doi:
Lindner, S., J. Legault and D. Guan* (2013) Disaggregating the electricity sector of china's
input-output table for improved environmental life-cycle assessment” Economic Systems
Research [IF: 3.605]. Volume 25, Issue 3, Page 300-320 (doi: 10.1080/09535314.2012.746646).
This paper has been award the Leontief Prize 2012 by International Input-Output Association.
Steen-Olsen K., A. Owen, J. Barrett, D. Guan, E. Hertwich, M. Lenzen, T. Wiedmann (under
review) “Intercomparison of global multiregional input-output databases” Economic Systems
Research [IF: 3.905]
Li J., D. Crawford-Brown, M. Syddall and D. Guan (2013) “Modelling Imbalanced Economic
Recovery Following a Natural Disaster Using Input-Output Analysis” Risk Analysis [IF: 1.974],
Volume 33, Issue 10, Page 1908–1923 (doi: 10.1111/risa.12040)
Crawford-Brown D., M. Syddall1, D. Guan, J. Hall, J. Li, K. Jenkins and R. Beaven (2013)
“Vulnerability of London’s Economy to Climate Change: Sensitivity to Production Loss”
Journal of Environmental Protection Volume 4, Page 548-563 (doi: 10.4236/jep.2013.46064)
Jiang Y., F. K. S. Chan, J. Holden, Y. Zhao and D. Guan (2013) “China’s water management –
challenges and solutions” Environmental Engineering and Management Journal [IF: 1.258].
Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 1311-1321
Jacques, D. A., D. Guan, Y. Geng, B. Xue, and X. Wang (2013) “Inter-provincial clean
development mechanism in China: A case study of the solar PV sector” Energy Policy
[IF:2.575] Volume 57, Page 454-461 (doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.02.019)
Guan D*. and T. S. Barker (2012) “Low Carbon Development in the least developed region: A
case study of Guangyuan, Sichuan province, southwest China” Natural Hazards [IF: 1.719],
Volume 62, Issue 2, Page 243-254 (doi: 10.1007/s11069-011-9993-3)
Guan D., Z. Liu, Y. Geng, S. Lindner and K. Hubacek (2012) “The gigatonne gap in China’s
carbon dioxide inventories” Nature Climate Change [IF:14.547], Volume 2, Page 672–675
(doi:10.1038/nclimate1560). The paper has received extensive international attentions and been
reported by 40+ media in different languages (see section on “In the press”).
Liu Z., Y. Geng S. Lindner, H. Zho, T. Fujita and D. Guan (2012) “Embodied Energy Use in
China’s Industrial Sectors” Energy Policy [IF:2.575] Volume 49, Page 751-758
Feng K., K. Hubacek, Y. Siu, and D. Guan (2012) “Assessing Regional Virtual Water Flows and
Water Footprints in the Yellow River Basin, China: a consumption based approach”. Applied
Geography [IF: 2.494], Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 691-701 (doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.08.004)
Liu, Z., Y. Geng, S. Lindner, and D. Guan (2012) “Uncovering China’s greenhouse gas emission
from regional and sectoral perspectives” Energy [IF:4.844] Volume 49, Issue 1, Page 1059-1068
(doi: 10.1016/
Lindner, S., J. Legault and D. Guan* (2012) “Disaggregating input-output models with
incomplete information” Economic Systems Research [IF: 3.605] Volume 24, Issue 4, Page
329-347 (doi:10.1080/09535314.2012. 689954)
Chong W.H.B., D. Guan* and P. Guthrie (2012) “Comparative Analysis of Carbonization
Drivers in China’s Mega-Cities” Journal of Industrial Ecology [IF:3.227] Volume 16, Issue 4,
Page 564-575 (doi: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00519.x)
Feng K., K. Hubacek, Y. Siu, and D. Guan (2012) “'Analyzing Drivers of Regional Carbon
Dioxide Emissions for China” Journal of Industrial Ecology [IF:3.227] Volume 16, Issue 4,
Page 600-611 (doi: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00494.x)
Skelton A., D. Guan*, G. P. Peters and D. Crawford-Brown (2011) “Mapping flows of embodied
emissions in the global production system” Environmental Science & Technology [IF: 5.330]
Volume 45, Issue 24, Page 10516-10523 (doi: 10.1021/es202313e)
Minx J. C., G. Baiocchi, G. P. Peters, C. L. Weber, D. Guan and K. Hubacek (2011). A
Carbonizing Dragon: China’s fast growing CO2 emissions revisited. Environmental Science &
Technology [IF: 5.330] Volume 45, Issue 21, Page 9144–9153 (doi: 10.1021/es201497m)
Chen Q., C. Kang, Q. Xia, D. Guan (2011) “Primary Exploration on Low-Carbon Technology
Roadmap of China's Power Sector”. Energy [IF:4.844] Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 1500-12
Feng, K., K. Hubacek, Y. L. Siu, J. Minx, A. Chapagain, Y. Yu, D. Guan and J. Barrett (2011)
“Spatially Explicit Analysis of Water Footprints in the UK” Water [IF:1.428], Volume 3, Page
47-63 (doi:10.3390/w3010047)
Feng, K., K. Hubacek, D. Guan, M. Contestabile, J. Minx and J. Barrett (2010) “Distributional
Effects of Climate Change Taxation: The case of the UK” Environmental Science &
Technology [IF: 5.330], Volume 44, Issue 10, Page 3670-3676 (doi: 10.1021/es902974g)
Yu, Y., Hubacek, K. Feng and D. Guan (2010) “Assessing Regional Water Footprints for the
UK” Ecological Economics [IF: 2.720], Volume 69, Page 1140-1147 (doi:
Wiedmann. T., R. Wood, J. Minx, M. Lenzen, D. Guan and R. Harris (2010) “A Climate
Footprint Time Series of the UK – Results from a Multi-Region Input-Output Model” Economic
Systems Research [IF: 3.605] Volume 22, Issue 1 Page 19-42 (doi:
Guan D*., G. Peters, C. Weber, and K. Hubacek (2009) “Journey to world top emitter – an
analysis of the driving forces of China’s recent emissions surge”. Geophysical Research Letters
[IF: 4.196] Volume 36, L04709 (doi: 10.1029/2008GL036540).
Feng K., K. Hubacek and D. Guan (2009) “Lifestyles, technology and CO2 emissions in China:
a regional comparative analysis” Ecological Economics [IF: 2.720], Volume 69, Page 145-154
Minx. J., T. Wiedmann, R. Wood, G. Peter, M. Lenzen, A. Owen, K. Scott, J. Barrett, K.
Hubacek, G. Baiocchi, A. Paul, E. Dawkins, J. Briggs, D. Guan, S. Suh and F. Ackermann
(2009) “Input-Output Analysis and Carbon Footprinting: An overview of applications”
Economic Systems Research [IF: 3.605] Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 187-216 (doi:
Hubacek K., D. Guan, J. Barrett and T. Wiedmann (2009) “Environmental implications of
urbanisation and lifestyle change in China: Ecological and Water Footprints” Journal of
Cleaner Production [IF: 3.844] Volume 17, Issue 14, Page 1241-1248
Guan D*., K. Hubacek, C. Weber, G. Peters and D. Reiner (2008) “The drivers of Chinese CO 2
emissions from 1980 to 2030” Global Environmental Changes [IF: 5.089] Volume 18, Issue 4,
Page 626-634 (doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2008.08.001)
Weber C., G. Peters, D. Guan and K. Hubacek (2008) “The contribution of Chinese exports to
climate change” Energy Policy [IF: 2.575], Volume 36, Page 3572-3577
Fraser E., M. Termansen, N. Sun, D. Guan, P. Dodds, K. Feng and Y. Yu (2008) “Quantifying
socioeconomic characteristics of drought-sensitive regions: Evidence from Chinese provincial
agricultural data”Error! Bookmark not defined. [IF:1.652], Volume 340, Issue 9-10, Page
3572-3577 (doi:10.1016/j.crte.2008.07.004).
Guan D*. and K. Hubacek (2008) “A new integrated hydro-economic accounting and analytical
framework for water resource consumption: A case study for North China” Journal of
Environmental Management [IF: 2.723], Volume 88, Issue 4, Page 1300-1313 (doi:
10.1016/j.jenvman.2007.07.010). This paper was awarded the runner up of the Leontief Prize
2007 by International Input-Output Association.
Peters G., C. Weber, D. Guan and K. Hubacek (2007) “China’s growing CO2 emissions – A race
between lifestyle changes and efficiency gains” Environmental Science & Technology [IF:
S0013-936X(07)00108-3). This paper is awarded for the “Top Policy Paper 2007” by this
Hubacek K., D. Guan and A. Barua (2007) “Changing Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns in
Developing Countries: A Scenario Analysis in China and India” Futures [IF:1.012], Volume 39,
Issue 9, Page 1084-1096. (doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2007.03.010)
Guan D. and K. Hubacek (2007) “Assessment of regional trade and virtual water flows in
China” Ecological Economics [IF:2.720], Volume 61, Issue 1, Page 159-170 (doi:
Journal papers in Chinese
Fang B., D. Guan, H. Liao, Y-M. Wei (2011) “Empirical Study of Drivers for China's Energy
Consumption: Evidence from an Input-Output Based Structural Decomposition Analysis”
Mathematics in Practice and Theory (数学的实践与认识) Volume 41, Issue 2
Peer-Reviewed Reports
Guan, D., D. M. Reiner, Z. Liu (2014) “China’s road to a global scientific powerhouse” R&D
Management EPRG working paper series. University of Cambridge.
Guan D. and Z. Liu (2013) “Tracing back China’s smog – An analysis of emission factors of
PM2.5 in North China” (雾霾真相), Greenpeace, Beijing
Vöhringer, F., A. Haurie, D. Guan, M. Labriet, R. Loulou, V. Bosetti, P. R. Shukla, P. Thalmann
(2010) “Reinforcing the EU Dialogue with Developing Countries on Climate Change
Mitigation” FEEM Working Paper, FEEM Note di Lavoro 2010.043, Apr 2010
Wiedmann, T., R. Wood, M. Lenzen, J. Minx, D. Guan, and J. Barrett. (2008) “Development of
an Embedded Carbon Emissions Indicator – Producing a Time Series of Input-Output Tables and
Embedded Carbon Dioxide Emissions for the UK by Using a MRIO Data Optimisation
System”. Report to the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by Stockholm
Environment Institute at the University of York and Centre for Integrated Sustainability Analysis
at the University of Sydney, June 2008. DEFRA, London, UK. This report is reported by
Guardians, BBC News and in many press releases.
Guan, D. and K. Hubacek (2006). “Assessment of Regional Trade and Virtual Water Flows in
China”. IR-06-003. Publication series of the International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
Correspondence letters and viewpoints
Guan D, J. Lin, S. J. Davis, D. Pan, K. He, C. Wang, D. J. Wuebbles, D. G. Streets and Q. Zhang
(2014) “Reply to Lopez et al.: Consumption-based accounting helps mitigate global air
pollution” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
(PNAS) [IF: 9.809], Volume 111, Issue 26, E2331 (doi:10.1073/pnas. 1407383111)
Tillotson, M. R., J. Liu, D. Guan, P. Wu, X. Zhao, G. Zhang, S. Pfister, M. Pahlow (2014)
“Water Footprint Symposium: where next for water footprint and water assessment
methodology?” International Journal of Lifecycle Assessment [IF: 3.089], Conference Report,
(doi: 10.1007/s11367-014-0770-x)
Liu Z., F. Xi and D. Guan (2013) “Climate negotiations: Tie carbon emissions to consumers”
Nature, [IF: 42.351], Volume 493, Page 304. (doi:10.1038/493304d)
Holden J. and D. Guan* (2012) “Scale up water research” Nature Climate Change [IF:14.472] ,
Volume 2, Page 132 (doi:10.1038/nclimate1384)
Hubacek K. and D. Guan (2011) “The net effects of green lifestyle” Nature Climate Change
[IF:15.295], Volume 1 Page 250-251. (doi:10.1038/nclimate1181)
Guan D.* and K. Hubacek (2011) “Is the concept of a green economy a useful way of framing
policy discussions and policymaking to promote sustainable development? Natural Resources
Forum [IF:1.000], Viewpoint. (doi: 10.1111/j.1477-8947.2011.01347.x)
Guan D. and K. Hubacek (2010) “China can offer domestic emission cap-and-trade in post
2012” Environmental Science & Technology [IF:5.481], Volume 44, Issue 14, Page 5327 (doi:
Peters G., D. Guan, K. Hubacek, J. Minx and C. Webber (2010) “Effects of China's Economic
Guan D.* and D. M. Reiner (2009) “Emissions affected by trade among developing countries”
Nature [IF:15.295], Volume 462, Page 159 (doi:10.1038/462159b).
Book Chapters
Teelucksingh, S. S., N. C. Beharry-Borg and D. Guan (2014) “Water Economics” in “Water
Resources: An Integrated Approach” Edited by Joseph Holden (Oxon and New York).
Tillotson, M. R., M. Beresford, D. Guan and J. Holden (2014) “The future of water: water
footprints and virtual water” in “Water Resources: An Integrated Approach” Edited by Joseph
Holden (Oxon and New York), Routledge.
Hubacek, K., K. Feng, D. Guan and B. Chen (2010) "Lifestyle, technology and CO2 emissions
in China." In: Encyclopaedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.:
Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment)
Hubacek K., D. Guan and A. Barua (2007) “90 years lifestyle changes and CO2 emission in
China and India” Scenarios and Indicators for Sustainable Development, edited by ISEE and
INSEE, Oxford University Press.
Hubacek K., D. Guan and L. Sun (2005) “An analysis of China’s water problems: A long term
perspective”. Walter, Leal (ed.). Handbook on Sustainability Research. Peter Lang Scientific
Publishers: Frankfurt, New York, Bern, Vienna