Compliance plans for the Primary Production and Processing Standard for Poultry Meat. The following activity groups have been identified from the Primary Production and Processing Standard for Poultry Meat (Standard 4.2.2) and are covered by Compliance plans A and B attached. The activity groups are: 1. Poultry producer: means a business, enterprise or activity that involves growing, or live transporting of poultry for human consumption. 2. Poultry processor: means a business, enterprise or activity that involves the processing or transporting of poultry product 1 for human consumption. Two compliance plans have been developed to promote consistent implementation of the standard for these activity groups. The plans are subject to any changes that may occur in the standards development process. The plans: describe the key issues of compliance, contain minimum requirements for compliance with the standard, provide a jurisdiction’s intent for implementing the standard, are not legal documents. Compliance plan A B Applies to activity group Poultry producer Poultry processor Notes: Some poultry businesses may not fit exactly into one of the above groupings. Each Compliance plan should be applied where applicable to a businesses operation. For example, Compliance plan B would not be required for businesses that are poultry producers only (i.e. they do not undertake processing activities2). If a business defined as a poultry producer also undertakes poultry processing activities, Compliance plan B, as well as Compliance plan A would apply to that business. It is noted that reduction of Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination in poultry and poultry products is among the principle intentions of Standard 4.2.2. Further details describing acceptable means of compliance may be found in the reference materials (see Appendix 1) or in the model food safety management statement for a Poultry producer. In all instances, Poultry businesses are advised to contact the relevant food regulator within their jurisdiction for further advice concerning an acceptable means of compliance before adopting matters described in these Compliance plans into their businesses. 1 2 Poultry product means the carcass of poultry, poultry meat or poultry meat product, as the case may be. Processing of poultry or poultry product includes any of the following activities: holding before stunning, stunning, bleeding, scalding, defeathering, removing of head and feet, processing of feet, removing of viscera, processing of offal, trimming, washing, chilling, spin chilling, freezing, thawing, deboning or portioning, mincing or dicing, marinating, injecting or massaging, partial cooking, crumbing, packaging, storage associated with processing; of poultry meat or poultry product, as the case may be, for human consumption. Compliance plan - A: Poultry producer (includes growing or live transporting of poultry for human consumption). Hazard: Unsuitable3 poultry being offered for sale or supply to the human food supply chain. Compliance requirement - Industry Monitoring requirements - Industry Monitoring requirements Government The food safety management statement 4 must set out how a business proposes to manage the identified hazards associated with the following: Identification, segregation and control of unsuitable poultry from live poultry that is considered not to be unsuitable. Evidence/records to be kept to demonstrate that: - Inputs Outcome – Chemical, physical and microbiological hazards associated with inputs are appropriately managed. - Control measures have been implemented and are monitored (e.g. vendor declarations, distribution records, withholding periods for agricultural & veterinary chemicals); (e.g. stockfeed, agricultural, veterinary and cleaning chemicals, water, poultry, litter). - Waste disposal Outcome – The business implements systems to manage waste materials so they do not present a source of contamination for poultry. - Verification checks (e.g. internal audits, visual inspections) have been made of the food safety management statement to confirm operating as per the management statement; (e.g. removal of dead poultry, waste water, sewage, litter, garbage and manure). - Health and hygiene Outcome – Personnel and visitors use appropriate health and hygiene practices to minimise contamination of poultry. (e.g. poultry handler personal and visitor hygiene and practices practiced). - Skills and knowledge Outcome – Personnel have the necessary level of skills and knowledge of food safety and hygiene associated with the growing and transport of live poultry. 3 - Corrective action/s have been taken when necessary (e.g. description of actions for restoration of control, dealing with unsuitable poultry, and prevention of recurrence). - Each producer must have evidence to show compliance with the traceability requirements. Verify that the food safety management statement meets the requirements of the Standard. Regulator to instigate appropriate monitoring arrangements. e.g. may include inspection or audit, or other monitoring arrangement depending on regulator’s legislation. The frequency of monitoring will be based on risk and performance. ISC will institute a national survey of the poultry industry under the Co-ordinated Food Survey Plan two years following the commencement date of the Poultry Standard. Unsuitable means unsuitable as defined in Standard 3.1.1 of the Food Standards Code, but includes poultry or poultry product that is in a condition, or contains a substance a person would ordinarily regard as making the poultry, after processing, or poultry product unfit for human consumption. 4 Note that businesses with existing food safety arrangements (e.g. National Farm Biosecurity Manual Poultry Production) could be considered to meet the outcomes of a food safety management statement. However, in all instances the regulator will be required to verify that a business’s existing food safety arrangement meets the requirements of Standard 4.2.2. (e.g. staff required to demonstrate competency). - Premises equipment and transport Outcome – Systems are implemented to ensure that premises, equipment and transport vehicles used in poultry production do not present a source of contamination for poultry. (e.g. Premises, equipment and transport vehicles are designed, constructed, cleaned and maintained in an appropriate state. Business implements pest, vermin, domestic and wild animal control and cleaning programs). - Sale and supply Outcome – Unsuitable poultry is identified and not sold for human consumption. (e.g. Records for unsuitable poultry supplied by the producer are maintained). - Traceability Outcome – Product tracing contributes to the effectiveness of control measures by enabling the source of poultry and distribution of poultry to processors to be identified in the event of a food safety problem. (e.g. Poultry producers implement systems to enable the immediate recipient of poultry handled by the business to be identified as well as implement systems to allow persons that supply the poultry producer to be identified). Compliance plan – B. Poultry processor (includes businesses that process poultry or transport poultry product for human consumption). Hazard: Unsuitable poultry product entering the human food supply. Note that the majority of poultry products will be cooked prior to human consumption. Compliance requirement - Industry Monitoring requirements - Industry Monitoring requirements - Government GENERAL FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT5 The food safety management statement must: Evidence/records to be kept to demonstrate that: (a) systematically identify the potential hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur in all food handling operations of the business; (b) identify where, in a food handling operation, each hazard identified under paragraph (a) can be controlled and the means of control; (c) provide for the systematic monitoring of those controls; (d) provide for appropriate corrective action when that hazard, or each of those hazards, is found not to be under control; (e) provide for the regular review of the statement by the food business to ensure its adequacy; and (f) provide for appropriate records to be made and kept by the business demonstrating action taken in relation to, or in compliance with, the food safety management statement. - Control measures have been implemented and are monitored. The food safety management statement must also specifically set out how a business proposes to manage the identified hazards associated with the following: - Receiving Outcome – Poultry are sourced from holdings where the management of poultry ensures that the poultry is not unsuitable. Poultry affected by disease or other abnormality with capacity to affect the safety of meat are not accepted or are identified and removed. 5 - Verification checks have been made of the food safety management statement to confirm operating as per the management statement. - Corrective action has been taken when necessary (e.g. description of actions for restoration of control, dealing with unsuitable poultry product, and prevention of recurrence). - Verify effectiveness of control measures - Verification checks to demonstrate compliance with the Standards 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 of the Food Standards Code. Verify the food safety management statement meets the requirements of the Standard. Regulator to instigate appropriate monitoring arrangements. e.g. may include inspection or audit, or other monitoring arrangement depending on regulator’s legislation. The frequency of monitoring will be based on risk and performance. Check processor’s records to confirm that poultry product processed by the business is traceable. ISC will institute a national survey of the poultry industry under the Co-ordinated Food Survey Plan two years following the commencement date of the Poultry Standard. Note that businesses with existing food safety arrangements (e.g. Standard 3.2.1 of the Food Standards Code, HACCP based food safety programs, AS4465-2005, AQIS approved arrangements) could be considered to meet the outcomes of a food safety management statement. However, in all instances the regulator will be required to verify that a business’s existing food safety arrangement meets the requirements of Standard 4.2.2. - Inputs Outcome – Chemical, physical and microbiological hazards associated with inputs are appropriately managed. (e.g. water, raw materials used in the production of poultry products). - Premises equipment and transport Outcome – Systems are implemented to ensure that premises, equipment and transport vehicles used in poultry product production do not present a source of contamination for poultry product. (e.g. Premises, equipment and transport vehicles are designed, constructed, cleaned and maintained in an appropriate state. Business implements pest control and cleaning programs). - Waste disposal Outcome – The business implements systems to manage waste materials so they do not present a source of contamination for poultry product. (e.g. removal of organs and other offal during the processing of poultry product and control of, waste water, sewage, garbage). - Skills and knowledge Outcome – Personnel have the necessary level of skills and knowledge of food safety and hygiene associated with poultry product processing. (e.g. staff required to demonstrate competency). - Slaughter and dressing Outcome – Poultry is slaughtered and processed in such a way to ensure that poultry product is not unsuitable. This will involve consideration of microbiological, chemical and physical hazards associated with these processes. (e.g. appropriate evisceration procedures conducted). - Processing Outcome – Processing ensures that poultry product is not unsuitable. - Health and hygiene Outcome – Personnel and visitors use appropriate health and hygiene practices to minimise contamination of poultry product. (e.g. poultry handler personal hygiene and practices practiced while undertaking work). - Traceability Outcome - Product tracing contributes to the effectiveness of control measures by enabling the source of poultry product and distribution from the processor to be identified in the event of a food safety problem. (e.g. Poultry processors implement systems to enable the immediate recipient of poultry processed by the business to be identified as well as implement systems to allow producers that supply the poultry processor to be identified). - Sale or supply Outcome – unacceptable poultry is identified and not sold for human consumption. (e.g. Distribution records for poultry product supplied by the poultry processor are maintained). APPENDIX 1: REFERENCES 1. National Farm Biosecurity Manual Poultry Production (2009), Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry ( 2. Standard 4.2.2 Primary Production and Processing Standard for Poultry Meat ( 3. Australian Standard 4465:2005 Australian Standard for construction of premises and hygienic production of poultry meat for human consumption